We were also there Saturday, in the rain outside for over an hour... But in the end, my DD9 said it was DEFINATELY worth it. It takes something special to impress a girl that age
They were insanely nice. They chatted with you, they played with the kids (Sig especially!), Edgar is cute as a button, Norman was super nice, but seemed very quiet! I went alone with my two older daughters, and Sig said something about how cool it was that we were all girls
. My younger DD7 was a little scared of them, she doesn't watch the show like my oldest and I do. They were absolutely fascinated by the silver Sharpie they used to sign a hat.
Sig also said he talked to Phil the day before, and he's doing really well!
Now here's the crazy thing....
We stood in this line for sooooo long, and in the rain, the heat, etc. We got to where we were about the 3rd group back, and some crazy lady came up to the family in front of me (who had 3 cute but busy little boys!), and said...
"The line is so long. Do you mind just getting my shirt signed, I don't want to wait".
She kept persisting, and the mom in front of me just was speechless! The CM finally stepped in and said, "Ma'am, they do know, they all waited in the line. You are welcome to join the line in the back".
The lady walked off in a huff.... only to come back 10 minutes later and ask me! I told her, as politely as I could muster, that I waited patiently in the line, in the rain... she could certainly do the same.
The coolest thing, was we were exiting the Norway ride later that evening, and were walking into the Puffins Roost just as the brothers were returning from a break - and Sig recognized my DD9, and made a quick stop to say hi to her - totally made her day