Something About Nothing............ #14

Spent afternoon @ eye dr. happy to wait while they squeezed me into rotation. Since September have had increasing episodes of having my upper & lower eye lids randomly swell up. No ascertainable pattern I could determine.

could barely see out the one eye as so swollen underneath this am. Dr categorized it as severe, thinking it’s allergies of dermatological origin.

At least nothing worse! Had full allergy screen last year due to breathing issues, know what my issues are there. Prescribed 2 RX to knock down the swelling and redness, told I should see some improvement by the weekend.

In order to find the trigger(s), i’m to eliminate anything ‘chemical’ that touches my body for a week (cavewoman time lol) then slowly reintroduce one thing at a time. Feel free to laugh.

heck, it happens in single digits, I can’t imagine it in that sort of weather.

Yes, she is much missed

Ugh, the only reason I have considered getting another car is for a remote starter

That’s not comforting lol. Allegiant is still somewhat reasonable, just not a fan of longer drive into Orlando from there…nor the few flights a week offered from our market.

Thanks, I’ve whittled it down. He’s either going to be happy or quite annoyed with me…not sure which

They are lucky to have you! That’s a real cluster of surgeries and healing going on in your family.

Saw a story on the news of a man in WV, in a mobile home, who had just gotten up out of his recliner during the recent storm. A huge tree fell on his home and, literally took out the whole room where he had been sitting.

Rarely does my mind draw a blank trying to envision something lol. All that matters is you are enjoying the experience, run dance with it !

Remote start is a wonderful thing! No more scraping windscreens, start the car from the comfort of your home, we love it and it`s been very handy this week!!

Look forward to hearing about the trip you have planned, I`ll bet he loves it!

Glad to hear it`s nothing serious with the eyes, such a worry. Oh no laughing with the no chemical issue, that covers a lot!!

We loved it, I do have slightly aching hips this morning, but apart from that, glad we went, it was a lot of fun.

Freezing this morning!! But plenty of sunshine which just makes it feel so much better.

Early morning walk with some friends, despite the aching hips, stopped into a cafe for hot drinks that were needed, then popped off to do some shopping, picked up some things for Kyle`s birthday and back home for warming cuppa and lunch in an hour or so.

Hopefully that`s us in till Sunday unless we go walking, can`t say no to friends unless it snows or gets very windy, but it is incredibly still.

Happy Thursday :)


Hello again. Nothing exciting going on here. Today I got a phone call and the caller ID said Boardwalk. I thought Disney was calling to offer me an upgrade. I had forgotten that I had emailed them that I was still getting emails from them at an old address. The CM thinks she got the issue resolved.

B has been diagnosed with a sinus infection. Poor child has been coughing so much she can hardly sleep at night. Hopefully the medication she was prescribed will help.

Odd, they offer that roof top view, but no where to book. Maybe give a call, as to seeing why not available to book.
They told me it just wasn’t being offered right now. I wish they would remove events from the website if they aren’t currently offering them.

Spring is now only 71 days away.
I’m ready.

There are a lot of trees and limbs down.

We have tree near the house down and a lot of limbs down as do our neighbors.
Wow. It’s sad that something so beautiful can be so destructive.

Daughter in law is scheduled for surgery on her knee at the end of the month and granddaughter is scheduled for surgery next week. Hubby is progressing just not as fast as he would like. I’am thankful to be here for them.
Hope everything goes well for everyone.

Well, my friend J and I had a blast at the dance class!! It was so much fun and I discovered I have five left feet not two! But we had a laugh and did learn some moves, I think both of us may ache a little in the morning as we did move a lot and we will be going back next week, nice group of people and the dance teacher is lovely, very patient!!
Sounds like a great way to get in some fun exercise. I would love to take a dance class, but only if everyone else was as inexperienced as me.

At least nothing worse! Had full allergy screen last year due to breathing issues, know what my issues are there. Prescribed 2 RX to knock down the swelling and redness, told I should see some improvement by the weekend.
Hope you see some improvement soon.

In order to find the trigger(s), i’m to eliminate anything ‘chemical’ that touches my body for a week (cavewoman time lol) then slowly reintroduce one thing at a time. Feel free to laugh
No laughter here. I hope you are able to find out what is causing this.

We are supposed to get another round of snow tomorrow night. I need to go to the grocery tomorrow and fight everyone for french toast supples.
Weather. Us too Charade. Saying, for our late Friday into mid Saturday, snow, then freezing rain, then rain. At least all snow and ice will be washed away with the rain. But we stay in the mid 30’s all next week.

Was so nice to be off today. Made pancakes for breakfast, as we hadn’t had them for quite awhile. Burgers for dinner, as that late time breakfast filled us up and only needed a little aback before dinner.

Kids want to go to the croissant place, as their lattes are good, as well as their baked goods. Will be our breakfast out tomorrow. So nice to be off two week days in a row.

That wind, again today, not a warm feeling sunshine but saying with Storm coming, our Sunday will have only a little bit of wind. These gusts of close to 30 mph biting wind was no fun going and coming from my hair salon visit and the stop to get some more ice melt salt at the big box store.

Gosh, I should be getting to bed. Good night all. And hope B is feeling better, as mummy dust well wishes sent down to her.
Hello again. Nothing exciting going on here. Today I got a phone call and the caller ID said Boardwalk. I thought Disney was calling to offer me an upgrade. I had forgotten that I had emailed them that I was still getting emails from them at an old address. The CM thinks she got the issue resolved.

B has been diagnosed with a sinus infection. Poor child has been coughing so much she can hardly sleep at night. Hopefully the medication she was prescribed will help.

They told me it just wasn’t being offered right now. I wish they would remove events from the website if they aren’t currently offering them.

I’m ready.

Wow. It’s sad that something so beautiful can be so destructive.

Hope everything goes well for everyone.

Sounds like a great way to get in some fun exercise. I would love to take a dance class, but only if everyone else was as inexperienced as me.

Hope you see some improvement soon.

No laughter here. I hope you are able to find out what is causing this.

We are supposed to get another round of snow tomorrow night. I need to go to the grocery tomorrow and fight everyone for french toast supples.

Hope your daughter feels better Charade, if you don`t get sleep it can make you feel so much worse during the day, hope the meds work. And yes, hope they have your email sorted out.

There were a mix of people and abilities, but even the folks that had been going for a longish time weren`t perfect, so no one felt out of place. It was a very friendly place and we were all assured you stick to your own pace. But yes, we felt as if we`d had a workout for sure!! If there was anywhere that offered such a thing Charade, go for it, they do welcome you with open arms.

Golly gosh gosh!!!! :rotfl:

Another frosty and bitterly cold morning out there, it`s not light yet but looks to be another day of sunshine and cold. I forgot to post this yesterday, one of the snaps from our walk which doesn`t show just how bliddy cold it was! This is in the woods not far from us, and no ducks! Think they were all hibernating.


But, that`s what winter coats, scarves, hats and gloves are for! But, we might get above freezing today and reach 34F!

Might go out this morning for more of the same once we find out when the gas engineer is coming to give the boiler and radiators their yearly service, shouldn`t take him long as we have no issues, it keeps our home toasty warm.

Early breakfast, so will be having lunch, we`ve missed a few lunches recently with later brunches, but I baked some cheese and olive bread last night and will bring out some home made soup to go with it, will be welcome if we do get out a walk and steaks for dinner tonight, will be cooking them inside! Will make some dauphinoise potatoes and roasted carrots to go with them, looking forward to that as we do like our steaks.

Food sorted for the day!!!! Big pot of tea with breakfast, toast, avocado and poached egg for me, same but minus the avocado for Tom.

Tonight, feel like some Robert Downey Jr movies, might watch both his Sherlock movies, I don`t like Jude Law, but decent movies.

Have a lovely Friday :)





Well, central heating and boiler given a clean bill of health for another year!

Now we have the rest of the day free, after lunch I`m going to get a couple of other birthday things for my boy for next week. He always gets a cheque, but we always give gifts too, nothing nicer than seeing folks open gifts we`ve got them. I think he`ll like everything.

About to have an earlyish lunch, bread is done and trying to not have a load of butter on the butter!!!

Although we have been watching the fires in California, my goodness it`s heartbreaking to watch the devastation, cannot imagine how dreadful it must be to be living in that area. Hope everyone gets the help and aid needed.
TGIF stop in :cheer2:

It's been a busy week! Trying to get back into the swing of things since this is the first full week of work since the holidays. Weather is menopausal and must be having a hot flash, as it was pouring rain yesterday. Rural roads are treacherous and encouraged NOT to travel unless necessary. But this fluctuating of weather pressures and my head this week has been interesting. No wonder it's been a struggle all week. But it's now Friday - and I plan on doing NOTHING!!!!!!!

Ou new bed arrived yesterday and we had our first sleep on it. So far, I am loving it. It is (of course) quite a bit harder than then one on the showroom floor. Dh was surprised it was that hard. I liked it!!!!! It is a little bit taller than our previous bed....and I'm not sure if it's because of the pillowtop on it or the mattress is just that much higher. IT's a good thing, I am taller and can crawl up. WE don't have a low profile boxspring. We may have to look into getting a new one. We will see.

I think dinner tonight is going to be taco/rice bowls. I bought avocados specifically for this meal - and it's youngest ds's favorite meal. It's a good easy quick Friday night meal. I will have to pick up some taco chips for it though. I hate hitting the grocery store on Friday nights :scared: It can be a bit of a nut house.

Hello from the frozen tundra of southern Indiana. Not typical weather here.
I hope the digging out is completed now and things are starting to get back to normal again. That would not be easy to clean up!!!! Your family is very lucky to have you looking after them. I hope they all continue to recover - no matter the pace.
Well, my friend J and I had a blast at the dance class!! It was so much fun and I discovered I have five left feet not two! But we had a laugh and did learn some moves, I think both of us may ache a little in the morning as we did move a lot and we will be going back next week, nice group of people and the dance teacher is lovely, very patient!!
That sounds like a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!! How fun!!!!

I am the same way with my remote start on my car. I had one on my last car - and this one has a fancy app, so I can start it while sitting at my desk, then start my lengthy walk back to the parking parkade.
He’s either going to be happy or quite annoyed with me…not sure which
OOOOO what do you have planned for him!
In order to find the trigger(s), i’m to eliminate anything ‘chemical’ that touches my body for a week (cavewoman time lol) then slowly reintroduce one thing at a time. Feel free to laugh.
I hope you find the triggers quickly. It is scary when you have severe inflammation that happens.

I found out if I get too much sun on my face now - my eyes do the same thing. I look like someone from Avatar.
B has been diagnosed with a sinus infection.
I hope she recovers quickly. That is NOT fun.

It seems like the flu/cold that is going around here, turns into walking pneumonia. There are 2 clerical that are absent from work upstairs in systemic clinic and our nurse, her stepson had it as well and was actually hospitalized as his was so bad.

Well, I should maybe get started on a few things that are on my to-do list today.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!
I forgot to mention the wildfires. It is devastating to watch. It is something that many of us in Canada are familiar with. It is heartbreaking to see - especially if you have memories attached to some of those places.

I was happy to hear that our Premier sent some of our water bombers. Those are some of the same ones that were used in our fires 2 years ago in our area. Their ability to be able to drop the water exactly where it needs to be is a very mazing precise skillset. It makes me proud we are helping out - even with all the other things happening around us.

We found out a family member who is a wildfire firefighter has been put on standby, as they may be deployed there to help out as well.
TGIF stop in :cheer2:

It's been a busy week! Trying to get back into the swing of things since this is the first full week of work since the holidays. Weather is menopausal and must be having a hot flash, as it was pouring rain yesterday. Rural roads are treacherous and encouraged NOT to travel unless necessary. But this fluctuating of weather pressures and my head this week has been interesting. No wonder it's been a struggle all week. But it's now Friday - and I plan on doing NOTHING!!!!!!!

Ou new bed arrived yesterday and we had our first sleep on it. So far, I am loving it. It is (of course) quite a bit harder than then one on the showroom floor. Dh was surprised it was that hard. I liked it!!!!! It is a little bit taller than our previous bed....and I'm not sure if it's because of the pillowtop on it or the mattress is just that much higher. IT's a good thing, I am taller and can crawl up. WE don't have a low profile boxspring. We may have to look into getting a new one. We will see.

I think dinner tonight is going to be taco/rice bowls. I bought avocados specifically for this meal - and it's youngest ds's favorite meal. It's a good easy quick Friday night meal. I will have to pick up some taco chips for it though. I hate hitting the grocery store on Friday nights :scared: It can be a bit of a nut house.

I hope the digging out is completed now and things are starting to get back to normal again. That would not be easy to clean up!!!! Your family is very lucky to have you looking after them. I hope they all continue to recover - no matter the pace.

That sounds like a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!! How fun!!!!

I am the same way with my remote start on my car. I had one on my last car - and this one has a fancy app, so I can start it while sitting at my desk, then start my lengthy walk back to the parking parkade.

OOOOO what do you have planned for him!

I hope you find the triggers quickly. It is scary when you have severe inflammation that happens.

I found out if I get too much sun on my face now - my eyes do the same thing. I look like someone from Avatar.

I hope she recovers quickly. That is NOT fun.

It seems like the flu/cold that is going around here, turns into walking pneumonia. There are 2 clerical that are absent from work upstairs in systemic clinic and our nurse, her stepson had it as well and was actually hospitalized as his was so bad.

Well, I should maybe get started on a few things that are on my to-do list today.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

lol....I do like menopausal weather, send those hot flashes to us!!

Happy new bed!!! Hope you find it very comfy and sleep well on it. I prefer a much higher bed, even if I do have to climb into it, something very romantic about it!

I haven`t mentioned to Tom but I miss our proper four poster bed, with the top canopy! He asked me a million times if I was sure I wanted to change it, it was beautiful and very traditional, so now after a couple of years....I wish I hadn`t changed it!! I will get another at some point I think.

Gosh yes, grocery stores of Friday nights and weekends are to be avoided!!!

lol... you made me laugh there, I always say I hate apps, but that one for the remote start that heats the seats and steering wheel is my favourite app the winter is wonderful, I can imagine it is a huge benefit to you.

Oh the salsa class was brilliant, hilarious too as we tried to navigate those moves, but all good fun and no competitiveness which is nice, everyone was so friendly, already looking forward to next week.

Have a great weekend Pumpkin :)

I forgot to mention the wildfires. It is devastating to watch. It is something that many of us in Canada are familiar with. It is heartbreaking to see - especially if you have memories attached to some of those places.

I was happy to hear that our Premier sent some of our water bombers. Those are some of the same ones that were used in our fires 2 years ago in our area. Their ability to be able to drop the water exactly where it needs to be is a very mazing precise skillset. It makes me proud we are helping out - even with all the other things happening around us.

We found out a family member who is a wildfire firefighter has been put on standby, as they may be deployed there to help out as well.

All good wishes for your family member if they are sent out there to help, what a job to have to do.

Still cold.

Managed to get some nice things for Kyle, no chocolate was the only thing he said he didn`t want as he is on marathon training, but he is going out with friends at night for dinner on his birthday I think and we`re taking him for a meal next Saturday night, I`m sure he`ll break it a little for those nights.

Steaks were nice, dauphinoise were a little burnt on top tonight, my fault, picked the top layer off and they were fine. A small apple pie for dessert with some custard I made up, we have so many eggs to use up so might bake a little over the weekend. In fact I might make a big batch of Kyle`s favourite flourless chocolate cake and just take it into his office on Monday as everyone loves it. Ok, just given myself a task for Sunday.

His company gives all their employees their birthday off, but Tuesday some of the execs are coming up from London, so he was checking if he could take Wednesday off instead, I`ll find out this weekend when we see him.

Tonight is a quiet one for us, Pepsi Max for me tonight, ginger beer for Tom, might add a slice of lime to glam it up 😉

Pot of tea time to go with the apple pie......🥧🫖
Well, it's Friday the 10th and I am now posting again, somewhat:)

First, a big thank you for all the comforting comments. It meant a lot to me to read those and it makes me happy that I am in this wonderful group of people. :love:

There's no way to catch up on all that's been happening with everyone since before Christmas, so I'll just catch up all up on my Christmas.
It was a sad time with my brother so sick. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer in the middle of November, and passed away on December 26th. The good thing is that he didn't have to suffer very long. He had time to set his estate in order and get a few things done that he wanted to do, so I am thankful for that.
My brother, Steve, was my only sibling. He and I have always been close. Through the years I could always count on him to help out if I had any problems/troubles. He was always there for me. He called us every morning. I miss those calls so much. He was Roger's best buddy too. They went fishing, hunting together for years and were best buddies. They had a great time together in their many adventures with lots of laughter. It was due to my brother that I met and married Roger. He kept asking me to go out on a blind date with this "really nice guy" he worked with. But I always refused him saying that I didn't do blind dates. About a month later, I relented to going out with him. It was love at first sight, and I'm so glad I listened to my big brother:)

My husband really misses him too. He carried our land line phone around all day for a while waiting for Steve to call. He would call him in the afternoon most times for guy talk. He finally quit carrying that phone around after a week.

Surprisingly, my 97 y/o Mother is taking this better than I am. She is one remarkable lady and still has all her senses. She keeps me straight when I get things wrong. LOL. I am glad that she is doing so well.

For me, I feel like I am lost at times. I do the things that need done, but have no interest in anything else such as going out to eat (which I usually love to do), working on my many crochet projects or sewing projects, etc. I know that this will pass and I will feel like doing things again, but it's still too new to me. I know that those of you who have lost a loved one know what I mean about only doing things that need to be done and nothing else.

I enjoy reading all your posts. It gave me joy and an escape from things to read those.
I will be back to posting soon. Take care all,

Well, it's Friday the 10th and I am now posting again, somewhat:)

First, a big thank you for all the comforting comments. It meant a lot to me to read those and it makes me happy that I am in this wonderful group of people. :love:

There's no way to catch up on all that's been happening with everyone since before Christmas, so I'll just catch up all up on my Christmas.
It was a sad time with my brother so sick. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer in the middle of November, and passed away on December 26th. The good thing is that he didn't have to suffer very long. He had time to set his estate in order and get a few things done that he wanted to do, so I am thankful for that.
My brother, Steve, was my only sibling. He and I have always been close. Through the years I could always count on him to help out if I had any problems/troubles. He was always there for me. He called us every morning. I miss those calls so much. He was Roger's best buddy too. They went fishing, hunting together for years and were best buddies. They had a great time together in their many adventures with lots of laughter. It was due to my brother that I met and married Roger. He kept asking me to go out on a blind date with this "really nice guy" he worked with. But I always refused him saying that I didn't do blind dates. About a month later, I relented to going out with him. It was love at first sight, and I'm so glad I listened to my big brother:)

My husband really misses him too. He carried our land line phone around all day for a while waiting for Steve to call. He would call him in the afternoon most times for guy talk. He finally quit carrying that phone around after a week.

Surprisingly, my 97 y/o Mother is taking this better than I am. She is one remarkable lady and still has all her senses. She keeps me straight when I get things wrong. LOL. I am glad that she is doing so well.

For me, I feel like I am lost at times. I do the things that need done, but have no interest in anything else such as going out to eat (which I usually love to do), working on my many crochet projects or sewing projects, etc. I know that this will pass and I will feel like doing things again, but it's still too new to me. I know that those of you who have lost a loved one know what I mean about only doing things that need to be done and nothing else.

I enjoy reading all your posts. It gave me joy and an escape from things to read those.
I will be back to posting soon. Take care all,


Ruth, it is so good to see you back on the San thread.

Big brothers are the best aren`t they, it`s so lovely that Steve introduced you to Roger and it worked out so well.

You have come along amazingly well in what is still a short time, but you have your family around you and your mum, well I always thought she sounded amazing!! That generation get through most things with aplomb.

Yes, you will get back to normal soon, it`ll take time though but for now take it slowly and one day you`ll pick up your crochet or similar and feel happy to do it. Don`t push it though, if you feel you want to sit and stare aimessly at the tv for a few hours, that`s what you do.

I think I owe you an email too, will get one off soon.

Good to see you though Ruth :)
Good Saturday morning from a beautiful winter wonderland of frost and ice.


We had one of the coldest temps so far this winter last night and it showed, everything was white and shiny before we went to bed. Very pretty but biting and the sun is now shining so it looks much nicer than it is.

Popping out this morning after all, I need some chocolate, butter and will pop to the farm for eggs as I`m going to bake Kyle`s flourless chocolate cake times four cakes tomorrow, will cut them all into squares and hand them into his office on Monday. But, that`s all the shopping I`m doing today and I can get it all in our local village, no need to visit the bigger stores. We get our butter from the milkman usually from their own dairy but he doesn`t deliver till Monday and I decided too late to add some for this morning, might drive over there too, might as well as we`ll be close, we do like their butter.

I think by tomorrow it`s going to warm up and we`ll back up into slightly warmer temperatures, hopefully into the 50`s, much more civilised temps, even for January.

Just had bacon for breakfast, not sure about lunch but made lasagne for dinner tonight, made the meat sauce last night, now just need to layer it and make the cheese sauce tonight for the top. Will make up some salad and that`ll be dinner.

Lazyish day ahead with lots of tea I think, house is warm but seeing all that ice outside, well, makes one want to have cups of tea all day.

Happy Saturday, hope it`s a good one!!!


Woke up to about an inch or 2 of snow this morning. It’s enough to keep me from going anywhere today. Thankfully I bought groceries yesterday and also have the necessary ingredients to make hot chocolate.

A few years ago I placed an order with a company called Pajamagram. They were having an end of season mystery sale. Super low prices, but you didn’t know what you would get until you received it. I ordered a nightgown and received a fleece granny gown. I can’t actually sleep in it because I get too hot when I sleep. It has been hanging in my closet waiting for a good time to wear it. I think today is that day.

And hope B is feeling better, as mummy dust well wishes sent down to her.

Hope your daughter feels better Charade,

I hope she recovers quickly. That is NOT fun.
Thanks y’all. I encouraged her to call in sick to work yesterday. I know she didn’t get much sleep the night before. I think the medication is starting to work. There was less coughing last night. Thankfully she is not scheduled to work today or tomorrow. She will have some time to rest and recover.

Kids want to go to the croissant place,
Croissant place? Sounds interesting.

after lunch I`m going to get a couple of other birthday things for my boy for next week.
Happy early birthday to him. I just remembered that my niece’s birthday is today and my sister’s is next Saturday.

Although we have been watching the fires in California, my goodness it`s heartbreaking to watch the devastation, cannot imagine how dreadful it must be to be living in that area. Hope everyone gets the help and aid needed.
I can’t bring myself to watch the news. It’s just too horrifying. Dh’s niece and a friend both live in that area. Thankfully both have reported in safe for now.

It is a little bit taller than our previous bed....and I'm not sure if it's because of the pillowtop on it or the mattress is just that much higher. IT's a good thing, I am taller and can crawl up. WE don't have a low profile boxspring. We may have to look into getting a new one. We will see.
We don’t have a box spring. It made the bed way too high. We have a platform bed instead. I would love one if those adjustable ones though.
Well, it's Friday the 10th and I am now posting again, somewhat
Welcome back. What a sweet story about how you met your husband. I know it will take some time, but I hope you will soon experience joy in your favorite things again.

B is awake. I just heard coughing. I hope she can get back to sleep and get the rest she needs.
Last edited:
Woke up to about an inch or 2 of snow this morning. It’s enough to keep me from going anywhere today. Thankfully I bought groceries yesterday and also have the necessary ingredients to make hot chocolate.

A few years ago I placed an order with a company called Pajamagram. They were having an end of season mystery sale. Super low prices, but you didn’t know what you would get until you received it. I ordered a nightgown and received a fleece granny gown. I can’t actually sleep in it because I get too hot when I sleep. It has been hanging in my closet waiting for a good time to wear it. I think today is that day.

Thanks y’all. I encouraged her to call in sick to work yesterday. I know she didn’t get much sleep the night before. I think the medication is starting to work. There was less coughing last night. Thankfully she is not scheduled to work today or tomorrow. She will have some time to rest and recover.

Croissant place? Sounds interesting.

Happy early birthday to him. I just remembered that my niece’s birthday is today and my sister’s is next Saturday.

I can’t bring myself to watch the news. It’s just too horrifying. Dh’s niece and a friend both live in that area. Thankfully both have reported in safe for now.

We don’t have a box spring. It made the bed way too high. We have a platform bed instead. I would love one if those adjustable ones though.

Welcome back. What a sweet story about how you met your husband. I know it will take some time, but I hope you will soon experience joy in your favorite things again.

B is awake. I just heard coughing. I hope she can get back to sleep and get the rest she needs.

Cosy pajamas and hot chocolate sounds lovely, granny gown I`m not sure about though, sounds a little like Little House on the Prairie fashion, but if it`s comfy and warm....enjoy.

Glad to hear your daughter coughed less, yes, sleep is the best thing if she can and a few days rest will do her the world of good.

Birthday wishes for your family members too!! Thank you.

It`s warmed up slightly here, still just above freezing but better than last night.

Had a succesful shop, got everything we needed and managed to get butter from our milk suppliers dairy farm, so baking day ahead for me tomorrow, well, part of the day anyway.

Tonight, thinking we might watch Wicked, not sure I really want to, it`ll be on the regular movie channels soon, right now it`s still pay for view on top of what we already pay. I just don`t want to hate it as I love the stage show of Wicked so much.

Finished dinner, lasagne was nice, such a filling dish though, won`t need much later. I have some sparkly non alcoholic spritz to go with some pineapple and cranberry juice tonight, lots of ice. I have some light snacks if we need them.

So, cosy night ahead for us! 🥰
Ack, some snow as we slept. Had to brush off car windows as we went out to do errands earlier this morning.

Chilling with sipping tea, with DH watching his usual spaghetti western loudly. Me? Actually watching some Western Football.

I am not, however, looking forward to this chilly weather days coming next week. Overnight lows, will make my commuting days start at 14 and 15 degrees. Highs below freezing. Brr. But do have my hat and gloves and heavier winter coat at the ready for those city days.

Our Sunday is our normal, including setting the alarm. Sigh. Was nice to have that longer weekend.

Have a nice Saturday night all.
Good Sunday morning from another white and frosty wonderland! So much for being milder, I think that will come in the next few days, but it is freezing here and apparently for us, it`s the coldest January here in many years. Coats hat and gloves that I do mention a lot apparently :rolleyes: will definitely not be needed today!!!

Ended up not watching Wicked last night, two friends came round for drinks, they`re not doing dry January so they had wine while we happily enjoyed our spritzer drinks minus the alcohol. Nice evening though and put out a charcuterie for snacks later, not the cosy early night we had planned but a lovely evening all the same, always happy to see friends.

This morning is a baking one, looking forward to it, looking at how cold it is I`m glad we`re going to be in. Back out tomorrow for usual stuff and maybe go look for some new pillows after we dropped the chocolate cakes into Kyle`s offices, they`re so close to us, so it`s very handy.

Rib of beef for dinner tonight, it`s quite a small one as it will be just the two of us, but one of our favourite cuts of beef to have, a little Jus served with it and Tom has asked for creamy mash, so will have that and some buttered savoy cabbage. But, French Toast for me this morning with bacon, mini quiches for lunch as we have so many eggs again with a little salad and another day food is sorted.

But, pots of tea will be the order of the day, definitely a cosy day in with possibly a lazy afternoon.

Have a lovely Sunday with a shout out to those who are missing......mac and Ruth, hope you`re both doing better.



I am the only one awake right now. I’m waiting for everyone to get up and then I will make a hash brown casserole either for breakfast or brunch.
Yesterday was a wonderful lazy day. I did a lot of cross stitch but ran out of a color of thread that I needed. I will switch to a different project until I can get to the store.

granny gown I`m not sure about though,
I hadn’t looked at the gown in about 3 years. It is actually more of a nightshirt than a granny gown. It comes all the way down to my ankles. I don’t know if it supposed to, but I am only 5’2”. The fleece is very soft, warm, and cozy.

Tonight, thinking we might watch Wicked
Dh wants to see it in the theater, but due to various circumstances we haven’t made it out there yet.

Actually watching some Western Football.
Are you following the NFL playoffs? Dh is watching but I don’t really care about any of the teams.

I am not, however, looking forward to this chilly weather days coming next week. Overnight lows, will make my commuting days start at 14 and 15 degrees. Highs below freezing.
We are supposed to get into the 40s this week. This is the only time of the year when I miss living in Miami.
I am the only one awake right now. I’m waiting for everyone to get up and then I will make a hash brown casserole either for breakfast or brunch.
Yesterday was a wonderful lazy day. I did a lot of cross stitch but ran out of a color of thread that I needed. I will switch to a different project until I can get to the store.

I hadn’t looked at the gown in about 3 years. It is actually more of a nightshirt than a granny gown. It comes all the way down to my ankles. I don’t know if it supposed to, but I am only 5’2”. The fleece is very soft, warm, and cozy.

Dh wants to see it in the theater, but due to various circumstances we haven’t made it out there yet.

Are you following the NFL playoffs? Dh is watching but I don’t really care about any of the teams.

We are supposed to get into the 40s this week. This is the only time of the year when I miss living in Miami.

I`ve never made a hash brown casserole, it`s not something that most folks will have heard of over here, casseroles are usually meat based. Sounds nice though.

I love a good cosy nightshirt/pajamas in the winter! I have some lovely pj`s for wearing around the house before going to bed, ideal for cosy nights.

I`m still not sure I even want to see it at all, I`m hearing mixed reviews from Wicked/Wizard of Oz fans, so still deciding.

I think this is the first time I`ve sat down today!! Managed to bake 6 flourless chocolate cakes which each yield 16 squares, so I think the office colleagues will be happy with their surprise delivery tomorrrow morning. They`re all set, cut up and in the fridge, they go quite ganache/fudge like overnight when chilled. I did keep a couple of squares for Tom who loves this cake too, it doesn`t look pretty as it is flourless, but it tastes beautiful.

Took longer than I thought as it seemed to be a day for phone calls, why does everyone want to talk to you when you`re busy!

But, it seems to be getting warmer outside, although the real feel is still in the minuses tonight, all frost is gone and it just looks miserable outside, everything is grey again. But, should be in the high 40`s/low 50`s this week.

Beef is due out of the Aga in an hour or so, then it can sit for a time, hopefully it`ll still be quite rare when I serve it.

Pot of tea time I think.....

Just finished doing catchup on the board.

Had an Iphone issue in getting back on the boards.

I will be thrilled when when our cold front disappears.
Nasty cold all day.

Glad you got back on the Dis.

And yes, hope your cold front heads somewhere else soon, it`s hard to imagine snow where you live, I always think of it as being sunny and warm!! I hate the cold!!

Well, our frost has gone, slightly breezy outside but not too bad, should be warmer by tomorrow, looking forward to being in the 50`s again.

Heading out to do the school reading session soon, Tom has already gone for his volunteering, he got picked up around 7, I`ll be home quite early, he`ll be home around midday, so will have lunch ready. I have some Sub style buns, so making hot roast beef subs with some leftover rib of beef from yesterday. Dinner tonight will be chicken marsala with parmentier potatoes and the last of the savoy cabbage.

Leaving pillow shopping till later in the week, not too exciting so there`s no rush for them.

Will finish my cuppa then head off, gosh this morning has flown by and it`s only 9.15!!

Happy Monday



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