Something About Nothing............ #14

It is definitely Monday :surfweb: I have most of my work cleared for the day - and tomorrows consults and other appointments are ready.

Busy weekend with the kiddos here. Family pictures were a bust! It was raining on and off all day - so we cancelled them. I had ZERO desire to do any frolicking and posing in wet grassy areas. It sounds like next Sunday is another try at them. The kids are able to come visit again - and the photographer is able to do it then too. That makes my Grammie heart happy!

We did get out fishing with everyone! Even though it was cold chilly and windy - we actually caught the size we could keep!!!! I didn't catch many - but the kids on the other side of the boat were catching them left and right! WE have enough fish for 3 meals!!!! It was great we were catching so many fish - or else we would have been heading back home - after a quick little picnic gd wanted.

New ‘do & glasses came in today.
LOVE IT!!!!!!
No idea what it is, but it`s gorgeous!!
That was a beautiful flower!!! wow!!!!
Then want to get back hom for 10am to watch Trooping the Colour where our lovely Princess Catherine is going to make an appearance, God bless her.
I was soooo happy to see her out doing an official appearance again!! I hope she continues to sit back and gets the relaxation she deserves.

That was a lovely picture of your local scenery
I just finished a baby/toddler quilt top this AM. I've been working on it for a while, just doing a little big here and there.
Quilts are definitely a labor of love - no matter the size. The only thing that I look forward to in late fall/winter is being able to lock myself in our spare room/project room and quilt!!! And now that I am only working the one job - I hope to have more time to complete a few.
Happy Sunday!! Florida is being bipolar again, half the state drowning🌧️ and the other half in drought☀️
Weird weather is happening all over.

Just evacuated after long time on Tiana right before final drop. Gave us a redemption for later on it…um
OOOOOOO I can't wait to ride that in around 108 days :rotfl: It looks like the refurb is great! I know people don't want parts of Disney changed for nostalgia reasons - but change can be good too! I'm looking forward to going on it!
B to go to graduate school. Step 1 will be complete the application. I know she will get accepted into the program. This one will be completely online.
That is great! I hope she doesn't have to wait long to know if she was accepted or not.

Hopefully B gets and answer soon so you can book your holiday for later this fall. I will count our blessings that don't have to fight tooth and nail for vacation time.
Took a long nap today and hope I will be able to sleep before midnight.

Mid 90’s in my area today but no issue for me as ac works fine.
We won’t get higher than 97 this week.
Enjoy those warm temps!!!! We are still freezing here. It's cold, wet and windy. Sadly, I don't think we will be having a hotter summer. It is going to be cooler than normal.

And it's evening - and I'm just finishing this post! Things kept hitting my desk that needed attention, rescheduling, or faxing away.

I did have an appointment after work - and am now sporting some new summery fingernails. Hopefully I can fit in a pedicure sometime this week - it is TIME to get those done again. It always feels good to have them done.

Dinner was fresh fish from the weekend - along with box mac and cheese - and I didn't even have to cook it!!! Not the healthiest meal - and bonus points as older ds had started cooking before I got home.

Well, I should get going now.

Have a great sleep everyone!!!!!
Not much happening for me today.
Took a long nap today and hope I will be able to sleep before midnight.

Mid 90’s in my area today but no issue for me as ac works fine.
We won’t get higher than 97 this week.
No rain in our forecast this week.

Hope all the homies are doing fine!

Naps are so good. We tend not to nap in the summer, ha....what summer, but with your temps mac, yes, a nap might be a good thing!

Not too much going on around here either. Work was pretty average. Then I went home and helped B complete the FAFSA. She submitted her application for grad school. Now we just wait for the acceptance.
Still waiting to see if Kroger will give her tome off for her birthday. I just hope they decide in time for me to book the low airfare.

Glad the application is in for her, and nice to know she is guaranteed a place.

And of course hope she gets the time off for the trip, it`s nice she has a job though even though it`s not exactly what she wants.

It is definitely Monday :surfweb: I have most of my work cleared for the day - and tomorrows consults and other appointments are ready.

Busy weekend with the kiddos here. Family pictures were a bust! It was raining on and off all day - so we cancelled them. I had ZERO desire to do any frolicking and posing in wet grassy areas. It sounds like next Sunday is another try at them. The kids are able to come visit again - and the photographer is able to do it then too. That makes my Grammie heart happy!

We did get out fishing with everyone! Even though it was cold chilly and windy - we actually caught the size we could keep!!!! I didn't catch many - but the kids on the other side of the boat were catching them left and right! WE have enough fish for 3 meals!!!! It was great we were catching so many fish - or else we would have been heading back home - after a quick little picnic gd wanted.

LOVE IT!!!!!!

That was a beautiful flower!!! wow!!!!

I was soooo happy to see her out doing an official appearance again!! I hope she continues to sit back and gets the relaxation she deserves.

That was a lovely picture of your local scenery

Quilts are definitely a labor of love - no matter the size. The only thing that I look forward to in late fall/winter is being able to lock myself in our spare room/project room and quilt!!! And now that I am only working the one job - I hope to have more time to complete a few.

Weird weather is happening all over.

OOOOOOO I can't wait to ride that in around 108 days :rotfl: It looks like the refurb is great! I know people don't want parts of Disney changed for nostalgia reasons - but change can be good too! I'm looking forward to going on it!

That is great! I hope she doesn't have to wait long to know if she was accepted or not.

Hopefully B gets and answer soon so you can book your holiday for later this fall. I will count our blessings that don't have to fight tooth and nail for vacation time.

Enjoy those warm temps!!!! We are still freezing here. It's cold, wet and windy. Sadly, I don't think we will be having a hotter summer. It is going to be cooler than normal.

And it's evening - and I'm just finishing this post! Things kept hitting my desk that needed attention, rescheduling, or faxing away.

I did have an appointment after work - and am now sporting some new summery fingernails. Hopefully I can fit in a pedicure sometime this week - it is TIME to get those done again. It always feels good to have them done.

Dinner was fresh fish from the weekend - along with box mac and cheese - and I didn't even have to cook it!!! Not the healthiest meal - and bonus points as older ds had started cooking before I got home.

Well, I should get going now.

Have a great sleep everyone!!!!!

Fresh fish is hard to beat!!! Not that I`ve ever always sounds a nice calm hobby.

Glad the photo shoot could be rearranged for this weekend and you`re all available, family pics are priceless.

Yes, it was so good to see Cathering looking so well, they are an adorable family. I think everyone hoped Charles would be resting next few days, but he was out at an event on Sunday then yesterday was The Order of the Garter which was full on too. No wonder Camilla is asking him to slow down. But, beautiful ceremony to watch.

Thank you, those flowers are really blossoming this year, everything is....but we`ve had so much rain I`m not surprised! Like you, we`ve had some cold weather we don`t normally get this time of year, hopefully now it`s going to get warmer for both of us!!

Never got around to making my hair appointment yesterday, so that`s a priority today and must get the next implant process started, I can`t keep putting that off, so really need to call the dentist too, I will be a champion procastrinator with that though!

We did get out a walk yesterday, didn`t walk as far as we planned as the weather always looked like it was going to turn, and we just got out of the car back home when the heavens opened. Today looks better though. So, we`ll get out this morning I think, sleeping beauty is still out for the count, so no very early walk, but we`re in no rush to do anything special today so we can take our time, wish I hadn`t got up so early now!!

I`ve made up the batter for some pancakes today, got our maple syrup yesterday from a little specialist store we love, so will get the bacon on later too, no idea what`s for lunch but dinner is a couple of sirloin steaks we got yesterday, couldn`t resist them and yes, hoping we get to grill them outside tonight, weather is starting to look decent.

I think keisha comes home tonight, hope she had an amazing trip, look forward to hearing about it and safe travels to Robbie who heads down today too......have a lovely trip!!!




Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave2:



And of course Bob and Tim

and the Grinch


You`ll have a blast Robbie, I`ve been sent some videos of it all and it looks amazing!!!
Thank you Carole. I’am looking forward to looking around the new DreamWorks Land.

I love the meme’s.

Yes, Catherine is adorable, absolutely love her and we were thrilled to know she was well enough to make such an important appearance today. The whole Trooping the Colour is something I`ve watched since I was young enough to remember tv, so a long time, Tom just said he was the same, something they all watched as a family.
So nice that it is a tradition shared by everyone over there.

Enjoy today, food sounds so good, but it`s the getting together with family and friends that count!!
You are right. It is the family and friends that count. Everyone enjoyed the food and each others company.

Nothing like a festive house!
That is so true. You have a festive house often at your place.

have had a very busy week with the normal things, plus Spring cleaning, plus gardening. My Mother has had some heart problems with atrial fib. She refuses to go to the doctor. She says at her age of 96 she will just let nature take its course. I spent most of yesterday with her after she had her rapid heart beat. She didn't tell me til later! She was just tired and wanted to rest but had no chest pain. I tried to get her to go to the hospital, but she refused. She has had this problem since I was a little girl. Her heart goes back into a normal after about an hour. I fixed her supper, cleaned up a bit, made sure she had fluids to drink and tried to get her to come home with me. But she refused and said she was more comfortable in her apartment. So, mentally and physically tired. I fell into bed last night and slept like a baby.
I’am sorry to hear your mom had a bad spell with her heart. She sounds like a trooper for sure. With AFib it really knocks the wind out of you when you go into RVR with that. I hope she is feeling better. You are a wonderful daughter.

Robo, I love, Love your beautiful bracelets! and it's so thoughtful of you to give them away. Have a great time at Universal. I love to just wander around and look into the shops too. I could do that all day:)
Thank you Ruth. The bracelets are fun to make.

I like just walking around too looking at all the new merch. They do have some reall nice shops at Universal.

Today is great GS, Rowan's, birthday. He is entering the terrible twos, LOL. His Dad took him to his firehouse and he got to sit in the firetruck and hit the siren. They had donuts for him, and he was over the moon with the firetruck and donuts. Love him. We are all going together and getting him a nice swingset for his birthday.
Happy belated birthday to your little Grandson.

We went to lunch, then had a walk by the water before heading to Kyle`s where Tom got his other Father`s Day gifts, he felt very spoiled.
So good to hear that Tom had a wonderful Father’s Day.

Beautiful picture of the waterway. Is that one of the water systems that the Narrow boats use. I have seen a few videos on the Narrow boats in England.

Just evacuated after long time on Tiana right before final drop. Gave us a redemption for later on it…um
Janet hope you were able to get back on the ride and finish it completely.

Have a safe journey back home.

We did get out fishing with everyone! Even though it was cold chilly and windy - we actually caught the size we could keep!!!! I didn't catch many - but the kids on the other side of the boat were catching them left and right! WE have enough fish for 3 meals!!!! It was great we were catching so many fish - or else we would have been heading back home - after a quick little picnic gd wanted.
Congrats on the successful fishing day.

I`ve made up the batter for some pancakes today, got our maple syrup yesterday from a little specialist store we love, so will get the bacon on later too, no idea what`s for lunch but dinner is a couple of sirloin steaks we got yesterday, couldn`t resist them and yes, hoping we get to grill them outside tonight, weather is starting to look decent.
Sounds like a yummy breakfast this morning,

I think keisha comes home tonight, hope she had an amazing trip, look forward to hearing about it and safe travels to Robbie who heads down today too......have a lovely trip!!!

Thank you Carole. Looking forward to this little getaway.

Up to early this morning.

We had a wonderful Father’s Day celebration on Saturday. I made Mississippi pot roast. I had 3 slow cookers going. Made some nice sides. I ordered a cake from the bakery at Walmart with all the dad’s names on it. The food and the cake were yummy.
Everyone left full and happy. It was so wonderful seeing everyone and celebrating the wonderful dads. My sweet hubby really enjoyed himself.

I watched little J yesterday for a half day and we had the best time. We made a trip to Target for a little shopping and Starbucks. He likes the dog cookie as he calls it and the apple juice.

Then we went to the children’s splash pad fun area. He had the best time.

I did some light housekeeping when I got home and prepared some of hubby’s favorite meals to have while I’am gone.

I did do a little packing last night, but ran out of stream so need to finish that up this morning.

Our son is coming over on his lunch hour and he is taking me to the airport. He is so sweet.

The weather has changed here and it is in the 90’s so will be ready for the weather in Florida.

I went to bed with my hair slightly damp late last night and I woke up looking like I stuck my finger in a light socket. So I need to remedy that this morning….LOL…don’t want to frighten the TSA folks at the airport.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Travel day is here
Good Tuesday morning everyone :wave2:
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And of course Bob and Tim
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and the Grinch
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Thank you Carole. I’am looking forward to looking around the new DreamWorks Land.

I love the meme’s.

So nice that it is a tradition shared by everyone over there.

You are right. It is the family and friends that count. Everyone enjoyed the food and each others company.

That is so true. You have a festive house often at your place.

I’am sorry to hear your mom had a bad spell with her heart. She sounds like a trooper for sure. With AFib it really knocks the wind out of you when you go into RVR with that. I hope she is feeling better. You are a wonderful daughter.

Thank you Ruth. The bracelets are fun to make.

I like just walking around too looking at all the new merch. They do have some reall nice shops at Universal.

Happy belated birthday to your little Grandson.
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So good to hear that Tom had a wonderful Father’s Day.

Beautiful picture of the waterway. Is that one of the water systems that the Narrow boats use. I have seen a few videos on the Narrow boats in England.

Janet hope you were able to get back on the ride and finish it completely.

Have a safe journey back home.

Congrats on the successful fishing day.

Sounds like a yummy breakfast this morning,

Thank you Carole. Looking forward to this little getaway.

Up to early this morning.

We had a wonderful Father’s Day celebration on Saturday. I made Mississippi pot roast. I had 3 slow cookers going. Made some nice sides. I ordered a cake from the bakery at Walmart with all the dad’s names on it. The food and the cake were yummy.
Everyone left full and happy. It was so wonderful seeing everyone and celebrating the wonderful dads. My sweet hubby really enjoyed himself.

I watched little J yesterday for a half day and we had the best time. We made a trip to Target for a little shopping and Starbucks. He likes the dog cookie as he calls it and the apple juice.

Then we went to the children’s splash pad fun area. He had the best time.

I did some light housekeeping when I got home and prepared some of hubby’s favorite meals to have while I’am gone.

I did do a little packing last night, but ran out of stream so need to finish that up this morning.

Our son is coming over on his lunch hour and he is taking me to the airport. He is so sweet.

The weather has changed here and it is in the 90’s so will be ready for the weather in Florida.

I went to bed with my hair slightly damp late last night and I woke up looking like I stuck my finger in a light socket. So I need to remedy that this morning….LOL…don’t want to frighten the TSA folks at the airport.

Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Travel day is here
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We do have waterways called The Broads, but that isn`t one of them, it`s just a river near us with a beautiful park to walk around. We often talk about having a week on the Broads, but never get around to it.

Your family celebration sounded wonderful, food would have been very much appreciated I`m sure.

lol....hope you sorted your hair, I`m sure it`ll be fine.

Have a safe journey and lovely trip Robbie.

Happy Tuesday morning everyone. May your day be filled with an abundance View attachment 869225

You too DJ!!

Never Taco Tuesday for us, never appealed to us.

But, what a gorgeous day it`s turned out to be, warm and beautiful sunshine!! So we absolutely took advantage and headed up to some gorgeous countryside views.


This afternoon we`ll get the grill all scrubbed down and we can cook out tonight, our steaks will be perfect and made us some mini spicy chicken skewers with pineapple and peppers as a little appetiser, it`ll just be lovely to be able to sit out and enjoy the heat for a change!

Well, maybe not as warm as Florida, but for us....heck it`s good after the cold we`ve had last few months!

Seems I`m helping with the grill cleaning much for me just supervising :-)
Charade, I can remember when your daughter started college
Now she plans for more higher education.

Think she will truly enjoy taking the higher advanced groups
I can remember after she graduated from college she did very well!
think she will enjoy more advance studies

I wish the best for her!
I had to rush out the door 15 minutes ago as have a doc /lab appointment…

Just my regular blood draws which are done regularly now due to the medication I now take.

When I checked in at the desks, was told they are backed up and will take one hour until the nurse can do the blood draw.

Will play on my phone as it will be a long wait now.

Very happy I charged my phone this morning!

Well, guess it is better to be here early than be late for appointment.

It only takes a minute tops for all to be done.
Nurse checks my records and doctor order then finds a good vein and 10 seconds later the draw is done.

In the meantime, will play on my phone.
I had to rush out the door 15 minutes ago as have a doc /lab appointment…

Just my regular blood draws which are done regularly now due to the medication I now take.

When I checked in at the desks, was told they are backed up and will take one hour until the nurse can do the blood draw.

Will play on my phone as it will be a long wait now.

Very happy I charged my phone this morning!

Well, guess it is better to be here early than be late for appointment.

It only takes a minute tops for all to be done.
Nurse checks my records and doctor order then finds a good vein and 10 seconds later the draw is done.

In the meantime, will play on my phone.

Hope the draw goes well mac, I know you`re not fond of getting it done. Yes, we`d rather be 3 hours early than one minute late for any appt.

Still sunny, we aren`t sure it`s quite real yet as we really and truthfully have had the most awful rain, high winds and basically cold weather for a long time now.....longest winter ever!

But, grill is clean, thinking about asking Tom to pour me a small chardonnay to enjoy in the sunshine.....well it is almost a celebration....sun and heat are back! :sunny:
Quick Taco Tuesday stop in...tea is nearly gone, but I've been ticking things off my to-do list already this morning. Completed meeting minutes for manager to review was at the top of the list. The rest of the things are little and easy to fit in here and there :surfweb:

It was a cool crisp morning here. I am REALLY enjoying my heated steering wheel in my Lola. I didn't realize how much I liked that until I had :rotfl: I feel like a spoiled princess - but I really do love that feature!

I did do a little packing last night, but ran out of stream so need to finish that up this morning.
Have fun!!!!!! I can't wait to see your pictures!!!!!
This afternoon we`ll get the grill all scrubbed down and we can cook out tonight, our steaks will be perfect and made us some mini spicy chicken skewers with pineapple and peppers as a little appetiser, it`ll just be lovely to be able to sit out and enjoy the heat for a change!
That sounds amazing. I thought about taking chicken out for dinner tonight - but I changes it to spicy shrimp tacos (chicken for youngest ds as she is not a fish/seafood lover). I'll probably toss some fries into the airfryer and a summery tossed salad for me...and call it done!
I had to rush out the door 15 minutes ago as have a doc /lab appointment…
I am also not a fan of needles - but it is such a necessary thing to do.

I am also one who doesn't like to be late - but I hate being too early too. Now with phones - it's definitely easier to be early to appointments.

Well, I should probably go shuffle a few more papers around and transcribe a few orders sitting on my desk.

Have a great day everyone!
Yes, it's Tuesday already!!! I am sitting here and watching the skies get darker and darker. We have had strong thunderstorms all night and continuing into today! At least we won't have to water the flowers tonight, LOL.

Robo: I hope you have a great trip, and can't wait to hear all about it.
Yes, Mom is feeling fine now. It comes and goes quick and then she is back to normal. It still scares me to death each time, though. Thanks for the Happy BD to grandson, Rowan. That's such a cute age and fun to watch:)

Pumpkin: Your family fishing trip sounds like a lot of fun:) I grew up fishing and all our vacations seemed to be at a lake with lots of fishing, swimming, and going to the amusement park on Fridays:) When we had our resort, we fished a lot too on the off season, LOL. Now we hardly get the boat into the water and prefer to be driven around on my daughter's pontoon.

Charade. It sounds like you like crafts like me:) What kind of quilts do you make? Right now I seem to be making baby and toddler quilts. I have a new great grandbaby due in November hoping it's a girl. We have all boys in our family it seems. Nothing wrong with boys, LOL, but it would be nice to have a little girl for once. There are so many cute outfits for girls, and usually nothing but a few blue or green/brown outfits for boys. Also, congratulations on your daughter going to grad school!

Keishashadow: Carole says you are coming back today? I know you had a great time. I always wondered how you got your dis name. It's so sweet that you remember your Keeshound with that name. I still miss my Scruffy, and it's been several years.

Carole: It sounds like Tom had a great father's day:) Your photo is absolutely beautiful. I know how you are looking forward to that dental appointment, LOL. Just get a little something to make you calm beforehand from the dentist or your family doctor. That should help. Think how great you will look and feel after it's done.
Those steaks on the grill sound really good. And you are finally! getting summer weather! Yes! We are still in the 70's but that's fine with me at this point.

DJ: have a good day too:)

Mac: 90's sounds very hot to me! I get warm when we get in the upper 70's, LOL. Right now it's rain and cool.

I am continuing my saga of spring cleaning, lol. Today I cleaned and polished the kitchen cabinets. It all went well, until I slid off the stool and landed on my bottom on the terra cotta tile floor. The good news is that I have enough padding to make the fall easier:) All is well in the Spring cleaning front. I'm beginning to think this cleaning wasn't such a good idea, LOL.

Our bear made another appearance yesterday:( I was in the bathroom combing my hair for the day and noticed a black, furry creature go by the window. It was that darn bear wandering in our yard again!!! I yelled for Roger and he shot the shotgun into the air to scare the bear away. It worked but I hope it will keep him away for good. It seems we have more bears every year and it gets tiresome. So, the feeders are empty for now.

It's so dark in here and rainy that I am getting in the mood for a nap:)

take care everyone,

Happy Tuesday. I meant to post about an hour ago but nodded off.

B got her acceptance email today. Now she needs to decide of she wants to start right away or wait for fall semester. The little piece of me that holds onto grudges and resentment wants to track down one of the so called professionals that did her evaluation when she was 3 years old. This person labeled B a “slow learner”. I’m glad I didn’t listen to her then.

Busy weekend with the kiddos here. Family pictures were a bust! It was raining on and off all day - so we cancelled them. I had ZERO desire to do any frolicking and posing in wet grassy areas. It sounds like next Sunday is another try at them. The kids are able to come visit again - and the photographer is able to do it then too. That makes my Grammie heart happy!

We did get out fishing with everyone! Even though it was cold chilly and windy - we actually caught the size we could keep!!!! I didn't catch many - but the kids on the other side of the boat were catching them left and right! WE have enough fish for 3 meals!!!! It was great we were catching so many fish - or else we would have been heading back home - after a quick little picnic gd wanted.
Sorry about the pictures. I hope you can get better weather the next time you try.
Amazing haul on the fish.

dinner is a couple of sirloin steaks we got yesterday, couldn`t resist them and yes, hoping we get to grill them outside tonight, weather is starting to look decent.
We were going to attempt to grill and then dh decided that we need to have our deck washed and painted. I suggested we wait until that is completed until we try to grill.

Travel day is here
Safe travels.

Charade, I can remember when your daughter started college
Now she plans for more higher education.

Think she will truly enjoy taking the higher advanced groups
I can remember after she graduated from college she did very well!
think she will enjoy more advance studies

I wish the best for her!
Thank you. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday she started preschool. She completed her bachelor’s degree with a 3.5 GPA. She is planning on concentrating on archival work for her masters.

Just my regular blood draws which are done regularly now due to the medication I now take.
Ugh! I hate those. They are never easy for me.

It sounds like you like crafts like me:) What kind of quilts do you make?
I think Pumpkin is the one that quilts. Right now I am only doing cross stitch.

Speaking of crafting, I’m getting texts from my local craft group as I am typing this. I meed to let them know I will be joining them on Thursday.
mac....not sure where your quote went?????

Yes, when you`re not fond of needles, something like that is not fun! And you`re right, it`s over so quickly, but the anticipation is worse than the actual draw!!! Least it`s over, hope you bought yourself a treat afterwards.

Quick Taco Tuesday stop in...tea is nearly gone, but I've been ticking things off my to-do list already this morning. Completed meeting minutes for manager to review was at the top of the list. The rest of the things are little and easy to fit in here and there :surfweb:

It was a cool crisp morning here. I am REALLY enjoying my heated steering wheel in my Lola. I didn't realize how much I liked that until I had :rotfl: I feel like a spoiled princess - but I really do love that feature!

Have fun!!!!!! I can't wait to see your pictures!!!!!

That sounds amazing. I thought about taking chicken out for dinner tonight - but I changes it to spicy shrimp tacos (chicken for youngest ds as she is not a fish/seafood lover). I'll probably toss some fries into the airfryer and a summery tossed salad for me...and call it done!

I am also not a fan of needles - but it is such a necessary thing to do.

I am also one who doesn't like to be late - but I hate being too early too. Now with phones - it's definitely easier to be early to appointments.

Well, I should probably go shuffle a few more papers around and transcribe a few orders sitting on my desk.

Have a great day everyone!`s funny how simple things make us happy at times.....a heated steering wheel is indeed nice! I do like all our little gadgets and special things on a car, once you have them you won`t do without them. One of our early Mercedes had heated seats as standard, after that we wouldn`t do without them, heck I`m going back to the mid 90`s I think!

I think we were all designed for the Military. Never late, a family member back home who shall remain nameless, is never on time, frustrates us all especially if we`re hungry lol....

Yes, it's Tuesday already!!! I am sitting here and watching the skies get darker and darker. We have had strong thunderstorms all night and continuing into today! At least we won't have to water the flowers tonight, LOL.

Robo: I hope you have a great trip, and can't wait to hear all about it.
Yes, Mom is feeling fine now. It comes and goes quick and then she is back to normal. It still scares me to death each time, though. Thanks for the Happy BD to grandson, Rowan. That's such a cute age and fun to watch:)

Pumpkin: Your family fishing trip sounds like a lot of fun:) I grew up fishing and all our vacations seemed to be at a lake with lots of fishing, swimming, and going to the amusement park on Fridays:) When we had our resort, we fished a lot too on the off season, LOL. Now we hardly get the boat into the water and prefer to be driven around on my daughter's pontoon.

Charade. It sounds like you like crafts like me:) What kind of quilts do you make? Right now I seem to be making baby and toddler quilts. I have a new great grandbaby due in November hoping it's a girl. We have all boys in our family it seems. Nothing wrong with boys, LOL, but it would be nice to have a little girl for once. There are so many cute outfits for girls, and usually nothing but a few blue or green/brown outfits for boys. Also, congratulations on your daughter going to grad school!

Keishashadow: Carole says you are coming back today? I know you had a great time. I always wondered how you got your dis name. It's so sweet that you remember your Keeshound with that name. I still miss my Scruffy, and it's been several years.

Carole: It sounds like Tom had a great father's day:) Your photo is absolutely beautiful. I know how you are looking forward to that dental appointment, LOL. Just get a little something to make you calm beforehand from the dentist or your family doctor. That should help. Think how great you will look and feel after it's done.
Those steaks on the grill sound really good. And you are finally! getting summer weather! Yes! We are still in the 70's but that's fine with me at this point.

DJ: have a good day too:)

Mac: 90's sounds very hot to me! I get warm when we get in the upper 70's, LOL. Right now it's rain and cool.

I am continuing my saga of spring cleaning, lol. Today I cleaned and polished the kitchen cabinets. It all went well, until I slid off the stool and landed on my bottom on the terra cotta tile floor. The good news is that I have enough padding to make the fall easier:) All is well in the Spring cleaning front. I'm beginning to think this cleaning wasn't such a good idea, LOL.

Our bear made another appearance yesterday:( I was in the bathroom combing my hair for the day and noticed a black, furry creature go by the window. It was that darn bear wandering in our yard again!!! I yelled for Roger and he shot the shotgun into the air to scare the bear away. It worked but I hope it will keep him away for good. It seems we have more bears every year and it gets tiresome. So, the feeders are empty for now.

It's so dark in here and rainy that I am getting in the mood for a nap:)

take care everyone,


I was reading that part of your email out to Tom who is usually very nonchalant about things, takes a lot for him to react, but even his eyes went wide!!! Yep, I shall appreciate hanging my bedding out today without worrying about bears......remember, no wandering for you!!!!

70`s would be nice if we can reach that`s not being greedy is it!!! Glad you have some warmer weather though.

I do need to make that appointment for the implant process to start again.....I`m still putting it off but will have to do it. I did get my salon appointment made yesterday, so I did something

Thank you, I love where we live, so many pretty areas to visit and most are close by, the beach is 5 minutes one way and woodland is right behind us. Although in a few years we may want to move, not too far as we won`t move too far from Kyle, plenty of time and options out there thankfully.

Hope you enjoyed that nap, nothing nicer when it`s dark and miserable!

Happy Tuesday. I meant to post about an hour ago but nodded off.

B got her acceptance email today. Now she needs to decide of she wants to start right away or wait for fall semester. The little piece of me that holds onto grudges and resentment wants to track down one of the so called professionals that did her evaluation when she was 3 years old. This person labeled B a “slow learner”. I’m glad I didn’t listen to her then.

Sorry about the pictures. I hope you can get better weather the next time you try.
Amazing haul on the fish.

We were going to attempt to grill and then dh decided that we need to have our deck washed and painted. I suggested we wait until that is completed until we try to grill.

Safe travels.

Thank you. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday she started preschool. She completed her bachelor’s degree with a 3.5 GPA. She is planning on concentrating on archival work for her masters.

Ugh! I hate those. They are never easy for me.

I think Pumpkin is the one that quilts. Right now I am only doing cross stitch.

Speaking of crafting, I’m getting texts from my local craft group as I am typing this. I meed to let them know I will be joining them on Thursday.

Congratulations to your daughter! Getting a Masters will be amazing for her and make a huge difference to her future career in getting into what she wants to do.

It must have been horrible to hear your daughter was branded like that so young, but good for her and you too for having faith in her, she has a degree and on her way to getting her Masters.

I don`t know the American grades for degrees, here we have Firsts and so on, Kyle got a Distinction on his Masters Degree for which he was very happy indeed as it is one of the highest you can get, he deserved it for sure. Hope she makes her decision soon for when to start.

Another beautiful and sunny morning here, we did plan to be up earlier and go down for the sunrise, well maybe not that early, but we snuggled back down and didn`t wake till around 6ish! You can sleep in when you`re retired!!

So, once we`ve had breakfast which will be soon, we`ll head off down the beach for a walk, sunglasses and hoodie as it is still quite cool, but so warm facing the sun.

Then off to a store to pick up some stuff, Ruth mentioned meatballs so I thought it had been ages since I`ve made them, but as it`s so nice we`ll grill out again tonight. No idea what we`ll have yet but it`s nice to be grilling outside again. We did buy some spicy maple pork steaks, they would be nice.

Toast with preserves this morning, not having lunch out with friends today as everyone is busy, apart from us so we might just grill some shrimp and have salad, will pick some up fresh this morning.

Middle of the week again, that longest day is looming at the end of the week, but I have high hopes our summer is just finally beginning!!!




Have a lovely Wednesday :sunny:
:car: Quick hello before I head off to work. Where is the camel?

Hi Charade.....have a great day at work!

We got out a lovely walk this morning, colder to start, but after a mile or two it really warmed up and hoodies were off before we knew it. We do love living beside the sea!

Then a big surprise lunch out today, my cousin who lives up near Manchester was in the area, she works for CID and is down here for several meetings and she arranged with Tom for us all to meet for a quick lunch during the conference break, it was so nice to see her. Never met such a straight talking woman in my entire life, would not like to ever be questioned by her......lunch was lovely and she told us she is taking early retirement in September. Big surprise as we thought they`d have to drag her out of CID, her family are pleased though.

Short and sweet, but nice.

The sun is still shining, but it`s a little breezy to be out here for too long, once I bring my washing in, we`ll go in too I think.

So, not much for the rest of today, time for a cuppa and sorting out some items for the charity shop, we can hand them in tomorrow, decided to clear out some of the older dinner services we have and don`t use, I won`t give up my many teapots though, I said I do use them all over the year, so they can stay, but there`ll be a load of dishes going to good use I hope.

Hope your Wednesday is going well :sunny:
Super slow day at work today. I don’t want to complain too much though. Usually when I do it gets crazy busy.

B has decided to wait until fall term to start school. The next summer subterm starts Monday and that’s just a little too soon.`s funny how simple things make us happy at times.
I’m waiting on a partial shipment from Amazon today. I am happy about getting new measuring cups and spoons. The ones I have have been slowly disappearing.

Then a big surprise lunch out today, my cousin who lives up near Manchester was in the area, she works for CID and is down here for several meetings and she arranged with Tom for us all to meet for a quick lunch during the conference break,
What a nice surprise for you. I am not close to any of my cousins. I have far too many of them to keep up with.

I need to go find something to do to keep myself occupied.
Super slow day at work today. I don’t want to complain too much though. Usually when I do it gets crazy busy.

B has decided to wait until fall term to start school. The next summer subterm starts Monday and that’s just a little too soon.

I’m waiting on a partial shipment from Amazon today. I am happy about getting new measuring cups and spoons. The ones I have have been slowly disappearing.

What a nice surprise for you. I am not close to any of my cousins. I have far too many of them to keep up with.

I need to go find something to do to keep myself occupied.

That sounds like a good decision as the start is so close, all good wishes for her and that she gets the time off work too!!

I have a lot of cousins, some that we have simply lost touch with, others we do keep in touch. My dads side of the family obviously never had a tv as all his siblings had scores of kids, except for one sister, on mum`s side all her siblings had two kids each, so lots of birthday and Christmas cards to remember and yes, it`s a shame there are ones we do lose touch with, but it`s not always easy when there are a lot and they don`t live anywhere near us. I do have a couple of cousins I haven`t seen since we were in our teens, doubt I`d recognise them.

Hope you get to find something to do it certainly makes the day go faster.


I really need to put this laptop down and go do something. Tom is rambling around the fruit trees and I almost nodded off, it`s nice in the sun, but I have some shade too sitting in the gazebo. It is getting breezier though.

Might make up some snacks for later when we might be looking for something.

Nice lazy and relaxing afternoon though for both of us.
Quick hump day stop in!

We have a nice paced day today in the unit. I have a co-worker today as well - so that will make the day by faster. Also - it looks like the weather is cooperating today - and the sun is shinning and hopefully it will get a little warmer today.

Watched another night of hockey - and seen our guys watched out guys win another game. So they are still alive. Watched seen some media posts of the GM of the Panthers - pick up and slam (what I'm assuming was as water bottle) into a wall immediately after our team scored on their empty net. NOT a good look for a GM is all I will say. Someone in the position who the media will ALWAYS pan to see reactions - should NOT be doing that! 2 more games to bring the cup back home!!!!!!

B got her acceptance email today.
That's wonderful! I hope that getting her Master's designation will open even more doors for her!

I know what you mean about people labelling kids. Our youngest was always labeled as well growing up - especially in grade school. I would always state to the teacher " his brain works faster than his mouth or hands" He will ALWAYS know the answer before anyone else will. It will serve his well in the trades. He can already work though scenario and know how they can fix this or that faster than his journeyman instructor. I have no worries that he will be a master electrician and well as a master in h-vac (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and make the big $$$ being dual ticketed.
We got out a lovely walk this morning, colder to start, but after a mile or two it really warmed up and hoodies were off before we knew it. We do love living beside the sea
Hopefully you get a nice warm day. Your dinner idea sounds delicious!!!
I’m waiting on a partial shipment from Amazon today. I am happy about getting new measuring cups and spoons.
You know your adult when we love getting new items like that :rotfl: Iam the same way!!!!!

Well...time to head out for lunch.

Have a great day everyone!
I’m waiting on a partial shipment from Amazon today. I am happy about getting new measuring cups and spoons. The ones I have have been slowly disappearing.

Did you get the delivery???

It is nice replacing things that need changing or just change for the sake of it, I do love little kitchen gadgets. Some of my favourite ones have been bought in Williams and Sonoma, solid and would last forever I imagine.

Quick hump day stop in!

We have a nice paced day today in the unit. I have a co-worker today as well - so that will make the day by faster. Also - it looks like the weather is cooperating today - and the sun is shinning and hopefully it will get a little warmer today.

Watched another night of hockey - and seen our guys watched out guys win another game. So they are still alive. Watched seen some media posts of the GM of the Panthers - pick up and slam (what I'm assuming was as water bottle) into a wall immediately after our team scored on their empty net. NOT a good look for a GM is all I will say. Someone in the position who the media will ALWAYS pan to see reactions - should NOT be doing that! 2 more games to bring the cup back home!!!!!!

That's wonderful! I hope that getting her Master's designation will open even more doors for her!

I know what you mean about people labelling kids. Our youngest was always labeled as well growing up - especially in grade school. I would always state to the teacher " his brain works faster than his mouth or hands" He will ALWAYS know the answer before anyone else will. It will serve his well in the trades. He can already work though scenario and know how they can fix this or that faster than his journeyman instructor. I have no worries that he will be a master electrician and well as a master in h-vac (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and make the big $$$ being dual ticketed.

Hopefully you get a nice warm day. Your dinner idea sounds delicious!!!

You know your adult when we love getting new items like that :rotfl: Iam the same way!!!!!

Well...time to head out for lunch.

Have a great day everyone!

Glad your weather is picking up, it`s just so much nicer when the sun is out and you can feel that heat a little more.

I don`t think I`ve ever watched a hockey game, I do think they show them somewhere on the 55 million tv channels we have to watch, but it`s not a sport that`s promoted over here. The UK in general is a football watching/supporting nation, although bores me to tears so I never watch it unless it`s a good team in the World Cup, that`s about it.

Are you set for the picturs this weekend? They`ll be lovely I`m sure, hope you`re all happy with them when they`re done.

Ended up in bed so early last night, I think the walking helped, all that fresh air and actually walking a decent distance too.
Waiting to hear when a package is being delivered today, almost two years ago for fun we bought a worktop mini oven, does everything and is handy for several things including cooking the best pizza`s ever!! But the enamel coating was coming off on the inside, called them up and as it was just under the two years of the guarantee we didn`t expect much. But they are sending out a brand new one and refunding £70 as it is cheaper today than when we bought it. Excellent service from them, so it`s arriving today we just don`t know when yet.

So, we`ll work around that and go walking before or after the delivery slot. Shopping too!

Although it looks pretty grey right now and a little cooler so I`m nursing my third cup of tea, it`s going to be lovely later and tomorrow is to be our warmest day so far, think we may plan to not go out and enjoy our garden again. 16-19 hours of daylight today given the date, hope it`s all warm!!

Poached egg on toast for breakfast, hopefully lunch and dinner will be grilled outside, will see what I have, but lots of salad too and will make up either potato salad or spicy and fruity couscous.




Have a lovely Thursday ☺️
Busy but nice day!!

Got a lovely walk this morning, then went shopping, Tom wanted trainers, so we went over to large shopping area and I wandered into a clothes store for a look. Saw a lovely blouse that would do with cycling shorts for Orlando, sleeveless and looked cool to wear, so I picked up three in different colours.

Got home, cut the labels off and threw them in the wash. Asked Tom to hang them out for me and when he did he asked if I knew what they were......turns out they had shorts attached and it was like a romper playsuit!!!! Er, not for me!!!

So, they`ll go to the charity store.


After that, we just spent the day in the garden, cooked on the grill for lunch and about to get some steaks out for Tom to cook, everything else is ready, spicy couscous, potato salad and a pasta salad along with regular salad of course, made some ice cream for dessert later.

I`m so glad Tom took this week off from volunteering as the weather has been gorgeous, not hot, but warm enough to be sitting out which has been lovely, very relaxing apart from him and one of my friends who popped in laughing at my romper/playsuits!!! She got a very small glass of wine for that:duck:

Hoping our keisha pops in to say hello after her trip and Robbie too, hope she`s having a lovely time :sunny:


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