~The Daily Grind~ 9/1/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady


~The Daily Grind~ 9/1/09

Welcome to September!! This year is really flying!! My DS21's college classes start today. So, both my chickies will be back...and now that I'm full time, I don't get to enjoy it! :(

Today is also my anniversary...20yrs with my DH! :teeth: I feel like we deserve a prise or something ya know?

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p

365 pic

Dinner... out with DH...

Have a Great Day everyone!!! :teeth:
Good morning, everyone!! Woohoo for TUESDAY!!! And for the 1st day of September! This year is flying by!!

Deb--congratulations and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! You're right, 20 years is so rare, and DEFINITELY something to celebrate!! I hope your anniversary is wonderful!

I didn't get up this morning to walk--I decided to sleep in, and it was very nice!! 4:35 was definitely better than 4:00!!

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Clean DH's bathroom
4. Get cards/stamp for work
5. Clean kitchen
6. Clean up "surprise" left by cat
7. DS up
8. DS to Mom's
9. Shirts for Mom to mom's

10. Work
11. Go get bangs cut
12. Week of P365 during lunch
13. P365 pic of the day
14. Pick up DS
15. Tan?
16. Fold 1 load of laundry
17. Wash 2 loads of laundry
18. Frozen pizza for dinner
19. Scrap while DH & DS walk--work on resort swap
20. Pack lunches for tomorrow
21. Get UT decorations out
22. Make grocery list
23. Make cabin list

24. Go to sleep sort of early!!

Everyone have a terrific Tuesday!!
AND it's another lovely and cool day today!! I'm so excited that it's getting into the 60's at night again! I can finally sleep well.

OK, this is how bad it must have been...after just 1, count them, 1 good night sleep without tossing and turning due to the heat, then a cool morning with lower humidity, I had people coming up to me yesterday asking why I looked pretty, what did I do different... My answer? A Good night's sleep and I could finally do my hair for the first time in like 3 months :rotfl2:

Wow, I must have been really looking rough!! :eek:
I so know what you mean!! This humidity kills me!! I've sweated off my makeup by the time I get to work. . .I dropped DS off yesterday, and Mom said, "Have you been crying?" Um, no. Just the humidity tracking mascara down my face!!!

Glad it's a cooler morning for you!!!
Happy Anniversary Debbie!!!!!! DH and I celebrated 20 years in May.
SIOH, don't you just love kitty cat surprises!!!:rotfl:

It's hot and humid still here. I'd love to have some of that cooler weather!

My day:
DS up and off to school
Run dishwasher
Go get hair cut
Stop by scout office and make National Jamboree payment
Go to JoAnn's
Go to grocery store
Go to library
Finish Everyday Swap
Work on cj's
Label swaps that I've got completed
Keep fingers crossed for DS. He has auditions for the 2 plays his school is doing the first semester.

Have a great day everyone!

quick check in..
Brooke ~ add to your list my email of photos! LOL

Congrats Debbie!!!

movin' all of us..
work in Ds8's classroom til 9:15pm
DH to meet EX and DsS15 for brace fitting

DH has day off work (maybe lunch out?)
cut 3 paper piecing for Suzanne (will be done by Thursday)
list on notebook paper
DD has an XC meet tonight
DS8 has football practice (DH will handle this)
camera batteries charged

Ok, off to get the little one on the bus and rattle the big grouchy kids
Everyone have a great day!!
morning all

today's list yuck yuck and doudble yuck is the theme of the day
boys up
out the door
dis for a few email to water aerobics instructor i'm going back to bed

back to bed for a few
camper list from yesterday
boys dressers
unpack from quilt meeting got the top finished
laundry folded and away why is it I live out of baskets?
Make shopping list for camping weekend
lunch in there somewhere
pray I don't have to do hay other than tedder it if he can't get off a job.
take another nap this on for Levi he feels crummy too.
pick up from bus (this 4pm stuff of getting home HAS to stop complained to principal yesterday over 1 hour each way for elem kiddo)
forgot I have to go pick up Stampin up order for friend at another friends house this will take a chunk of the pm
bedtime routine with boys and them will be in bed at 7 manditory early bed in our house tonight.

Deb Happy 20th we had 15 in june and I'm still shaking my head. fall here too it was 45:scared1: when I crawled out of my bed at 5:30
Brooke 4 am when do you sleep???
DIT good luck to DS with adutions better him than me I hate being infront of people
Nancy rough am in your house too????????
OH my gosh, my big kids are getting harder and harder to wake up... they go to bed by 10pm (based on sports events, homework...that is there usual bedtime...) They don't have to get up til 7am as bus doesn't come til 8am... We will be having a family meeting tonight about it taking 30 minutes to get them up and moving... this will stop today! I'll wake you up twice... you over sleep, you are in big trouble! I think DS13 is going through a growth spurt because his emotions have been all over the place...so I'm trying to give him a little lee-way.. DD has a track meet today, so I'm sure she is trying to get that little extra rest before running 3 miles at full force.... but getting nasty at me doesn't work!!!
Well I'm up still feeling yucky but DH was grumpy so I slept for maybe 10 mins between the phone calls. off to see what I can accomplish.

Nancy that's how my house was this am. plus Levi feeling yucky I'm sure it's allergies golden rod is full force here right now. but it is still no excuse for causing greif in the am's. Our bedtime is 8 light's out at 8:30 at the latest bus comes at 6:54 so they are up at 6.
Nan--I'll send the pic today!!! I promise! ;)

DIT--yep, love those little "surprises"! Sometimes I think they do it when I'm the only one up on purpose!!

Nan & Christy--we've had the "getting out of bed" problem here, too. . .only sometimes, it's DH!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Seriously, good luck with that!!
Good Morning- Sorry so many of you are having trouble with the getting out of bed.

stores: radio shack, grocery, packing tape (target maybe)
pack up swaps
Post Office
Carnival meeting
copies of registrations
work on forms for money back (reciepts for things we have paid for at church)
finish putting away SDV
work on cleaning master bath

My darling baby bunny is off for her first day of 4th grade. I didn't cry this year. She was very excited to get back. Her backpack/bag was FULL today, she's got loads of stuff to leave for her teacher and classroom.

I'm going to work on my resort swap today, and do a little laundry. I think I need a second cup of coffee ;)

It's BEAUTIFUL here! Dry and cool, perfect for my stupid hormones!

Deb, Happy Anniversary! 20 years is quite an accomplishment.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Getting better- we were worried last night because it was swollen but it is hurting less today and the swelling is down- I need to take it easy over the next few days or I believe the swelling will come up again. I think I just have a really deep bruise in my large toe- so some icing and heat therapy.


Congrats Deb! 20 years is awesome!
Rebecca, I hope the foot continues to feel better!
Nan, I hope the family meeting goes well.
Jennifer, I hope DD has a great first day in 4th grade!

Today is the phone interview, I'm on pins and needles. I know it'll be fine, it's just getting through it, ya know?!

DD's hair
DD out the door

make bed

prepare for interview
strip DD's bed
fold laundry from yesterday
DS dressed
DS's bed
swish and swipe
shine the sink
unload dishwasher
load dishwasher

phone interview
pick up DD
DD to work on her room
DD clean guinea pig cage
work on bedroom
We're supposed to find out DN is having for a baby today...I'm not so patiently waiting to find out what she's got! :headache:
Jennifer patice is a verture (or how ever you spell it) I never learned it either. And what whould M say about you calling her bunny! I'd be shot, Eric already has a hissy when I call him Bug and it's such a habbit I do it EVERYWHERE!!! He's in 3rd grade now I'm gonna get shot
She doesn't have a problem with me calling her Bunny. I call her all kinds of "pet" names. I think she's used to it.

I still haven't heard anything about Baby! I'm dying to know what it is!
So Ash, how did the interview go?

As for nicknames, my kids have them.. I referred to J as PJ now since that is what we call her here... of course no one can figure out why we call her that.. .
DS13 is his name the man...
DS8 is Bear

my kids said they were embarrassed for DsS15 yesterday.. he was running for a TD, the only one our team had (a QB run)...anyway, his mom was standing up screaming at the top of her lungs, "Go BABY, Go BABY, Go, there you go.. go BABY".. DH said it reminded everyone in the stands of an X rated movie... Anyway, DS13 was at the concession stand which is 50+ yds from the stands and could hear her all the way over there..actually had the staff in the concessions asking who was that "loud mouth".. Of course, DS13 doesn't miss a lick.. and says "oh, just ..........".. and everyone shook their head and said, "oh, figures, always making a spectical of herself!"..... LOL DS13 was telling me about it on the way to soccer and asked that I please do NOT sound like that.


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