Tell me about driving/parking


DIS Veteran
Jun 9, 2021
Never driven in almost 20 years of going to Disney World. We have a quick 3 night trip coming up. I accidentally found myself on a car rental page and noticed it's cheaper to rent for those days than the car service we usually take. But...I dunno....tell me what I need to know about driving...parking (AKV Jambo)...and also going to MNSSHP with a 6 that worth it too with a car? Advice please.
We have 4yo and 7yo, and we always drive to WDW with them. We've stayed all over the place, including last spring break at Jambo. We bused over to AK, but drove to the other parks. Easy peasy. Parking at Jambo isn't too bad, though sometimes it's a bit of a hike to the car.
We typically rope drop, and go back to the hotel for an afternoon nap/pool time. I mean, we'll use the monorail or boat or something if we stay at DVC resorts with those options, but we will usually opt for driving over buses. Just easier, more flexible, can come and go when we like. At least if we're walking to the car it feels like progress, rather than twiddling our thumbs waiting for buses. We still take a (double) stroller, so if I'm gonna fold that, I might as well be putting it in the car rather than dealing with the bus. Maybe your kid has aged out of that, though.
I don't think we've done MNSSHP with the kids, so I'm not sure what that's like by car. I've not done car rental pickup/return at MCO so I don't know what that's like, but depending on the time of your flight, maybe driving gives you an option to hit a few other things (Disney Springs?) on your way over to the airport that you otherwise wouldn't.
Good luck with your decision!
We have 4yo and 7yo, and we always drive to WDW with them. We've stayed all over the place, including last spring break at Jambo. We bused over to AK, but drove to the other parks. Easy peasy. Parking at Jambo isn't too bad, though sometimes it's a bit of a hike to the car.
We typically rope drop, and go back to the hotel for an afternoon nap/pool time. I mean, we'll use the monorail or boat or something if we stay at DVC resorts with those options, but we will usually opt for driving over buses. Just easier, more flexible, can come and go when we like. At least if we're walking to the car it feels like progress, rather than twiddling our thumbs waiting for buses. We still take a (double) stroller, so if I'm gonna fold that, I might as well be putting it in the car rather than dealing with the bus. Maybe your kid has aged out of that, though.
I don't think we've done MNSSHP with the kids, so I'm not sure what that's like by car. I've not done car rental pickup/return at MCO so I don't know what that's like, but depending on the time of your flight, maybe driving gives you an option to hit a few other things (Disney Springs?) on your way over to the airport that you otherwise wouldn't.
Good luck with your decision!
That's good info! So the Jambo parking is a little bit of hike? Worse than walking to the bus or about the same. As you said I prefer moving rather than sitting still waiting even if the timing turns out the same.

And you don't drive to MK from AKV? I'm just thinking about how late it'll be when we get out of NSS even if we don't stay for the whole thing. We usually don't even keep our kid up for fireworks half the time so he'll be tired. I'm wondering if schlepping to the TTC is better than waiting for the bus back to AKV. That may be a question I should pose to the MNSSHP thread! I could always pony up for a MinnieVan but...yeesh they overcharge!

Also we do still do stroller but mostly just to make good time as I like to powerwalk as fast as possible to where we're going. Hate folding stroller into bus!

I'm wondering if there's anyone that can give me specifics about picking up and dropping off at MCO.
National with Emerald Aisle is where it's at at MCO. Super easy get in a car and drive to the exit where they check ID and drivers license. My family rents cars and has done so every time I've gone since I was 12. I had one trip in college with my boyfriend and we were too young to rent and I hated relying on the bus for everything. Now with my parents, husband and daughter I just love having a car to drive to whichever park isn't convenient (Animal Kingdom almost always and sometimes HS depending on what hotel we stay at). To me it's always worth it and since parking is free again, not an added expense.
It's a bit of a walk from the front door of Jambo over to the left to the bus. The parking lot is instead across the street from the front door/portico, so probably about the same to the bus as to the front of the lot. We usually just left the stroller in the car when we stayed at Jambo, unless we were headed to AK on the bus (and honestly, at that point might as well drive to AK instead of the bus, on some levels).

You can't really drive directly to MK, you have to park at the TTC and go from there, right? Might make sense to take the bus for MNSSHP-- that'd be kinda depressing that late at night to wait for boat/monorail to TTC and then still have to drive back to Jambo.
It's a bit of a walk from the front door of Jambo over to the left to the bus. The parking lot is instead across the street from the front door/portico, so probably about the same to the bus as to the front of the lot. We usually just left the stroller in the car when we stayed at Jambo, unless we were headed to AK on the bus (and honestly, at that point might as well drive to AK instead of the bus, on some levels).

You can't really drive directly to MK, you have to park at the TTC and go from there, right? Might make sense to take the bus for MNSSHP-- that'd be kinda depressing that late at night to wait for boat/monorail to TTC and then still have to drive back to Jambo.
We drove from NE to Orlando with a 4 year old and overall found driving/parking at WDW much easier with littles than without..with one exception…to/from MK. 👆 We did it for MNSSHP and it was just brutal. I would avoid if you could - the one time where bus is absolutely the preferred mode of transportation.
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National with Emerald Aisle is where it's at at MCO. Super easy get in a car and drive to the exit where they check ID and drivers license. My family rents cars and has done so every time I've gone since I was 12. I had one trip in college with my boyfriend and we were too young to rent and I hated relying on the bus for everything. Now with my parents, husband and daughter I just love having a car to drive to whichever park isn't convenient (Animal Kingdom almost always and sometimes HS depending on what hotel we stay at). To me it's always worth it and since parking is free again, not an added expense.
I seem to be getting the best rate for a larger SUV from Hertz President's Circle. Any experience with that? Are all of the grab and go elite status rental companies similar in where they are and how quickly you can get in the car and go? Also in all these years I never paid attention in how to get onto I4 and where to get off lol. I'm assuming a simple Waze on my phone will more than suffice?
It's a bit of a walk from the front door of Jambo over to the left to the bus. The parking lot is instead across the street from the front door/portico, so probably about the same to the bus as to the front of the lot. We usually just left the stroller in the car when we stayed at Jambo, unless we were headed to AK on the bus (and honestly, at that point might as well drive to AK instead of the bus, on some levels).

You can't really drive directly to MK, you have to park at the TTC and go from there, right? Might make sense to take the bus for MNSSHP-- that'd be kinda depressing that late at night to wait for boat/monorail to TTC and then still have to drive back to Jambo.
I hate the TTC when I have the Swan Dolphin busses drop me off I'm assuming parking would make me hate it even more since there's even more time spent getting to MK.
We drove from NE to Orlando with a 4 year old and overall found driving/parking at WDW much easier with littles than without..with one exception…to/from MK. 👆 We did it for MNSSHP and it was just brutal. I would absolutely avoid if you could - the one time where bus is absolutely the preferred mode of transportation.
I'm glad you told me that about MNSSHP with a small child. I wish I was staying at BLT instead of AKV but alas we only had enough points to squeeze out a value room and I'm lucky I even got that! Ok so if I rent this time you think it's best to use it as airport transportation only, but take the bus or maybe an overpriced miinie van back to save me the headache? And for epcot/HS from AK? Worth driving?
And parking IS free for us DVC right? I was just assuming but maybe I shouldn't be!
I seem to be getting the best rate for a larger SUV from Hertz President's Circle. Any experience with that? Are all of the grab and go elite status rental companies similar in where they are and how quickly you can get in the car and go? Also in all these years I never paid attention in how to get onto I4 and where to get off lol. I'm assuming a simple Waze on my phone will more than suffice?

I hate the TTC when I have the Swan Dolphin busses drop me off I'm assuming parking would make me hate it even more since there's even more time spent getting to MK.

I'm glad you told me that about MNSSHP with a small child. I wish I was staying at BLT instead of AKV but alas we only had enough points to squeeze out a value room and I'm lucky I even got that! Ok so if I rent this time you think it's best to use it as airport transportation only, but take the bus or maybe an overpriced miinie van back to save me the headache? And for epcot/HS from AK? Worth driving?
And parking IS free for us DVC right? I was just assuming but maybe I shouldn't be!

They do not charge anyone for resort parking. As a onsite guest you don’t pay at the parks.

I agree with others that parking at TTC for MK is not worth it. We stopped renting a car and when we don’t want to take the bus in the morning to AK, we use Lyft.
I think for this long weekend trip I'm considering the car mostly as an alternative to paying for a car service. I use the same guy and he charges a fantastic price for a car service....85 each way with a quick stop at Publix...but I'm getting prices for pick up and drop off that's much better than that especially considering the large tip I usually give the guy. I think the driving to the parks thing would just be gravy but it's seeming like it may not even be worth it over the busses.
They do not charge anyone for resort parking. As a onsite guest you don’t pay at the parks.

I agree with others that parking at TTC for MK is not worth it. We stopped renting a car and when we don’t want to take the bus in the morning to AK, we use Lyft.
meant to quote you above. I wish you could tell the people in charge that that would be an amazing feature to implement...going back and inserting quotes into old posts...I can't be the only one that forgets from thime to time!

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