You lost me as soon as you stated you were judging this as if it were designed to be a thrill ride . . . .I have never been more disapointed in a ride.
There is almost zero thrill factor except that one tiny drop. The ride vehicle is really dull. Remys was even more fun and thats pretty disapointing as well. At times it feels like you are on a slow moving tea cups ride.
The sets are big but mostly static. Very little movement. They arent game changing. Feel like some screens as background could of brought some life to it.
Nothing on old star wars. Kylo ren just isnt interesting. Why oh why is there no original characters.
They dont even do star wars music in the background to get you in the vibe.
Ive done it twice now. Zero interest in ever doing it again. It was just a boring ride.
Why does this get so much praise? I cant be the only one confused by this?
The guardians of the galaxy roller coaster ride should of been the e ticket stars wars ride. How amazing would of that been.