Susan's Quest for Good Health After a Celiac Diagnosis (comments greatly appreciated)

:hug: Susan,

I am so proud of you!!! Your trip report had me bawling. Not a good thing at work.;) I think you are an inspiration. You so easily could have not walked the 5k. You had every excuse, but yu did it, and you finished. I hope you have the medal prominately displayed where you can look at it when you need to remind yourself of your accomplishments.:worship: :worship: Give Larry a hug for me, he is a great guy.

I am glad to hear that things are settling down at work. I think you should at least check out the Florida thing. That way there are no regrets. In the mean time, enjoy the slightly slower pace at work.

You amaze me girl.

Take care,

BTW, email Animal Kingdom for the recipe of the pancakes. They will send it to you.
Great job!!!!!!!!!!I am so proud of you for stcking to your guns and seeing this through.What a great family experience as well.

You and Larry seem to have definately found your soul mates.

Thank you for your support in my journal,YOU are an inspiration to me!

Have a great weekend,
Hi, everybody. Thanks very much for all the kind words! Just wanted to stop in really quickly for a little update.

We had a sad weekend last week. Tara had to have her dog put to sleep on Saturday. He had been ill with cancer for some time, but he was doing so well that we totally didn't expect him to get so sick so fast early Saturday morning. Since she works at a vet hospital, she took him in and the vet said that his system was shutting down. So she held him while they euthanized him, and Larry and I were there, too, facing this horribly sad event together as we had already decided we wanted to do. I truly thought my distress would be because of Tara's grief, and to some degree it is, but I find I am also missing the little guy myself. You see, I am not an animal person. I did not grow up with animals and was not at all comfortable around them until after my marriage. I would never want any harm to come to them, of course, but I just wasn't someone who needed pets to be happy. However, I married an animal lover and gave birth to one, so I am hugely outnumbered. Over the years, we have gone from having one dog outside to two dogs outside to one dog inside to one dog and one cat inside (do you see where this is going??) - yes, that's right, over all my protests we now have multiple dogs and cats in our house and I have pretty much become accustomed to them (I don't really have a choice). Benji was Tara's dog, though, through and through (he looked just like Benji in the movies, hence his name) - he was abused and abandoned when she got him and he stayed by her side every single possible minute for the nine years he was with us because he knew she loved him and would take good care of him. He spent a lot of time with her while she home-schooled and was generally her shadow, so it has been very difficult for her to let him go even though she knows it was the right thing to do. I admit to doing a lot of emotional eating last weekend - I know that's not healthy, but I just couldn't seem to help myself. I have been better through the week, though, so here's hoping I manage to exercise some self-control over the holiday weekend!

I am tentatively looking at opportunities in the central Florida area now - still nothing set in stone, by any means, but Larry says we shouldn't dismiss the idea until we scout out what we could actually be offered there salary wise. Still not sure how we would work out having to sell the house with getting the employment, but I think I'll take it one step at a time and see. When Benji died, Larry's first suggestion (later that day) for how to cheer Tara up was "Let's go to DisneyWorld!":rolleyes: I think he's insane - we just got back from DisneyWorld - but he says that Tara didn't get to go, and it would do her good to spend a weekend in our laughing place. He's probably right, so I may take a half-day off on a Friday in mid-June so we can jet down there for a quick WDW fix. I am now trying to decide if I should take Friday afternoon and go visit the placement service(s) I have contacted there. So far, the only one that seems promising is in Tampa. They have invited me to come in for an interview and software testing when I am in the area. Larry says it's up to me - Tara says yes, by all means. I haven't decided yet. I'll let you know!

Well, that's about it for now. Hope you guys have a great day!

:hug: Susan,

I'm sorry to hear about Tara's dog. :( I'm sending some prayers for your family.:grouphug:

I hope things work out for your move to central Florida.:goodvibes One of these days, my DH and I want to do the same thing. We feel more at home in Florida than we do in Ohio. :cloud9: If you need some information about Tampa or the St. Pete areas, please let me know. We have a ton of family members that live in those areas.

I hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend ahead!:hug:
I'm just checking in, now that I'm catching up with all the WISH goings-on.

I'm so sorry to hear about Benji. It's small consolation that euthanizing him was the kindest thing Tara could do, but I hope it helps you all a little while you grieve. I know I would be heartbroken to have to do so with my cats, even though I fall more on your side of the pet-lovers' line. (Raised in a rural area, where cats were mousers and expendable.) So your description of Benji and his role in Tara's life, and your reaction to his passing, really spoke to me. I hope you all can get away for a little magic sometime, to celebrate good memories and to make new ones. :grouphug:

On lighter notes, I wanted to say that your earlier post about your marriage sounds like the definition of partnership in the best sense of the term. You've grown together, and your marriage sounds mature and with the kind of connectedness most of us hope for in our relationships.

And I look forward to reading about your adventures in seeking new, Central FL horizons. It may not be Disney--and count me among the people who weren't surprised that Disney was very silent about the pay scale--but it would be cool if you could move to an area that fits with your family's values and personality. I know I don't "know you" know you, but you all seem like you'd do very well in a place that was laid back and easy going. (And FWIW, even though I don't know you, I like you--but I don't "like you" like you. I save that for DOOD. :rotfl: )
I am now trying to decide if I should take Friday afternoon and go visit the placement service(s) I have contacted there. So far, the only one that seems promising is in Tampa. They have invited me to come in for an interview and software testing when I am in the area. Larry says it's up to me - Tara says yes, by all means. I haven't decided yet. I'll let you know!

Duh...YES!!! Do it! You do realize I would come to visit you more if you were in FL right? lol!!! :lmao:

So sorry to hear about Tara's dog. I feel the same way about animals as you, but it still is a sad situation!

I hope things have definately calmed down for you at work now.

Are you able to get any walking in? I've been lazy since we got back. I'm back on track next week though... Got to lose some lbs!

Hope you guys have a good weekend! Enjoy your day off on Monday!!!

Hi Susan,

Sent you a PM earlier today....Please let me know if you have anymore questions!:goodvibes

Have a great weekend!:hug:
Hey, everybody. Hope you guys had a great Memorial Day weekend. I didn't do squat - just hung around the house. I take it back, we did go to see National Treasure 2 at the $2 movie Saturday evening and we all thought it was great. I hated the cliffhanger, though - I hope they make a National Treasure 3 so I get to see what's on page 47 of the presidents' secret book!

Okay, so here's the deal with the potential Florida move. Larry and I talked it out this weekend and we decided that the smart thing to do is ready our house to be put on the real estate market (which will take quite a bit of time) and work on paying down our debt at the same time. It makes no sense to try to find jobs now, knowing that we can't go to Florida until our house sells and we can't sell our house until we do the repairs it needs (not to mention that the real estate market stinks right now). So we are going to approach this long-term. All three of us are more than ready to move out of the Atlanta area - now - but we are also realistic enough to see that jumping off and moving without the right preparation would be foolish and short-sighted, at best. So we are projecting that we will need about two years (give or take) to get our house in good shape and get out of the majority of the debt we are carrying. We are pretty sure that we will have to live on less money in Florida, so we can't get there without paying off our extra debt. We wanted to do that anyway, but we are going to concentrate on finding ways to bring in some extra money that will go in what I have dubbed the "Florida fund" and will be used exclusively for home repairs and debt reduction. Then when we are in a better financial place and our house is all repaired and spiffed up, we will put it on the market and hope that houses are moving somewhat better by then. Tracy was kind enough to impart some of her e-bay expertise to me, and we think we may give that a try to see how it goes. Larry and I are also considering how else we can bring in extra income and we have a couple of ideas - we'll see how they pan out! So no sudden moves to Florida any time soon (sorry, Stacie), but this is something we will all definitely be working towards steadily over the next couple of years.

Haven't done any significant walking since I got home from WDW. Waiting for the month to end so Larry can walk with me, and in truth just wanted a break for a little while. So it looks like next Monday is the beginning of our new exercise routine. It means I have to get up at 5:00 a.m. again (yuck!!), but at least I will have extra time with him so that will make up for the super early wake-up time.

Thanks to all of you who have had such kind words about my husband and our relationship. He is a great guy, and I love him to pieces, but I just want to note here that we do not lead a charmed existence or anything - we each have our faults and sometimes we get on each others' nerves BIG TIME, but we are in it for the long haul (after 24 years, I guess that's obvious) and I don't think either of us can imagine what it would be like to go through each day without the other. One thing that works in our favor is that we tend to complement each other very well. He is quick tempered - I am laid back and easy going (most of the time, anyway!!). He is a terrible money manager - I am pretty good at it. I tend to plan things down to the last detail (which can be a pain in the butt sometimes) - he is more of a "let's wing it" type of person. I have trouble with anxiety - I worry endlessly about the people I love - and he is of the mindset that worry never fixed anything and that most of what people worry about doesn't happen (and even if it does, worrying about it didn't prevent it). Unfortunately, we both tend to procrastinate on things we don't want to do, so we don't really help each other out there, but you see what I mean. I think our biggest strength is that we support each other in everything, no matter what, and that's getting to be pretty rare these days.

Okay, enough about that. The other news of note is that we also discussed our 25th anniversary plans for next year and decided that, even though we'd love to go to California and check out Disneyland, we don't think it will be financially feasible. We don't have enough DVC points to cover it, and we don't think we'll have the money available to pay for the airline tickets (no telling how high gas will be by then) and the other expenses for the trip, so we decided to do something different. We are going to take a 4-night Bahamian Disney cruise and then spend three days at WDW as our week-long celebration. There's no way we can do a cruise without taking Tara (none of us have ever been on one, so it's all going to be brand new to us), but she says she will get her own cabin since it's an anniversary trip (I guess she thinks it will be too difficult for us to control ourselves while she's in the stateroom with us :lmao:) - anyway, we will have enough points for that and not break the bank to take the trip, so that's the plan for now.

That's about it for me for today. Hope you guys have a great Tuesday!


P.S. Debra, I like you, too - thanks for the warm fuzzies!!! Actually, everyone who is so supportive of me in my journal is special to me. I hope one day to meet each of you in person and give you a real hug, not just a cyber one!!
Hello Susan!

I just wanted to say that it looks like you have things so well thought out and solidly planned...I think it is all realistic and your approach just seems to be really smart. I do hope it all works out for you and in a couple of years, Amy and I can come down to visit you in sunny Florida :goodvibes:

You guys have a great relationship and I'm happy that you'll be able to spend your 25th in such awesome fashion!! I've never cruised and would love to someday, it just sounds like a perfect thing to do!

Good luck next week with restarting the exercise. I bet with the time off you will feel pretty strong...crossing my fingers that it goes well for you guys :)

Have a good day
Hi Susan,

It sounds like you guys have done some serious planning! :thumbsup2 Great job!!!:goodvibes I hope it all works out for you.:hug:

Have a great day and a wonderful week ahead!:hug:
Yay for a relaxing weekend! I liked NT2, but I thought the first one was better... I do hope they come out w/ a third though. I like those types of movies!

A cruise!!! Yippee! How fun!!! I think that sounds awesome! I know you guys will have a blast!!!

I think your plan for planning sounds great! :goodvibes How cool that maybe in a few years you'll be moving to FL. Sounds great to me!

We'll both start next week getting up earlier to exercise. That hasn't gone to well for me either... But I think it will be knowing that while you are walking, I'll be doing the same or either my pilates! I think that will definately help get me out of bed!

Hope you guys have a good weekend!
Just a quick check-in from me.

Exercise is not working out this week. My stomach is continuing to give me problems - I still haven't managed to get the supplements from my doc. I know, I know, I need to get on the ball. It's just that they are $$$ and that's always hard to come up with, especially when all our other bills are rocketing skyward faster than a speeding bullet!! But I will get there - until then, I'm just trying to go with the flow on this stomach issue. Larry is still working like a crazy person, this time to get ahead on the month so that when we do the R&R Disney weekend (for TARA, you understand, not him!!!), he won't get behind. So we are shooting for starting the walking again this weekend - time will tell how that works out! I'm not giving up, though - I want to keep moving!!!

This WDW weekend we're doing will be as inexpensive as I can make it - turkey leg and Diet Coke dinners instead of sit downs this time, for sure - but it will be fun anyway. Our biggest out-of-pocket expense will be gas, but hopefully we can keep the rest of our expenditure down to a small amount. I think we all need some Florida time, even though Larry and I were just there - we love the place so much, it's ridiculous! That's why we need to live there.::yes::

Speaking of that, I'm working on trying to set up my home computer so I can do some freelance transcription at home to bring in some extra cash. Takes a lot of time to get the proper software and Microsoft updates, but hopefully I will be finished with it by this weekend. Wish me luck!

One more thing - Tara got a new dog! I knew she wouldn't go long without one. She is an Eskimo/chow mix that we rescued and she is adorable! When I get some pictures, I'll share!

That's about it from here - hope everybody has a great day!

Checking in after a long weekend of moving from one apartment to another (nothing quite so exciting as your long-term plans to prep your house for a move to Florida). And I wanted to see how you're doing. I'm sorry to hear about your tummy troubles. (Get those supplements, though.)

If you're like me, and I know you are, I say the trip to Disney is just the thing to keep you focused on your walking. Even if it's on the cheap. Heck, sometimes especially then, right? And I'm sure Tara needs the trip as much as you do.

Speaking of Tara, awwww for the new dog. I'm so happy for her, and it's all the more special because she's a rescue dog. Both my cats are rescues, and I love them to pieces. (Okay, not this week--as they're all upset about the move and being pests. But normally....) Anyway, I can hardly wait to see the pics!
Hi Susan,
Good luck on the freelance work that would be great working from home-no gas mileage there!

Have fun on your WDW trip, I wish my DH was as nuts about the place as me.

Hey nothing wrong with a diet coke and a turkey leg,wish it was my dinner tonight ;)

Have a great day,
Yay for more work! No, not yay for work, Yay for the extra income!

Yay for WDW!!!!

Yay for the new dog!!!

Hope your tummy trouble clear up soon. I'm starting C25K on Monday. I'll get up and workout if you do... :goodvibes

Hey there! Just checking in to see how you are doing. I know you were hoping to maybe start your walking on Monday so I'm crossing my fingers for you! Hope you guys are able to get back out there. How is the tummy? Are those issues any better yet?

Take care!
Hi, guys. Sorry it has been so long between posts. It seems just when I think I will be able to spend more time here, keeping my journal updated and checking in with all of you, life takes over and it doesn't work out. I'm trying to get here, but it's difficult some days!

I now have another attorney to support, so I am up to four people which is doable for now. My supervisor says if it gets oppressively busy again, to let her know and they will re-work it. It seems to me, though, that they are determined to keep the number of people I work for above three, so I'll probably just go with it and do the best I can. So far it's working out okay, so I'm hoping it will continue to be fine.

We did in fact do the quick WDW weekend last weekend. We had a good time and talked to a few CM's about working for the Mouse and living in Central Florida. Quick highlights:

The new Toy Story mania ride is a lot of fun and very different from anything I have ridden before. Larry liked it so much he got right back in line to ride a second time! This will probably turn into a must-do for us.

Crowds were a little on the heavy side, but they were manageable. It was really hot - we have decided that if we do make this Florida move happen, we will have to embrace sweating! We made sure we always had water and drank it steadily through the day, so we did okay with the heat.

Spent Saturday afternoon riding around the Lakeland/Polk County area. In doing the internet research, it appears this is one of the more affordable areas to live that is within easy driving distance of WDW. We liked the look of it and got some material to bring home that will help us look more seriously when the time comes.

The two negatives of the trip:

I had taken gluten-free frozen waffles for Tara and myself to have for breakfast each morning. Larry packed our toaster to make them with - problem is he packed the wrong one! We have one for him that we use to toast regular bread and one for Tara and I to toast gluten-free bread and waffles. They both look the same, and in his hurry to get everything packed, he grabbed the wrong one! Not realizing this, I made our waffles Saturday morning and by Saturday afternoon Tara and I were SICK!!! Actually, I was worse off than she was for whatever reason. Fortunately, we were in the car so Larry would stop when I would have to use the bathroom and stopped to get me something to drink to try to help the nausea. We couldn't figure out what was going on, because we had only had our meals at WDW and we knew they were safe, but I kept saying "This feels like gluten. How could I have gotten ahold of gluten?" Although we had planned to go back out to a park on Saturday night, I wasn't up to it (was pretty much chained to the bathroom) so Larry stayed with me while Tara (who had only had a couple of bathroom incidents that afternoon and was feeling okay by then) went to Downtown Disney to shop. The next morning, he came in the kitchen where I was JUST ABOUT to put more waffles in the toaster and said "I woke up this morning and realized something. I think I might have packed the wrong toaster - which one is yours?" When I told him which counter ours was on at home, he said "I packed the wrong toaster!!! Oh, I am SO SORRY." He felt so bad, but it was an easy mistake to make since they both look alike and he was in a hurry. Fortunately, I was then able to put the waffles in the microwave to heat up and eat them that way, thereby saving making us sick again. So we lost part of our Saturday, but we were glad to figure out what the issue was and now hopefully it won't happen again.

The other negative of the trip was - we had to come back to Atlanta. This is going to sound terribly dramatic, I know, but NONE OF US wanted to come back. We stayed so long on Sunday that we didn't get home until almost 1:00 a.m. Monday morning (and I had to get up to go to work a few short hours later)!! We just couldn't tear ourselves away. I cried when we left, that's how hard it was to come back here. We talked to some CM's who were more than happy to share information about how they work for Disney and make ends meet. One bus driver said his whole family works for WDW - he and his wife are bus drivers and their two daughters are housekeepers. He told us where he lives (Polk City) and a little bit about how they manage the financial aspect of things. It was interesting talking to him and gave me hope that we might really be able to do this without me having to work at a job that I just don't like anymore. The three of us talked about the possibilities for most of the trip - I think that's why it was so hard to come back to our daily routine when all of us would rather be somewhere else.

Once we got home and had some time, we sat down with a spreadsheet I created and looked at our debt load. It was staggering - I was shocked at home much debt we are carrying. No wonder I am so stressed out all the time! So now we have to make concrete plans to bring in more money to pay it off - there's no other way we can make it in Florida. We are estimating it will take about two years, and those will be a hard two years. It will require working A LOT for both of us and not having as much time to be together or engage in any recreation other than the trips we already have planned and put in place. We made a pact not to eat out - at all - which will be difficult because it is hard to come home and cook every night after I have worked all day. But over time, it will save us some money, and everything we save will put us that much closer to where we want to be, so I'm willing to make the sacrifice of cooking every night (and Larry and Tara are willing to eat what I make, even when they would rather have their favorite dish from a local restaurant). The only exception we have planned will be when the Pizza Fusion restaurant opens in Midtown Atlanta this summer. They will offer gluten and dairy-free pizza and I want to try it, so that we will do. Otherwise, eating out is off limits unless I am too sick to cook or we are away from home.

So, that brings me to my exercise efforts. It's not happening, folks. I know it should be, but it's not. When I get home at night, I make dinner and clean up, then I am up late into the night trying to get this freelance transcription thing off the ground, and I sleep until the last possible minute in the mornings to try to make up for going to bed so late. I don't see that changing, since it's the only way I know of to accomplish what we want to accomplish with getting rid of our debt. So the only thing I can think of to do is to see if the people I support at work will agree to let me take a longer lunch hour. I get in a little before 8:00 a.m. on the van each morning, which isn't long enough to exercise before starting work at 8:30. But if they would let me have an extra half hour at lunch (since I am here a half hour early), I could go down to the gym and walk on the treadmill, take a quick shower and gulp down lunch. Of course, I wouldn't do this if the workload was too heavy, but I think I am going to propose the idea for the days when things are rocking along normally and see what they say. Hey, nothing ventured nothing gained, right?

Last night, we were discussing the financial stuff and Tara volunteered to see if she can get some odd jobs, like petsitting or dog walking, to make extra money to contribute to the "Florida fund." I told her that I am okay with her doing that if she puts the money into the repairs on the house (since she lives in it, too), but I don't want her working to pay down our debt. We made the debts, not her, and I don't think it's right for her to be working to pay them off. She said she understood where I am coming from, but that she and Larry can tell when I come home from work each day how unhappy I have become here and they would do anything to change that. Made me cry buckets, because it's true - I am unhappy here. That's the only reason I'm willing to work like a mad woman for the next two years to change the situation - I want to go somewhere that allows me to work doing something I love instead of dreading getting up each morning and going to an office where I don't want to be. Right now, I feel trapped by our financial obligations and it absolutely stinks. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, though - I just have to keep going until I get there!

Well, that's enough of what's going on in my world for today. I will try to catch up with each of you as soon as I can. Thanks for staying with me this long - I hope you each have a great day!

:hug: Susan,

Let me start off by saying that I totally understand what you are saying. :hug: Leaving Florida is so hard for my family too. We truly feel like it is home to us.::yes:: I will be praying for you and your family that you will be able to make that move to Florida!:goodvibes

My DH has a side business that he does from home. If you're interested in hearing about it, please feel free to send me a PM and I will forward some information to you. He doesn't make enough to replace his income (yet), but he does work in his spare time and can earn an extra few bucks a month.

I'm sorry to hear about the toaster mix up in Florida. I hope both you and Tara are feeling much better now!:goodvibes

In terms of exercise, I know what you mean about the time crunch. Would it be easier to get a couple of walks in during the weekend? Maybe you could make them family walks where you plan and talk about your move to Florida.:thumbsup2

Keep on keeping Susan.:hug: Everything will work out!:thumbsup2 I know you CAN do it!:cheer2:

I'm so glad that you had a good time at Disney, the toaster mishap and the return notwithstanding. It's such a happy place, isn't it? On every trip I find myself getting unbelievably sad the night before I have to leave. It's like the end of my birthday and Christmas both. So I can empathize, on a small scale, with what you're feeling.

Again, you, Larry and Tara are incredible people and supportive of one another! :hug: :love: And your plans to relocate to FL, and the work you're willing to do to make that dream a reality, just make your relationship all that more special. You should know I'll be following your saga closely, living more than a little vicariously through you.

As for the exercise, man, I hate to say it. But I think you need to make your walking/exercise a priority. I know, I know, the freelance business is important for the mental health--you need to be making progress on that front so you can relocate sooner than later. But I'm also a big believer that walking will help you balance the stress you're under, as well as benefit your physical health. I never thought my mind-body-emotions were that intertwined until the past few years or so. But they are for me--I'm able to handle the curve balls life throws at me much better now.

That said, I think your plan for asking for an extra half-hour at lunch is about perfect. I know your job contributes something to your stress level, and so this seems to me to be a good solution. And I'm sure your employers want you happy and healthy, if for no other reason than it benefits their bottom line.

I also love the idea of family-planning walks on the weekend. That might be fun! And I think you need to find ways to make your time in Atlanta fun. It kind of breaks my heart a little to think you're unhappy. You deserve so much more!


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