SSRmonkey OKW Trip Report

Hello SSRMonkey!! Looks like you and Koala are having a blast!! 43 more days for us! How is OKW compared to SSR? The resort looks really pretty. I've finally figured out that you don't live that far from me! home states that is! Love the pics and love the TR!! Can't wait to read more!! popcorn::
Just found you on FB! I'm not on the computer all day at work anymore so at least I can see your updates on the BB!! Have a great rest of the trip! Can't wait to try one of those cake pops! They sound delicious!
No napping for me. I laid out by the pool for a while. I couldn’t figure out why this little kid kept running back and forth from the laundry room to the hot tub. Then I discovered he was carrying cups of ice from the ice maker to the hot tub and then putting the ice cubes in one at a time. It can be really tricky to get that temperature just right. Maybe I should have offered him some bath fizzies from Basin at DTD.

After finishing up the laundry it was time for some Earl. I got grilled cheese and Koala had PB and J. I wanted a cupcake, but Mom said we would go to Beaches and Cream later.

Then it was off to Epcot. By the time we got in, it was about 8:00 so we walked over to Japan to see if we could get up on the balcony to watch the fireworks. There was nobody there so we wandered around a little bit.

I never really understood Pokemon—it sounds painful, but these guys looked like fun (and not pokey), so I posed for a picture.



If these plates were plastic I would be all over them, but glass and me don’t mix so well.


There were a few people starting to gather on the balcony so we staked out our spot and got some pre-fireworks pictures.



Here are some pictures from Reflections of Earth.





Then it was time for Beaches and Cream. I was so excited (and so hungry) that I forgot to take a picture of my hot fudge sundae.

Koala has been complaining for a year since I got a caricature, so tonight was the night—he got his own. The guy didn’t believe Mom and Dad that they really wanted a caricature of Koala—alone—with no humans. He just laughed and laughed and said that Koala has a lot of personality so he would be happy to do it. He even threw in a Penn State flag since Koala is such a fan.


This guy did such good work that my first caricature was embarrassing…


Seriously…that’s terrible in comparison, so we had to get mine redone too. I look awesome. I even have gorilla feet and Spike on my tshirt!


The artist was laughing the whole time and looked at the pictures a lot before putting them into the travel tube. I asked him if he wanted a picture of them, but he said no, the images were burned into his brain...I'm not sure if that was an insult or not. Who cares? We look awesome!!

It was such a great day today, I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow!
Your trip (and report) just gets better and better). Thanks for the chuckles.
Chellymouse--I like OKW, but I am tempted to borrow one of these golf carts I see over here and go to SSR and get a mattress and pillow for the rest of our stay. The ones here are kinda hard and I wake up and can't feel my paws. That's a problem. Other than that, we like it here and will probably come back especially because its so cheap point wise.

It looks like we do live pretty close to each other. I heard it's been pretty warm there yesterday and today--almost like the temperatures here, but definitely not as fun. :goodvibes
You are right - the first caricature was put to shame by the second one. Your artist last night must have been talented. Hope the Beaches and Cream trip was fun and worth waiting on the brownie for!
After all the excitement with the caricatures last night, we slept in a little today and then decided to head to Epcot to check out more of the flower and garden festival. Sorcerer Mickey is looking good.


I was going to dance with the hippos, but I was afraid they might step on me.


We ran into a really awesome flower and garden cart and the guy let me drive!


Here are some more topiaries.




We went into the festival center and it sounded like the Saturday Night Live Martha Stewart was there. Anyone remember her Christmas special? Luckily for the audience it was not her!

I think I’m going to try to make some of these floating pots in the pool this afternoon. It would definitely add some pizazz to the pool don’t you think?



Koala really wanted to join the Picnic Society in Norway. He filled out the membership card and then realized he had to be a citizen in Norway. He doesn’t want to leave the US now because his passport is expired, so I guess he’ll have to wait to join.


A few more flowers…



Buzz and Woody!


Koala chatted with these horses for a while. He has lots of questions about horseshoes…he doesn’t understand why they don’t look like regular shoes. He offered to take these guys to the Nike outlet, but they said there were on duty until 9pm.


This horse was missing a few pieces.


This gave me a great idea…


Mom won’t let us play drums in the house, but we have a fife and a slide whistle, so I think I’ll start a band. I’m not sure if I should name it “Slife” or “The Fife Whistles”. I’ll have to keep thinking.

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch and I enjoyed some boneless honey BBQ wings and an adult beverage. After hanging around the resort for a while we will head to MK tonight. I have to figure out a strategy to get to the pirate’s booty—my lottery ticket wasn’t a winner the other night. I pushed back our realtor meeting, so I’m really counting on some authentic pirate’s booty tonight.'s 90 today, but you are correct...90 here and 90 at WDW are 2 very different 90's! Glad to hear your trip is going well. LOVED your carcicatures! The artist did a great job. Surprised your mom let you have an adult beverage! :rotfl:
once again, your dad has taken some of the best pictures of epcot. :thumbsup2

Love, Love the new pictures the guy drew of you two. :rotfl2::rotfl2: it tickled me so much to think of the guy drawing them laughing and enoying doing it. you know that is what makes their day! It sure made my day and i really needed it. Can't believe your mom let you have an adult beverage. humm. what exactly did you try?? do tell.
We had another great night. I tried to build one of those floating flower pots for the pool but I got caught taking apart the playground by the pool and that ended my project rather quickly. After a snack of a big Mickey head rice kripsie treat, we headed to MK.

We got the training monorail tonight. He pulled into the station a little too fast and had to back up. There was another monorail guy holding a sign that said “Park Here”. Haha. They have to learn sometime right?

I made it through security without them shutting down Pirates. So some of the security guards think it’s a little odd to bring me into the park. I didn’t think much of it, but tonight, this guy got in with a bird on his shoulder. I don’t feel so bad.


After a front seat ride in Pirates, we headed over to Philharmagic. It made me want some apple pie. I settled for some ice cream instead. We ate outside the Cheshire Café. I was impressed that they have cereal available there all day long. Cereal is one of my favorite things to eat (besides pizza and anything banana), so I will have to keep this in mind the next time I get a rumbly in my tumbly.

The wait for Buzz was only 10 minutes so since Koala beat me the last time, I gave it my best shot...pun intended. I got my best score ever!!!


Since our last experience at the Laugh Floor was not so great, we thought we would give it another try. It was much better this time. Buddy Boyle did some beat boxing and sang “I Whip My Hair Back and Forth”. I tried whipping my hair back and forth and pulled a neck muscle. So much for that.


Since the parade was about to start we thought we might be able to get in to see Mickey and Minnie and we did!! I was really tempted to try on his hat and robe, but I didn’t want to end up like Donald Duck, so I behaved.


I wonder if this is Bean Bunny--maybe this is his new job since he left Muppet Vision.


I’m going to try levitating Koala tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for me. Don’t worry, we’ll practice over the extra bed!


The night ended in a perfect way—with a hug from Mickey and Minnie. Koala was a little starstruck.


They liked us so much that they didn’t want to give us back. I’m pretty sure I could have been really helpful with their picture taking tonight, but Dad said no. What a party pooper.

On another note, I saw this picture yesterday and forgot to mention it.


This cat apparently was killed by a rainbow. I wonder what he did to make the Lucky Charms leprechaun mad. Poor kitty. I did NOT buy this. It’s disturbing.

Tomorrow I think we’re going to check out some of the resorts on the monorail and then head to MK and Epcot again!
For those of you who are surprised about my Mom letting me have adult beverages--I very much enjoy them...and mostly in a responsible manner. I won't tell you how old I am, but let's just say I've been legally allowed to enjoy these beverages for several years. These days my favorites are Shock Top and Blue Moon.

I am only allowed to enjoy them when my parents are around for supervision. I often have out of body experiences while enjoying said beverages. There may have been instances of streaking and swirlies, but I won't admit to any of it if asked directly. ;)
Awesome TR! The charicatures made me laugh. They are hysterical! Great job on your Buzz Lightyear score.:thumbsup2
I got to do some exploring of the resorts on the monorail today. I wanted to check out the Poly and GF. I was especially excited to see GF and the construction for the new DVC area. First up was the Poly. It wasn’t exactly what I expected, but it seemed nice. I like how there are Tiki Gods around. This one let me play a drum solo to entertain the crowd.


I saw this volcano and had to chase Koala down from the top. He thought it was one of those chocolate volcanoes from Rainforest Café. He was looking for the chocolate lava.


I just thought this was pretty.


We hopped back onto the monorail and headed over to GF. They have the construction pretty well hidden but I was able to get a couple shots with the cranes.




After that we decided to move on to MK. First things first, we headed over to Pirates again. One last try to get the booty. I didn’t have much luck again.

Then we decided to try to get to Epcot to get FP for Soarin for tonight. By the time we got there, shortly after noon, they were all gone. Oh well, we’ll just have to wait in line tonight.

After some Subway for lunch, we are headed to the pool for a while. My wet suit was confiscated after my shenanigans the other day, so I’ll just have to catch some rays. Can’t have any wet monkey smell for our Epcot adventure tonight. Time to GTL—minus the G and the L.
What great caricatures you got! I love it! And that was so nice of him to let you drive his golf cart! You two are having an amazing time!
SSRMonkey - you are hip when it comes to using slang. :rotfl: I had to look up GTL! It made me feel old that I did't know what that meant.

I hope you have fun at Epcot tonight. Hopefully you'll be able to ride Soarin' without too much wait.
SSRmonkey, oh my gosh, I just found your trip report and it is hysterical :lmao: I am absolutely loving it :love: You have made my day :thanks:

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