Sinus infection? What would you do?


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Feb 11, 2009
7 days ago I came down with a cold. I feel fine now except for some horrible congestion that I can't get rid of. I can't breathe through my nose, my ears are plugged, and it's causing pressure under my eyes. I've tried saline solution (doesn't work), Sudafed which only works sometimes, and today I bought Mucinex for severe congestion hoping it will drain it. I can't use the Afrin nasal spray anymore because I've been using it for four days already and it says to cap it at three.

At what point do you know if it's turned into a sinus infection? I've never had one but I've done a search on the symptoms and don't have any discolored dicharge, no fever, no cough. We leave for Disney this Friday, so I'm debating if it's worth a trip to the doctor. I'd have to use vacation time at work to go, plus pay a $40 co-pay.

Would you go to the doc? Any suggestions on how to relieve congestion? Thanks all!
It doesn't sound like a sinus infection to me. I'd add antihistamines to the mucinex. If that works, I'd stick with that and not go to the doctor. I have a (prescription) bottle of flonase that I use when my nose gets like that and mucinex + 2 claritin doesn't work. Other OTC remedies are things like hot showers and vapo-rub.

This should be in the scope of a minute clinic or walk-in clinic, if that would save you the vacation time at work.
Since you have a trip coming up, it might be a good idea to see a doctor now. If you're that stuffed up, you might need a heavy-duty decongestant, especially if you're going to be flying. I've had many sinus infections and I definitely know when I'm getting one. I get severe pain around my nose and under my eyes. My head throbs. If I bend over, the pain is so bad that I feel like I'm going to pass out. When I blow my nose, it's, um, colorful! I usually get a fever along with it. Antibiotics clear them up fairly quickly. Hope you feel better soon!
I will disagree with this being a sinus infection at this point.

For me, a true bad cold (which sounds what you have) lasts up to 3 weeks prior to resolution. My own MD told me that and said that people are FAR to quick to run to the doctor. It is totally normally to be this blocked up one week out. You could actually feel this way for another week or more. But many will disagree with me.

Given that you have no prior history of sinus infections (some people are prone) and you don't have the classic symptoms, I would not rush in for an antibiotic. If you aren't truly infected, you aren't doing yourself any favors.

What you can do:

1. Be very consistent with the Sudafed (and this should be the kind you get from behind the pharmacy counter--the other stuff is useless).
2. Be consistent with the Mucinex but ensure that you drink LOTS of water with it or you could make things worse.
3. Become friends with the neti pot. Warm water, salt, twice a day.
4. Ibuprofen, 600 mg every 6 hours. This will reduce inflammation in the sinuses. Again you must be consistent.

Having said that, I took my son in for a sinus infection. I actually don't think it was a true infection, just more of inflammation. He has been stuffed up from allergies since late August. It never resolved like it normally does. It is now November and he is exhausted, his sinuses are almost impacted, and the discharge is light green. We shall see if the antibiotic works.
By saline solution, do you mean a saline spray? If so, try a nasal wash, Neti-pot or Nell Med bottle. Sinus infections do not always have colored discharge, etc. if they are not draining. I would say that if you are not better by late in the day tomorrow, I would call Tuesday morning for an appointment...unless symptoms get worse between now and then.
This will sound gross, but what colour is your nasal discharge? If it's thick, yellow/green, it's probably an infection of some sort and may need antibiotics...
I agree you probably don't have an infection right now, but I'd probably plan to see my OWN doctor before the trip. (Not a walk in clinic where you're not known.) I would explain that I was going away and concerned about "getting worse" while there, which could be such a hassle. I think chances are good that your own doctor will give you a prescription(s) to take with you along with instructions of when and how to take it if things take a turn for the worse. Your own doctor will also know what's going on if he or she has to be contacted by an outside doctor too. So that's my vote. Hope you feel better.
I also don't think it sounds like a sinus infection.

Warm to hot compresses across the eyes for the pressure.

Get the good "behind the counter & have to show a driver's license" Mucinex. Anything else is just a waste of medicine and time, imo. Christine is right - keep yourself very hydrated while on this.

Put a capful (earful?) of hydrogen peroxide in your ears for 5 minutes per side if you can tolerate it (once per day if you can).

Dump the Afrin, at this point it will be working against you and increasing inflammation and try to stick with the saline spray.
By saline solution, do you mean a saline spray? If so, try a nasal wash, Neti-pot or Nell Med bottle. Sinus infections do not always have colored discharge, etc. if they are not draining. I would say that if you are not better by late in the day tomorrow, I would call Tuesday morning for an appointment...unless symptoms get worse between now and then.

This except the doctor appt. I would see the doc about week before leaving.

Water, water you should be drinking about half your weight in oz everyday.

Airborne works to help me get over the flu faster too
I've been told by MD's it can't be a sinus infection unless it last's at least 10 days. :( I might wait another day or two to see if it gets any better. But if it is no better see the MD and explain your plans he might give you a script.
7 days ago I came down with a cold. I feel fine now except for some horrible congestion that I can't get rid of. I can't breathe through my nose, my ears are plugged, and it's causing pressure under my eyes. I've tried saline solution (doesn't work), Sudafed which only works sometimes, and today I bought Mucinex for severe congestion hoping it will drain it. I can't use the Afrin nasal spray anymore because I've been using it for four days already and it says to cap it at three.

At what point do you know if it's turned into a sinus infection? I've never had one but I've done a search on the symptoms and don't have any discolored dicharge, no fever, no cough. We leave for Disney this Friday, so I'm debating if it's worth a trip to the doctor. I'd have to use vacation time at work to go, plus pay a $40 co-pay.

Would you go to the doc? Any suggestions on how to relieve congestion? Thanks all!

A simple sinus infection can turn into something very dangerous.

My husband had one that turned into Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis (not very common) which landed him in the hospital and out of work for 6 months.

Go to your doctor to see if you need to be treated with antibiotics.
It could be a sinus infection.
One week before my DD's wedding (halfway across the country) I felt just as sick as you do. Went to my Dr. who said without discolored mucus and a fever it probably is not a sinus infection, and even if it is, it's likely viral. I BEGGED for antibiotics, and he grudgingly gave me a Z-pack. It cleared up like magic!
Good luck, OP!
I get sinus infections a few times a year and I don't have many of the classic symptoms (greenish mucus, fever) except for a splitting headache and unbearable pressure that won't go away no matter what I do to relieve it.

A safe bet would be to see a doctor (or one of those cheap clinics at CVS or Walgreens). They'll probably give you an antibiotic, so you could fill it, and even if you want to wait it out and see if you improve on your own, at least you'll already have the meds for your trip in case you end up needing them.
I was prone to sinus infections until my ENT doc introduced me to my neti pot. Now I rinse at the first sign of trouble and have not used antibiotics in 3 years.
OP here - THANK YOU for all the responses. Lots of great advice :thumbsup2

I used to have a neti pot and lost it somewhere during a recent move. Didn't even think of that - I'll be getting another one for sure!

I agree that it doesn't seem like a sinus infection at this point and hope to keep it that way. No colorful discharge when I blow my nose. A bit of aching around my nose and under my eyes, but no intense pains as a PP has described.

I'm a bit irritated this has lasted a week already - I take probiotics and a Vitamin C supplement, along with a multi, daily (have for months) and when I felt this coming on, I loaded up on zinc lozenges with echinacea and chaga mushroom which is an herb that's recommended for its antioxidants. Unfortunately, nothing seems to be cutting this short :worried:

Again, I appreciate all the responses! Thanks!!! :goodvibes
If you try to use a Neti Pot and can't, then definitely go to the doctor.

I use the sinus rinse bottle (I am not graceful enough to try the Neti Pot) and when I have a sinus infection, my sinuses are so goopy that I cannot rinse them out.

Last time I had a bad sinus infection I ended up on antibiotics, Codeine cough syrup, and in bed for a few days.

If you have a health food store near you, see if they carry this :

Same stuff that is in the packets that go into the Neti Pot, but with Xylitol, a natural antibiotic, all in a convenient nose spray! WELL worth the $.


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