Space 220


DIS Veteran
Sep 30, 2008
Quite simply is it worth the cost?

We’ve not done this before but arrive later this week with an evening reservation..

You'll get mixed responses to your question. I'm not certain most of the fixed price menus are worth the cost depending on what you order.

On our last trip we opted for Space 220 Lounge. The reservation is harder to get but it has so many benefits. You get the same experience as far as the space theme. You can order off the restaurant menu if you want, or you can order off the lounge menu with smaller plates and different options. One negative is that the largest table in the lounge only seats 4, so that does not work for larger parties, of course.

Anyway, we opted not to do the restaurant due to price and early reviews (this was a couple of years ago) but we really enjoyed the lounge. I am trying to get lounge reservations for our upcoming trip. I was able to get a reservation for 2 but we have 3 in our party so I'm still trying.
I also would suggest the lounge. The food is ok, but the fixed price menus are not worth it. The experience of the restaurant is the same at the lounge or bar. The experience is worth it.
You'll get mixed responses to your question. I'm not certain most of the fixed price menus are worth the cost depending on what you order.

On our last trip we opted for Space 220 Lounge. The reservation is harder to get but it has so many benefits. You get the same experience as far as the space theme. You can order off the restaurant menu if you want, or you can order off the lounge menu with smaller plates and different options. One negative is that the largest table in the lounge only seats 4, so that does not work for larger parties, of course.

Anyway, we opted not to do the restaurant due to price and early reviews (this was a couple of years ago) but we really enjoyed the lounge. I am trying to get lounge reservations for our upcoming trip. I was able to get a reservation for 2 but we have 3 in our party so I'm still trying.
That’s really helpful and we’ve tried a loung reservation but can’t get one at all we keep trying but we need one for this Friday 🙃
I would say it's worth it at least once. The lounge is probably a better value, but the restaurant is good too.

We've been twice and really liked the food both times.

The experience is cool too. Our DD5 loved the "windows", which is the main reason we went a second time.

I do think the prix fixe is overpriced, but the experience is unique.
I am going to contradict myself a little, but stick with me.

We went in March 2022 and my honest, knee jerk reaction after the meal is that it was not worth what it cost in my opinion, but mostly because of the prix fixe price and some issues with execution.

We were a party of 9 and I think everyone enjoyed their appetizers and their desserts. I am rather ambivalent toward carrot cake, I like it but would never order it myself. The carrot cake that they had then (not even sure if it's still on the menu or not) was hands down the best carrot cake I have ever tasted after trying someone else's. I can't say for that I would order it even with that endorsement, but I would at least consider it. And while I am generally a straight whiskey drinker, I got a themed cocktail and found it to be very refreshing and on theme.

Out of our group of 9 I think 3 or 4 of us got a steak entree. I personally got the upcharge steak. Every single one was overdone relative to how it was ordered. My wife, on the other hand, got the upcharge lobster entree and loved it. The fact that it was so expensive, and that not one single steak came out at the requested doneness makes me want to say it wasn't worth it.

That said, we are going back to Disney World in March 2026 and we are hoping to snag a reservation. DD was almost 3 when we went in 2022 and swears that she remembers the elevator ride and wants to go back. The theming and the experience is really well done and enjoyable. If we can score lounge reservations that would be our preference this time but even if we end up in the main dining room we will give it another try. After all, everyone can have an off night, right?

I will say that, if you are interested in the menu/theme I think it would be worth trying once just to find out for yourself. For years we talked ourselves out of trying Le Cellier because we discovered it after it became a signature and everyone on the boards was decrying the lack of value now that it was 2 credits on the dining plan. After we eventually did get around to trying it we found that we really enjoyed it and have gone back again. We all like what we like and sometimes we just don't know until we try. Enjoy your trip and your experience at Space 220.
I have been twice, first the restaurant then the lounge. I’ve enjoyed them both. I am no longer the designated planner of the vacations so I didn’t choose. But I always make this comment. This was the best steak I have ever had on property. Period. And I feel like I’ve been everywhere😂 (Shula’s, Jiko, Yachtsman, LeCellier, Narcoose’s, etc.). May have been a 1 in a million shot but the entire meal was amazing! The lounge was just apps, but fun and food was good.
We did the lounge last year. The theming was really good but this was a one and done. The mocktails we had were just gross—so sweet it made my teeth hurt (like drinking pure syrup). The food was so over-priced for the quality. Briefly thought of doing the prix fixe but just don’t like what’s on the menu for plant based/vegetarian options at the price.
Lounge is worth it and you get to choose what to order, although no high chairs and seating is not ideal.

Dinner is a 2-3 hour ordeal and disappointing with younger kids (kids drinks were so sweet both our kids took one sip and were disgusted) but decent special adult meal though we favor Topolinos nearby for a special dinner instead.

Also be careful that some waiters push the specialty cup by bringing your kids drink in it and saying they like to do magic but they add it to the bill without asking (we didn’t want the cup and I pointed that out when she brought them and that’s when she said she likes to do some magic so I thought it was free-we already had ones from our previous trip and no space in our luggage plus with our kids allergies we were ordering from the lunch menu - so it wasn’t like she was loosing money in the lounge). She also brought our 15 year old’s drink in a specialty kids cup that we never asked for and were billed. It took her 30+ mins for any simple request like ketchup so we opted not to correct the bill.

When we went during Jersey week last Nov (Nov 4) the food booth lines were 35-40 mins long with teenage/adult crowds everywhere. It was worth it to sit down and have a meal somewhere with young kids instead of bracing those crowds (budget 20 mins to get to Space220 in those crowds)
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I mean, it's expensive, but it's Disney. I went on my last trip and had a wonderful experience. I did get the steak so I was maximizing my value. It wasn't the best steak I've ever had, but was quite good (NY Strtip). The buffalo style cauliflower that I got as my appetizer was excellent though - I wanted more! The service was great, and the atmosphere - I mean, come on. I was glad I did it!
I have been twice, first the restaurant then the lounge. I’ve enjoyed them both. I am no longer the designated planner of the vacations so I didn’t choose. But I always make this comment. This was the best steak I have ever had on property. Period. And I feel like I’ve been everywhere😂 (Shula’s, Jiko, Yachtsman, LeCellier, Narcoose’s, etc.). May have been a 1 in a million shot but the entire meal was amazing! The lounge was just apps, but fun and food was good.
Oof I would not say the steak was better than Yachtsman. But we did S220 in 2019 and Yachstman even farther back than that, so you never know who's in the kitchen after a few years.
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More an "experience" than a good meal IMO. We weren't too keen on the menu choices. We are willing to pay high prices for a meal we enjoy, this not so much.
I have been twice, once in the restaurant with my sister and once in the lounge with my son.

We really enjoyed both and I wouldn’t hesitate to go back to either the lounge or the restaurant.

We had the steak and the pork chop in the restaurant and both were really really good.
In the lounge I had the cauliflower and the sliders and my son had the burger, and all were very good and worth it.

We all thought elevator ride and the space theming was fun and actually relaxing (darker lighting, soothing music in the restaurant).

The views from the lounge were better than the views right by the windows since you could see all the windows from the lounge area, not just the one you were sitting by in the restaurant.

It’s unusual and well themed with good food when we were there.
I’d definitely go again.

And the adult beverages were good too!
I find the food to be pretty good - I'd rate it in the slightly higher echelon of Disney restaurants for quality (not quite Yachtsman, Jiko level - but on par with Tiffins, Narcoosies, etc. The experience is very cool - worth it at least once. The price is a bit steep - for me, I'll probably go back at some point, but since I've done both lounge and restaurant, it's no longer a 'must do' reservation...more of a special occasion experience if I'm going with a friend or family who hasn't been there yet.

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