Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker discussion thread (*** now contains spoilers ***)

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Leia "adopting" Rey is horrible. From the very beginning it was forced and silly from the moment Leia was hugging Rey after Hans death while Chewie was all "hey I kind of was his best friend for 40 years over here" and was ignored in Force Awakens.

Then they had no interaction in The Last Jedi (sidenote funny how it took until the end of 2 movies for all three leads to meet each other, Rey and Poe did not meet until the end of TLJ).

Now because of Carrie Fishers passing, any and all character development and bonding was done offscreen between movies, and any interaction between Leia and Rey was with vague general dialogue because of the footage available.

If Rey had to choose a name (which is silly, her parents sacrificed themselves for her, how about learning there names and honor them) it should have been Solo. Rey said more to Han Solo then she ever did on screen with Leia and the "bond" between Rey and Ben was (kiss not withstanding) was a big plotline that did carry through all the movies pretty well.

And give Poe back BB-8!. It is his droid and the beginging of the movie even showed Poe was concerned about BB-8 and Rey about the Falcon. The Falcon should have been seen on Tatooine in the end solidifying her as a Solo. She stole BB-8 and is a thief who needs some bounties on her head for that. Get Mandalorian Baby Yoda (he is old enough by that time period) to track her down and give her the carbon freezing treatment until BB-8 is back where he belongs.

Isn't it just possible that Rey and Leia shared a bond, through The Force and were very close regardless of what we see? If Rey is restarting The Jedi or something like it, then Skywalker is a much better name than Solo. And come on, she didn't steal BB-8 and I am sure she has every intention of seeing Poe and Finn and all of her friends again.
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I haven’t seen the movie but I’ve been assuming Rey was honoring Luke with Skywalker; he was still the savior from the first trilogy after all. Leia’s interactions with her father were all horribly negative so I can’t imagine she was particularly rah rah Skywalker. It would just be an odd way to honor her.
Isn't it just possible that Rey and Leia shared a bond, though The Force and were very close regardless of what we see? If Rey is restarting The Jedi or something like it, then Skywalker is a much better name than Solo. And come on, she didn't steal BB-8 and I am sure she has every intention of seeing Poe and Finn and all of her friends again.

The bond between Han and Rey in TFA was better and more natural to the point (if memory serves) Han was going to ask her to be his partner on the Falcon. It was good character building.

Maybe if The Last Jedi kept Rey and Leia together and built on the relationship it would be better but they both went there own way in the movie until the very end.

Shoehorning Leia training Rey for 5 minutes in the movie and then never having them meet again does not make a bond to me.

The Jedi are above 1 man. The Force goes beyond one man (or woman) and is something that affects everyone all over and people we do not even know (like broom kid). Skywalker is a meaningless name to use as a start of a new order and it should not be held down by one linage, whether it is by blood or adopted.

Rey should have either went with Solo, a name with actual meaning for the character which we can see on the screen, or should have said "I don't know, but I am searching" or something like that and find her true real name and maybe give some props to her parents who saved her and got tortured and died for it.

And Rey swiped BB-8. Stole him when Poe was not looking and was all like "yoink he is mine now sucker and you get nothing. Go get shot down by your old girlfriend some more because your partner is mine".
Mandalorian (Season 1) Spoilers ahead;

If people feel this way about clan Skywalker, how do they feel about clan Mando? The whole lead up in Mandalorian season 1 is that they form a clan of 2; Dyn and baby Yoda. The whole point is Dyn as a foundling, finding a foundling and protecting said foundling (baby Yoda) as a father protects a son. It's an extremely similar plot point as Rise, and most people are fawning all over it in Mando, but you can't do that for the Skywalker clan... because Palpatine DNA is just too much to be overcame (or maybe Rey is just too old for empathy from the audience)? In truth the biggest difference is that with a series you can have 8 episodes laying that groundwork, but you can't do that in a movie that has places to go and Emperors to slay... again.
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This is mostly in jest.
Maybe Rey secretly married Ben like Padme and Anakin. So she's married in to the skywalkers.
This would have been shut a fun topic for them to argue about on Big Bang Theory.
This is mostly in jest.
Maybe Rey secretly married Ben like Padme and Anakin. So she's married in to the skywalkers.
This would have been shut a fun topic for them to argue about on Big Bang Theory.
You do realize you just made a bunch of people's heads explode 🤣😋
I haven’t seen the movie but I’ve been assuming Rey was honoring Luke with Skywalker; he was still the savior from the first trilogy after all. Leia’s interactions with her father were all horribly negative so I can’t imagine she was particularly rah rah Skywalker. It would just be an odd way to honor her.

Oh absolutely.

Remember, in TFA/TLJ she was "just Rey." "Rey from nowhere." Never a last name. What's she going to take, Palpatine? :crazy2:

There was a scene in the movie where Sheev tells Rey that no one's coming to save her, "the only family you have here is me," which is juxtaposed by Ben showing up. The family you make for yourself is family too, not just your blood. Sheev even admits that a few scenes later: "Strike me down. Take the throne. Reign over a new empire, and the fleet will be yours. Only you have the power to save them. Refuse, and your new family dies."

Luke has a related line too: "Rey, some things are stronger than blood."

I understand why some people feel "Rey Skywalker" was tacked on to the end, but I think it was three movies in the making and adequately built up to. Plus there's still the "Ben lives on in her" angle.
I am a random guy on the internet with a cartoon character for a username and a muppet for a profile pic, I lost any credibility I had a decade or so ago. The title is confusing, there is no Skywalker rising from what I could tell maybe it was meant to be ironic? Or maybe just another way to capitalize off nostalgia?

Here is a graphic of the 4 avengers movies versus the Star Wars sequel trilogy*. The Orange line is Star Wars. One of these is bad for business.....

*Not adjusted for inflation which would probably make it worse for the orange team.

I always took Rise of Skywalker to have two meaning. Ben's redemption and Rey's adoption.
Can we just stop talking about the Sequel Trilogy and forget about it and just use this space for the next 2 years to talk about the new stories in the Old Republic?


I understand why some people feel "Rey Skywalker" was tacked on to the end, but I think it was three movies in the making and adequately built up to. Plus there's still the "Ben lives on in her" angle.

I did not get that feeling in TLJ. That film definitely felt like it was trying to convey anyone can be special and you don't need to come from powerful or influential lineage.
I did not get that feeling in TLJ. That film definitely felt like it was trying to convey anyone can be special and you don't need to come from powerful or influential lineage.

TLJ, absolutely. But even if you took the "Rey was really a Palpatine!" bit out of TRoS and kept her unrelated to anyone, in the end her adopting the Skywalker name would make sense there too.
I did not get that feeling in TLJ. That film definitely felt like it was trying to convey anyone can be special and you don't need to come from powerful or influential lineage.

I think TLJ definitely did, however it is extended in ROS to show that even if you come from really bad lineage you can still overcome that as well and that you can define what you want to be.
Saw it too Sunday. I enjoyed it. Really liked seeing the older characters and loved that Poe, Finn and Rey were in some missions together. Will buy it when it comes out.
My only complaint on the films is that it doesn't feel like the end. I'm cynical I guess. They state it's the end of the Skywalker saga. I'm like well until someone says we can retcon it and make it not the end.
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