Something About Nothing............ #14

I am not fond of the present weather.
Feels like I am living back in the north.

Will have Mr Mac handle the food shopping today.

Long as he brings back some treats, all good!! Although if I send Tom on his own, very occasionally as we are usually together, he comes back with too many treats with an apologetic look saying he wanted to get me something nice lol......bless him!!!

Yes, cold is miserable.

Busy morning, dropped off the cake slices to Kyle`s office, they were very happy!!! They are all just the nicest people that he works with. Then headed to school, had a lovely couple of hours reading to the little ones, drove to a store and picked up Kyle two shirts I think he`ll love to go with his birthday presents, came home and made lunch, those sub rolls are lovely and went down nicely with the beef.

Now, it`s just after 3pm and it is pitch black outside, wow.....looks as though we are going to get a huge downpour of something!!!! Lamps are on other wise we`ll be tripping over stuff!!!

Sitting in the kitchen, Tom is making some tea for us but if it wasn`t for the lamps on I`d never be able to see him all the way over there! I`m wondering if we`re due a storm as the wind is getting up, trees are starting to blow around. Heck.

Time for tea and trying to get this TR rumbling along, it`s been far too long and I still have just short of a week to go!!! Maybe tomorrow I can get through some as we`re not going out till tomorrow night! That sounds like a plan.

Well….believe I do need to write out a specific list in detail for Mr Mac next time he buys the groceries…..

Most of his food shopping was fine but the cat food he got a zero for it.

One cat will eat anything
The other cat is a challenge when it comes to food.

lol....poor kitty!! I hear cats can be fussy!

Is your weather improving yet? Harsh when Georgia gets snow.

We have sunshine!!! And it`s not too cold.

No plans to go out till tonight, our gardener is here so we`re going to plan what`s new for the summer, not that I`m much help, I tend to just nod and agree with whatever he says, he`s the expert. Just taken him down a large builders mug of tea, it might look nice but it`s definitely not warm.

Slept late, so late breakfast for us, which is fine as we don`t eat till around 7 tonight. Lunch around 2 works for us today. I think the place we`re going tonight serves pizza`s so think we`re both going to opt for that, definitely steaks on Saturday night at the new-ish restaurant we`re taking him.

So, not much going on today for us at all, it`s still so early in the year to make plans with folks yet, apart from the hardiest of friends who go walking in all weathers, don`t mind the odd walk, but heck, they go out every morning regardless of weather! I`m a wimp.

Fresh pot of tea on the go, will have another cup then head down to see what`s being organised, I would like some more lavender around the place this summer that`s my input!

Have a lovely Tuesday :sunny:


Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave2:








Hope your sister does better and sending all good thoughts for all family procedures coming up. And as always good vibes for your husband, glad he is improving, albeit slowly.
My sister is better. Granddaughter had her surgery Friday and is doing well. Daughter in law surgery is coming up next week. Hubby is up this morning. He has days were he is stronger and some days not. I told him life is a journey and we will travel it as it comes. Thank you for your good thoughts for my family Carole.

Well, my friend J and I had a blast at the dance class!! It was so much fun and I discovered I have five left feet not two! But we had a laugh and did learn some moves, I think both of us may ache a little in the morning as we did move a lot and we will be going back next week, nice group of people and the dance teacher is lovely, very patient!!
Sounds like a fun time. Enjoy it.

Spent afternoon @ eye dr. happy to wait while they squeezed me into rotation. Since September have had increasing episodes of having my upper & lower eye lids randomly swell up. No ascertainable pattern I could determine.

could barely see out the one eye as so swollen underneath this am. Dr categorized it as severe, thinking it’s allergies of dermatological origin.

At least nothing worse! Had full allergy screen last year due to breathing issues, know what my issues are there. Prescribed 2 RX to knock down the swelling and redness, told I should see some improvement by the weekend.
Sorry to hear you are having problems with your eyes sounds perplexing indeed. Does sound like an allergic reaction to something. Hope they are able to find out what the problem is.

Saw a story on the news of a man in WV, in a mobile home, who had just gotten up out of his recliner during the recent storm. A huge tree fell on his home and, literally took out the whole room where he had been sitting.
That is scary. Those Mobile home stories in extreme weather conditions are terrifying.

When the really bad Tornado came through here in 2004 there was a really nice trailer area near the river a few miles from here and it was hit by the tornado when it crossed the river from Kentucky.

A man who lived in one of the trailers said the tornado ripped him through the wall of his trailer and tore off his pajamas and threw him through the wall of the next door neighbors trailer and he woke up nude laying in the neighbors living room and severly injured and lived to tell the story.

as been diagnosed with a sinus infection. Poor child has been coughing so much she can hardly sleep at night. Hopefully the medication she was prescribed will help.
Sorry to hear B is sick. Those sinus infections can be miserable. Sending prayers she gets well soon.

Another frosty and bitterly cold morning out there, it`s not light yet but looks to be another day of sunshine and cold. I forgot to post this yesterday, one of the snaps from our walk which doesn`t show just how bliddy cold it was! This is in the woods not far from us, and no ducks! Think they were all hibernating.
Beautiful picture of the winter scene in the woods.

Hope everyone stays warm and safe🥶
Frosty here but my brother in KC has been sending me pictures of his " heavy frost " AKA snow this morning.
Have friends who've had to evacuate the Palisades fire but aren't sure if the house is safe. That has to be heartwrenching.
Prayers for your friends and all those affected by the fires in California. Very devastating for folks to loose their homes and lives in such a tragic situation.

I hope the digging out is completed now and things are starting to get back to normal again. That would not be easy to clean up!!!! Your family is very lucky to have you looking after them. I hope they all continue to recover - no matter the pace.
Still cold and still have ice with snow on top in the yards, but the guy we hired to get the reachable branches and debris showed up this morning to start clean this morning. The other major tree work will be done when the tree company gets time.

I enjoy reading all your posts. It gave me joy and an escape from things to read those.
I will be back to posting soon. Take care all,
Ruth continued prayers coming your way. Take your time and heal. Your Sans family is here for you. Lots of hugs and good thoughts being sent your way.

I will be thrilled when when our cold front disappears.
Nasty cold all day.
Me too.

Busy morning, dropped off the cake slices to Kyle`s office, they were very happy!!! They are all just the nicest people that he works with. Then headed to school, had a lovely couple of hours reading to the little ones, drove to a store and picked up Kyle two shirts I think he`ll love to go with his birthday presents, came home and made lunch, those sub rolls are lovely and went down nicely with the beef.
I’am sure Kyle’s office associates were happy campers to receive you tasty flourless chocolate cake.

Fresh pot of tea on the go, will have another cup then head down to see what`s being organised, I would like some more lavender around the place this summer that`s my input!
Lavender smells so good and looks pretty in the yard. Great choice.

Up early this morning. Sun is shining. That makes the day better already.

Our main roads are safe and clear, but side roads are still a little iffy with snow and ice.

We got another 5 inches of snow on Friday. I had to run out and pick up a few things and had trouble getting up the hill to our neighborhood, but finally made it.

The new ignitor is on the downstairs heating system. We have had not problems so far. Fingers and toes crossed.

The guy has showed up today to start some of the tree limb clean up this morning. He will do what he can reach with chainsaw until Tree company can get over to do the major tree top clean up.

The major roads are clean and easy to get around on. I got out yesterday and do some errands that needed to be done.

Going to try and catch up on all appointments that had to be canceled do to weather.

Hubby has hair appt and appt with his Orthopaedic doctor this afternoon. I need to get my appts rescheduled. Getting things ready to head south when we can.

What do you do when you have plenty of time your hands, make hotel reservations for trips I would like to take. Did look at date windows that would work for me if the trips are possible.

I did get by to the locally owned and recommended shoe store that does fitting for shoes and tennis shoes. It has been on my radar for awhile. It was quite the process. They do foot measurements and have you step on computer generated machine that looks to address stress issues on your feet.

I had a very nice knowledgable young man working with me. We did come up with a pair of tennis shoes after looking at a number of options. I gave the fellow a nice tip. He was wonderful. I’am hoping these tennis shoes with help with all the walking I usually do at the parks.

We are supposed to stay cold until Friday will have a warm up to 45 then right back down to cold weather.

Off to get some appts managed.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
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Ooh that wolf full moon last night was beautiful white in our clear night sky. Last evening, as older one wanted me to go with him for errands at dinner time, the horizon sky was a deep red. Red skies indeed, a sailor’s delight.

Just cold feeling today, even with that glorious sunshine, and frozen are the tacos, with it 29 out, feeling like 21 with the wind.

That’s right, Taco 🌮 Tuesday it is. And city views I have after a windy and cold commute in the very dark predawn hour.

Yay for Robo booking trips. Maybe we can say hello one of those times. Hope your husband is doing better, as hope his appointment goes well, and enjoys his haircut. And yay, for hopefully, having no hurting shoes when found one that fits you. Safe travels when you do head South.

Almost lunchtime. Inside walking for me. Brought a nuke to get hot, lunch today. And getting hungry.
Hey all, long cold spell, today the pits. Not sure we got into the teens & steady, light snow.

Have been productive, cleaning out drawers. Bagging stuff up to donate. Today, made beef veggie soup, almost done. Also, some brownies and 2 doz of cornmeal muffins. Will probably freeze up half of them and pull out when needed. Like having stuff like that in the freezer

B has been diagnosed with a sinus infection
They can be miserable. Hope the antibiotics do the trick
Hope you see some improvement soon.
Today my last day of steroids! Woohoo. Hoping the color of my eye area/face goes back to its norm. It’s still a bit technicolor.
IT's a good thing, I am taller and can crawl up. WE don't have a low profile boxspring. We may have to look into getting a new one. We will see.
I’d be lost without mine
OOOOO what do you have planned for him!
Well, it’s a PG thread…

JK, booked a cruise out of TPA end of May into June on RCCL. We were on one of biggest ships in December, this time, the smallest lol. However, bucket list ports he’s wanted to see. Should be happy as a clam when he finds out…otherwise I’ll need to get a she-shed

I found out if I get too much sun on my face now - my eyes do the same thing. I look like someone from Avatar.
Interesting, never heard of that
We found out a family member who is a wildfire firefighter has been put on standby, as they may be deployed there to help out as well.
They are shipping out here, several pilots flying those DC10’s
I know that this will pass and I will feel like doing things again, but it's still too new to me.
Good to hear from you Ruth. You will get there when you get there. Hugs
We don’t have a box spring. It made the bed way too high. We have a platform bed instead
Same, otherwise, I’d need a step ladder the way they make mattresses so deep these days
He has days were he is stronger and some days not. I told him life is a journey and we will travel it as it comes
Best wishes there!
A man who lived in one of the trailers said the tornado ripped him through the wall of his trailer
The only way somebody survives that is by the grace of God!
Getting things ready to head south when we can.
That sounds perfectly lovely
He was wonderful. I’am hoping these tennis shoes with help with all the walking I usually do at the parks.
Know many who have used those services. The podiatrist, who did my inserts evaluates my feet annually. Over the years, I’ve begun ‘over-pronating’ and have an ‘off” foot strike. What’s weird is I’ve discovered that each foot can be slightly different.
Snow did not last but a very brief time the past day.

Now it’s just cold here and plan to stay in the house.

What I consider cold, most will say weather is just fine.

No, I feel your pain, cold is cold.

Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave2:

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My sister is better. Granddaughter had her surgery Friday and is doing well. Daughter in law surgery is coming up next week. Hubby is up this morning. He has days were he is stronger and some days not. I told him life is a journey and we will travel it as it comes. Thank you for your good thoughts for my family Carole.

Sounds like a fun time. Enjoy it.

Sorry to hear you are having problems with your eyes sounds perplexing indeed. Does sound like an allergic reaction to something. Hope they are able to find out what the problem is.

That is scary. Those Mobile home stories in extreme weather conditions are terrifying.

When the really bad Tornado came through here in 2004 there was a really nice trailer area near the river a few miles from here and it was hit by the tornado when it crossed the river from Kentucky.

A man who lived in one of the trailers said the tornado ripped him through the wall of his trailer and tore off his pajamas and threw him through the wall of the next door neighbors trailer and he woke up nude laying in the neighbors living room and severly injured and lived to tell the story.

Sorry to hear B is sick. Those sinus infections can be miserable. Sending prayers she gets well soon.

Beautiful picture of the winter scene in the woods.

Prayers for your friends and all those affected by the fires in California. Very devastating for folks to loose their homes and lives in such a tragic situation.

Still cold and still have ice with snow on top in the yards, but the guy we hired to get the reachable branches and debris showed up this morning to start clean this morning. The other major tree work will be done when the tree company gets time.

Ruth continued prayers coming your way. Take your time and heal. Your Sans family is here for you. Lots of hugs and good thoughts being sent your way.

Me too.

I’am sure Kyle’s office associates were happy campers to receive you tasty flourless chocolate cake.

Lavender smells so good and looks pretty in the yard. Great choice.

Up early this morning. Sun is shining. That makes the day better already.

Our main roads are safe and clear, but side roads are still a little iffy with snow and ice.

We got another 5 inches of snow on Friday. I had to run out and pick up a few things and had trouble getting up the hill to our neighborhood, but finally made it.

The new ignitor is on the downstairs heating system. We have had not problems so far. Fingers and toes crossed.

The guy has showed up today to start some of the tree limb clean up this morning. He will do what he can reach with chainsaw until Tree company can get over to do the major tree top clean up.

The major roads are clean and easy to get around on. I got out yesterday and do some errands that needed to be done.

Going to try and catch up on all appointments that had to be canceled do to weather.

Hubby has hair appt and appt with his Orthopaedic doctor this afternoon. I need to get my appts rescheduled. Getting things ready to head south when we can.

What do you do when you have plenty of time your hands, make hotel reservations for trips I would like to take. Did look at date windows that would work for me if the trips are possible.

I did get by to the locally owned and recommended shoe store that does fitting for shoes and tennis shoes. It has been on my radar for awhile. It was quite the process. They do foot measurements and have you strep on computer generated machine that looks to address stress issues on your feet.

I had a very nice knowledgable young man working with me. We did come up with a pair of tennis shoes after looking at a number of options. I gave the fellow a nice tip. He was wonderful. I’am hoping these tennis shoes with help with all the walking I usually do at the parks.

We are supposed to stay cold until Friday will have a warm up to 45 then right back down to cold weather.

Off to get some appts managed.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Glad to hear your sister and granddaughter are doing well, continued good wishes for your husband and special wishes for daughter in law next week. You have had a lot of worry with all of them as you say life is a journey we all just get on as best we can.

We were with Kyle tonight and yes, the treats went down well and said more than half were gone already, glad to hear it.

Happy new training shoes!! One thing that has to be comfy is one`s shoes.

I adore lavender, I would have it everywhere if I could, have to keep plenty of flowers to encourage the bees.

Hope you get down South soon Robbie and everyone gets a clean bill of health.

Hey all, long cold spell, today the pits. Not sure we got into the teens & steady, light snow.

Have been productive, cleaning out drawers. Bagging stuff up to donate. Today, made beef veggie soup, almost done. Also, some brownies and 2 doz of cornmeal muffins. Will probably freeze up half of them and pull out when needed. Like having stuff like that in the freezer

They can be miserable. Hope the antibiotics do the trick

Today my last day of steroids! Woohoo. Hoping the color of my eye area/face goes back to its norm. It’s still a bit technicolor.

I’d be lost without mine

Well, it’s a PG thread…

JK, booked a cruise out of TPA end of May into June on RCCL. We were on one of biggest ships in December, this time, the smallest lol. However, bucket list ports he’s wanted to see. Should be happy as a clam when he finds out…otherwise I’ll need to get a she-shed

Interesting, never heard of that

They are shipping out here, several pilots flying those DC10’s

Good to hear from you Ruth. You will get there when you get there. Hugs

Same, otherwise, I’d need a step ladder the way they make mattresses so deep these days

Best wishes there!

The only way somebody survives that is by the grace of God!

That sounds perfectly lovely

Know many who have used those services. The podiatrist, who did my inserts evaluates my feet annually. Over the years, I’ve begun ‘over-pronating’ and have an ‘off” foot strike. What’s weird is I’ve discovered that each foot can be slightly different.

Kyle says thanks for the meme, he did like it!!!

Oh send some of those muffins over here please, huge cornbread fan here, I got a recipe from Edgar the gentleman who came here from Louisiana several years ago for a hot honey jalapeno cornbread, haven`t tried it yet, he added the jalapeno to it as he knows I love them! Must give it a try at some point he says it`s softer and a little squidgy but thinks I`ll like it.

No more steroids is good news!! Glad it`s clearing up, you`ll be back to normal before you know it.

Had a lovely evening with Kyle and some friends. We went over to his place first to give him cards and presents and he was very pleased with both gift cards and real presents along with a joke present of a pack of black socks, we always give a dull boring joke present and black socks were it. However he wears blacks socks with his suits for work, so they will be useful.

I think he had a nice birthday, meal was lovely and some nice company too.

We`ll celebrate again by taking him out to dinner on Saturday night at the steak restaurant, all reviews are wonderful for it. Like Janet and family, we`ll extend all celebrations where we can!!!

Back home and in need of a cup of tea, Tom and I both had pizza`s at the restaurant and I think they were a little salty, cup of tea will do nicely.

No need for us to be up early tomorrow, might have a late sleep then head out for a little shopping. And salsa dance class again tomorrow night, looking forward to that!!! Not sure my knees are though!

Feet up, tv on :)
Good Wednesday morning from a very sunny UK! Well, the East Coast anyway.

We did sleep a little later this morning, I do believe it is starting to get a little lighter in the mornings now, exactly 8am was our sunrise this morning but it was lighter quite a time before that, good sign lighter days are coming.

Heading out some shopping this morning, we do need washing powder, one of the dullest things to shop for, but we do need it and some flour, yeast and baking powder too. Yawn. Then home for lunch, sub rolls again for lunch but with turkey slices and salad, dinner will be salmon with roast vegetables and sweet potato wedges.

Still drinking my tea this morning, pot is still half full so won`t be going out till it`s empty. I`m British, it`s what we do according to a very apt meme ::yes::

Have a lovely Wednesday 😊



Ah, nothing like getting up before the alarm is to go off, only to lay there until it went off. DH was sleepy, so I think he went back to sleep after I left. We both will wake when the other starts to get out of bed. Toasty was our bed. Not outside though.

Another predawn drive in the pitch black sky, and lights breaking the darkness ever more as I neared the city. Quick drive, and always a little wait this time, as entering, as quite a few in my complex are also early arrivals. And glad no one even close to my favorite parking spot in the front of the building. Those spots fill up first, as there are not many. Training in the large parking lot on the one side of our building that is closest to the exit, so will make closer parking more of a premium on the other side of my building, in the much smaller lot, as many like to park in that today, closed lot.

And with glorious sunshine having arrived today, so were those poo birds greeting the sunrise on my top window cover. Windows are so full of poo, I’ll be glad to see the window washing guys one of these days. Sigh. Why the design of the hanging metal cover above the window, are there horizontal slats that are perfect for birds to perch on. Sigh. But glad I have a large window to see the city views. Well traffic and a storage place.

And who else do I see?


Ah yes, this mid week day, certainly feels like a hump day. Yes indeed, get over this hump day, and yay, then only day away from that most fabulous Friday.

Yay, one more day after today, and no more city views until the taco day 🌮 arrives next week. And it’s pay day Friday this week. Woot!

And kids sent me this picture last night:


Lucky kids.
Good Thursday morning Sans family :wave2:





Yay for Robo booking trips. Maybe we can say hello one of those times. Hope your husband is doing better, as hope his appointment goes well, and enjoys his haircut. And yay, for hopefully, having no hurting shoes when found one that fits you. Safe travels when you do head South.
Thanks Lynne. Hubby is making some progress. He got his hair cut and was happy with the results. The lady that does his hair is wonderful.

Have been productive, cleaning out drawers. Bagging stuff up to donate. Today, made beef veggie soup, almost done. Also, some brownies and 2 doz of cornmeal muffins. Will probably freeze up half of them and pull out when needed. Like having stuff like that in the freezer
Wow….sound like you are being productive with all the cleaning. Beef veggie soup sound yummy.

Know many who have used those services. The podiatrist, who did my inserts evaluates my feet annually. Over the years, I’ve begun ‘over-pronating’ and have an ‘off” foot strike. What’s weird is I’ve discovered that each foot can be slightly different.
Yes, for sure each foot can be slightly different. My left food pronates more than my right one. It does really cause issues if shoes are not just right.

I have inserts from podiatrists that were just redone last Fall. I have never been able to wear those longterm without them bothering my achilles tendon. I have been searching for a good quality fitting tennis shoe that will work for me. I hope these new shoes work. I have a problem with blisters forming on the medial side of my foot and on the ball of my feet when hiking in the parks.

I have found some great tape that helped with that this past September just needed some good shoes.

I hope you are feeling better and your eye swelling has resolved.

Glad to hear your sister and granddaughter are doing well, continued good wishes for your husband and special wishes for daughter in law next week. You have had a lot of worry with all of them as you say life is a journey we all just get on as best we can.
Thank you Carole. Granddaughter is dong well post surgery. Daughter in laws knee surgery is in 2 weeks.

I hope your mom is doing well. Have continued to keep your sister and family in prayer.

Happy new training shoes!! One thing that has to be comfy is one`s shoes.
Yes, hoping these new shoes help a lot. Looking forward to giving them a good try out for Mardi Gras if possible.

Hope you get down South soon Robbie and everyone gets a clean bill of health.
If all works well as planned we hope to head south in a week. Fingers and toes crossed.

Carole, Happy Birthday to Kyle. Enjoy celebrating your sweet son.




Another cold day here in Southern Indiana. We still have some snow and ice in the yards. The roads are clear thankfully so getting out is not an issues. Just have to be careful when walking in parking lots etc.. as not all the pockets of ice have melted.

We are supposed to have a 40 degree day tomorrow so that will help melt some snow and ice. That will help with the clean up after all the tree damage after the ice storm.

We have started the clean up around our house. The guy we hired started on Tuesday getting the major limbs that are down cleaned up. It will be a process.

Going to pick my little great-nephew J up from his school today. I have not been able to see him for a while so looking forward to hanging out with him. I will let him decide What he wants to do.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
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My sister is better. Granddaughter had her surgery Friday and is doing well. Daughter in law surgery is
Oh Robbie, seems like you have had your share of family surgeries. I hope your granddaughter is doing well and your DIL does well with her surgery
Have been productive, cleaning out drawers. Bagging stuff up to donate. Today, made beef veggie soup, almost done. Also, some brownies and 2 doz of cornmeal muffins. Will probably freeze up half of them and pull out when needed. Like having stuff like that in the freezer
Janet, all of that sounds wonderful. Veggie soup sound so good in these cold days. I am making beef stew today which is always good in cold weather.
Today my last day of steroids! Woohoo. Hoping the color of my eye area/face goes back to its norm. It’s still a bit technicolor.
I hope the steroids work for you and you get back to normal soon.
Hope you get down South soon Robbie and everyone gets a clean bill of health.
Yes, I second that!
huge cornbread fan here,
I love cornbread too. I learned how to make Southern cornbread from my sisterinlaw who was raised in the South. I have tweaked it a little making it Northern corn bread now, LOL. I'm going to make white beans and ham (I know you don't like beans and are scrunching up your face right now:) this week. Also cornbread.
I think he had a nice birthday, meal was lovely and some nice company too.
Congratulations to Kyle for his birthday!
We`ll celebrate again by taking him out to dinner on Saturday night at the steak restaurant, all reviews are wonderful for it. Like Janet and family, we`ll extend all celebrations where we can!!!
Another celebration sounds wonderful:) We celebrated Mom's birthday one time for a week. It was so much fun to eat out, fix a nice supper, and go shopping and the casino:)
And kids sent me this picture last night:
That photo looks great. Wish I was there.
then only day away from that most fabulous Friday.
Yes, I remember waiting for the blessed Friday's to come when I worked. Not too far away for you now.
Janet have fun on your cruise!
I didn't know you were going on a cruise! Where are you going? I know you will have a great time on your cruise. I hope your eye problem clears up soon!

Pumpkin and Charade, Mac, and DJ: I'm sorry but I only looked back a couple of days to try to catch up. I appreciated all your kind thoughts while I was working through my sadness. I promise to catch up with you guys soon.

I just got off the phone with a dear friend from Tennessee. We talked for over an hour!!!! She is one of my best friends and keep in touch and I confess, we talk way too long, LOL.
I then hurried up and made beef stew for tonight. It should be done in a couple of hours, I hope.

We are going into the deep freeze this weekend with lows in the -30's and highs in the -teens!!! With the wind chill added, I don't even want to think how cold it will be.
We went to the grocery store today and are planning on staying inside until this cold passes. It's so nice to be able to do that now that we are both retired.

I have been reading some of the SANs every day or so trying to catch up. Reading these posts helped me when I was not doing well:)

I will try and post more now. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and send warm thoughts our way:)

“The” way to roll for one’s birthday, hope Kyle is riding the wave

Doing the my xmas present finally came in dance, can’t wait to use the All Clad set of cookwear that finally was delivered!

Lasagne in the oven, spaghetti & meat balls for one Dave, the other gets buttered noodles if his Camaro can make it up the mountain to our house. Salad, nice crisp baguettes and homer’s donuts for dessert. A real carb-fest

Lucky kids.
Looks like across lake from Riviera? Taken from the gondolas?
Janet have fun on your cruise!
I read it always provides great food!
If you can’t find something to eat you like on a cruise, you just aren’t trying lol
By the way, do you hire out for cleaning….
I am eons behind on organizing and cleaning..
Well, I used to own a cleaning company. Sold it after I found myself actually filling in once too many for ahem unreliable workers who just weren’t feeling it. Actually, had one girl tell me that in a call off once lol
I have found some great tape
I’m all about KT tape in the parks for feet/ankles etc.
Granddaughter is dong well post surgery. Daughter in laws knee surgery is in 2 weeks.
Good to hear. Curious, trend here last few years is to advise people to go on a special pre surgery diet for at least a couple of weeks. Interesting concept, clean sort of food & increased movement. do they suggest that in your neck of the woods?
First picture I shared was from the hotel they are at, this one is from the Epcot show they just watched:

Almost ready for bed, and ready for my shortest day tomorrow, pay day, and last day of that week day routine. And so ready for the three day coming up weekend, with a holiday Monday to make a short week day routine, next week, as making a three day weekend to end next week, with also taking Friday off. Woot!


Oh yeah! ::yes::

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