~The Daily Grind~ 7/30/09


<font color=magenta>My dream job is to be the Fair
Apr 29, 2005

“Housework done incorrectly still blesses your family.”
"You Can Do Anything for 15 Minutes!" ~ FlyLady

Flylady links:
Declutter plan http://www.flylady.net/pages/focus_feb.asp
Flightplan http://flylady.com/pages/FlightPlan.asp
Beginner Baby Steps: http://www.flylady.net/pages/FLYingL..._Babysteps.asp
Yahoo Group (reminders sent all day): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FlyLad...?yguid=9999373

This month's Habit is: Swish and Swipe


~The Daily Grind~ 7/30/09

It's The Day Before Friday!!! :dance3:

My List for Today:

This repeats every day!!

Finish packing and pack friend's van for CKC

Go to CKC Valley Forge with 5 friends...DIS Meets, Crops, Classes..SHOPPING :cool1:

Dinner... Subs between crops :teeth:

Have a Great Day everyone!! See ya all on Sunday!!! :teeth:
Have a fantastic time at CKC Debbie (and all the other disers going).

I am headed to MK and Epcot with lunch at Marrakesh with DH so I have nothing else on my list.

Go to school and remove books from library for Town book sale, they've been sitting there since the 80's. Some of them were really good books too!

Move PTO supplies into library closet

Move 8th grade dance supplies to Shelves left over from PTO

Tear down old PTO bulletin board and set up for back to school

make copies of flyer at school


mail letters to parents
mail tags (still haven't done this yet, sorry guys!)
mail papers to Mini club member about site for Xmas party


bed early, still not feeling well
It's Thursday! But, I don't have to work tomorrow, so it's like Friday for me!!

Deb--have fun at CKC!!
Rebecca--have fun at Marrakesh & Epcot! Hug Figment for me!
Buffy--feel better, dear! Being sick stinks!!

Today is my last working day this week, so lots to do. It's also new student registration, so send P & PD for patient parents (and not too many people!!)

Here's my list for today:

1. Up
2. Caffeinate
3. Clean our bathroom
4. DS up--yep, he got up at 5:30
5. Drop DS off at Mom's
6. Take DS to Mom's

7. Work
8. Pick up cat food after work

9. Change cat litter
10. Change front porch flag
11. Get stuff ready for pics tomorrow
12. Pack for cabin
13. Wash 2 loads of laundry
14. Fold 3 loads of laundry
15. Dust our bedroom
16. Remind Mom about cake & burgers
17. Watch SYTYCD from last night
18. Watch tonight's SYTYCD
19. Tan
20. Cricut letters--YEESH! This has been on the list all week!!
21. Go to bed sort of early!

Everyone have a wonderful Thursday! I hope it's terrific!!

well it's thursday and i have a full day ahead of me.
i have my monthly board meeting at work that they have already postponed for me once, so we have to do it today. & i've been up all night. give me the strength to get through the day. please!

bubba has camp.

dinner? who the heck knows !?

pay car insurance.

ask dh to go and get mom's light switch covers. which means he has to go to lowes and buy new ones to replace the old ones.

have a good day everyone.
deb-have a blast.
buffy-hope you feel better.
brooke-good luck today with those parents.
rebecca-have so much fun. i wish i was with you!
No work for me today. M has crazy hair day at camp, so I have to go and make 6 braids in her hair and spray it blue, oh fun...

I'm working on swaps today. Have to figure out something to grill for dinner, or something cold. Supposed to be stupid hot here again today. Blah.

Hope everyone has a good day. Holl, I'm here if you want to "talk."
Epcot sounds really good right now. Wish I was Rebecca.
Going to CKC sounds like fun. Have a great time Deb.
Enjoy your Friday Brooke!
Pixie Dust to get through the day Holly.
Sending thoughts of ice cubes and snow cones your way Jennifer.
Sending you a box of tissues Buffy. Those books must have collected a lot of dust from way back then.

The dogs have decided that they are now inside dogs. :rotfl2: So if you have white hairs stuck to your swap pieces, it is totally my fault. Huskies blow their undercoats every year. Sometimes twice. They are just trailing their hair everywhere, but the really really want to be inside. And I promised I would do what they wanted [as long as they didn't keep messing up the carpets with -well- you know]

Then vacuum.

It will take that many times to get up the hair.:rotfl2:

Grill chicken and corn for dinner tonight. :thumbsup2
Debbie have fun at CKC!
Rebecca, oh I wish I was at Epcot too! Have fun!
Brooke, good luck with the parents today.
Buffy, I hope you feel better.
Holly, :hug:
Jennifer, I bet your DD looked cute with blue hair and braids!!
Ann, all my swaps have speciality fibers included!! My cats are always shedding. There's no way to keep it out of my stuff so everyone gets a little added as an extra bonus!:rotfl:

My day:
Get DH up at 4:45 a.m. so he could travel to Orlando.
Hope that DH doesn't wake up cats or else they'll get me up -- didn't work, DH woke them up when he asked me for $$ so both cats pestered me to get up and feed them.:mad:
Finish gorilla group for AK swap
Clean up kitchen
Put chicken in crockpot

Call and make Disney resort reservations for DS's birthday weekend in November. I finally got DH and DS to agree to it!!!!!!
Call new hairdresser and make appointment
Start getting things gathered for vacation

Work on swaps
Put together some swap bits to take with me on vacation
Kit up a small stitching project to take on vacation

Have a great day everyone!
Sounds like everyone has lots going on.... I know I do....although I'd really like to be in Disney again!!!

fold last load of laundry
template bat elements
pay last few bills
go to PO and drop off Big D's birthday box
go drop off last of PJ's 4-H achievement sheets

photos of kids and 4-H projects (MUST DO)
kids to get their rooms cleaned SPOTLESS
sort and organized school supplies & neatly put on shelves
pack backpacks w/ school supplies

sort laundry

there is a ton more but the phone is ringing again this AM! ERK!
It's raining! Maybe that will break the heat wave. Or, maybe it'll just be wet AND hot. Ah well, I'm inside with my kitties in the air.

Tell me to go get working on swaps...:upsidedow
I'm happy dancing!!!!!!!:banana::yay::cool1: I just got off the phone with Disney with reservations for a long weekend trip for DS's 17th birthday in November!!!!!! DH said no more trips this year, but I whined about it being DS's birthday and that since his birthday actually fell on a weekend it was the perfect time to go. So, he finally gave in!!!!!! yay!!!! DS will probably bring a friend along so since we need 2 rooms we'll stay at Pop Century with the passholder rate. I don't care where we stay, I just want to be at WDW!!!!!!
AWM and PN96, I just told DS that you wanted to be his friend so you can come on the Disney trip with us and he :rotfl2:. He said sorry, but no way since you both are a little out of his age range!!!!! Now, Nancy, if he saw your DD, he might change his mind and agree if you'd bring her along!!:rotfl:

The hard part will be finding a friend whose Mom won't mind them missing a day of school.
I'm jealous! Have a great trip. We went in November twice and just loved it (it's nice and cool for those of us with super thick blood!).

Wow, DIT's DS is getting a 15 year old for his birthday! Now that's a gift :lmao:
:yay: Yippee!!!!!

DS can't believe that I keep typing his answers. He won't say anything to me now because he doesn't want me repeating it!!!!:rotfl:


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