Riddle me this! The MONDAY edition!

OK thinks I should relate my chicken story here. Today's riddle reminded me of something funny that happens at our church one Sunday a year. We have "sung homiy" Sunday where they use mostly secular songs to get across the gospel message. A tradition has been that our priest ends up wearing funny head gear for one of the songs. Last year it was a hat with a big stuffed chicken on it!:p Just as an aside; he has also donned a woman's wig, a dog hat, and a propeller beanie!:jester:
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Good morning fellow riddlers! The sun has just shone it majestic rays over the tops of the houses and it promises to be a beautiful spring day here in southern Ontario! It makes getting up early an okay thing to be doing! she says as she wipes sleep from her eyes.

Sent my guess along, although KFC with cornbread sounded good to me!

Congrats to the little riddlers on their accomplishments this weekend.

Mickey, glad to see you back.

Laura, high school is such an adjustment. My DD did so with the greatest of ease. My boys, on the other hand, did not. :( Good at heart, but difficult on the best of days.

Hey, Bernie! I love your backwards pants! Had a cousin who had backwards pants one night and nine months later. . . .

Anyway, the 2 hs kids are gone, time to get the next 2 up, and then the one looking for a job kick started. Boy, I sure am glad that DH is the one left at home with him and not me!

Have a great day, everyone!
l>HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:55:27 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.2.3 X-Accelerated-By: PHPA/1.3.3r1 Content-Length: 52309 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=199 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html

Now THERE'S a riddle! :)
LOL Diane. Your priest sound like a lot of fun!
Originally posted by oldkicker
l>HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:55:27 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.2.3 X-Accelerated-By: PHPA/1.3.3r1 Content-Length: 52309 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=199 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html

Now THERE'S a riddle! :)

I would never be able to solve that!! I suppose I'd just have to move to a no-pants nudist thread.:rolleyes:
Bernie....that's code.....someone is trying to send me the riddle answer via electronic scrambling.

That or the aliens are coming.... :p

I don't think RC priests are that much fun, Diane. At least not any of the ones I've made my aquaintance with......;)
Sorry to hear about that kid, Diane - I hope they figure out a way to get involved again!!!

'Morning, Sandi! We can be....
I don't think RC priests are that much fun, Diane. At least not any of the ones I've made my aquaintance with......
Ours is! When he wore the wig, someone snapped a picture and he quipped that he hoped no one showed it to the Bishop! His chicken headgear picture ended up in the diocesen newspaper!:jester:
I hope this isn't a duplicate, since I replied with this once, and everything disappeared, so this is a second try.
THis priest is retiring next year. He was the first priest for this parish, and has been with us 20 years. A new priest has been chosen, and our old one will stay on as pastor for one year while the new guy gets acclimated. He will have some mighty big shoes to fill! We have grown into a parish of 15,000 in 20 years!
Originally posted by oldkicker
l>HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:55:27 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.27 (Unix) PHP/4.2.3 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.2.3 X-Accelerated-By: PHPA/1.3.3r1 Content-Length: 52309 Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=199 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html

Now THERE'S a riddle! :)
THe answer is either a jar of pimentos or Richard Nixon.
Had a cousin who had backwards pants one night and nine months later. . . .

Let me quess....using the inside, outside, backwards and forwards method she finally had to change undies???? :p :p

Diane - what a HOOT!!!!! :p :p :p


I would never be able to solve that!! I suppose I'd just have to move to a no-pants nudist thread.

I can up with these over the weekend for Maggie's streaking...


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Remember that original show and those dancers?!?!?!? Gawd - there are some things that I DON'T miss about the 80's!!! :p :p :p
But I NEVER dressed like this back then....

:p :p
Morning Riddlers ...

Nice sunny day and the snow drifts are no more ... yeah!

Took Kasie down to a small park by the Hudson yesterday,
and she was just fascinated by the water.

Of course she had a fit when I wanted to leave but ... well
she has a mind all her own ... LOL

Tried playing with her on the playground but she just kept saying
"go away daddy" ... is she independent or WHAT! LOL

1st pm sent in a while ... my brain must finally be thawing out ...

Have a great day all, gotta run!
:D :D :D
Actually, Indy - it's a pimento that resembles RIchard Nixon..... ;)

Diane - a priest wearing that kind of headgear could hardly be called retiring!!! LOL! LOL! :p :p

'Morning, Rob! Isn't it GREAT to have pleasant weather again!!! :)
We had beautiful weather over the weekend too. It was 60 Saturday and 70 yesterday!:Pinkbounc. Reality strikes on Wednesday though, when it is supposed to be cold and snow again for the whole end of the week!
Snow, Diane??!!!! ACK!!! Don't send it our way, okay???? :eek:
DH just called to say he didn't have his money clip, and could I check if it was still on his dresser.


Maybe I should go shopping today!:p


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