Something About Nothing............ #14

Pumpkin I wish that was the case but it is not.
The dentist is fully booked up for the straight 4 months out.
It was planned to have the crown done anytime the root canal was done.
So until the next step is done, a continuing soft diet for food.

My dentist office only is open 4 days each week but he only works 3.5 days.

He is a keeper and well worth the wait.

A good dentist is worth waiting for.

Mine has retired now, but his replacement I do like. But I think he’ll leave to do something more glamorous to be honest. I’m just getting used to him and he’ll leave.

Almost bedtime here, watching free practice for Mexican GP……dull.

Looking forward to bacon for breakfast……and we still have the windows open…..almost 60F at 10.30pm last week in October is unheard of…….
I’ll be there for breakfast!

You know you are always welcome........will set another place at the table in the morning, bacon for 3......::yes::


One of our friends might join us this morning, but she is Jewish so we don`t need to share the`s happy with everything else, she`s so slim and can eat her body weight in white buttery toast! Don`t know where she puts it.....:confused3

I planned to sleep late this morning, but didn`t happen, one of these days I will sleep till 9am! I wish...... supposed to be raining all morning, but dry right now although still pitch black so can`t see what the sky looks like yet.

Friend txt late last night saying she`s dropping in this morning for breakfast, always good to see her of course, she`s over this way for one reason or another.

A morning of some laundry and cleaning after breakfast once my friend leaves, will be out for a while this afternoon and so far have no plans for tonight at all.....everyone seems to be hibernating again. But, will remember to put clocks back tonight before we go to bed. Happy with the extra hour.....probably still be up early anyway!!


Ooh bacon. I’m always late, as was sound asleep, as my early wake up is closer to now. And hehe, Schumi gets to enjoy standard time tomorrow. So will be only four hours time difference for a week.

I don’t think I picked up bacon, so probably none in my kitchen. Did make waffles for DH and I. They were tasty.

Ooh weather. Hello high weather system from the North. As that sky cloud clearing was already done by mid evening last night, temp now is 38. Yep, not quite freeze warnings, but close. As such, that clear skies and cool hangs around all day, and so that clear sky will give us a golden sunrise in about an hour. Should be gorgeous.

Moon was a sliver last night. So not much light from the sky, except the stars, and human lights in this pre dawn hours.

Saturday morning it is. Quiet enough, and cool out. And very thankful it’s the weekend. Our plans? May visit the outlets today or tomorrow, as have an online order I hope I can return to its brick and mortar store. Last time, they said it was hit or miss, but I guess I was lucky and the return worked fine. Crossing fingers and toes that can return there this time. I rarely have to return online orders, but this item is too small, even though I thought I picked the right size. If not, I’m sure I can mail it back.

But as little one wants to join me in that outlet visit, we won’t get started until around lunchtime. Hehe, and maybe some zoo trick or treating this weekend too.

So a wish for all to have that super sized most relaxing Saturday. Hey, and last one in October. Oh my. Hehe, spooky one too.
It’s Saturday!
and dead as a door knob here….

I think think it means everyone is busy today

I had plans to hit Publix for a few groceries but decided we will order food out for dinner.

Going to make it a pizza night

Will work on Sunday’s meal tomorrow.

Yep, no one here today…….pizza sounds good!! I’m doing chicken casserole tomorrow…..with all sorts of lovely ingredients, should be nice.

Bacon again tomorrow mac……will set for 3 again…..😉

Ended up being a busy day. My friend did join us for breakfast, ended up making her Eggs Benedict, she loved them. Rained all morning, then went to another friends birthday afternoon tea party……very rock and roll :rotfl:…..but she wanted her grandchildren there, so it was nice. She laid on a lovely feast, but we didn’t have much.

Headed off to buy a new mattress for one of the spare beds, got that ordered and it was an easy choice. Will go back in January for our new bed too I think, liked this place, very small and bespoke.

Kyle joined us for dinner tonight and we got Indian takeout from a new place as our usual place has changed hands and not the same good reviews. Loved this new place, food was fresh and tasty and nice and spicy…..

Now watching the gorgeous Robert Downey Jr in the Sherlock Holmes movies……can’t abide Jude Law, but he’s watchable in these movies.

And made us up a couple of Hurricanes……we did want to use the glasses again……🍹


Might stay up a little later as we gain an hour tonight……will be up even earlier tomorrow I imagine!! Going to try a have a good lie in though…..perfect Sunday morning.

Enjoyed our Saturday though….
I see the straws so guess this means you don’t guzzle the drink like I would

Well…….they’re quite thick straws…….so we do take in quite a big gulp fairly quickly……hence the reason we’re on our second Hurricane :laughing:….and those glasses are large and the drink is gorgeous…

You‘d like them…..:)
A quick hello to everyone. I should be sleeping right now. I finished my work for week 1 today. Just 7 weeks left in the sub term. I don't know what it is, but I have been feeling completely unmotivated this week. I have zero enthusiasm for classes this sub term and don't want to do anything. Hopefully this feeling will pass or this will be a long 7 weeks.

I saw someone mention etsy. I love that site. I have found things there I couldn't find anywhere else. I plan to order several t-shirts from etsy sellers before we go to Disneyland next year. Also something to decorate my graduation cap.

It's almost 1:00. I am going to try to get some sleep. I am taking the day off from school work tomorrow.
A quick hello to everyone. I should be sleeping right now. I finished my work for week 1 today. Just 7 weeks left in the sub term. I don't know what it is, but I have been feeling completely unmotivated this week. I have zero enthusiasm for classes this sub term and don't want to do anything. Hopefully this feeling will pass or this will be a long 7 weeks.

I saw someone mention etsy. I love that site. I have found things there I couldn't find anywhere else. I plan to order several t-shirts from etsy sellers before we go to Disneyland next year. Also something to decorate my graduation cap.

It's almost 1:00. I am going to try to get some sleep. I am taking the day off from school work tomorrow.

That was me that mentioned Etsy.

I`m not really sure why I never looked there before.....I have definitely found a new way to spend money!! Yes, there are some delightful things there and original too.

I wonder if you`re having a reaction to your mum`s passing. Losing a loved one can certainly cause a plethora of emotions to rise to the surface in different ways. Take some time when you need it. And enjoy your Sunday, hope you can relax and spend some time revitalising.

I am loving this extra hour today! Slept amazingly well as always and got up usual time and managed to accomplish more before 9am than I sometimes do in a whole day....if it`s a lazy day of course 😉

Laundry done, dried, ironed and put away, cleaned the bifold doors on the inside, and they are large, washed all the wooden floors, made rosemary bread, put diced beef, red wine, stock, veg and herbs into the slow cooker and it`s simmering away nicely now and made us eggs benedict again....I`ve now had enough eggs to do me the next 6 months!

Going to catch up with some friends today, emails too.........and going to enjoy how extra long this day feels.....might even fit in a nap.



Have a wonderful Sunday ☺️
Oh Charade, it’s okay to have times when you are not up to being enthusiastic about taking classes. At least you are that much closer to finishing with this sub term.

Ooh we were below freezing last night. Thankfully, above freezing with 35 degrees out now. But enough sun will be seen, still will see mid 60’s temp as the high this afternoon.

And so lots of tea for me. And day we get the trash cans to the curb and alarm already set. But at least another day of rest, that appreciates not much other than some food shopping and wash is what the most other than needs to be done today.

Scrambled eggs, toast and bacon was our breakfast this morning. Well for DH and I. Kids are still not early risers. But as older one works today, will see him up first. And a birthday for him this week, so taking Friday off to celebrate my first born kid.

Super Serene Sunday to all. And Mischief Night is tonight. Ooh will see some fun mischievous things tonight.

Yep Monday is that spooky holiday day. Our trick or treaters should just have an overcast and cool night. Rain that was first predicted to fall on Monday night, now will be much better chance on Tuesday late afternoon and evening. So for Halloween, I’ll be in my jacket and maybe even a blanket as wait to see the neighbor kids dressed in some great costumes.
Happy Sunday. It's a lazy one for me. We're going to watch the NASCAR race and probably some football.
I had some encouragement today. I already got the grade for the essay I turned in yesterday. I got 100%. I guess I'm not as bad of a writer as I thought I was.

I've started Christmas shopping. B has asked for mostly books and gift cards. I also bought her a pair of wireless ear buds. I also ordered her bowling shoes for next semester, but these aren't a Christmas gift.


I wonder if you`re having a reaction to your mum`s passing. Losing a loved one can certainly cause a plethora of emotions to rise to the surface in different ways.
You are probably right about that. The last few weeks of the last sub term were very stressful.
I am loving this extra hour today!
I think we move back next week. I am not looking forward to it getting dark around 5:00.

Yep Monday is that spooky holiday day. Our trick or treaters should just have an overcast and cool night. Rain that was first predicted to fall on Monday night, now will be much better chance on Tuesday late afternoon and evening. So for Halloween, I’ll be in my jacket and maybe even a blanket as wait to see the neighbor kids dressed in some great costumes.

We finally remembered to buy some candy. I don't expect too many kids in our small neighborhood. We may get some rain tomorrow night.

It's race time.
Happy Sunday. It's a lazy one for me. We're going to watch the NASCAR race and probably some football.
I had some encouragement today. I already got the grade for the essay I turned in yesterday. I got 100%. I guess I'm not as bad of a writer as I thought I was.

I've started Christmas shopping. B has asked for mostly books and gift cards. I also bought her a pair of wireless ear buds. I also ordered her bowling shoes for next semester, but these aren't a Christmas gift.

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You are probably right about that. The last few weeks of the last sub term were very stressful.

I think we move back next week. I am not looking forward to it getting dark around 5:00.

We finally remembered to buy some candy. I don't expect too many kids in our small neighborhood. We may get some rain tomorrow night.

It's race time.

Love the bowling shoes!! And well done on the excellent score on your essay, you must be really pleased with that.

You`ll get there with the enthusiasm, you`ve had a tough time recently and a lot going on with your studies on top.

Today has been a long, but fun day. That extra hour really does make a difference, yes, darker earlier, but it would come around anyway.

Had some friends pop over to visit us today, we sat on the sofas in the kitchen and sorted the world out....if only!! I thought they were going to stay for dinner as they kept commenting on how nice the beef aroma was. It really was. But, they went and then I made some dumplings to go with the casserole and it was a very filling and warming dish. Made a huge amount of beef so have some in the freezer for other times.

Watching the Mexican F1 GP right now......hope it`s a good one.

Think it might be starting to cool down compared the ultra mild temps we`ve had this month. Just a little bit different today.

Think it`ll be an early night for us tonight.
Am I the only poster here that still watches the walking dead series?

You may very well be, I mentioned to you last week, I thought it had finished long ago! I think I stopped watching when Negan came into it…….lol……

You certainly have been loyal to the show!
and I will miss it when it ends which is soon coming up

It`s finally ending?? I hope you get a better ending than Game of Thrones had......that was one of the most rushed and worst endings ever.

I think it`s slowly getting cooler here, not surprised, it`s the last day of October today....Halloween of course. Time for the warmer jackets now I think.

Taking a light fitting back today that wasn`t quite suitable for the room I bought it for, will see if they have something else I like, if not we`ll go elsewhere, but I do like this little business. And maybe looking to change our built in closets in our bedroom....if I can get them changed before decorators come in January, might be cutting it fine now as these folks are always booked up. Will have a look.

Croissants for breakfast with some marmalade I think, no idea for lunch and dinner yet, far too early to think about it yet. Will decide after I`ve had some tea I think, my pot of tea is infusing as I type.

Then no idea for the rest of the day, we don`t get kids up here for Halloween and no village party this year, so quite a quiet one for us. But, it`s just not huge over here to the same extent. I do give out bags of candy I`ve made up to certain kids though, friends kids and grands.....and yes, one for my husband too!!!!

But, we do always watch the original and the best.....1978 version of`s the only version worth watching really. Still scares the bejeesus out of me.

Have a wonderful Monday





Ah yes,

And that pesky rain still try to wet those trick or treaters. But at least still saying late in the evening. And we do turn out our light at a reasonable time, around 8:30. Though being a school night, early kids may be. Though most years no one came after 7:30. Most start by 5:30 or so. At least will be close to 70 this afternoon. Good, as pumpkins 🎃 to carve this afternoon. And little one picked up quite large ones too.

So, Marvelous Monday and again, Woot!
EBAE1A6F-7300-4C61-A241-979023390930.jpeg ::yes::

🎃 Halloween!

Final, hope Agavegirl is having that most fabulous time at the Dark Side.


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