Ridiculous things people told you when you were little..


Apr 29, 2005
and that you believed? Back in 1984 when I was 5, I had a neighbor who had a dog that was identical to the one who played Sandy in the movie "Annie." I told her one day "This looks so much like Sandy from the movie Annie." She told me it WAS Sandy. OH wow!!! I thought I was soooo cool because I lived on the same street as a movie star dog. LOL!!!! :rotfl2: I swear kids believe everything you tell them.
I had a Disney Silly Songs tape. There was this song about cheese. I told my grandmother that I made it up. I never told her the truth. She totally believed for my entire life that I made up a whole song about loving cheese.

"I love Swiss cheese.
I love Cheddar.
I can't think of anything I like better.
When I go to a restaurant, I don't want a menu! I know what I want!
Oh Mr. Waiter PLEASE...Don't bring me carrots and peas!
I want CHEESE!!!"

I still know every word.:lmao:
That "butt" bread (aka end pieces) make you grow a hairy chest. I believed that until I was about 14! The ironic thing is that it's now my favorite piece of bread.
When I was probably 7 or 8 I asked my Grandpa why the road had bumps (paved road, rhythmic bump, bump, bump as we drove) and he said that's where the corn rows were when the area was a corn field. :) I truly believed him. And now, whenever I'm on a road with a rhythmic bump, bump, bump I fondly think of him. :)
My jokester father told me the kidney beans in chili were actual kidneys from small animals and that jelly was made from cow eyeballs. I eat neither to this day. He claims he told me immediately afterward that he was kidding, but it don't remember that part.
My sister used to pester my mom with questions to the point that when she asked her "what's you first name?" my mom responded "witch!" My sister and I were so upset that our mom was named witch.

No one who knows my mild mannered mom ever believes that story is real, but my sister and I both remember it clearly. Mom denies the story!
My older brother (13 years older) once told me there were little men that lived in our stomach and they would plant any watermelon seeds that we swallowed.
Dad told me he collected belly button lint from everyone he knew & sold it to NASA for rocket fuel. That's how he paid for college.
My brother was the biggest source of saying ridiculous things. One time I got bit by a large lizard and my brother said that I could have rabies. Another time I had a muscle spasm in my hand and my brother said that it was probably Epilepsy.
My parents would never be so mean, but my older sister told me I was the mailman's child and that he had left me in the mailbox for my mother. I never saw the mailman, but I did know that all three of my sisters were short blue-eyed straight-haired blondes and I was tall, brown-eyed with very curly dark brown hair! If I didn't resemble my dad facially so much, I might have believed them to this day! But seeing us together, there's no doubt that I'm his kid.

Queen Colleen
My Grandfather was the one who told us stories, and all of us kids took them as gospel truth.

Rain is caused by the cherubs letting the bathtub overflow.

Thunder is from the Angels Bowling League.

Lightning is the cherubs playing with the light switches because the grown-up Angels aren't home and Jesus was too busy listening to bedtime prayers to be a good babysitter.

He was on the Titanic but he survived because he swam to the iceberg and the polar bears took him in and kept him warm and fed until he could be rescued. That is where he learned to eat Sushi.

The biggest one, and the one that got my cousin in trouble at school for arguing with the teacher, was that he had been with Custer at Custer's Last Stand but he was in the outhouse when the battle started and he wasn't stupid enough to come out so the Indians didn't get him.
My older brother (13 years older) once told me there were little men that lived in our stomach and they would plant any watermelon seeds that we swallowed.

I wasn't told there were little men in my stomach, but both my grandfather & my dad told me that, if I swallowed a watermelon seed, a vine would grow in my stomach & grow out my ears.

I was also told that drinking coffee would stunt my growth & that, if I swallowed my chewing gum, it would take 7 years to digest.
When I was in 6th grade, a friend told me and a bunch of other girls that she had written a 3-part book series starring all of us and that when her $500 check came in she was going to split it with all of us. :rotfl: I totally believed her and I couldn't wait to get my share of the money. I'll still waiting...
When I was about 4 I asked my Dad how old he was, he told me 99. So for the next 5 or 6 years I added a year and told everyone how old my Dad was! We told our kids we had a lion in our attic to keep them from following us this time of year. We now tell our granddaughters the same thing, the 6 y/o is wishing up already!
I remember believing some of these things too. I used to think the green potato chips were poisonous.
I was afraid of the dark and wanted to go to sleep with the light on. My mom denies it, but I clearly remember her telling me that if you sleep with a light on you'll have nightmares. My solution was to wait until my folks were back out in the living room and then I'd go out and fall asleep in the lit hallway.
My father told us a Billy goat lived in our attic. I don't remember why my dad told us that, though. I vaguely recall believing it for a short time.
My dad told my brother's friend that before technicolor the world was black and white like you see in old movies. He said that's why older people have grey hair.


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