Sept 2005 Roll Call...It’s Finally Sept! Are You Ready? Come Share Your Enthusiasm

We are updated. I can't believe that in a week I will be seeing Fantasmic and eating and BD.
Woo hoo! 3 days for me!!!! Leaving the cold Alaska weather behind for some Florida sunshine! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
:sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
I am leaving in just over 24 hours with my dh, dd and dad. This will be the 1st time for me, dd and dad!! :Pinkbounc
A week from now we are going to be spending our first night at POFG after eating at the California Grill :cool1:
Not on the list, but DD and I are leaving for WDW on Wednesday 9/21. Only staying for 5 days this time, but really shouldn't complain since it's only been 9 months since I was there last. Also planning trips to the world for Oct 06 and Jan 07. You know, this is becoming an addiction, but oh do I love it!!! :lovestruc
I just returned from WDW (too incredible!) and wanted to share two very important things I saw and/or experienced:

1) I saw a darling 5-year-old girl on our bus who had on a cute little bracelet. You know the kind: each square bead has a letter on it so you can spell out the child's name. Well her parents went one step further. In cute pastel colors they made a bracelet that spelled out her first name and then on white beads with black letters they spelled out ICE (for In Case of Emergency) and then they had their telephone number.

So it looked like a cute little bracelet, but when you got close to it, you could see, spelled out through each bead, the child's first name, then ICE, then a telephone number . . . just in case if she ever got lost. :flower:

I thought this was a very clever and awesome idea! :flower:

2) If you are on your MYW plan, do not plan two Table Service Meals for the same day (one for lunch, the other for dinner). We were so stuffed after lunch (with no snacks in between), when dinner rolled around we truly could not appreciate it as much because we were still full from lunch several hours earlier! But boy was that meal plan worth it! What a bargain! Yummmm! :earboy2:

Crowds were so light, it was almost eerie at times! As a matter of fact, I actually saw the delightful architecture in the World Showcase better than I ever had. Usually there are hoards of people covering up everything so you have to really see the buildings from a distance in effort to avoid getting into the funnel of the crowd.

And so many walk-on rides! I had front seats at Wishes and the Parade at MK, and I got those seats just moments before they started! I believe the most I ever waited for a ride was 10-15 minutes -- and that was a stretch!

Some characters were just standing around . . . no one there to get their picture taken with them. It was unbelievable! We got our pictures with so many of them. It was just too fun! :Pinkbounc

Now mind you, I don't do the roller coaster rides. But a friend of mine went and she walked right onto Rock-N-Roll Rollercoaster at MGM, with empty seats around her.

Go, enjoy, and have a wonderful time! I am already planning my next two trips! Whohooo! :Pinkbounc

thanks for the report. I'm glad you had a wonderful trip. That braclet idea is a good one. That is so cool to get walk-up seats for the Spectro and wishes at MK.
2 Days 22 Hrs 51 Mins 20 Secs Whoo hooo!!

DisneyAggie, I hope we get the same luck with the crowds as you did!!!
We just got back last night!!!!

The crowds didn't exist! The only time we had any sort of crowd was when we left Fantasmic on Friday night.

I'm so amazed by my first trip, I'll be writing up a long review in the Review area, but here are my top 3 Disney surprises:
1) As we were leaving, my fiancee asked why we only did one character meal! (I had to talk him into the first one before the trip)
2) At Fantasmic, I dropped my soda while drinking it in the stands waiting for the show. Total strangers came up with napkins to help me clean up, and a cast member brought me a new soda!!!
3) Mr. Incredible danced with me in Tomorrowland, then Buzz Lightyear got jealous and cut in :)
:worried: :sick: :( 5 more dreamy nights and off the the airport we go... if only I can get over the flying part... have not been on a plane since '94 but due to gas prizes we opt to fly :scared1: :scared: :scared1: :sick: :eek: :eek: :faint: :faint: :faint: :worried: :worried: :worried: I need to learn how to :teleport:
Don't worry! No one EVER gets hurt on their way to Disney. It just ain't allowed!!!

I love to fly, but I have heard you can get Zanax from your doctor and that it really helps. My girlfriend believes in bloody marys!!!
Redbudlover said:
Don't worry! No one EVER gets hurt on their way to Disney. It just ain't allowed!!!

I love to fly, but I have heard you can get Zanax from your doctor and that it really helps. My girlfriend believes in bloody marys!!!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Zanax (spelling??) is the way to go. I can't get on a plane without it. I never liked to fly and then our honeymoon was 9 months after 9/11. My DH threatened me (ha ha) that i better get on a plane. :mad: I work for a doctor and she gave me the lowest dose there is. It just takes the edge off. I hate meds, but it just makes it easier for me to get to the airport. My DH loves when I take it (ha ha). :rotfl: If I don't take it he gets nail marks up and down his leg. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

The way I see it is you have to do what you have to do. I love WDW my DH refuses to drive so Zanax an hour before the plane here I come!! :scared1: :scared1: :eek: :scared1: :eek: :sick: :( :sick: :(
hallie615 said:
I never liked to fly and then our honeymoon was 9 months after 9/11. My DH threatened me (ha ha) that i better get on a plane.

My DH and I got married on 9/15 (4 days after 9/11) and flew to WDW for our honeymoon on 9/17, I was just so happy to get to fly (We live in CT so our flights were to go out of JFK, they were changed to go out of Hartford CT) that I didn't care if we had to get strip searched as long as we were going to get to Disney!!! :rotfl:

Your post just made me think of that.... :)
We leave sat sept.24 and will arrive at disney on sun sept.25. ohhhhh!!!!!!
i am so excited. :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
we did have to buy a new video camera since we tried the old one and it did not work like it should, too old to be fixed.
:jumping1: To say that I'm excited would be mild. :jumping1:

My DS, Charlie, and I leave on Sept. 29th and will be attending the first MNSSHP (our first as well). :cheer2:

Hope to see everyone there!!



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