The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 25

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I know. Who posted yesterday a link to a sweet 16?:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

Nick had a cosultation with an orthodontist tonight. We will go back in August to make final decisions. He either needs two teeth removed to make room for his I-teeth or he needs a apparatis that will make room for the new teeth. Either verision ends in braces. he isn't happy but is leaning towards the extractions.

Poor Nick.
Well I think I'm going to make it any early night and head to bed. Chat with you all tomorrow.
For some reason I can't post my pictures from
Flower & Garden show.
I have them in my photo show.
When I try to load in photobucket.
It says folder is empty.
Well night all.
Catch ya later.
There are other threads?!?!

oh my goodness your kidding me????;) :rotfl2:
Hey everyone-i just talked to jennifer (bear) to let her know we were thinking about her ..
She said she has been busy at work and not sleeping well
Hey everyone-i just talked to jennifer (bear) to let her know we were thinking about her ..
She said she has been busy at work and not sleeping well

I was going to say that!!! That and I called and left a message on her phone....I am not a stalker:lmao:
alright, im headed to take my meds and go to bed..i havent been able to take my cough meds since it has codeine in them and i didnt want to sleep so the meds are calling me...goodnight!
So last night I was positive about this job, however I am no longer quite so positive. The more I looked at this job and potential locations for any of the 5 positions, the more it is looking like I will definitely need to move in order to take any of these positions and it might not be for me. Any of these positions would be like a minimum of an hour commute without traffic. Add traffic and it suddenly increases to about an hour and a half or longer depending on location. Lets just say a 3-4 hour daily commute is not what I would like. I need to research all of these areas more to see about potentially moving to these places. Did I mention they told me they would like to have a decision for these positions by Friday.

Plus another negative is I most likely will not get to work with the girls very much and instead will be working with adults. Plus I would no longer be eligible to volunteer, which is what I pretty much figured. This is not a major deal but something for me to contemplate.

I did talk to the interviewer more today and she discussed with more about the job and the possibility of the two other locations. Still no talks about salary, benefits or anything of that sort. So not sure how I can say if I am interested considering those factors may automatically make me decide this is not for me. As if I don't move I may go broke buying gas, but I might not be able to afford the areas in which I would potentially be moving if I were to decide to take any of the jobs. Everything is pretty much speculation though at this point.

I guess all I can say for now is tell them I am interested in any of the 5 positions and just go from there. The positions are the same just at different locations.

I'm off to bed to hopefully sleep and not spend all night in bed just thinking about this.

Hope everyone had a great day. Thank you for listening to me try and figure out this whole thing.:hug:
Hi all! I only have a few minutes before I have to head back out.

I need the power of the DDA to say a prayer for one of my co-workers, Butch & his family. His wife called me at work today & he had a massive heart attack. When the paramedics got to him, he had no pulse & they were able to bring him back. Right now he is comatose & has been life lighted to a hospital that specializes in heart attacks. Kathy was told that they hope he pulls through.

Please pray, say a good thought, or whatever you do for Butch. He just has to make it through this :sad1:

Prayers for Butch and his family.
That's good to know! Question for you and Tammi - did you guys rent strollers from them? My SIL was talking about brining a large umbrella stroller from home (that she would have to buy) for her daughters (5 and 4 on the trip) to alternate riding in. Are the only strollers that ABBF rents the large ones, or do they have simple umbrella strollers, too? It piqued her interest, as they really don't want to have to travel with a stroller on the plane.

Oh, would you mind sharing them with me, too? I'm going to make albums for the 4 of-age kiddos traveling with me in December, and am beginning to get nervous as to how I'll fit it all in!
I rented a stroller for Emma when she was 11 months old and a full size crib. I also brought a double MacLaren umbrella stroller for Joe (his 3rd birthday trip) and Lizzy (4). Everyone on the Dis raved about that stroller but it just didn't work well for me. Mostly because Emma wanted nothing to do with sitting next to a sibling. That was the only trip that stroller ever went on. I recently sold it to a friend. We rented a car but you still need to take the tram from the parking lot. It was tough getting into the tram with 3 small kids and 2 strollers. The next time we used ABBF we just got a toddler bed.

I am very undecided about what to do for a stroller this year. I think I'm leaning toward just renting at the parks. I know it's the most expensive option but it will be the easiest. No struggling with it at the airport or buses and the rentals are so easy to push. We are planning on going to the parks early and then taking a break. I’m hoping we wouldn’t need it everyday.

They do sell an umbrella stroller with a small canopy at the stroller rental stands. I think they are about $40 and they look kinda nice.

I’ll email you my autograph file when I make it a little better. Looks like I won’t get around to that until this weekend. I did it in Microsoft Word so all you have to do is print them out onto blank 4x6 index cards.
Thanks all!!!! I'm feeling much better about August!!!:cool1:

We never had a long wait for busses at POR. Maybe it is because we always stay at Alligator Bayou in one of the buildings near the main bus stop and just walked over to that stop every time we used the busses. When we came back to the room we would sometimes get off at that stop or stay on the bus around the loop to our own stop. We actually felt the wait for busses at POP was worse! :)

No trouble with the buses.
Always Alligator Bayou, building 14 or 18, close to everything.
Thank you too!

Kelli, we stayed at POR February of 2006, and had no problem with the busses at all!

I have a lot of pictures of the resort too! If you would like to see more, just let me know!

We stayed in the mansion section, it was very nice, and we were fairly close to a bus stop, and didn't have to wait long for a bus at all.
Thank you too! I feel much better about our August trip with all these good reports. I try to take all the negative posts with a grain of salt but sometimes its hard not to worry!

That is why we have only stayed in AB.

I asked my family last night about their memories of the buses to make sure that I wasn't only remembering the good times. They also said that every bus we boarded in the morning was either empty or practically empty when it came to our stop, and we never waited for more than 5-10 minutes. The buses did get very full but they weren't horrible. We always left early enough to be at the parks at opening. Matthew did come to MK late one morning, though, and he also had no problem getting the bus.

Leaving the parks at night, there were often long lines for the POR buses, but the buses came more frequently than you would expect, so the wait wasn't long. One night we left Epcot right after IllumiNations. When we made it out to the bus stops, POR was the only one with a long, long line. I thought we were going to be there for at least an hour. There was a man on a handheld radio calling for buses, and we were on a bus and headed back to POR within 15 minutes.

I have heard the horror stories, and I'm sure that those people were also telling the truth, but we had a great experience with the buses in August 2006.
And thank you too!!! Loved your pictures!

Kelli, here are are my pictures of Port Orleans Riverside. A lot of repeats of the already great photos posted, but I thought I would share anyway!
Hope these help you decide! Orleans Resort/
Those were great. Thanks!
Bernadette, your pictures were wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing them! What kind of camera do you have?
Thanks! For the POFQ pictures last year I had a small Sony point & shoot-W7. For this years photos I had a Sony DSC-H5.

Bernadette- Good luck with the meeting and next years teacher. I do think that music might be a good idea, especially if it is something that interests her.
Thank you! It went well. I’ll post more when I get caught up. Hope to read that things went well for you on Monday also. I was thinking of you!


Happy Birthday, June...

When I was pregnant I had glazed donut holes and chocolate milk several times a week. To this day DS refuses to drink chocolate milk!:rotfl:
Too funny! When I was pregnant with Lizzy I only wanted cucumbers. She still loves them. I haven’t eaten shrimp since I was pregnant with her. I wasn’t sick or anything just lost my taste for it.

Here are some pictures from this weekend :

This is at the starting line of the 25 mile ride, which is where my brother was --the family of the little girl that it is dedicated to was cutting the ribbon

This is my brother and I -in our Alyssa shirts from this year

This is what my brother wrote on the "I ride for" wall

Joe and his "thank you" picture for the donations he received

and finally, Joe crossing the finish line..we were all clapping and cheering and he was being his typical self and was clapping and cheering for us haha
Great pictures Jen!

I finally got Hunter's summer stuff out. He has is so thin that everything still fits plus new stuff. I don't know where to put it all. I think he needs to get rid of some things. I'm the only one left to switch clothing around now. Maybe I'll get that done today :confused3
I am so glad most of Joe’s shorts still fit as he won’t wear swim shorts as shorts (poor kid’s world is very black and white….). I don’t like the oversized long droopy shorts that seem to be the only thing available now. Why bother wearing shorts.

Today my Daniel turns 8.

I feel like it was just yesterday that I was having him.

I am so sad how fast it has gone.
Belated birthday wishes for Daniel!

I BOUGHT MY AIRFARE FOR SEPTEMBER! (And paid $321, including all taxes and fees, for 4 people round trip on n/s flights)!
Congrats on great airfare! Hope you’re feeling better about it today.
So Jim needs all of your prayers....he asked for more responsibility so I gave him the responsibility of making the reservations (that we've already payed for) for our first part of the the same time I did our Disney reservations....I asked him today to make sure he made reservations....he can't even find the paperwork :scared1: and no reservations have been made.

He tells me this after I had an icky, no good, just plain rotten day!!:mad:

Uh oh! Run, Jim! ;) Seriously, I hope he can find the papers and the reservations have been made.

Kelli, I wanted to tell you that DH and I stayed at POR in 2005, I loved it and we never had any problems with the buses. The beds were really comfortable.

Thanks, Debbie! You guys have all had such positive experiences, it makes me feel better!

:eek: I just read this to Chris and he said that Jim is really in trouble. It's not wise to mess with a DDA trip. That's why he has done absolutely nothing to plan or get ready for this trip. I even made sure his boss knew what days/weeks that we'd be gone. He won't even know what's in the luggage until we get there. The funny thing is that he is absolutely fine having things that way.

WTG Chris! A man with his priorities in order! :thumbsup2

For some reason I can't post my pictures from
Flower & Garden show.
I have them in my photo show.
When I try to load in photobucket.
It says folder is empty.
Well night all.
Catch ya later.

I hope you get them to work, I'd love to see them.

Hey everyone-i just talked to jennifer (bear) to let her know we were thinking about her ..
She said she has been busy at work and not sleeping well

Oh, I'm glad you talked with her!

So last night I was positive about this job, however I am no longer quite so positive. The more I looked at this job and potential locations for any of the 5 positions, the more it is looking like I will definitely need to move in order to take any of these positions and it might not be for me. Any of these positions would be like a minimum of an hour commute without traffic. Add traffic and it suddenly increases to about an hour and a half or longer depending on location. Lets just say a 3-4 hour daily commute is not what I would like. I need to research all of these areas more to see about potentially moving to these places. Did I mention they told me they would like to have a decision for these positions by Friday.

Plus another negative is I most likely will not get to work with the girls very much and instead will be working with adults. Plus I would no longer be eligible to volunteer, which is what I pretty much figured. This is not a major deal but something for me to contemplate.

I did talk to the interviewer more today and she discussed with more about the job and the possibility of the two other locations. Still no talks about salary, benefits or anything of that sort. So not sure how I can say if I am interested considering those factors may automatically make me decide this is not for me. As if I don't move I may go broke buying gas, but I might not be able to afford the areas in which I would potentially be moving if I were to decide to take any of the jobs. Everything is pretty much speculation though at this point.

I guess all I can say for now is tell them I am interested in any of the 5 positions and just go from there. The positions are the same just at different locations.

I'm off to bed to hopefully sleep and not spend all night in bed just thinking about this.

Hope everyone had a great day. Thank you for listening to me try and figure out this whole thing.:hug:





25 years and still countin!!!!

Yeah.....what she said! LOL:love:
Haven't they sent those kids HOME for the summer yet? Don't you people up north know it is after Memorial Day? Kids are supposed to be finished with school!:rotfl2:
June 17th for us. Thats early as we had no snow days this year. Two years ago they had to cancel Good Friday and a teacher in service day to get out by 6/30. MA has a law no school in July.

we Coloradoans have the best of both worlds....we get out before Memorial day and don't go back until almost Labor Day.
Don't all states have a 180 school day law?

I am officially on summer vacation! The last 3 recitals are done and I am in my PJs...
[sorry I took out your smilies....I had too many in my multi quote and yours were any easy target for deleting....]

I had the best surprise tonight. Bob was supposed to come over this evening. I told him I'd be home around 7:30 and we agreed 8 would be a good time for him to come by. So at 7:20 I'm pulling into my driveway and Alyssa yells "Bob's here!" (She sees his car in the driveway). That wonderful man came over as soon as he dropped his dd off and started mowing my grass for me. He sure knows the way to my heart! ;) :goodvibes :love: So of course I change clothes and go out and help, but it is so nice having it done. I was wondering how I was going to get it all done since I'm working late all week. And with TS Barry that came through over the weekend it seems to have revived the growing.

Now I'm going to bed.
What a guy!

I would love that! Miles just asked me how many more days of school, and he's only in 2nd grade. He's the one that still likes school a lot, and even he is ready for the break.

Our elementary and middle schools get out after a full day on Wednesday, June 20th. Matthew is in high school, so he will only go in for exams starting next Wednesday. He does have an exam the last day.

Thank goodness the preschools here typically end the Friday before Memorial Day! I can't imagine still teaching at this point. There are a couple in the area that go as long as the public school, but I will fight if our tries to become one of them.
Emma's last day was the Friday before Memorial Day. Now she's going to Nature Camp at her school til Joe & Lizzy are out. She has one of the teachers she'll have next year and really likes her.

Steffy - I LOVE seeing your countdowns! :banana: It really does make me want to be at Disney RIGHT NOW! (Does going to the Disney store yesterday count for something?) I now have new Year of a Million Dreams Disney dollars - though I miss the classic characters on them - I'm not a princess girl!
Emma would love you!;)

Thanks, Deb, and you are so right. I thought my world was coming to an end, and it did for awhile. But like the song says.....If you're going through h*** keep on going....which is what I had to do. Now I've met someone wonderful who treats me good. So I'm going to ride the wave and see where it takes us. Last night he and I were talking and I made the comment about how my children are always asking if he is coming over and that they have taken to him quite well. His response was 'maybe it's because they see that I make their mom happy.' Ok, I know that is sappy, but it made me realize that even my kids must see the difference in me. Sorry to go on and on, but I just wanted to share that.
What a guy!!!!!

ooo before i leave..i just had to print out an unofficial transcript and i noticed they had updated my my final gpa for college is 3.506..i thought that was pretty good so i had to share!
Pretty good? Are you crazy???? That is awesome!!!!!

I have an acute sinus infection and an upper respiratory infectio

She gave me some pills for the infection and also a cough syrup with codeine since the coughing is keeping me awake
:wizard: For a speedy recovery!

Evening all.
Had a great day @ Epcot Sunday.
Post pictures later.
Hope you all are doing good.
Glad you had a great day! It's my favorite park!

So my new neighbors are going to be a problem, the ones that lost the kittens and left the dog in the backyard for four days. They now have a new puppy. And even though we are in drought conditions and are under a burn ban, we go out in the backyard and they have a fire burning in the backyard that the flames are at least 10 feet high :scared1: , are they STUPID or what? I'm trying my best not to get into a fued with the neighbors so instead of calling the police with a complaint I put the sprinkler out to wet down the yard and our fence, do they not know that sparks can become airborn and spread fire?
:wizard: I'd be calling the cops or the fire chief.

I went to the weigh in today I am a down 2lbs this week. 26 total.
:woohoo: I won't recognize in August! Great job! I need to get back on track.

So Jim needs all of your prayers....he asked for more responsibility so I gave him the responsibility of making the reservations (that we've already payed for) for our first part of the the same time I did our Disney reservations....I asked him today to make sure he made reservations....he can't even find the paperwork :scared1: and no reservations have been made.

He tells me this after I had an icky, no good, just plain rotten day!!:mad:

:hug: Hang in there, I'm sure you'll get things straightened out. I don't know what my DH would do if something were to happen to me, he really is clueless.

Kelli, I wanted to tell you that DH and I stayed at POR in 2005, I loved it and we never had any problems with the buses. The beds were really comfortable.
Another good POR report!

MY DH is the so clueless. Last August on day 5 of our trip I left him at MK with Lizzy, my girlfriend from FL and her DD. I knew the girls wanted to spend more time together but Joe & Emma were getting cranky. I figured he couldn't handle a cranky Joe & Emma so I took them back to the resort. A few hours later he called. He had been waiting for a bus for an hour but couldn't remember the name of our resort. :confused3 I still don't know he waited an hour to call. I'll have to right it on his arm with a sharpie the next trip. He'll be all messed up. Last year we stayed at POFQ but he couldn't figure out the PO was in the name of 2 resorts. This year we'll be at POR and he'll be hopeless. that everyone has put my bus fears to rest anyone have any comforting words for me not to worry about this being the first trip for just the 5 of us? I've always had my girlfriend with me. It will be me alone with the 4 kids.:rotfl:

i must say i have never been on any of these duck tours lol
I shouldn't admit that I've never done one either.

It has been a while since Chuckie has traveled, and a long time since I have posted pictures.
Those are great! Thanks for sharing!

So last night I was positive about this job, however I am no longer quite so positive. The more I looked at this job and potential locations for any of the 5 positions, the more it is looking like I will definitely need to move in order to take any of these positions and it might not be for me. Any of these positions would be like a minimum of an hour commute without traffic. Add traffic and it suddenly increases to about an hour and a half or longer depending on location. Lets just say a 3-4 hour daily commute is not what I would like. I need to research all of these areas more to see about potentially moving to these places. Did I mention they told me they would like to have a decision for these positions by Friday.

Plus another negative is I most likely will not get to work with the girls very much and instead will be working with adults. Plus I would no longer be eligible to volunteer, which is what I pretty much figured. This is not a major deal but something for me to contemplate.

I did talk to the interviewer more today and she discussed with more about the job and the possibility of the two other locations. Still no talks about salary, benefits or anything of that sort. So not sure how I can say if I am interested considering those factors may automatically make me decide this is not for me. As if I don't move I may go broke buying gas, but I might not be able to afford the areas in which I would potentially be moving if I were to decide to take any of the jobs. Everything is pretty much speculation though at this point.

I guess all I can say for now is tell them I am interested in any of the 5 positions and just go from there. The positions are the same just at different locations.

I'm off to bed to hopefully sleep and not spend all night in bed just thinking about this.

Hope everyone had a great day. Thank you for listening to me try and figure out this whole thing.:hug:
:wizard: :grouphug: Hope things work out the way you want them to!
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