Something About Nothing............ #14

:wave2: It's been a hot minute again since my last stop in!!!

I am in my new role as a full-time admin at our hospital. I'm in the cancer center in radiation therapy. A smaller, more quiet unit. I think we finally have my access to everything all figured out....sadly I only have my trainer for another three days - with all the hiccups. I may reach out to my manager to see if I could have my trainer for a couple more days next week. She currently works all the different desks in systemic ( chemo ) unit. So hopefully they can sacrifice her for a few extra days next week.

We were busy the last week, as the kids threatened dh to take me out car shopping when dh went on his long business trip in May, if he got a new vehicle before I did :laughing: - since I have been driving my current vehicle for 11 years lol. That was his push to actually actively look. We found one what I was looking for - and upgraded to what we were first looking for. It's got lots of bells and whistles compared to my old " Izzy" - and I'm loving it!

We woke up to a dusting of that icky white stuff. I'm trying not to complain too much, as we need any form of moisture that we can get. It sure made me happier this morning driving the new wheels with a heated steering wheel and seats ::yes::

Dh and older ds are working out of town this week. Youngest ds texted me early this afternoon, asking if I knew what I was making for dinner tonight, and I had no plans. He took it upon himself to make me dinner tonight - tacos and tater tots!!! I was more than happy to eat anything I didn't have to whip up.

I just thought I would try to stop in and catch up with everyone. It seems like life may settle down a bit now - that I'm down to just one job now. I should be stopping in more often again :flower:

Have a great sleep everyone!!!!

Glad job is a success Pumpkin, and you`ll love the new hours!!

Congrats on the new car, nothing nicer and yes, I agree, they`ve got to have all the gadgets available!! Hope the snow disappears soon too.

Beautiful. Don’t think I’ve ever seen one

lol it’s crazy how they swarm. Last two years do seem to be better behaved/supervised here.

Thst said…it’s just one night. I’m appreciative to just be here considering we had snow last week. Helps we are finally getting to stay at resort we’ve been trying to book for decades without success using our points. Trying another one out the end of the trip. Lots of hopping around this time lol

Pumpkin -exciting changes for you!

Can`t wait to hear about your next hotel, I`m excited to hear your thoughts on it!

Good Wednesday morning from a lovely sunny part of the country today, it does seem to be chilly though but looks beautiful.

Some shopping this morning then lunch out with the gang, I think there are 8 of us today, nine if my friend`s vegan sister comes with us, doubt it though, but she`s home for a few weeks, she works in Germany right now. Not each other`s cup of tea, but we make nice and it`s hilarious to watch apparently. I only suffer her because I adore my friend, otherwise I don`t suffer fools usually especially ones who talk utter balderdash ::yes::

So, just some snacks to prepare tonight if we feel peckish, I have some rice noodles so can make some of those lovely see through Thai Egg Rolls if we do get hungry, or just crackers with a couple of cheeses. We won`t starve ☺️

Avocado on toast again this morning, nice day ahead and looking forward to my second hair appointment with the new lady tomorrow, cut and blow dry along with another Olaplex treatment. This place is much more high end compared to the old salon so it does feel like a proper pampering place, much nicer in general. I could do with a trim and we`re going out for dinner on Saturday night so it`ll be nice to have just had my hair done for that.

Time to get ready now......




Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!​
Ah, had to get items out of the refrigerator this morning, and when DH didn’t hear me leave, and he called out to see if I was okay. Yeah. Just getting food to take in. Glad I married the right guy. And hey, I’m glad he doesn’t have to go into the office so far, so if I did need him, he’s there.

Quick enough commute, in that ever still very dark pre dawn trip. Overcast, so was even darker. Rain chance today. Umbrella now in my office, just in case. Phone says 20 percent of the area will have rain around 4 pm today. I’m hoping I’ll be home by then, or in the other, 80 percent of the area not seeing rain at that hour.

And oddly, had to change that bottle again this morning. But tea for me, freshest water, and who did I see?


Ah hello camel. Seeing those May kinda flowers. Yes, this month is flying by, and we will be in May two Wednesday’s from today. That’s right. May starting first day, fitting is on a Wednesday. The day, like today, when we say, get over the hump of this mid week day feeling, and that fabulous Friday feeling will be less than a day away. You know, this Friday, I have a lazy one. Woot!

Yay for Keisha to be there by dinner time. Glad the cheer kids are not too bad. Enjoy your next resort today.,

Pumpkin, congratulations on new job and car. So nice to have heated seats, as I won’t ever not have them in my car now. We both live in an area where they are so nice to have in colder parts of the year. Nice to have son cook you dinner last night.

Junkie, yay, enjoy hearing your trips to SW and the other parks. Oh I’m hoping nice and hot when I come for my visit sooner than later.

Back to week day routine for me. Happy the staff meeting today, was cancelled yesterday afternoon. So, no meetings for the rest of the week. Yay!

Hope all today, have a most Wonderful Wednesday.
Quick lunchtime check in. I am tired and sore from yesterday. It’s a good sized zoo and will be getting bigger in a couple of years. They are currently working on an Asian section. I hope that means that they will have tigers.

I am in my new role as a full-time admin at our hospital

I have been driving my current vehicle for 11 years lol. That was his push to actually actively look. We found one what I was looking for - and upgraded to what we were first looking for
Congrats on the new job and car.

Beautiful. Don’t think I’ve ever seen one
I almost didn’t get pictures. The school kids were screaming so loudly that it looked like they would scare the fox away. Fortunately they moved on and the fox became more active.

I don`t suffer fools usually especially ones who talk utter balderdash
That’s such a great word and not used nearly enough.

The trip is getting closer.
Ooh Keisha, they should give you a great room, as being oversold. Like club level. Love seeing your pictures as ready for our trip coming up.

Yay for Charade’s to be 10 days away. You certainly need a break. And great pictures from the zoo. We gave up the big zoo, as our passes went up more than double. We still belong to the little zoo, as their membership prices are so much more reasonable.

Lunch walk was nice. 66 degrees and mostly overcast. So sunglasses sort of needed. But jacket, nope. Yay! Almost time to put those cool weather jackets away.
Quick lunchtime check in. I am tired and sore from yesterday. It’s a good sized zoo and will be getting bigger in a couple of years. They are currently working on an Asian section. I hope that means that they will have tigers.

Congrats on the new job and car.

I almost didn’t get pictures. The school kids were screaming so loudly that it looked like they would scare the fox away. Fortunately they moved on and the fox became more active.

That’s such a great word and not used nearly enough.

The trip is getting closer.
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lol....I do use that word a lot when talking of certain people and what nonsense they talk, it`s a great word!!!

Nice countdown Charade, it`ll be here before you know it! And hope your daughter is still enjoying her new job. Is that almost a year since you both graduated???

Another upgrade today, jury is out as it’s not ready. Tells me they oversold room

No problem, chillin at the pool as we will be back for the deluxe evening hours until midnight…all walk on.

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Our new car
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Now that`s a new car Janet!!!!! mister looks good beside it.

Hope the room is everything you`d like, can`t wait to hear about it.

Nice lunch out with a load of friends today, and my friend`s vegan sister didn`t come after all, so it was very nice, we all had a lot of fun with good food served up also.

It was winter warming dishes all round for everyone today, it is bitter, winter coat, gloves and hat were all on. It`s time we had some nicer weather, we`re fed up being cold.

Lazy night ahead, no cooking required as we splashed out at lunch and had a dessert too, very filling meal in a beautiful restaurant that only recently started opening for lunch, so I doubt we`ll have any room for anything other than a couple of pots of tea....
Waiting for B to get off work so we can get dinner. I think tonight will be hibachi.
Tonight I decided to get my suitcase out of storage. I’m going to try to use my smallest bag, but will check it even though it’s considered a carry-on. The planes that go from Roanoke to Charlotte are really small and really don’t have sufficient overhead storage.

Our new car
Cool! I would love to go for a ride in that. Is that an option or is it just for show?

Almost time to put those cool weather jackets away.
I keep thinking it’s time to swap the winter clothes for spring, but the weather keeps changing. Maybe I’ll do it when I get back from FL.

Is that almost a year since you both graduated???
Yes, it will be a year in May.

Nice lunch out with a load of friends today, and my friend`s vegan sister didn`t come after all,
I know you were so disappointed.

I don’t want to leave
Looks so nice. Which resort is it?
Lazy dinner tonight. Bacon lettuce and cheese sammiches. I did make a pan gravy with the bacon fond though, so we're not complete savages.
Our regular pet sitter moved out of town short notice this week so the pups get one of thier old aunties watching them.
Got to burn up 2 free tix to SW and 2 bonus to BG within a month. The perks on SW APs are phenomenal.
So many vegans do tend to give that hairy eye ball to carnivores

I don’t want to leave
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Reminds me of portofino
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lol..yes the vegans do like to give the old "stink eye" to us meat eaters!!

Waiting for B to get off work so we can get dinner. I think tonight will be hibachi.
Tonight I decided to get my suitcase out of storage. I’m going to try to use my smallest bag, but will check it even though it’s considered a carry-on. The planes that go from Roanoke to Charlotte are really small and really don’t have sufficient overhead storage.

Cool! I would love to go for a ride in that. Is that an option or is it just for show?

I keep thinking it’s time to swap the winter clothes for spring, but the weather keeps changing. Maybe I’ll do it when I get back from FL.

Yes, it will be a year in May.

I know you were so disappointed.

Looks so nice. Which resort is it?

I love Hibachi, we don`t have anything like that close to where we live, hope it was nice. That year has passed so quickly since Graduation!!

lol.....yes, no one missed her, even her sister is happier when she doesn`t come out for a meal with everyone when she`s home for a visit. She`s slightly tolerable when it`s one on one, but in a group she always has to compete, or try to compete, usually with me, you know the type I`m sure, even when it`s obvious to everyone. I do always try to find something decent in everyone, but with, she doesn`t like me either, so all good ☺️

Another gorgeous but very chilly morning here, that sunshine does help though, so lovely when it shines like this.

Hair appointment today, looking forward to it, just a cut and blow dry and that gorgeous Olaplex treatment, although I do keep saying Opalex, doh!! I do like this length, she cut 5" off on my last visit, won`t be anywhere near that this time, it just needs a tidy up.

Making Hunter`s Chicken tonight, will get some pancetta today to wrap around the chicken, we prefer using that to bacon, made the bbq sauce last night and popped some in the freezer too, always make too much. Poached egg on toast for breakfast and a very early lunch before my salon appoinment.

Happy Thirsty Thursday 🥂



Have a great day!!!​
Ah, weather says I’m thirsty today. Periods of rain, and our coolest day this week. 57 the high.

And ugh, was a damp feeling, wet roads, little drizzle enough for wipers, and a very dark commute. But still almost as fast as I get this time of day. Oddly had a red light as soon as I turned off my road. No one around. Would have maybe creeped close to intersection, but as started, another car came opposite me and did stop. But then, mostly green lights, and also oddly, usually a little line to come in, but none came in with me this morning. Regardless, I’m glad I don’t have to do this routine until Tuesday next week. And yay, alarm will be off tonight. DH gets up early anyway. Alarm on or not. So I get to be lazy tomorrow. Woot! Three day weekend coming up.

And so, tea for me, as yay, no bottle change needed this morning.

And today, means, be thirsting, as good to keep the body hydrated. And have a most Terrific Thirsty Thursday, today. And another yay, for junkie’s plan to enjoy some parks’ fun soon. And Charade is now to a single digit countdown, and hope Keisha is having a fabulous time. Woot! Spring trips. Including us. Yay!
Mid afternoon pot of tea is hard to beat, especially on such a miserable day!!

Who knew there was so much rain up there, cold too, but not as bad as yesterday when we had a real feel of below zero.

But, lovely appointment in my new salon, my hair looks and feels like as shiny and soft as it`s ever been. My hair is in very good condition anyway, but this just adds that little extra, love it and a good cut too. Her salon does waxing too, so have made an appointment for that too as well as my next hair appointment.

So, tea and a choccie biscuit I think as we watch this rain pound down again!!

Shout out to mac.......and @saskdw :wave2:

And a hello to our Vicki @tink1957 hope you`re all doing good!!
Schumi, hair day is always great.
Makes a gal feel good.
It makes you smile all day long!

I miss the gal I used.

Cloudy day for us, Mr Sunshine is taking a long nap today.
Bubbles restocked, batteries changed in bubble machine.
Chocolate bars for 11ses in the park procured. Backpack packed.
Doing paperwork and estimates today and tomorrow so I've had some time.
Anybody else track miles or steps in the parks?
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday!!! I was ready for Friday on Tuesday already :laughing:

The sun was shinning today - but the wind is still grossly cold :cold: The forecast for the weekend is calling for beautiful weather. I guess we will see if the forecast is right. I am craving some warmer weather. I want to be able to start walking outside again - and I DON'T want to put on a tooque (beanie) and mitts to go out walking :sad2:

I've been told that there is a nice short little walking path just outside of our unit that lead outside the building onto this short walking path...through some nice treed areas, that lead back to the main entrance to the hospital. I've been told it's about 15 minutes - just as long as one of our breaks! Once the weather warms up, I'll be checking that out!

Not sure what is on the agenda for tomorrow night after work to kick off the weekend...maybe quick dinner of bbq burgers and fries with salad. Quick and easy.

Might have to take a look at what new movies are out to rent. I'm thinking a movie night in sounds perfect for tomorrow night.

It was winter warming dishes all round for everyone today, it is bitter, winter coat, gloves and hat were all on. It`s time we had some nicer weather, we`re fed up being cold.
Ugh...I feel your pain!!!! I'm needing some warmer weather. I've been going up to the other floors for breaks and lunches to soak up some vitamin D.

I don’t want to leave
I don't blame you!!! That looks amazing!!!!
Tonight I decided to get my suitcase out of storage.
OOOOOOOOOO what is your countdown at?!!!
lovely appointment in my new salon, my hair looks and feels like as shiny and soft as it`s ever been.
There is something that feels so good after having a hair appointment - even if it's for a trim. That feeling is the same of getting into bed with fresh laundered sheets, and stepping out into hot humid air when you come from a colder climate.

Well, I should get going.

Take care everyone!!!!


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