Something About Nothing............ #14

Aww, great pictures, Robo. Thanks for sharing. Eek, what that needle did to your back. That is awful. Glad you are feeling better. And hope those oral medicine help with the pain without any more needles in your back.

Charade, nice plans for the holiday. Purple a favorite color.

Getting late for me. I know even with alarm turned off, I’ll still be up early. Tomorrow, older one’s car goes in for its yearly inspection that our state requires. I paid for the car’s yearly registration, that is also state required, and still pay for the insurance. But told him it’s his responsibility to pay for whatever car needs this year. Last year, I paid, and was a not so nice large hit to the wallet. Hope nowhere close to that payment number this year. We were going to trade in this year, but with still issues with car availability and prices, and the fact older one’s car, while almost 20 years old, is still running well, so told DH we should be saving up, as thinking by next year, will try to trade in before the end of the month we have to do those yearly state required car payments.

So a most restful night to all. And go to sleep with a smile. Tomorrow is Friday! Woot! And we are still having those clear skies, so in the low 40’s now. Cool front still around, but at least a high weather system has set up. Those early Fall beautiful clear blue skies are great weather days in my book. And we have had clear skies for two days, with a predicted gloriously sunny weekend to come, with some rain changes on this coming Monday. Yay! Weekend to be outside in that glorious and beautiful sunshine. Yeah, with a jacket on with those shades.
I have not seen Lynne up this late in a very long time!
( bet she will still wake up early in the morning)
I picked up my new glasses yesterday. I wasn't sure about them at first, but I seem to have acclimated to them quite easily. I got progressive lenses in them this time, and with my horrible prescription :rolleyes1 There was definitely period to get used to them. I can definitely read the smaller print things I need to read everyday much easier. So I know it was time to get a new prescription.
I’ve had progressives for a few years and still haven’t completely gotten used to them. I miss the days of single vision lenses.
I did the injections many years ago. It is basically a steroid and mild numbing mediation that goes into the epidural space in the area your having issue with in your spine to help decrease the swelling, The doctor nicked my spinal cord and I ended up with a CSF leak. If you have ever had that happen it is a nightmare. As long as I‘am progressing don’t want to do anything else.
I hope you are able to continue to get relief without the injections. I can understand your aversion.

I should try to get some sleep. Im currently on Facebook trying to make someone understand why I won’t take some of my classes through a third party online site. I don’t think she gets it.
It is cold today and at 62 now
but tomorrow and rest of the week will return to 76

I am a wimp when temps drop this low
I am dressed for winter wrapped in a blanket

I have a couple of fluffy soft throws in our sitting rooms, but to be honest I very rarely use them as our house is quite warm generally.....solid stone built, cavity wall and roof insulation, fabulous central heating system and triple glazing.......our homes are built to keep heat in over

But there is something cosy being covered in a blanky.......

Finally getting to do a stop in today. It seems to shiny squirrel syndrome has hit me today. I have gotten my required work completed, but I can't seem to focus enough on my other tasked work. Thank goodness it's not time sensitive.

I picked up my new glasses yesterday. I wasn't sure about them at first, but I seem to have acclimated to them quite easily. I got progressive lenses in them this time, and with my horrible prescription :rolleyes1 There was definitely period to get used to them. I can definitely read the smaller print things I need to read everyday much easier. So I know it was time to get a new prescription.

lol. I might have taken you up on that offer on day 2 lol.
I hope you pulled the pants out for your cooler weather. I always sit with blankets in the fall/winter months.

Sounds like a nice evening out.

I hope you find the right class that will work for you. Those purple shoes sound like they would be perfect!!! Who doesn't love purple!!!!

Well, I should get this one thing done. I have been working on it for over an hour :rolleyes2 and I would like it done before I head home.
Have a great evening everyone!!!!!!!!!!

Lovely night out thanks Pumpkin......

Hope you got your work done before setting off home.....yes, sometimes your brain just doesn`t cooperate when you`re trying to concentrate.

Good Thursday evening everyone.

It is 11 days untill Halloween.

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Thank you Mac, I will try and remember to take some photos.

Here are a couple cute photos of my niece and little J from Halloween pasts. This was 2021. They were Gandalf the Grey and Little Frodo Baggins.
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You can see the one ring around his neck.
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Morticia and Pubert Addams. I love this photo.
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Yes, I remember seeing a picture of Zara Phillips husband. He had some work done on his nose and it looks so much better. I bet he breathes better now.

It is frightening the facial injuries that can be caused while playing those rough sports.

Which is the reason I don‘t want grandson playing rugby. I have voiced my concerns. Thats all I can do at this point and pray he does not get injured.

I know our stores here now have all the leftover Halloween Decorations bunched to the side and Christmas is every where here now. They started with Halloween Decorations early so I guess the idea was to do the same with Christmas.

I hope your trips go as planned and you have a good time.

I really enjoy Halloween so much. Here if you are giving out candy you just turn your porch light on. I enjoy giving out candy.

I have always given out the big candy bars and the kids enjoy getting those.

My family likes to open the door and give out the candy bars.

We have a few more kids in our neighborhood now too. The ones that were littles when we moved here many moons ago are now grown, gone to college and moved away.

I know some people drive into out neighbor hood to Trick or Treat. I have never run out of candy bars yet…..LOL…now that I have said that I will this year.

Wow… are a woman on the move. Sounds like a full fun schedule. Let us know your take on MNSSHP this year. I have heard mixed reviews.

Thanks Lynne, I hope the Skeleton Pizzas work out. I have never made them before.

Congratulations on getting your A in your photography class.

That is for sure cool weather in Orlando for October. That is coat wearing weather for Floridians…..LOL

I remember a few years ago being at Universal at the end of January and it was rainy and in the 50’s and I was freezing. That was with a 2 sweatshirts on a scarf and a hat….LOL. I really missed my gloves.

Wow….you are the painting mom Queen for sure. Your family are so lucky to have you helping out. I know it means a lot to you to make sure they get off on the right foot in their new home.

I have been thinking about it again this week. I‘am thinking that hitting within the first 3 week window of HHN is turning out to be the a nice spot.

I need to look at dates for next year.

Hope you get your dental things worked out and your Misters eyes are healing well.

Been trying to collect things slowly for Halloween Party. Don’t want to be running around looking for ingredients to close to the party. I was able to order some fun baked goods for the party from Sam’s bakery today.

My back is feeling better everyday knock on wood. This event kinda of knocked me for a loop. My back had not gone out this bad in a long time.

I got the results of the CT and it was as suspected the issues were in the lower lumbar area. I had a bulging disc there and some narrowing do to the bad arthritis. Doc made some recommendations for some injections into my back. I feel like the oral steroids are doing the job and do not want to do anything more invasive.

I did the injections many years ago. It is basically a steroid and mild numbing mediation that goes into the epidural space in the area your having issue with in your spine to help decrease the swelling, The doctor nicked my spinal cord and I ended up with a CSF leak. If you have ever had that happen it is a nightmare. As long as I‘am progressing don’t want to do anything else.

I saw my little buddy little J today. He is growing so fast.

Not much else going on this evening.

Have a wonderful evening everyone.

I do remember those pictures from last year!!! So cute......

Yes, it`s not a sport you`d chose for loved ones. One of my Godsons played Rugby for University, we were all so glad when he voluntarily gave it up, he had the build and the speed but he met his now fiancee and thankfully he preferred her company to going to play rugby!!

Glad your back is doing better, it is miserable being in that kind of pain. Those treatments work wonders.....when they work and no errors. I`m sorry that happened, yes anything non invasive would be my choice too.

We did have a lovely night out last night. Ate far too much but food was so good as it always is from this place, I hadn`t planned on a dessert but they had made a special one, so couldn`t say no really. And the wine was flowing!!! Got in quite late so dragged myself up this morning to get showered and dressed before the decorators arrived. Last day!!!

I really did want to sleep longer this morning. No naps today either.

Rain has stopped but it looks just grey outside, strangely mild though for this time of year.

Made bacon sandwiches and a huge pot of tea for breakfast.....lunch, maybe a grilled sandwich......high carb day. No idea for dinner yet, will think on it later.....

Have a great Friday :)
Friday it is. And like to see that clear sky in the early mornings. Clear and a bit windy, as threw out trash already.

House is a bit cool, so we do have throws, fluffy and comfy ones. Have one around me as watching those shows that were made years ago, trying not to watch those infomercials that are prevalent in the wee hours for us wanting to watch something half interesting.

So a most happy Friday feeling homies. Lazy one for me. Yay!

And don’t blame you, Charade to take such a class. Um why would want a third party site? Nope.

And yay for Schumi getting house refreshed, and had me here with mention of bacon and tea.

Tea for me, lots of it with this cooler feeling house. Will be warming up though, as turned the heater up some, as we all like it a bit cool in the overnight.

A good morning too. Yay that 10 more days to Halloween. We have the pumpkins ready to be carved. We have the candy ready to hand out. And I have my DH’s military winter jacket by the front door. It’s keeps ya so warm, you can be sweaty in it when it’s cold out. But not quite that 10 day forecast to see what next Monday’s weather will be. But at least this following Sunday, has predicted overcast, and high of 65. But like any forecast, may be right, may not be. But we have had quite the difference in weather over the years. From pleasantly just a bit cool at night, to snow, a few years ago, that had kids trick or treating days later. So jackets in our front door closet range from lightweight ones to those baby it’s way too cold out temps ones. So far, the lightweight ones have been used lately. And will have mine on today. 62 the high temp, with two degrees warmer than our low of 37 that was at 3 this morning. Ooh but will be rocking those shades. Should be a golden sunrise in another 2 hours.

Yeah, while can be that night owl, just can’t not be that early bird. So yep, Mac, I’m up early today.

And yep,
1BF6C755-7876-458F-B7A2-B3956F142AD1.png ::yes::
I did not break any records for being an early riser this morning but here now

It is cold so I have my electric blanket on
it solves the problem for me

Wish it had a long cord so i could walk around with it

I used to live for fridays but every day is a “Friday “ for me

retirement works well for me

I am waiting for the temps to rise before i get out of bed this morning
I did not break any records for being an early riser this morning but here now

It is cold so I have my electric blanket on
it solves the problem for me

Wish it had a long cord so i could walk around with it

I used to live for fridays but every day is a “Friday “ for me

retirement works well for me

I am waiting for the temps to rise before i get out of bed this morning

Isn`t it just the best being a lady of leisure!!!

Our decorators have commented what a lovely laid back lifestyle we have.....couldn`t disagree with them!!! Yes, everyday is like the weekend.....

Tom won`t let me have an electric blanket in the house, I told him they`re not like the one`s from the 1970s that were always catching fire.....but, no.

Sun is out now and looks so much nicer.

Sent Tom into the village to pick up a parcel that had been sent to the wrong address so had been returned to the Post Office. He came back with a very large piece of monkfish for dinner tonight. Fine by me, we both love fish of any kind, but monkfish is lovely, quite a meaty fish. Will make a lemon butter sauce with some crayfish through it and parmentier potatoes. Looking forward to that now as I had no idea what we would eat tonight, hadn`t brought anything out of the freezer.

So, yes sun is shining, should be a nice weekend going forward.

Decorators have about another two hours and they`ll be done.....will be glad to see them finished. Shame we have to wait till Tuesday to get the flooring done, but it`ll be gorgeous I`m sure.

More tea I think for the workmen and us too.......they said they`ll miss all the homebaking too...... 😇

Decorators all finished, cleaned up and have gone. We are thrilled with the results, everything looks so good.

Now to just live with bare boards and stairs till Tuesday when we get all the flooring down. Booked them for end of January for our bedroom and master bathroom and one of the spare rooms that could be doing with a refresh. We were lucky to get them so early in the year as they are filling their diary already, but he got a cancellation today, so right time right place......

Happy Friday indeed......
Rained all night last night but seems to have stopped right now, although it’s still pitch black so have no idea what the morning will look like.

Went to bed early after watching Knives Out again, quite a good movie but a little confusing first time round…….maybe we should have paid attention more instead of chatting. Slept solidly till just after 6, so got up, made some tea and noticed I had a plethora of emails so replied to a few of them.

Breakfast not for a while, think it’ll be bacon with croissants or toast, lunch will be something light, then out to the newest Thai restaurant to have opened. It’s a tiny place apparently, so tiny we didn’t even know it had opened till this week.

Following Mac’s lead of sorting out closets today. Another clear out is due and hand some stuff into the Charity Shops. Going to be brutal this time…….or so I say!

But, not much going on today till tonight……..need to do some more dusting and polishing as the house has had a lot of dust with the decorating going on……did a load last night, but it’ll take a few days for that to settle down……not much I can do about that, it’ll settle down.

Isn’t our Janet home today??? Hope she’s had an amazing trip…….

Have a wonderful Saturday :sunny:
Woot, a Saturday is here. Repeat of yesterday’s weather, so that almost sunrise time in a beautiful blue sky. Then the weekend will end with clouds and the chances of rain. So looking forward to a most perfect weather day, today, for later day in October.

Was thankful, older one’s car just had normal expenses, so I guess it was a good call to delay trading it in, and buying a new car next year. Since we had my car to find something to do, while we waited, we ended up at the closest outlet stores, and look the trees there are getting more colors, and always know we are close, when we see those towers.

But today, we have some errands to run, and that’s it. Now? Enjoying some tea and have the largest tv watch. I actually don’t mind watching English football. We are a soccer playing family, so we all enjoy watching some of that sport.

Hope your Thai dinner is delicious. Schumi. Hope your tea was lovely this morning.

Super wonderful Saturday to all. Yay, that Halloween fun 👻 is now 9 days away.
Perfect Saturday afternoon……sun is shining, quite warm and we have a pineapple vodka colada to enjoy before we get ready to go out tonight……


Yes, we did venture back to the HRC in Orlando……..nice sized glass!!

Going to walk into the village tonight to eat, then walk home too, it’s so mild, a little breezy but not too bad.

Watching a black and white Sherlock Holmes while we sip away…….
Happy Saturday. I’m getting ready to attend another football game. Sold out crowd today. But first, tailgating. I hope they have something good to eat today.
I’m bringing ear plugs today. I understand the need for crowd noise, but last week there was someone sitting a few rows behind me who had a high pitched, shrill scream. It hurt my ears.
Have a great time charade!

( take a water squirt gun with you and use it on obnoxious screamers)
Great your team won charade!
So do you still have ringing in your ears?

I am glad Lynne mentioned halloween is coming up later this month.
I will put bagged candy on my grocery list for Monday’s shopping
We get tons of kids for trick or treating each year

Only a few families in our hoa has youngsters so it’s hoards of parents that drive their kids to our area

We have no issue with that as kids love to do trick and treating and I quite enjoy putting handfuls of candy in their bags!

Of course I buy more bags of candy than needed..
Have a great time charade!

( take a water squirt gun with you and use it on obnoxious screamers)

Great game. We won. The shrill screamer wasn’t there, but I was surrounded by cow bells.

Glad you enjoyed the game and glad the screamer wasn’t there.

Great your team won charade!
So do you still have ringing in your ears?

I am glad Lynne mentioned halloween is coming up later this month.
I will put bagged candy on my grocery list for Monday’s shopping
We get tons of kids for trick or treating each year

Only a few families in our hoa has youngsters so it’s hoards of parents that drive their kids to our area

We have no issue with that as kids love to do trick and treating and I quite enjoy putting handfuls of candy in their bags!

Of course I buy more bags of candy than needed..

We just don’t get kids around here, too remote I guess but when we have organised events in the village its a very busy night!

Had a lovely evening last night. That little restaurant is wonderful, staff were lovely and it was a kind of open kitchen and you could see it was immaculately clean.

Food was excellent and we’ll definitely go back again.

Walked home and jackets were off as it was unbelievably mild for an evening in October here, very strange weather as we’re usually bundled up by now with warmer coats.

Looks another mild day out there today, windows are all open again. Will make the most of it while we can.

Today another lazy one, will catch up on ironing and do some baking……will have the bifold doors wide open as it will be a warm one. Tom thinks he and I should have a bbq tonight…..fine by me, we always have a winter bbq but have folks over for that, but just the two of us for an autumn bbq sounds quite nice……won’t be eating outside though!

Texas Grand Prix tonight, not a favourite race of ours but might watch it tonight.

Have a lovely Sunday :sunny:
Sunday it is. And the rain will be coming by this afternoon. But not much change in the temperatures. Still seeing 62 the high, with it 51 out now. Yesterday, no jacket needed. It was gloriously sunny and almost warm. Today, will probably wear my jacket.

And our day of rest, though older one works. So it’s a little one and me day. Guess I’ll get the umbrella out. Little one does not get moving until at least lunchtime. I may go out and get some grocery shopping done about an hour from now. Then it’s get that trash out to get rained on as it sits in the cans on the curb for early Monday morning pick up. Will be hearing those cans rolling, along with ours, in the early evening tonight.

Glad you found another good restaurant to enjoy, Schumi. Nice to see a place with an open kitchen. Good when places look clean. I appreciate such.

And so, some English football on the big screen soon enough, and tea and pancakes was the breakfast. Still more tea for me, yay. House is nice enough, but still like that throw on my lap. Also made plenty of pancakes, so either kid can easily reheat if they want some. Both are in that sleeping mode for at least two more hours. Older one will be up first, as he does come by to say hello as he gets ready to go. Sometimes he’s hungry, sometimes he takes the food with him.

Yay for Charade enjoying college football. Great to hear team won, and oh my cow bells. Yeah, I rarely watch college football, but when I do, the crowds are very loud.

Super Stupendous Sunday to all. Serene one too. Ah still the weekend. And the one before this coming weekend being the last one before a Monday Halloween. Good Mac getting candy this weekend, so will be ready. Yep, we give to anyone coming to our door. Though even with some cars arriving, we tend to have less than 20. My brother, who lives about 10 minutes drive from me, routinely sees over 100 kids. I’ve been giving him my leftovers more than a few years. Hehe, and while all are part time back at work, will be soon the time of year candy shows up in our break room. We only save a few that all want to eat.
Good Sunday morning Sans family.

8 days until Halloween


I can understand not wanting the injections again!
That is scary stuff nicking your spinal cord..

Hopefully you will heal and only take the oral meds

Prayers said for you Robbie
Thank you Mac for your prayers.

Aww, great pictures, Robo. Thanks for sharing. Eek, what that needle did to your back. That is awful. Glad you are feeling better. And hope those oral medicine help with the pain without any more needles in your back.
Thank you Lynne So far so good.

Hope you tea is yummy and hot this morning.

I hope you are able to continue to get relief without the injections. I can understand your aversion.
Thank you Charade. Hope you are doing well.

Glad your back is doing better, it is miserable being in that kind of pain. Those treatments work wonders.....when they work and no errors. I`m sorry that happened, yes anything non invasive would be my choice too.
Thank you Carole. Yes, at this age and after that experience I will always try the least invasive option if available.

I used to live for fridays but every day is a “Friday “ for me

retirement works well for me
Amen to that. It is wonderful being able to call your time your own for sure.

Isn`t it just the best being a lady of leisure!!!
I agree, it is lovely being a lady of leisure. It is right up there with being a pool Diva…LOL

we have a pineapple vodka colada to enjoy before we get ready to go out tonight……
Nice looking cocktails.

Sounds like you renovation project is moving along well.

Happy Saturday. I’m getting ready to attend another football game. Sold out crowd today. But first, tailgating. I hope they have something good to eat today.
I’m bringing ear plugs today. I understand the need for crowd noise, but last week there was someone sitting a few rows behind me who had a high pitched, shrill scream. It hurt my ears.
Sounds like a full game. There will be some cheering going on there for sure.

Sitting on the couch this morning looking at the leaves falling off the Ash tree. I knew with the few very cool mornings we had it would start the leaves falling in earnest for sure.

I read on social media that HHN was jam packed on Friday and Saturday. Also read that 2 stilt walking Scare Actors were knocked off their stilts in the Horrors of Halloween Scare Zone Yesterday evening at sometime. I hope they are both ok.

The weather has turned around here and it was 80 degrees yesterday and will be in the mid to upper 80’s for the rest of the weak. Talk about taking a spin on the weather wheel. This is unseasonably warn for this area this time of year.

There has not been any rain here to speak of in weeks so we are having drought conditions to the point that the Mississippi River is so low that the barges are having issues.

We went and watched grandsons Rugby game yesterday afternoon. He plays for his University. His game was at the University he attends. It is hard to watch such a rough sport.

His team won, but again it is rough to watch.


Here is a team photo. Grandson is second from the left of the guy in the dark blue long sleeve shirt.

Grandson and his team mates went out to a German Pub and restaurant way on the West side of town for a meal and to celebrate their victory as a team.

We met up with son, daughter in law, granddaughter and her hubby at a Pizza place that has the best pizza in town. We had a nice meal and enjoyed visiting with everyone. They were all at the game too. Son and grandson in law tried to explain the rules of Rugby to me. Hubby had done some reading up on it and pretty much had it down.

Going to make some brunch in a little while. Going to see if hubby wants to take his Jaguar out for a nice long drive. Then I need to get up in my office and do some cleaning on my desk and finalize the menu for Halloween.

My dad had to be taken to the hospital on Friday. The Doc thinks he had a 24 hour bug. He is home and doing much better. He turned 86 Thursday and I had spoken to him on his birthday he was very cheerful. Spoke to him again last night and he sounded great.

He and my half sister may be coming into town this coming Sunday. So if they do there will be two more guests at the Halloween Party Monday. The more the merrier.

Need to get scootin. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone doing whatever it is that makes you happy.
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Good Sunday morning Sans family.

8 days until Halloween

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Thank you Mac for your prayers.

Thank you Lynne So far so good.

Hope you tea is yummy and hot this morning.

Thank you Charade. Hope you are doing well.

Thank you Carole. Yes, at this age and after that experience I will always try the least invasive option if available.

Amen to that. It is wonderful being able to call your time your own for sure.

I agree, it is lovely being a lady of leisure. It is right up there with being a pool Diva…LOL


Nice looking cocktails.

Sounds like you renovation project is moving along well.

Sounds like a full game. There will be some cheering going on there for sure.

Sitting on the couch this morning looking at the leaves falling off the Ash tree. I knew with the few very cool mornings we had it would start the leaves falling in earnest for sure.

I read on social media that HHN was jam packed on Friday and Saturday. Also read that 2 stilt walking Scare Actors were knocked off their stilts in the Horrors of Halloween Scare Zone Yesterday evening at sometime. I hope they are both ok.

The weather has turned around here and it was 80 degrees yesterday and will be in the mid to upper 80’s for the rest of the weak. Talk about taking a spin on the weather wheel. This is unseasonably warn for this area this time of year.

There has not been any rain here to speak of in weeks so we are having drought conditions to the point that the Mississippi River is so low that the barges are having issues.

We went and watched grandsons Rugby game yesterday afternoon. He plays for his University. His game was at the University he attends. It is hard to watch such a rough sport.

His team won, but again it is rough to watch.

View attachment 712748

Here is a team photo. Grandson is second from the left of the guy in the dark blue long sleeve shirt.

Grandson and his team mates went out to a German Pub and restaurant way on the West side of town for a meal and to celebrate their victory as a team.

We met up with son, daughter in law, granddaughter and her hubby at a Pizza place that has the best pizza in town. We had a nice meal and enjoyed visiting with everyone. They were all at the game too. Son and grandson in law tried to explain the rules of Rugby to me. Hubby had done some reading up on it and pretty much had it down.

Going to make some brunch in a little while. Going to see if hubby wants to take his Jaguar out for a nice long drive. Then I need to get up in my office and do some cleaning on my desk and finalize the menu for Halloween.

My dad had to be taken to the hospital on Friday. The Doc thinks he had a 24 hour bug. He is home and doing much better. He turned 86 Thursday and I had spoken to him on his birthday he was very cheerful. Spoke to him again last night and he sounded great.

He and my half sister may be coming into town this coming Sunday. So if they do there will be two more guests at the Halloween Party Monday. The more the merrier.

Need to get scootin. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone doing whatever it is that makes you happy.

Glad to hear your dad improved and is doing much better, such a worry for you, happy you were able to chat to him, hearing from them eases our worries at times.

Sounds like you have everything in hand for your party, I agree, the more the merrier at parties.

Glad your grandsons team won, but agree, it’s a hard watch.

Yes, hope the SA are ok. That’s the zone I was quite scared in as it was just completely engulfed with people, I lost Tom and couldn’t move at one point. In all my years of visiting for HHN I’ve never experienced that before.

Have a lovely week……

What a lazy day again……..ended up not BBQing as the rain started and forgot to stop till about an hour ago. Torrential at times and we had some lightning out to sea, quite spectacular.

So, griddled the food I had brought out inside and had a kind of picnic dinner tonight just the two of us. Little bits and pieces, made some potato salad and a mixed salad.

Watching the Austin F1 GP right now, then I think it’ll be an early night.

Yearly eye check up tomorrow and some shopping to get from several places, some a bit of a drive. But, we have all day to do it.

Going to make us a hot chocolate before bed tonight…….hope we have marshmallows…….:)
Hehe, heard lots of fireworks. Seems World Series coming to the City. And a hehe, if you have to google, police greased all the posts, light posts and other this afternoon. We have to have that parade down the City street soon.

Robo, good to hear dad is okay. Worrying at his age when sick. Great for grandson’s team to win. Nice to go out with family for good pizza. I wish we had a very good pizza place near us. We generally have decent ones. But lately, none are what we like.

Thinking of soup and sandwiches for dinner. Made burgers for lunch. Eh, guess it’s late enough for dinner to start.


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