Rogue One catch all thread

I'm married and I have a racecar still. I'm all out of get of jail free cards.
IF I admit to going by myself to her......I will NEVER ever hear the end of it.
This is one of those no win situations. Sort of like Luke finding out he kissed his own sister.

First: Carrie fisher was cocaine addict hot in 1980/ sister kissing is a little less revolting...

Second: you go, you don't tell, and if anybody you know sees you invite them to Starbucks for coffee and pay the baristas to choke them out by the dumpsters in the back. any of this is so complicated?
I'm married and I have a racecar still. I'm all out of get of jail free cards.
IF I admit to going by myself to her......I will NEVER ever hear the end of it.
This is one of those no win situations. Sort of like Luke finding out he kissed his own sister.

How about, "This would make a great Christmas present! And even better if you went with me." :love: ( unless you would prefer to go by yourself. ;))
Fairly certain MommaBerd probably has the solution most likely to work. LOL's version....something in me wants to try it.
I think people are hesitant because this isn't part of the trilogy, it is its own film in itself. It has new and standalone characters. There is some familiarity but its different. I am excited for Thursday.

I heard it described as Star Wars Episode 3.9

Seems like the Machete Order needs an update.
I heard it described as Star Wars Episode 3.9

Seems like the Machete Order needs an update.

I'm ok if it's episode 4.(-0.1)

And I'd be really stoked if they give me something with the quality of episode 5.5

Listen...even the negative reviews agree the ending is they stuck the landing

That is better than 99.9% of what Hollywood churns out these days.

If the story isn't "silly"...and lots of the force awakens was...and the action is plausible in the context of Star Wars...this will be regarded as the best Star Wars in 30 years...

If not...if they continue to struggle with what basic storytelling is...then it further degrades the legacy...

That's about it.
I think the ideas and cgi lead too more to film...and cutting these down - as even lucas complained he did a great deal - to a predetermined run time is hurting the narrative.

If peter Jackson had been concerned with run time...the lord of the rings movies would have been awful...but luckily they had to "let it play".

I think the prequels tried to much...then had to fit "parameters" for the business side...and it shows.

I think Lucas directing hurt the narrative, more than anything else! :p

See I don't think this one is being marketed at the 10 and under crowd. This is definitely for the big Star Wars fans.

I do. My 4 years olds are being bombarded with it via toys, clothes, tv ads, Youtube ads before their favorite Evantube videos. I'm not happy I have to preview this one before I bring the kids.
I do. My 4 years olds are being bombarded with it via toys, clothes, tv ads, Youtube ads before their favorite Evantube videos. I'm not happy I have to preview this one before I bring the kids.

I think if you were to take an international poll as to who has been the best in the post industrial/consumerist world as far as selling and marketing products...the names "disney" and "lucasfilm" would be neck and neck near the top...

That being said...the combine force really has had trouble with this...

They set out and wanted to make a "pg-16" movie to get old dogs like me to back down...but still couldn't resist to try to get at my kids. They're fencepost sitting and it's really been an interesting case study...

They run lego ads for rogue one on every single nickolodeon show...constant bombardment via Nissan and others on network tv...but then they throw out "it's a real war movie" in passing to skirt the issue that it may not be appropriate.

Batman begins/dark knight did this the best recently...they just didn't apologize...had product, had sadistic characters...but Nolan never waivered or apologized.

Disney can't quite do's been a struggle.

And apparently there is no toy release on Thursday? No second wave?

It's like they don't know which way they want it.

And now you see that grumblings are it's not "sweet" like little Rey and cute. Like Star Wars should be a chihuahua in a sweater...which I'm sorry it never should. Maybe heroes and fantasy...but not "sweet"
The Lego stuff is just everywhere, and when your kids are Lego obsessed (and one of them is Star Wars obsessed on top of it), it's hard to make the determination if this one is okay to take them. That being said, I saw TFA before I let them see it (they were only 3). Even then, even waited until the Blu-ray release, and my wife then had to screen it as well. They've seen every episode except 3. They've been told they have to wait on that one.

As for the toy releases, Lego announced new sets into 2017. I was trying to find a Death Trooper action figure for my one son, as he thinks they're just too cool (I kind of agree), and there isn't one yet. So I'd hope there's another wave coming soon.
Got our tix for Sunday morning!! Wasn't much left for Fri and Sat when I went to buy them as my 6 yr old won't do 3D. Going with DH and my 6 and 8 yrs old Star wars loving sons. I'm not previewing it before. I'm sure they'll be fine - they've watched all the other SW movies.
Got our tix for Sunday morning!! Wasn't much left for Fri and Sat when I went to buy them as my 6 yr old won't do 3D. Going with DH and my 6 and 8 yrs old Star wars loving sons. I'm not previewing it before. I'm sure they'll be fine - they've watched all the other SW movies.

I would agree...

Taking the 8 and maybe the 7 year old tomorrow...

I'll know if there is long term psychological trauma by 9:45pm EST.

...either way...they'll forget by Friday morning ;)
I would agree...

Taking the 8 and maybe the 7 year old tomorrow...

I'll know if there is long term psychological trauma by 9:45pm EST.

...either way...they'll forget by Friday morning ;)
Be curious to see your review relative to the violence and your kids reaction to it. My son is 7 and will be 8 in a month.
Be curious to see your review relative to the violence and your kids reaction to it. My son is 7 and will be 8 in a month.

Don't worry...I'm I'll swing by here after the movie...

My current prediction on my state of mind is:

Euphoric - 51%
Disgusted - 49%
Critic's reviews just make me laugh. I don't give much weight to them. I've loved movies that critics have hated.

I just hope those idiots don't scare people off from this movie. It's gotta be good and successful and make a lot of money or else sw fans will be stuck with only the episode movies and han solo's adventures when he was a 5 year old.

I believe sw can be so much bigger than the Skywalkers and Solos. Yes, I do realize Vader is in rogue one. Still, i want to explore more of the sw universe.

I remember how excited I was when I heard the title for rogue one and thought it was going to be an xwing movie about rogue squadron like the books.

If this movie doesn't perform I'm afraid we'll never get to leave the Skywalkers and Solos again.
Critic's reviews just make me laugh. I don't give much weight to them. I've loved movies that critics have hated.

The thing to remember about critics is, they compare a movie to EVERY movie ever made. And they watch them all. I worked in a Theater in college and saw almost every thing for 3 and a half years. The more I saw, the more I agreed with the critics. It doesn't make their opinions right, but it is a bit more. . .educated? Informed? Something.

I believe sw can be so much bigger than the Skywalkers and Solos. Yes, I do realize Vader is in rogue one. Still, i want to explore more of the sw universe.

I remember how excited I was when I heard the title for rogue one and thought it was going to be an xwing movie about rogue squadron like the books.

If this movie doesn't perform I'm afraid we'll never get to leave the Skywalkers and Solos again.

I am with you on this 100%. I still think that Disney is missing the perfect opportunity to make the X-Wing novels into a mini-series or limited series. The stories are all brilliant, neither nihilistic, nor childish and would expand the world leading to more stories. More ways to make money from the series.

Missed opportunity.
Well...if I believe some of the critics...then this is the absolute worst movie in history. Oh well...guess I've got the tickets, so I'll go anyway...

The thing I'm struggling with is reviews written about the "deep characterization" of the force awakens in comparison...

I mean...the actors did a decent job, the story wasn't really good...but the effusive praise for that blank check to disney last year is mind boggling.

I feel like Elaine watching the English Patient.

It feels almost political...praise for Ridley, boyega, isaacs and driver for what they represent - kinda a village voice mishmosh of diversity appeasement - more than what they did. And that's not fair because I think they did do a good job on an intentionally castrated story.

A complete backlash to the original, Reagan era popcorn that was almost universally loved but the critics hated...and they've been forced to accept there was something there over it's amazing longevity and impact. They ate crow there and they'll be damned if they would support that format now!!!

Maybe I'll hate it...I don't know...

But this I do know: Hollywood and evil stock conglomerates like the magic dealers DON'T allow movies like empire strikes back to be shot now...

Empire had about 15 minutes of actual action and 120 minutes of character development...and some master puppeteering...

That is not the whiz-bang formula now and it's not allowed. So I'll take better whizz bang than last year, thank you very much.

I got tired of Kylo ren showing up 3 minutes later in that dippy shuttle thing after every move the heroes just didn't play the way they make it out to have done.

Harrison ford wanted a retirement buyout and a fat severance check...Abrams must have members of the AP with positive bob iger does.

The more I see written about THAT movie...the more I'm starting to hate it.
LOL, you really liked TFA when it came out. So how long before we know what you really think about R1?:rolleyes1:hyper:


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