Spectacular Star Wars September Exercise Challenge

Not much exercise to add for the weekend BUT I did volunteer at the local half and full marathon yesterday. We had about 3,000 runners! If you need motivation to exercise - volunteer!! It was so inspiring. I'm a " back of the pack" kinda girl, so it was so fun to see the leaders! I volunteered to hand out water but they assigned me to road Marshall. What?! I had no idea what that was. Well..... They gave me a red flag and I had the power to stop traffic! Direct cars! Yell at drivers! It was a dream come true- the power of the red flag! I'm sure if I was a police officer I would definitely abuse my authority! And of course, I cheered on runners for 6 hours! It truly was a great time.
30 minutes
pix13dust - good for you! I am also a back of the packer. The first race I volunteered at, I was handing out medals and I can still remember that last lady to cross the finish line. I felt bad for her, initially, thinking what a drag to be last, but she said it was her 9th half marathon and she had another coming up soon and she was glad to be able to participate. What a motivator for me! I have since done 4 half marathons myself, and while I haven't been last, I hope I will have her confidence and good spirit if that should happen.
pix13dust - good for you! I am also a back of the packer. The first race I volunteered at, I was handing out medals and I can still remember that last lady to cross the finish line. I felt bad for her, initially, thinking what a drag to be last, but she said it was her 9th half marathon and she had another coming up soon and she was glad to be able to participate. What a motivator for me! I have since done 4 half marathons myself, and while I haven't been last, I hope I will have her confidence and good spirit if that should happen.
For safety reasons we had to stay at our post until the last person passed. As the last person approached, he was followed by the official SAG wagon ( a cop car) I congratulated him and gave him a high five. He was a marathoner and still had 4 miles to go ( I was at mile 22 ). He was in obvious pain and I heard him apologize to cops for being so slow, he had hurt his knee earlier in the race. I yelled to him " your race - your pace!" The cops also said there was no reason to apologize. I was so glad to see he finished. I hope he was proud of himself for preserving.
I'm seriously considering getting a fitbit. Those of you that have them which do you have and how much do you like it?

I have the Fitbit One and I love it. I attach it to my skirt pocket first thing in the morning (or somewhere else if I'm wearing something without pockets) and pretty much forget about it until I have a few minutes and want to see how active I've been. I don't know that the numbers it gives me are 100% accurate, but its a good way for me to gauge how active I've been relative to other days. It amazes me how few steps I get some days - and when I see that lower number at the end of the day, it definitely motivates me to do better!

R2-D2 is also the subject of today's "Star Wars is Everywhere" file: last weekend, Japanese airline All Nippon Airways (ANA) unveiled its first R2-D2 Dreamliner. It also plans to roll out a BB-8 plane and another R2-D2 plane. Not only is the exterior painted, but the interior is themed, as are the cups and napkins. See pictures here.

That is pretty cool. If I was a Star Wars person I would definitely want to fly on that plane! (And while I was in Japan I'd probably stop by Tokyo Disneyland).

36 minutes for me today


I think that gives me a pretty color change...
It's another color-changing party!


Congratulations to


who have moved into Princess Leia Pink



who has moved into Darth Vader Red :darth:!

We only need 1,375 minutes to move into Princess Leia Pink as a team! Can we do that by Wednesday night's update? I bet we can!

Go team!

And just a side note -- I went back and checked, and we have had at least one color change every single day this month! Amazing!
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Is this an Ewok?:ewok:

I think so, but I haven't really found a chance to use it yet!

Today will be a big test for my Fitbit goal. Lots of sitting on the schedule. Gotta find ways to get it in.

How did it go? I got up and took a walk around the building today. It really perked me up. Have to remember to do it again tomorrow.


I think that gives me a pretty color change...

Such a lovely shade of pink!

@2TxAgs and @pix13dust -- thanks for the volunteering stories! Really inspiring. Even the last person in the half-marathon is doing a lot more than I am!
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How did it go? I got up and took a walk around the building today. It really perked me up. Have to remember to do it again tomorrow.

@2TxAgs and @pix13dust -- thanks for the volunteering stories! Really inspiring. Even the last person in the half-marathon is doing a lot more than I am!

Well, I am not sure!!! I forgot to put my fitbit back on after my shower post workout. >:( I parked far away from a restaurant I had to be at, so walked more to get there. Parked at the end of the parking lot at Target, then walked up and down extra aisles there. Took a walk with my kids after school. When I finally put it back on I had missed a lot of steps :sad: But I ended at about 8000 for the day, I think I got close to 13000 if I had had it one all day. It is on now!!!
Well, I am not sure!!! I forgot to put my fitbit back on after my shower post workout. >:( I parked far away from a restaurant I had to be at, so walked more to get there. Parked at the end of the parking lot at Target, then walked up and down extra aisles there. Took a walk with my kids after school. When I finally put it back on I had missed a lot of steps :sad: But I ended at about 8000 for the day, I think I got close to 13000 if I had had it one all day. It is on now!!!

Oh, that's sad, but it sounds like you were close to your goal anyway, so not all bad!

I am just completely wiped out here. Two more days of antibiotics to go. Going to work each day is taking all of the energy I have. Unfortunately this month is a wash for me. See you all next month!

Hope you feel better very soon!pixiedust:


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