The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves! (my journal)

:grouphug: Hi Don,
I am so glad that you were able to make it to see your dad....I am so sorry for what you are going through. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers as well. :grouphug:
Hi there Don,

How is everything going???

Hope all is well. We are still thinking of you.

Have a great Thursday
Thanks Jamie, Amy, Tracy, everyone. Its been tough, but your kind words and thoughts are very much appreciated. Glad the moderators on this part of the board aren't as tough as the Trip Reports monitors, since I haven't posted much WISH stuff lately, but its nice to have a place to come and put my thoughts down, and have friends that care. Talked to dad's wife again last night, he's still hangin' on, not really verbal anymore, tough old cuss.

Had a nice talk with my half-sister last night, lives in the Tacoma WA area. Dad had 3 daughters from his 1st marriage, and this one is the one i'm closest too. I actually lived with her and her husband and 7 kids during my high school years, I was having trouble with my stepmom, his 3rd wife. The sister and I are pretty close, she's definitely one of my surrogate moms. She and her sisters have had some serious issues with dad over the years, but she said that they have talked recently and are starting to forgive him. She feels bad that they weren't able to talk to him earlier about it, but they just weren't ready.

I have been reducing the soda lately, but not gone completely. Mostly caffeine free coke or pepsi. Lots of water. Hadn't lifted with DS13 for a while, but finally did it again last night. He's so funny, actually pretty strong on the bench for his age, good size triceps, but really struggles with curls, skinny little biceps. I keep telling him to concentrate on breathing thru his eyelids, but that just cracks him up (Bull Durham reference). I think my joints are starting to feel a little better, with the reduced soda. I did 2 sets of bench, 15 and 18 reps of 133 lbs., and 1 set (doh!) of curls, 15 reps of 57 lbs. (too lazy to add more weight, and gave up a little early, should have done another set). I've been consciously not trying to do too much weight, more reps, when i do too heavy my joints really hurt. Had a cold lately, scale's not nice. Gotta get out and move!!

Thanks again for your support, you guys rock!! :thanks: :disrocks:

(btw, i'm addicted to american idol, still can't believe Mandisa went so early, glad Bucky finally went, he was the last one I couldn't stand, sad to see Kellie go, but somebody had to. Chris must win, dude rocks!, Bocelli was incredible!)
Hi Don,

Good to hear from you....Thanks for the update on you dad :grouphug:
It' nice that you have family/half family that you get along with and can talk to. This is a tough time for all of you. Just know tht we are are here for you as well.

Congrats on lifting weights with your son...your on the right track...and good for you for not going to back to regular Dr.P. You doing great.

Have a good weekend...keep it up :)
Hey Don~

You are doing great! You are reducing the amount of pop you are drinking, adding in lots of water, and you have lifted with your DS! Those are all victories in my book! :yay: Keep up the good work, Don! :cheer2:

Prayers continue for your dad, you, and your family. :grouphug:

Have a great weekend! :sunny:

P.S. Thanks for the encouragement in my journal! :goodvibes :teeth:
Just wanted to pop in and update, Dad passed away this morning. It was more of a relief than anything, but sure hard to imagine him gone. I've been running around all day trying to make arrangements. We finally decided to have him buried in the Veteran's Memorial Cemetery, its a nice honor, lower cost, and just a few miles from our house. When my mom passed away 30 years ago, they bought 2 plots, but that was in a cemetery about 45 miles north of here, and since she wasn't his only wife, we didn't think it was that important that they be together, since they wouldn't really be together anyway (in the cemetery). We'll still own that plot, may try to sell it, or maybe just keep it for the future if its ever needed. I'm just glad that he can move on, he'd really had enough of this life. Thanks again for all your support. :)
Oh Don, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. You are in my thoughts during this tough time. :hug:
:grouphug: Don,

May God's strength be with you and give you comfort and peace at this difficult time. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
I am sorry to hear about your your Dad's passing.I am glad your Dad is at peace now and that you were able to visit with last week.
May God bless all of your loved ones.You are in my prayers.
Oh Don..... :grouphug: I am so sorry to hear about your dad. You and the family are in my prayers and thoughts during this difficult time. Take care :grouphug:
Thanks everyone for you kind words and all the :grouphug: 's, I need all those i can get. Funeral's tomorrow, feel like all the arrangements are coming together. I'm singing with my uncle, and then giving the closing remarks. The singing actually makes me less nervous. In truth it should be a nice day, get to see a lot of family and friends. Actually tried to work today, didn't get a whole lot done.

Lifted 3 times in a row now, with a rest day between each. Joints still ache some when I do it, but actually seeing a little improvement already. DS13 is doing very well, he's a stud! I haven't been eating very healthy, think I've gained back some, have to work on that.

Back later. :sunny: :goodvibes
Praying for you & all your family, Don. This is hard, but remember he is now in a better place. Try to focus on the good times before he was ill. Tomorrow won't be easy, but it will help to bring some closure. Celebrate his life!
:grouphug: Don,

I know that today will be difficult for you and your family. :( Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug:
Hi Don,

As Tracy said, I know that today will be difficult, please know that we are thinking of you.

Take care :grouphug:
Well, we made it through. It was a good day, got to see lots of friends and family that don't get together as much as they used to. The service turned out very nice, they even said my song sounded good. I sang with my uncle who's a great old baritone, getting up there in years. It was a little nerve wracking because it was a hymn that I was sure he would know, but he said he'd never heard it before! But he was a pro, and we got 'er done. Lots of great memories were shared by all. He was definitely all my cousins' favorite uncle, they had many great adventures with him. He was a truck driver for many years, and one cousin shared a story that I had never heard where my Dad was getting ready to drive a load from Utah to Alaska on the Yukon Hwy. My cousin was 13 at the time, some time before I was born, and said he followed my Dad around like a puppy for several days while he got the truck ready for the trip. When the truck was ready, he said my Dad turned to him, and quietly said "ya wanna go?". He was gone!! He said it was an amazing trip, took a ride in a float plane, changed his life. His mom and my dad had been planning it all along, kind of like some crazy Disboarders I know who like to surprise their kids with WDW trips. :) My dad certainly had his faults and troubles along the way, but he was a great guy with a loving heart, and I hope to see him again someday. He took me on my 1st trip to Disneyland when I was 6, changed MY life! Taught me to drive when I was 7!! on a stick shift!!

Well, now its time I got serious about my health, if I'm gonna make to 83 and beyond!! I know what to do, just gotta git 'er done!! Thanks again for all your support, all ya'all are the best!! :grouphug:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :love:
Glad you got to visit with a lot of your family members and cousins.
Thanks for sharing the story of your cousin and his adventurous trip to Alaska with your dad. It sounds like you and your cousins have lots of good memories of your dad. They will be a comfort to you. Keep those memories alive and your dad will live on in your heart and the hearts of your loved ones until one day
(Hopefully in the far off future) you meet him again.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and family
Good luck with your quest for a healthier life style.
I am rooting for you! :wizard:
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hi Don,

Glad to hear that everything went well and all the family and friends could come. It sounds like you as well as all the family have great memories of your dad. :grouphug:

Hope you are having a great day :) Happy Friday!!!
Hi Don,

I'm glad to hear that you got the chance to catch up with friends and family members alike. What a blessing for you and your family to be able to share such wonderful memories of your dad. Be sure to keep those good memories close to your heart and that will help you get through the tough times. :grouphug:
Don -- I am sorry I have been away and didn't know your Dad had finally gone to Heaven. I have thought of you and your family often and wondered how your Dad was doing. I am glad you had a good recent visit with him and that you were able to honor him with a hymn at the service. That story about the Alaska trip is awesome and I bet it will make you smile every time you think of it.

I know how hard the loss can be and I know that sometimes even the numbness hurts but please know your WISH friends are here if you need a :hug: or :goodvibes:

Now it is time for you to get very serious to be healthy and stay healthy for your future and for your family. Keep up the great work with your lifting -- I am sure the time you spend with your son sharing that activity is very special to him.



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