spring break 2002


Earning My Ears
Aug 1, 2000
i'm calling on all you experts to help me out with 3 questions. we just found out that next spring break is Easter week 3/31 to 4/6. don't really want to go in the highest point season, but taking the kids out of school for a week is not an option this year. so here's my questions.

1. how are the crowds this week?

2. how is the weather?

3. when can i start booking. do i have to wait until 4/6 to book my entire week?

thanks to all. you guys are the best
Easter week is very crowded but the weather is usually great. Take advantage of early openings and swim in the afternoon. You could wait until 5/6 to book or book one day at a time. :bounce:
Hi, we just got back from Easter week this year. Yes, it was crowded but if you plan your time wisely it shouldn't affect you. We had a fantastic time! We did Early Entry and Fast Pass and we didn't wait in line for more than 10 minutes. It was great and I wouldn't hesitate to do Easter again. The weather was perfect!! :D
We are also considering a trip durning Spring Break next year. But are very worried about crowds.

It is reassuring to hear you all managed.
And BVC4us I am impressed ... 10 minutes. We might have to look for you if we go at Easter time next year.
How about the week right before easter? Just found out that my spring break (doing my masters) is the week before easter (grumble grumble). Was planning to try to get a studio for that week. Also planning to use some points that we probably won't close on til the end of May. Will i have a prayer of getting a studio at 10 months at VWL?

We just came back from Easter week too and yes it was crowded, but we still had a fantastic time. This is the very best thing about DVC, you are never in a rush to see everything so you can really enjoy! We used Fast Pass, avoided EE days and parks, stayed late and saw everything we wanted, many times over. As stated above the weather was perfect (believe it or not a little too cool for me!) We've done the week before Easter and the week after and I can't really see a difference, except this time the crowds really seemed to thin out later in the week. Don't worry, go and enjoy!!!
Maybe it won't be as crowded as normal. My kids usually have the week after Ester off but next year it will be April 13th - April 22, 2002.
Our spring break is the last week in March every year I was really disappointed when I saw Easter was so early in 2002. We go to WDW pretty much every spring break and I must say last time Easter was this early, we said we'd never go to WDW that week again. We're pretty good with the crowds and still had a great time, we just made sure to leave the parks at lunch time and spent a lot of time at the the pools and water parks (which we do anyway). But we didn't like feeling like we had to leave all the time because the parks had gotten so crowded. It should be better with fast pass though, we thought that worked great this last March. We turned our disappointment over 2002's early Easter to our advantage, we've been wanting to try the Disney Cruise so we decided to do that instead, I figure they can't fit anymore people on the the ship and I still my Disney fix. Go and have fun but make sure your prepared for crowds because it is crowded.
We were there the week before Easter also. I have to say I have never seen crowds that bad. The weather was great though. We just avoided the parks saving our admissions for another visit in a less busy season. Had agreat time just swimming, pool hopping, resting and otherthings.
It was so crowded at Easter at the Boardwalk this year, they had to put up a temp. fence w/ security gaurds to check hotel I.D.'s
We have no choice, but to go at Easter, we have just learn to deal w/ the crowds.
I have 3 in school, and we alway's go easter week and the week after easter. The second week is wonderfull, less crowds, etc.
Have fun!
As for reservations, making them 11 months from date of departure from WDW should be fine. We have had no problem getting Easter time making ressies anywhere from 10 to 11 months out. Both the week leading up to Easter and the week of Easter are two of the three most crowded weeks of the year (Christmas Week is the other); basically, crowd size is 3 to 4 times as large as an off-season crowd, about 70% larger than other spring break weeks and about 50% larger than summer weeks (other than July 4 week which approaches the size of the Easter crowd). MK has very huge crowds during all days in that time and on Easter Sunday it often is close to or at capacity (most go there that day under the impression MK has something special that happens Easter Sunday that does not happen other days of week--it doesn't, thus avoid it on Easter Sunday. To give an example of how bad it can get, it is the only time of year I have ever seen Test Track reach a 3 1/2 hour waiting time for the regular line. Nevertheless, you have long park hours (MK to midnight, MGM to 10:30 or 11) and it can be done by using fastpass and hitting parks at right times-- early in the morning; late afternoon and evening on non-ee days; hitting popular rides during parades or Fantasmic. Normal ee is sometimes dispensed with as they will sometimes just open the parks an hour to an hour and a half early to everyone. There are no e-nights during that time. It is critical that you make dinner reservations in advance as typical response to a walk-up at 6 is that next available seating is at 9:30 or none at all.
We were planning on WDW the last week in March (our spring break) 2002 until I found out that was Easter. After seeing how high the points were and reading about how heavy the crowds had been this year we decided to go to HH for that week. The points per night are a lot less because they are not considering it premier season.

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