Taking SOn out of school For disney

ds is going into Kindergarten and I was trying to plan a cruise last year. I called the school to see about going this year and they said at that age they didn't care how much he missed! is that crazy or what??? I don't mind a week but I'm sure later it will depend on his grades and the school... have fun they grow up so fast!!
We took our son out in kindergarten for a week and he was perfectly fine. It was the 3rd week of September so I felt he wasn't missing much. We're taking him out again this year the end of Sept to beginning of Oct, he'll be in 2nd grade. I feel at this age it won't be a big deal and they will be mostly doing a review of what was learned in 1st grade. He's an excellent student so I'm not worried in the least. I plan to let his teacher know as soon as I find out who his teacher is for next year! :sunny:

As he gets older I don't know, we may switch to a time when he will miss less days due to having a couple days off school. We'll have to see. But while they are young you should just go for it!!

nurseypoo5 said:
See this is where the fear for me sets in, i can see the school board making an example out of my child for missing 3 1/2 days. Part of me wants to lie and act dumb and pretend i thought fall break started the week we left instead of the next week (were going to be gone 2 weeks, 6.5 school days are off anyway, he will miss 3.5 days). I was just going act dumb, but now i guess not, i'll buck up and just nonchalantly tell the teacher...btw, Tyler will miss 3 days of school in Sept so i want to let you know in plenty of time, i'll have him write a report on his trip day by day, like a diary :).

Try not to give her to much of an option for argument, but still be nice as pie :)

THanks ya'll :)


I am sure that the 2 1/2 days (we're taking her out at 1 p.m. the Friday before b/c we're driving) that she'll be missing will unexecused. I don't really care one way or the other. As long as she is not penalized for it and can make up work then I am okay with it. DD goes to a small private school and her teacher for next year is a pastor's wife. She told me that she once took her children out of school for 10 days b/c they went to the Holy Land, as a family. She has never regretted it one bit. B/c of our jobs, there are only certain times of the year that we can get together and enjoy each other as a family. Who knows how many more days we have with our children and spouses and what would be the difference if my child is sick for 2 or 3 days? DD is in school every other day that the doors are open.
Goobergal99 said:
I am not sure what HS or college you went to, however we had make up tests in HS and if we knew in advance we wouldn't be there for a test in college, we were offered the opportunity to go to the professors class that was held on a seperate day or at another time.

As far as taking vacations during busy spring break times, that might be convenient for you, but I am a nurse, make excellent money, and my DH isn't doing to bad either and we couldn't afford to go to Disney and actually enjoy it at that time of the year so i can imagine the dillema for some of the other women/men on here.

I knew I would be flamed when I posted but I am sorry I think the comment that I quoted was selfish to boot. No one is going to dictate to me when I choose to take my child on vacation and If I was told by some 7th grade teacher with a power trip that she was refusing to allow my child a makeup test, I would be looking at other educational opportunities for my child.

Just my 2 cents :thumbsup2

I surely wasn't flaming you for your opinion about taking kids out to go to Disney, but saying someone else's view was selfish was uncalled for, IMO. I don't think she said that parents who take their kids out of school to go to Disney were selfish, did she? I just don't think putting a label on someone's character was necessary. You disagree, just say so and let it go without saying someone is selfish

I went to UNC-Chapel Hill and I am sure there were make-up exams for someone who was sick or out for a family emergency. However, I am pretty sure if a college student told their professor he needed to miss an exam to go to Disney, he would be laughed out of the professor's office. :teeth:

In college(and high school) I think the syllabus is usually very clear about when major tests are to be given. I would just work around the tests at that point, since you know at the beginning of the semester.

As I said, I am a teacher, and I am definitely not against taking a child out for a few days to go on a family vacation, wherever it may be. My son is going into seventh grade and we are going to Disney Labor Day Weekend. He will be out of school the Thursday before and we have holidays Friday and Monday. Even in 7th grade, our school has a syllabus, so we will be completing whatever is due on that Thursday(and probably Tuesday since we will be getting back late on Monday) BEFORE we leave.

We usually go to WDW in September, taking our DS out of school to do so. School has always been relatively easy for him, so catching up was never really an issue. We have always told the school the truth and the teachers have been supportive.
Last year he began third grade and we went to WDW in September and it was more of an problem. Third grade presents a lot more organizational challenges and independence is strongly stressed. We suspect he may have had an easier time readjusting to school if we had taken him out when he was more acclimated to school and had the routines down. So, this year we are going in December. That being said, I think it's probably fine to take your son out if he's generally comfortable with school and you tell the teacher the truth about where you are going. Have a great time! :wave:
torinsmom said:
I surely wasn't flaming you for your opinion about taking kids out to go to Disney, but saying someone else's view was selfish was uncalled for, IMO. I don't think she said that parents who take their kids out of school to go to Disney were selfish, did she? I just don't think putting a label on someone's character was necessary. You disagree, just say so and let it go without saying someone is selfish

I went to UNC-Chapel Hill and I am sure there were make-up exams for someone who was sick or out for a family emergency. However, I am pretty sure if a college student told their professor he needed to miss an exam to go to Disney, he would be laughed out of the professor's office. :teeth:

In college(and high school) I think the syllabus is usually very clear about when major tests are to be given. I would just work around the tests at that point, since you know at the beginning of the semester.

As I said, I am a teacher, and I am definitely not against taking a child out for a few days to go on a family vacation, wherever it may be. My son is going into seventh grade and we are going to Disney Labor Day Weekend. He will be out of school the Thursday before and we have holidays Friday and Monday. Even in 7th grade, our school has a syllabus, so we will be completing whatever is due on that Thursday(and probably Tuesday since we will be getting back late on Monday) BEFORE we leave.


No hard feelings honestly :sunny: , I just think her post was very harsh and I responded although I understand your defense. I just think it is a lil ecentric to not offer a makeup test to a 7th grader and I think someone after me agreed as well
I wouldn't worry about it. It's the only time you can go, then go when you can.

I would let the school know beforehand.

It will be hard to transition to school mode after being off and then having just come home from WDW.

I would go!! Life is too short!!
We have NO problem letting our kids miss a bit of school in order to take our family holidays!! Granted, the older they get, the more impact, but as long as they are doing well with their courses, we see no problem with it - especially for WDW, where crowd level (always at its worst :crowded: DURING any school break) is a HUGE factor on the enjoyment of the trip!
LBelle said:
We have NO problem letting our kids miss a bit of school in order to take our family holidays!! Granted, the older they get, the more impact, but as long as they are doing well with their courses, we see no problem with it - especially for WDW, where crowd level (always at its worst :crowded: DURING any school break) is a HUGE factor on the enjoyment of the trip!
I will take mine out for a few days too. We would really like to go when it is not a big crowd time of the year so they have a better time.btw? is LBelle your name? My mother's maiden name was LaBelle and I always loved it.
nurseypoo5 said:
Seriously, has anyone ever been given a really hard time?

I'm so sorry you are going through this nursey! My DD(8)'s teacher was very encouraging when I told her we were going to WDW for a week. We planned it so that she would be gone 3 days one weej and two the next, so I think that helped! ((((((Nursey)))))))
It's kind of difficult when you also work for a school system but I have already told my boss that I WILL have the flu the week of Dec. 10 - 15 :p LOL..by the way, she has given me her blessing to go and enjoy. On a serious side now I learned a GREAT lesson four years ago as I watched my dad take his last breath.....LIFE IS TOO SHORT !!!!!!!!!!!!! I say go and enjoy !!!!!!!!!! I plan on taking my DD (upcoming 9th grader and flag corp member which means every Friday night football games until October) and DD (upcoming 4th grader) out the week before exams. I figure by that time they should know what they'll need for exams. What better way to study for exams other than a 10 hour drive (one way). We'll return for two days before they have to take the actual exam so I think they'll be fine.
thedears said:
It's kind of difficult when you also work for a school system but I have already told my boss that I WILL have the flu the week of Dec. 10 - 15 :p LOL..by the way, she has given me her blessing to go and enjoy. On a serious side now I learned a GREAT lesson four years ago as I watched my dad take his last breath.....LIFE IS TOO SHORT !!!!!!!!!!!!! I say go and enjoy !!!!!!!!!! I plan on taking my DD (upcoming 9th grader and flag corp member which means every Friday night football games until October) and DD (upcoming 4th grader) out the week before exams. I figure by that time they should know what they'll need for exams. What better way to study for exams other than a 10 hour drive (one way). We'll return for two days before they have to take the actual exam so I think they'll be fine.

You are the lucky one! I'm a teacher too and our admin has to give special approval to any leave request over 2 days! Some people just get around it by being "sick" but then I know my son would come back talking about our trip! LOL So for now, a long Labor Day weekend trip is what we have to do.

We took our two oldest out of elementary school a few years ago, and the prinicipal found us at a school function to discuss our "decision". We stuck to our guns, and told him that missing a week of school was not going to seriously impact their long term education. He finally said "I guess it's not the worst thing that ever happened". Guess what! Our two younger kids are in the school this year and we will be taking them out in October. :wave2: See ya! :teacher: The teachers were much more understanding, and even gave us their work beforehand. I guess the school gets paid for each student that attends each day or something. My philsophy is life is short, live it! :flower:
babynurse1 said:
I guess the school gets paid for each student that attends each day or something. My philsophy is life is short, live it! :flower:

How I have been told it works is that the school is paid for the average number of children that attend school during the first 45 days of the school year. This number sets funding for the ENTIRE year. So, if there was an average attendance of 200 those first 45 days, but we actually had 225 kids attending our school that year, we would only get the funds for the 200.

And if a child withdraws and transfers to another school after that 45 days, THAT school gets no funds for that child. One of our directors used to say for us to be extra nice to the parents those first 45 days, but after that, if they were making our lives extra hard, we could "get real" with them. LOL

I don't think the funding matters so much to public schools, but our school is a charter school, and every little bit of money counts. We have to pay for our facilities, utilities, etc. whereas public schools do not.

We (DGF and I) will be taking our 5 DD's to WDW in January. They will miss the 1st 2 days of second semester.....no big deal. One of DGF girls will be starting JR High in August so we opted to go after she has settled in. No free meal plan for us.
Just tossing my .02 into the pot of those who pull 'em! I simply won't go during the crowds of summer or holiday weeks. This Sept. when we go my oldest will be in 4th grade, and middle son in 1st. I probably wouldn't do this every year, but we don't get to go to Disney every year and this is our "big" trip we've been planning.

Go and have a wonderful time! :goodvibes
Go and have fun. Who cares if they miss a few days of school. I pulled my kids out of school for a few extra days last year prior to Spring Break.

We invited my mother to go to Disney with us and had a wonderful 9 days with her. She was in excellent health, age 59 and died from a burst brain aneurysm 1 month after the Disney vacation.

It made me realize how grateful I was about pulling the kids out from school for that extra few days, it was the last time they saw her. I agonized over the decision to pull them out of school. I used to make school a top priority, now it comes second, after family.

I know that education is important, but trust me, there is nothing more important than spending time with your family, whether it's at Disney or elsewhere.

Unless your child is having a difficult time in school, a few missed assignments mean absolutely nothing in the entire scheme of life!

So go, pull the kids out of school, don't feel the least bit guilty about it. Have an awesome vacation and savor each moment of the time you get to spend together in such a special place. :love:
Mickeygotmymoney said:
First off this opinion is a little one sided as it comes from a former teacher.

I do completely understand the financial implications of travel and the incredible experiences that Disney provides. However, please be aware that the first few months of first grade are critical for kids to get adjusted to the school routine and process.

With those things in mind, please be up front with your child's teacher. Let them know and see if they are willing to put together work, or some books to read. Secondly, take advantage of the things you are doing at Disney. It is a great place for experiential learning. Perhaps help your child to write a journal of if he is not ready for that have him draw pictures and dictate sentances to you. This is a great keep sake and it shows the teacher your committment to his learning.

See how he does returning to school after the trip. Remember it may be hard for him to get back into the school routine. (this is normal for kids of this age). Try your best to communicate with the teacher before and after.

Hope this helps.

This is one of the smartest and level-headed posts that I have ever read on this topic.

nurseypoo5 said:
I try to feel bad about what i'm doing, but i'm to excited to feel really bad.

Were lucky in Keller TX, we start school the beginning of the second week in august, but get 1 week plus the friday before off from school in October. That being said, free dining is over by then...soooooo...We are taking our 4th grader out of school Mon, Tues, WEds and half a day Thursday (they only go half a day on that thursday, but ofcourse will be counted as whole day)...were spending his real vacation at the beach...so basically 9 days at disney and 7 at siesta key.

We just financially couldnt let free dining slip thru our fingers for 3 1/2 days of missed school. If my son can keep his mouth shut (ugh) we'll just quietly no show to school...I'm not above fibbing..i can hear me know...OMG I THOUGHT VACATION STARTED LAST WEEK! (ok so i'll have to say a few extra hail marys lol)

My sis is a teacher and has been for 30 yrs. She was teacher of the year for the entire state of TX once. However, she feels its a great idea to rip him out of school (esp a week thats cut short and all kids arent concentrating cuz of the impending vacation) she says that since he's never been, its a once in a life time oppurtunity to be with the family (his sis is 22, probably the last "kid" vacation she'll do with us). All in all in the whole scheme of things...20 yrs from now he will remmeber this vacation but wont remember he missed 3 lousy days of school.

We'll just have to be really diligent he doesnt miss any more that year.

Hugs to all! and dont worry (however, if you can get your kid to keep it a secret, some schools can get truant officers involved if they know your just planning to skip out...i know in plano once they threatened a mom with a huge fine and ticketing if she took her kid out for a disney trip...i think it was for the whole week...but my son HAS TO KEEP HIS LIP ZIPPED :)

Man if you are going to do this, just tell the truth. Not only does it set a bad example for your child but it put lots of pressure on him to not let it slip to his friends at school.
Susieab said:
We haven't done that yet but plan to. Our kids will be in Kindergarten and 1st grade fro the 2006-2007 school year. We have reservations and plane tickets already and will miss a week of school just prior to Christmas. I haven't mentioned it to the school yet but our kids are good and don't miss much school usually so they will just have to deal with it. :cool1: Really I think as long as you make up homework, schoolwork, etc. it is not a big deal.

Good luck and have fun.

::yes:: I agree.


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