Something About Nothing ... #12


Just checked and our Golden Corral is doing turkey day feast for afternoon.
sounds like an alternative to whatever I would be fixing

Nice day here but windy.
Tomorrow temps predicted to be 59-63 during the days for this week and next
Evenings is when the temps will drop.

A few of my trees have leaves still completely green but a few are bare.
My sugar gum tree is the only one that goes from green to red/orange leaves.
Reminds me of season changing from back North.

I'd have this sugar gum tree cut down in a bat of an eye if I could.
It's said to be 130 years old and would cost too much to have it cut down.
Not my favorite type of tree at all......
Morning all and Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I probably won't eat much tomorrow for lunch/dinner...I'm going to breakfast in the morning with my neighbor to Golden Corral...or the Golden Trough or however you know it by.

Hope everyone has a safe and peaceful holiday.

Never been in one Todd.......hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful day tomorrow........and I can say again.....will see you soon.........:wave2:

Lol good ones. Not much rain here, we had hail & snow then yesterday was in low 50's. today barely breaking freezing. I appreciate the fact fall is doing it's best to hang in there!

Ps a little bird told me off the record, that it would be a good idea to check the SW website @ noon JIK today

Nom - Your co-workers will love you! Should've asked you earlier, as a southern gal - finally bought a nice 12 inch iron skillet (calaphon non stick, which i still pre seasoned). Going to take a stab at making my cornbread in it. Usually do a glass baking pan, no idea if bake time is any different or not. Guess I'll keep a good eye on it and hope for the best. Worst case will toss it in the stuffing and start over since it's a quick cook.

JIK i don't get back, Happy Thanksgiving to all no matter how you roll :)

Will toss in an adios too to be safe as it appears BF will also be our packing day for our first :santa:Orlando trip in ages:banana:

Funny you mention cornbread........I’m making ribs tomorrow night and Tom asked if I would make the cornbread recipe you gave me a while back........well since he asked..........:D

Have a great time at both occasions.........:wave2:

It is wild and blowing a hoolie here today........haven’t seen it as bad for a while..........any leaves that were left have now well and truly gone.......

Not going out tonight as my friend is, DH is taking me for dinner now........nothing fancy just the local pub, but food is all home cooked and gorgeous! Then home to watch The Apprentice..........this seasons candidates are truly the worst bunch we have ever seen! Totally addictive viewing though...........

In case I miss anyone, have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow...........
Mac, I actually have next Friday off, as well...woohoo!

Chuckers, your are getting very close to answering the mystery that is life, the universe and everything...I'd say by Sunday.

Keisha, not to tell anyone how to cook anything...but...I love cornbread with that great outer crunch. You have to put oil (or which ever grease your going with) in the skillet and pre-heat that baby, in the oven, so when you put the batter in, it flash cooks that outer good. dang, I want some cornbread right now. Anyway, I am sure you already know that.

Schumi...hope you have fun on all of your jet-set adventures...sounds awesome.

Monyka, so cool that your DD got to spend a good time with you guys for early turkey day. Got to confess...I did not know what a Mexican Wedding Cookie was, so I looked it up. I have eaten so many of those...just never knew that is what they were called. I guess that is my 'something new' for the day.

Charade, I would like to say the squash casserole sounds good, but I hate squash, but I hope you enjoy it. Don't know what it is about hating squash (and zucchini), in the south, but all my life, I have been subjected to any number of squash dishes, because "you don't like squash because you haven't had it the way I make it". Well, I have now had it about every way it could be made and guess what...still hate it.

Keisha, I am happy to hear they got the scum that took the life of that officer. Still, prayers continue, for him, his family and the country in general.

Well, the oldest is now an official volunteer Fire Fighter...had graduation last night. So proud. He plans continue various fire fighter courses, so not sure were he is headed with this part of his life.

The youngest's football team and all the parents are so pumped up this week. We are all having a Thanksgiving feast together, tomorrow evening...after practice. Yeah, I know some people may say it is not right to practice on Thanksgiving, but around here, it is a great always means that you are playing the next night to get into the Championship game, the following week. For years, when my boys' cousin was playing (same school), they would have a turkey decoy standing in the end zone, which signified their goal was to practice on Thanksgiving. The team never accomplished that goal until two years oldest and youngest were both on that team and the youngest is on this one...again, very proud of them.
Mac, I actually have next Friday off, as well...woohoo!

Chuckers, your are getting very close to answering the mystery that is life, the universe and everything...I'd say by Sunday.

I know.. I may have to break my habit of not posting on the weekend :)
Came home today to an empty house. Texted B who told me that she and her dad were out having lunch. Less than 4 hours since I last talked to him and he completely forgot that I said I would be home early today.

I started researching NYC hotels today. I found one that had good ratings, was in a good location, and had an incredible price. The catch was that it is non refundable and we get charged as soon as we book the room.

Tink - Oreo pie sounds really good. I sometimes miss being in a large office. We used to have great pot luck lunches at my old office. Where I am now we usually only have 3 people in the office at the same time.

Keisha - Snow already? We have occasionally gotten some in December. Hopefully not this year though.

Metro - I haven’t been to a Golden Corral in ages. I think I may have been to the one in our town once.

Wagman - Squash is one of the few vegetables I actually like. I was raised in the south, but there are several southern foods I do not like.

I think I will go and catch up on some of the TV I missed this week.
Wagman......your son is a credit to you. Being a firefighter is indeed a vocation. Not sure I could ever be that selfless. The NY firefighters we met this past trip who were right beside the Trade Centre when it fell were truly amazing men. Stories of heroism were brushed aside as “just part of the job” not quite,...........true heroes. I wish your son well.

Charade.......there are some beautiful hotels in NYC to choose from.......we loved the NY Palace so much we knew we wanted to go back, but this time we have booked The Towers rooms........they’re supposed to be better and a better view, think it’ll be worth the extra cost. For us position is important.....and where the Palace is, it’s perfect for us. But so much choice in the City...........

Had lovely dinner out with husband tonight.........had beautiful home made beef in red wine, DH had steak.....all washed down with lovely bottle of Pinot Noir.......and walked the 5 minute walk home in wild and woolly winds........

Glad to get home though, warm and cosy..........:D
Happy Thanksgiving homies. May all enjoy being with family and friends.

The sun is up, the sky is a beautiful blue, and it is 29 degrees. Quite lovely.

Tea is steeping, and maybe I will cook up some eggs and bacon. Little one will have soup and hot chocolate. Older one will eat everything. Older one is up, and I think little one is too, but neither has come into the kitchen yet.



With that, the tea is ready. Time for breakfast homies, so have a good Thanksgiving.
Yum. Delicious meal, too many sweets to sample. Went out with the kids. Everything wanted bought and checked out in 20 minutes. Little one was lucky. Yesterday they were honoring Black Friday discounts, and she got a really good deal on a cosmetic item. Went back tonight, was sold out yesterday.

Sleep, then early morning arrival at the so called largest mall in the US. Yeah, mostly to people watch. Have to get gas first though. Forgot to fill up yesterday. Ooops.

Making a cup of tea, then get ready for bed.

Sounds like Lynne had a great day

Cute cat pic

How many of the homies here having left over turkey tomorrow?
Happy Thanksgiving All! Hope you all had a wonderful day. I"m exhausted... worked from 7am to 11:30 pm yesterday and will do the same tomorrow... ugh.
More power to ya Chuckers. Hey at least the paycheck will help with your countdown.

Little one is moving slow. Time to go. Gas is the first purchase of the day. Well, coffee too, as 34 out now.
Enjoy your shopping Lynne........hope you get some nice stuff.........and keep warm!

Spent yesterday at an American friends house celebrating Thanksgiving.........had some beautiful food ::yes::.......we took cornbread I had made.......(thanks Janet for the recipe) and some desserts.......although her desserts were better! But such a lovely day..........hope everyone’s day was as nice!

Home for lunch, we have 2c today which is same as Lynne 34f.........cold. But sun is brilliant and it’s a gorgeous day.......went out earlier for some more Christmas decorations for the trees.........need to get them and all house decorations up before we leave next Friday. Nephew and girlfriend arrive Thursday night to stay while we’re away............

Home for lunch and then back out to another Christmas decoration would think giant silver sparkly bows for trees would be easy to find...........I’m confident of this place this afternoon.......they have beautiful stuff.

Managing to avoid all traditional stores today..........a friend txt me and told me to avoid my regular grocery store......yep, sale crazy!

Have a great Friday..........:wave2:
Good morning everyone. I am the first one in the family awake today. I wish I could have slept in later. We had a good day yesterday. There was a total of 16 of us at my friend’s house. Nearly half was from one family. We had way too much food of course, but I think I finally convinced our hosts to let me bring some homemade desserts rather than them buying so may grocery store pies. They’ve invited us over again for Christmas.

Last night I violated my own policy of not shopping on Thanksgiving day. We have been trying to decide how much we want to decorate for Christmas since we will be gone the week before. We finally decided to put up a small tree. Michaels has 4.5 foot pre-lit trees for $20, so we got one late last night. I think we should have enough small ornaments in our collection for the tree.

Well, today is Black Friday, but for me it is one week closer to the day we leave for Orlando. How many weeks left? It’s a magic number.



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