String's Atkin's Journal (Please Comment)

Thanks to everyone for your support. It means a lot. I am feeling a bit better today. I started my antibiotics yesterday. (Who says ex-boyfriends aren't useful) DH took Katie off my hands yesterday, so I could rest. Thank God for preschool. I can nap again today. Temp is 100.7. I should be better by Wednesday. I made some veggie soup last night. The entire batch was 19 carbs, and I ate 1/3 of it. I'll probably have some more for lunch today. I'm not going to consider exercising until Wednesday, when DD is in preschool. I can head to Curves again. My only fear is that by taking days off, I might not go back. :( That's been a pattern for me. Once the routine is broken, it's gone. Not this time.

I weighed in. 239.0 I'm not sure how much of that is because I'm sick. I need anothe 1/2 pound for that 30# clippie. My goal is next week for that one.

Thank you again. Hope everyone has a great day.
Silly Beth!! Now that you've put your intentions to go back to Curves in writing, you'll have to follow through or risk all of us acting like Jiminy Cricket (your conscience) and reminding you. :p

That's one thing I LOVE about my WISH journal. If I want to do something but am afraid that I'll get weak and back out, I post it here. Somehow having everyone else know about it helps me to follow through on it! :sunny: That's what WISH friends are for! ::yes::

I'm glad to hear you're feeling a bit better today and getting some much needed rest. I'm sending extra healing :wizard: pixie dust your way.
Since I can't sleep, I thought I'd post my menu today.
Breakfast: 2 mini spinach quiche, water, tea (3 carbs)
Lunch: Veggie soup, slice deli ham, water
Dinner: Grilled margarita tuna steak, snap peas (1/2 cup), salad, water.

Snack: 2 more mini quiche and a cup of tea.

I'm feeling much better. It's amazing what some sleep can do. If I'm feeling up to it, I'll head to Curves in the morning. My DBIL is taking Katie shopping at Build a bear in the AM. I hope everyone has a goodnight and morning.
Ooh, tuna steak for dinner, that sounds good! Glad you're feeling better Beth, strep is a nasty bacteria. It's good you're getting back to your exercise routine but don't overdo it, ok? Take care Beth.:D
Well, I'm feeling pretty good today. Which is amazing since TOM paid a sneak visit. Hello! I only finished the last one on Christmas. I was wondering why I was so hungry yesterday. Now I know... I went to Curves. I took it easy, since I'm still a little sick. I actually got measured today. You're supposed to do it every 30 days. I haven't since I started in Sept. They weighed me at 242.5. I was clothed, with shoes, after breakfast, and TOM. I have lost 21 inches. I am so excited, especially the 4.25 off my abdomen. They miscalculated my Body Fat % in Sept. They put me at 5'10.5" I'm only 5'9" I am really happy today.
Breakfast: 2 egg beaters, water, a piece of deli ham
Lunch: Turkey, string cheese, small bowl of soup.
I don't have dinner planned beyond it's chicken.

Goals today: DRINK MORE WATER!!! No snacking after dinner. No ice cream. I will resist, I will resist, I will resist!

Have a good one.
and are back to your routine. It must feel good to see all the inches officially gone!

We picked up the Breyers Ice Cream (but didn't break into yet because we made up some slenda creme brulee). I'm starting to see that not getting into is probably a good move though. I find that I really have to measure out my servings so that I don't sneak in a extra 1/4 cup of cottage cheese or too many nuts etc. so I can keep my carb count accurate.

Keep your chin up and please don't start being superwoman too soon after being ill.

Hi, Beth! Glad to hear you're on the mend, but like everyone says, don't overdo it! Here are some celebratory bounces for those 21" :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc .


You are inspiring me to exercise in a big way today. There's a CURVES near by (aren't they everywhere now??) and everytime I go by I want to run in and join. I just don't think I'd have the time right now; walking is all I can schedule! What kind of hours do they have at the Curves you go to?

Have a terrific, healthy, CHEAT FREE day!
Erin :D
Laurie, thanks for checking in. Don't worry I'm taking it easy.

Erin, I love Curves. It is a circuit of 8 or 12 machines. It depends on the location. Ours has 12. Between each machine is a running board. You do 30 seconds at each station, then move on. You do 3 circuits and 5 minutes of stretching. The more reps you do in the 30 seconds, the more resistance you get. Some of the women just go to socialize, but I'm there for the burn. There's always a trainer. Since you only go for 30 sec a time, I've never been sore either. The only problem is their hours. 7Am-1PM, 2PM-8PM. I wish they were open later. By the way, you can usually find ads in the paper to waive the sign up fee. $30/month. It works for me.

I'm fortunate I heal quickly. I'm at about 90%. Actually, I feel pretty good right now. I haven't been drinking nearly enough water---Not even close. I will do better. I also need to watch my sodium intake. I'm eating way too much ham and bacon.

Dinner last night ended up being bacon, mushroom, swiss burgers, salad, and boccoli. DH said he was sick of chicken.

Snack: I had a 1/3 cup cashews and a diet rite. Aunt Flo was give me problems. I found it very interesting that I was craving chrunchy/salty. I usually crave chocolate.

Breakfast: Water and coffee. Must eat tommorrow.

Lunch: Water and a chicken ceasar salad. I couldn't finish. No croutons.

Snack: I made a vanilla(sugar free) latte with the low carb milk. YUMMY!! :Pinkbounc This will be my treat once a week.

I'm cutting myself off from the scale. It has become an obsession. We're having our upstairs painted. I packed the scale away. I will not be able to check for at least 5 days. :earseek: I might go insane before then, but something has to be done.
Have a good day.
hi beth..just checkin on on them inches!!!!!!!....glad you are feeling better........keep up the good work!

at curves.....what is a running board?
Hi Beth,

Glad to hear you are doing so well. Congratulations on the inchest lost! You must feel great. I know you'll do better with the water intake - it's just so hard sometimes! You are so smart to put away that scale. I get myself into more trouble with that thing. I am trying my best to limit my weigh ins to once a week. Btw, that cheat free clippie looks good on you!!!!
Lisa, thanks for reminding me to update the clippie. It is easier to stay cheat free with a clippie at stake.

Deb, a running board is a wooden board with non-slip surface that is supported by a non-impact foam. You can walk/run without injuring joints. It works because my knees are shot, and I never have pain after working out.

I did work out at Curves this afternoon.
Dinner is pot roast with cabbage. I cooked carrots and potatoes, and onion for flavor. We won't eat them though. Steamed asparagus on the side.

Ice cream and scales are evil.
Strings....sounds like you have made some amazing changes in your lifestyle. Good for you. I am amazed when people add and stick to regular exercise in their routines.

I was so excited for you going to your new size. Great!!!!!!!!!

Have a super day!!!!!
Well, DM called. They are ill withthe flu, and could I please come take care of them. I'm headed to Adrian for a few days. DD isn't doing well with the paint fumes anyways. I am stocking up on low carb snacks to take. I'll also go to the Curves there on Friday. I'm bringing my WATP tapes. Headed to the ob/gyn 1st. Need some lab work done. I hope to check in this evening. I do so much better when I can come to WISH. If you don't see any posts, you know their dial up wasn't cooperating.
Have a great day
Hope all goes well. Stay healthy yourself. Remember-----lots of hand washing. I always fear I'm gonna get it myself.

Hope you read your posts while you are gone.
Ok, so this post might be odd, but I think it's important. No one tells you this. I went to ob/gyn because TOM was so early, and incredibly heavy. Never been like this...
My doc explained that estrogen is stored in fat. With me losing weight so rapidly, my estrogen levels are all over the place. That's why TOM is so messed up. It will normalize once the weight loss has slowed down. I can continue to lose weight. My doc was very pleased. He told me if my hemoglobin drops, we'll start iron pills, or transfuse.

I'm fine, I just thought you should know this could mess with TOM.
Sorry if I grossed anyone out.
I'm so glad to hear that you are okay. I noticed a particularly heavy flow for me this month. It was a little bit scary but I chalked it up to all the water I was drinking. Ha!

You are doing good to pack your own snacks since you will be away from home. I hope your family feels better real soon. Take care of yourself so you don't get sick.
Beth, your extra info was not gross - it was very interesting and something I had never heard! Thanks for posting it!

You are doing such a great job! I'm glad you're feeling better, especially now that your parents need you. Packing snacks was a great idea!

:jumping3: 21 INCHES GONE!!! :jumping3:

WOW, Beth!!! You must really be WORKING at Curves. Let those other ladies socialize - you'll be the envy of all of them!! Great job! You are just melting away!!

Keep on goin', Beth!! :sunny:
Is your Curves membership transferable from one location to another? For example if I had one near home and one near work could I use both?

It sounds like such a great program and something that would work for me - if I can fit it around my schedule.

Thanks again for all your encouragement.

Good morning, Beth!:sunny: Just wanted to drop by and wish you a happy cheat free day! The weekend is coming--be careful! You're almost a third of the way through the month; you don't want to trip up now!::yes::

:D ,
beth....... very interesting info from your doc.......i guess i have never thought about this.....estrogen/fat connection. thanks for posting about it.

thanks for the info on the running board too.........was just curious....i dont know much about curves.

keep up the good work!


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