~The Daily Grind~ 8/3/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

Flylady links:
Declutter plan http://www.flylady.net/pages/focus_feb.asp
Flightplan http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan.asp
Beginner Baby Steps: http://www.flylady.net/pages/FLYingL..._Babysteps.asp
Yahoo Group (reminders sent all day): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FlyLad...?yguid=9999373

This month's Habit is: One load of laundry each day :laundy:


~The Daily Grind~ 8/3/09

It's Monday...Everyone Caffeinate!!!!

I had a great time at CKC Valley Forge! My poor wallet was squealing at the end of the show. I got a bunch of kits in classes, but didn't make many. I didn't like the photo cuts that they wanted me to make...so I'll do my own thing... Saw several DISers at the lunch, crops, and around the show... It was a BLAST!!!

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Work till 3p

Come home and finish putting away the cool CKC stuff I got...

Work on scrappy stuff...got things to mail out this week!


Have a Great Day everyone!! :teeth:
Good morning! How did Monday get here so fast?? I think I need just one more day to the weekend!

The party went well this past weekend! DS enjoyed it, and we all had fun!! I have to say that after he got over his initial excitement with cake icing, he was just as taken (if not more so) with his veggies and fruit than with the cake? Is this my child?? :rotfl2:

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Clean DH's bathroom--forgot I cleaned it right before we left, so it doesn't need it!! WOOHOO!
4. DS up
5. Drop DS off
6. Take stuff to Mom's
7. Work--BUSY, BUSY day!!
8. Pick DS up
9. Tan
10. Maybe stop at Hobby Lobby
11. DH--mow
12. Walk with DS
13. Move pics over to computer to decide what I want (we took 400 over the weekend!! :scared1:)
14. Order pics
15. Call & cancel appointment on Saturday
16. Call about football pics
17. Write thank yous
18. Proj 365 pic
19. Go to sleep sort of early!!

Everyone have a wonderful Monday! Thanks to all of you for your great friendship & support! We are so blessed with our little family here!!
It's Monday again?! Fun weekends go by waaay to quick.

My to do list today:

Find DN's digital album.:scared1: I am worried DH picked up the envelope it was in and threw it out. :scared1::scared1:
Write in DD's communication book
Get DD up and ready for school.
Balance Checkbook
Pay bills
Empty dishwater
Fold and put away laundry.

well it's monday again. ugh.
my coworker is on vacation, so i have to suck it up and be there all week.

deb- glad you had fun this weekend!
brooke-so glad the party went well! love to that baby from me!
lisa- dh threw it away???:scared1: hope not!
flyingbabyb- law books? are you in law school??

ds-camp. going home with his friend to swim after camp.
me-work. all day.
pick up mail after work.
mail bills.
dep $ into c.u. for above bills!
supper- who knows?!
Mornin'! The big countdown begins today... 8 days til my babies return to school for the year! :faint:

Official practices begin today... Long discussions yesterday w/ kids and expectations and goals were set for the year.. DS13 has decided not to run XC this year and focus on soccer.. He would like to try to get a soccer scholarship for college... (fingers crossed).. DD is considering not playing basketball and instead focusing on her running for a possible scholarship... (fingers crossed here too!).

lunch made for DH
PJ up for practice
DH to drop off PJ

pick up PJ
2 loads of towels
empty dishwasher

balance ckbks
pay bills

get check ready for book rental, class dues tomorrow
PJ to pull outfit out for school pictures tomorrow @ registration
photo shoot at home for her school pictures as the prices for them are OUTRAGEOUS for what they get.. :(
fresh sheets on all beds
continue to kit pages for next wk's scrap marathon
email friend about check
MUST get 4-H photos taken and projects put away
sweep dining & kitchen
Good Morning-

Holly-Have a great day! We will be with you through it all!
Deb- glad CKC was great- I enjoyed the ones they had in FL.
Lisa- good luck finding the album
SIOH- glad the party went well- the dis auntoes want some pictures
Nancy- enjoy these tiomes with them and have fun being your own picture studio!

empty dishwasher
wash dishes
work on scrap room
work on swaps (trying to get done with ABC pages in the next couple of days
order photos
figure out what to ask for DH's salary package
SPR meeting 7pm
Dinner: steaks, potatoes, vegies (grilled asparagus and ???)

Well, we are here in Chicago and I'm still getting used to this HUGE place. I am so not a big city gal and it's quite overwhelming. Flying in yesterday was an adventure since both flights took off 30-40 minutes late and we were worried about the connecting flight in Atlanta, but what is wierd is that even though the plane took off 30 minutes late, we arrived only 5 minutes late!:confused3

DS's flip flop broke in the Atlanta airport so he flopped and didn't flip around until we got here and found a pair of shoes he will wear (of course he didn't pack any others). He wouldn't let me buy him a pair at the airport because they weren't "him" so he just flopped around!

We did a good bit of exploring close to the hotel yesterday and ate the best pizza we've ever had for dinner. DS and I went to Navy Pier last night while DH was in meetings and that was pretty neat. Today DS and I are going to attempt catching the right bus to take us to the aquarium and then we'll go to Millenium park as well as go check out the theatre district. Other than that, we'll just see.

I'm down in the lobby while DS is still sleeping to use the hotels free internet access. I don't want to pay for it up in the room. I'm not sure how often I'll get to check in here as I know DS will have me hopping from place to place! He loves this big city!

Wish us luck on getting on the right bus!!!!!!

Have a great day everyone!
have a blast DIT!!!!
suck up every moment!!!
flyingbabyb- law books? are you in law school??
Yep for criminal justice. gonna suck big time to move all these books. GRR
DisneyIsTerrific- good luck! I got on the wrong bus in washigtion dc and it was a scary SCARY thing. We didnt end up anywere near the national catherial LOL.
Bah, it's Monday again!

DIT, have a great time!

Holl, I'm stuck here at work all day too :(

Rebecca, I love love love asparagus! We're having leftovers for dinner.

Brooke, glad to hear the boy had a great B-day!

flying_babyb, Oooh, law school! Good luck!

Lisa, I hope you find the album! Have you got some new goodies to show us from your weekend?

Nancy, I can't believe you are starting school already! Morgan doesn't start until 9/1 and then has that Friday and Labor Day off. What a PITA. Just go to school year round!

My hands are stained from tie dying yesterday. It was fun, but boy was it messy!

Just signed on to pay a credit card and found a charge that we didn't make. Son of a Monkey Butt! I've filed a dispute and they have changed the number on the account, but I'm peeved. This is the *second* time this card has been hacked. I didn't buy anything from Walmart.com! :scared1:

Hope everyone has a good day!
checking in late!
went out and got my errands done one of which was buying shaving cream for scrapbooking don't ask I don't know I'll fill you all in on that one later.
emptied truck
need to make lunch
fly through the am routine I skipped to get out early
pack truck for library program this pm god help me teaching kids to scrap/emboss and friend teaching this shaving cream thing.
come home and crash.
check in here and tell you all about the shaving cream

and what MM said to everyone save me from typing it I gotta go pack
Must do:

laundry -wash-dry -put away

target (got a new one!!!!)
post office

get bag together for crop on Sat
finish "C" Start "U" for ABC swap
Nancy, I can't believe you are starting school already! Morgan doesn't start until 9/1 and then has that Friday and Labor Day off. What a PITA. Just go to school year round!

they get out in early May though so it all works out to be about the same. Although I would prefer to not go while it's still hot out.
Yeah, I know. It all works out, but I'm a big proponent of year round schooling!

OMFG, I called Walmart.com and they found the order, but can't tell me to who or where it was shipped. Are you freakin' kidding me? Someone used MY card with my billing address and you can't tell me who? If I approached this person and "something" happened, Walmart would be liable. I can file a police report and they can subpoena the records. I'm almost pi$$ed off enough to do it and have someone arrested for an $89.70 charge!
D'oh, I missed Deb! Glad to hear you had a good time, what'd you get?

Christy, can't wait to hear about the shaving cream.

BAMB, is that Lisa's crop this weekend?
they get out in early May though so it all works out to be about the same. Although I would prefer to not go while it's still hot out.

We actually get out the very end of May... (DsS18 will graduate on May 28, 2010). The kid are officially out of school on May 27th.

The kids are having a good day.. Me, I'm balancing chkbks, paying bills...and just tryin' to survive...
Yeah, I know. It all works out, but I'm a big proponent of year round schooling!

OMFG, I called Walmart.com and they found the order, but can't tell me to who or where it was shipped. Are you freakin' kidding me? Someone used MY card with my billing address and you can't tell me who? If I approached this person and "something" happened, Walmart would be liable. I can file a police report and they can subpoena the records. I'm almost pi$$ed off enough to do it and have someone arrested for an $89.70 charge!
the same thing happened to me, except it was QVC! and they charged a flippin' boat load of stuff. so i never again bought from QVC.

Unfortunately, I already have plans to be out of the house the following Saturday. My hubby loves me, but that's too much. I'll put it on the calendar for September though!

maybe i'll feel like going in September. depends on what's going on here.


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