Superthread for Disneyland Resort Closure and Reopening, 3/14/20 - 7/17/20: Please Post All Relevant Questions and Information Here!

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Premier Pass Holders ---- Not sure if anyone has called and asked this question...

I have a Premier Pass (the AP for both DL and WDW). If the parks open on different schedules (which seems highly likely), do we know when the calendar will restart? My pass should have expired 3/28, so I should have about 2 weeks left on it. So will the clock for the extra days start from the date WDW opens or DL? As a DL local, I would prefer DL as I would actually have a chance to use those days whereas for WDW, my only possible plans there are for September and I am thinking of cancelling anyway.

It is ok if no one has asked. I can probably try to find time to call soon.
Please report back on what you find out!
Non-speculative hotel capacity and park capacity is not on topic? I've definitely discussed the latter before.
Key words in your post: Non-speculative! If the topic relates to a specific post here which is on topic, then fine. If it just appears randomly off topic, then not fine. If it is just preaching to hog the thread, not fine. If it relates to speculating about how Disney will open the parks and run the hotels in future, not fine. If it latches on to another off topic post and continues to drag the thread further off topic, not fine. Wash, rinse, repeat,
I'm just stating numerical facts about the park :rolleyes1
It would help this thread if you gave some context -- even just s sentence or two -- about how those numerical facts relate to the the DLR Closure and the current situation. Please.

well that was my illustration, that even filling the hotels to official maximum capacity still results in <15% utilization of the official/unofficial park capacity.
ETA: If you can repost your numbers with this explanation, that would help a lot. Thanks.
If you find the link, can you post it here?
Found it! I put an excerpt from the article.


During Phase 2, counties can choose to relax stricter local orders at their own pace, according to Angell. State orders will still need to be followed but localities can either loosen or tighten restrictions, as needed.

More regional variations could be supported following Phase 2, once a statewide COVID-19 surveillance system has been made possible through testing, according to Angell. The state will consult and collaborate with local governments.
Found it! I put an excerpt from the article.


During Phase 2, counties can choose to relax stricter local orders at their own pace, according to Angell. State orders will still need to be followed but localities can either loosen or tighten restrictions, as needed.

More regional variations could be supported following Phase 2, once a statewide COVID-19 surveillance system has been made possible through testing, according to Angell. The state will consult and collaborate with local governments.
Thank you!
Posting this relevant post from Webmaster Kathy for a second time. Please take the time to read through it and think it over. We're having some issues here in this thread with tempers flaring, nuisance reporting ("Get off my lawn!" & "Teacher! He touched me!"), and stress taking over. Please use the Report button carefully. Don't be afraid to use the Ignore button. And walk away from the Boards at any time if you need to take a break -- nothing wrong with that! Anger, Spite, and Retaliation are not how we are going to get through this crisis. We can help each other, encourage each other, and keep each other going -- no matter how hard things get.
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The reason we had to make politics a “no go” topic years ago is because PEOPLE WERE ATTACKING AND ARGUING. So do not do that, okay? As a team, we get accused of protecting liberal views, conservative views, any views that do not align with a specific poster’s views. The truth is that we are a collection of people with political views all over the spectrum. Just like the membership here. Share your ideas respectfully and we’ll all get through this still being friends.

And if you find your blood pressure rising and temptations to respond harshly to others here or to report LOTS of posts because you do not agree with them, take a break. Turn off the computer. Go sit out in the sunshine and listen to some happy music. Unplug for a while.
For anyone interested I received my refund from my families Canadian Resident Tickets today on my credit card. Called in on Saturday or Sunday (don’t remember exactly which day). Good luck if you need refunds :)

This is great news! I've seen posts here that they weren't giving out any refunds (at least until the parks reopened).

Was there something special you said to get the refund, I bought 3 Canadian hoppers and was going to try for a refund once they started refunding upon request. So i just want to make sure they didn't refund you as a "special favor" before i wait on the phone for two hours.

Also what # did you call and which phone option did you select?
Found it! I put an excerpt from the article.


During Phase 2, counties can choose to relax stricter local orders at their own pace, according to Angell. State orders will still need to be followed but localities can either loosen or tighten restrictions, as needed.

More regional variations could be supported following Phase 2, once a statewide COVID-19 surveillance system has been made possible through testing, according to Angell. The state will consult and collaborate with local governments.
I think I am a little confused by this. It says individual counties will be able to loosen or tighten the state restrictions. But then it says state orders need to be followed. Doesn't that seem a little contradictory or am I missing something. Because my loosening the restrictions, wouldn't they no longer be following the state ones?

I think I am a little confused by this. It says individual counties will be able to loosen or tighten the state restrictions. But then it says state orders need to be followed. Doesn't that seem a little contradictory or am I missing something. Because my loosening the restrictions, wouldn't they no longer be following the state ones?

It confuses me too honestly. It’s like how LA county beaches are closed but Orange and Ventura beaches are open. But the state order says things are to be closed. I should’ve paid better attention in AP Government back in high school lol

*Also to mods/other people not trying to discuss how the rules for the government works, I was just explaining the article I had posted further up in the thread* I don't want to get in trouble lol
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I think I am a little confused by this. It says individual counties will be able to loosen or tighten the state restrictions. But then it says state orders need to be followed. Doesn't that seem a little contradictory or am I missing something. Because my loosening the restrictions, wouldn't they no longer be following the state ones?


What he meant was, counties can loosen or tighten their restrictions in accordance with the four step stage plan. Because the impact of the virus varies by county/region, (for example) LA is not going to be in the same stage as Butte County at the same time. But counties can’t just decide to reopen everything if they haven’t met the milestones required by the state.

So Orange County where Disneyland is located could be in stage 3 of reopening while LA County could still be in stage 2.
What he meant was, counties can loosen or tighten their restrictions in accordance with the four step stage plan. Because the impact of the virus varies by county/region, (for example) LA is not going to be in the same stage as Butte County at the same time. But counties can’t just decide to reopen everything if they haven’t met the milestones required by the state.

So Orange County where Disneyland is located could be in stage 3 of reopening while LA County could still be in stage 2.

I don't think that is quite what they were getting at. The quote is:

"During Phase 2, counties can choose to relax stricter local orders at their own pace, according to Angell. State orders will still need to be followed but localities can either loosen or tighten restrictions, as needed. "

This means that on the day a county enters phase 2, if that county already has restrictions in place that are stricter than the state's phase 2 requirements, the county can relax those stricter restrictions down to the state's level, but no lower. Or the county can keep its stricter rules, or the county can tighten them up even more than before. But no county will be permitted to have restrictions looser than the state rules at any give time.
Just to be clear, therapeutics is about treating people who have the disease, whereas a vaccine is about preventing people from getting the disease in the first place.

In my training, we just lumped any treatment (preventive or otherwise) as "therapeutics" (that was actually the name of the class... just Pharmaceutical Therapeutics). I get that the dictionary definition indicatives reactive vs. proactive.

Makes sense that Gov is looking for treatment options, vaccine would be useless if someone already has COVID. Now the real question is, how good is good enough? If this is anything like Tamiflu, technically it will meet the definition of therapeutic, but the reality is if you're going down that sick spiral, it's not the virus anymore... it's your own body.

I think of a drug like Xigris that was on market for 10 years and we didn't realize it did nothing for those 10 whole years.
This is great news! I've seen posts here that they weren't giving out any refunds (at least until the parks reopened).

Was there something special you said to get the refund, I bought 3 Canadian hoppers and was going to try for a refund once they started refunding upon request. So i just want to make sure they didn't refund you as a "special favor" before i wait on the phone for two hours.

Also what # did you call and which phone option did you select?

Honestly, I had my husband call (on speakerphone) because I don’t like confrontation. I wasn’t planning any rudeness but was expecting to possibly be told no and my husband would have no problem pushing the issue but I would just say ok thanks bye lol

it was very simple, done within 5-10 mins of them answering the phone (one hour on hold). My husband just said that we had the Canadian tickets and had to cancel our trip so obviously can’t use them now and would like a refund. The CM immediately said just let me get my manager so we can approve it and put us back on a brief hold and she came back and told us it was done and to expect it to show up on the original method of payment in 1-2 billing cycles. According to my credit card statement online it was processed immediately and showed on my online account by Wednesday (Processing date was on the weekend).

I needed to find my email with my order number (started with DOLY), they would not take the ticket numbers to do it.

I don’t remember the option I chose. It had something to do with tickets. But the number I called was 1-714-520-5050.

Good luck! We had 4 tickets and if they were extended to May we wouldn’t be able to use them so the refund was very important to us. We also didn’t want to have that much money holding to apply in the future who knows when.

If I recall, I had original called the tickets number (this looks like vacation packages) and then I called this number after seeing a post on reddit about refunding vacation packages. However when I selected my option I’m pretty sure I got transferred back into the ticket line (when I chose an option it seemed to return me to the automated line I had been in previously if that makes sense). I remember being worried I had just extended my hold time by hanging up the first call lol.
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I don't think that is quite what they were getting at. The quote is:

"During Phase 2, counties can choose to relax stricter local orders at their own pace, according to Angell. State orders will still need to be followed but localities can either loosen or tighten restrictions, as needed. "

This means that on the day a county enters phase 2, if that county already has restrictions in place that are stricter than the state's phase 2 requirements, the county can relax those stricter restrictions down to the state's level, but no lower. Or the county can keep its stricter rules, or the county can tighten them up even more than before. But no county will be permitted to have restrictions looser than the state rules at any give time.

See, this is how I originally read it, and he actually said in the press conference that we’d all stay in the same phases simultaneously. So until LA County can move to phase 3, we are all stuck in Phase 2.
It confuses me too honestly. It’s like how LA county beaches are closed but Orange and Ventura beaches are open. But the state order says things are to be closed. I should’ve paid better attention in AP Government back in high school lol

*Also to mods/other people not trying to discuss how the rules for the government works, I was just explaining the article I had posted further up in the thread* I don't want to get in trouble lol

Everyone is confused by this..... you’re not the only one.
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