Questions on Transferring within own Memberships


Aug 19, 2013
Can someone smarter then I am please help tell me if this plan is possible?
I have 3 memberships/contracts:
direct Aulani
direct VDH
resale VGC
For various reasons I keep all points separate for different purposes/uses/people, etc.
What I want to do is use the direct Aulani points to book Riviera and then reimburse those points with the resale VGC points to stay organized.
For example, the Aulani contract currently has 415 points for 2025 UY. I would use 390 of those points to book Riviera.
Then the VGC contract has 310 points for 2025 UY. I would use those and also borrow 80 more from 2026 UY to reimburse Aulani back to how it was.
Would this work to do this?
Transferring the VGC points over to AUL won’t change much. They will still hold VGC 11 month priority and only be able to book AUL at 7 months, which you could do the same without moving those points out of VGC contract. One reason people may transfer points is when they’d like to combine points from different contracts to make one reservation.
You do not say when you purchased the VGC points, If purchased before January 19, 2019, the VGC points can be used for a Riviera reservation. If you purchased on or after January 19, 2019, they cannot be used for Riviera at all, and that includes not being used to replace Aulani points in a Riviera reservation..

If the VGC points were purchased before January 19, 2019, there is no need to first make a reservation with Aulani points. If the VGC points are in their own separate membership, just do the Riviera reservation with that membership.
If the VGC contract is in the same membership as the Aulani contract, there is also no need to do the reservation using Aulani points first. Online, when you get to the page that asks for contracts to use for the reservation, designate only the VGC contract and the system will then allow borrowing on that contract to complete the reservation.
I have 3 memberships/contracts
Remember, contracts are not the same as memberships. Transfers occur between memberships, not between contracts.

If all three of these contracts have the same UY and exactly the same owners, they’re all in one membership. Points from those contracts can be used together but only at 7 months from checkin, and transferring is not needed and in fact is not possible.

If they’re in different UY or/and have different owners, then points have to be transferred from one membership to another before using them together, but the points still maintain their home resort and UY and can’t be combined until 7 months.
Do any of you know if there is a place where you can trade points with another member? I assume you could transfer the pts to each other in an even trade. My purpose is to be able to book at 11 months for a resort I don't own at.
Do any of you know if there is a place where you can trade points with another member? I assume you could transfer the pts to each other in an even trade. My purpose is to be able to book at 11 months for a resort I don't own at.
Problem with this is you get one trade in OR out per use year. So you would have to trade in this use year and trade out next use year. Easier now that you can bank/borrow with less restrictions.

I haven't seen a place where someone is going to do an even trade. I feel like that would get complicated. "Yeah, ill give you my 100 SSR points for your 100 VGC points". If you find anything, please post on here, would be interested to see how it works.

Usually people will just straight up sell the points and transfer them to you.
From what I'm reading, I can't use the transferred pts for Home resort 11 month booking. so it wouldn't work anyways.
From what I'm reading, I can't use the transferred pts for Home resort 11 month booking. so it wouldn't work anyways.
You should be able to, the points carry over their home rules or any restrictions they have. The only thing you wont be able to do is see it on your dashboard and make an initial reservation. Will need to call MS to book for you.

@VGCgroupie put together this tread with most of the rules
From what I'm reading, I can't use the transferred pts for Home resort 11 month booking. so it wouldn't work anyways.
Transferred points retain their own resort identity and use year beginning month. You can use them to reserve, at 11-months out, the resort to which they belong but not any other resort, except at 7-months out, e.g., you have SSR points transferred to you and you own BWV; those SSR points are usable for an 11-month-out reservation at SSR but only at 7-months out for BWV.

Though they can be used 11-months-out for their own home resort, there is an issue of timing. They can be used for a reservation only via contacting MS to make the reservation. That means you cannot begin to make an 11-month out reservation before 9 a.m. when MS is open. On-line reservations begin at 8 a.m. at 11-months out. Result: if you are trying to get a category of room that can be difficult to get at 11-months out -- e.g., BWV standard view studios typically fill for any arrival date of the year very quickly at 8 a.m. at 11-months out -- having to wait until 9 a.m. to reserve with transferred points can mean you will likely not get your reservation.
Thank you for clearing up the Home Resort question. Now, can I receive a transfer of pts in one contract and still be able to transfer out of another contract? I have four different ‘use years’.
Thank you for clearing up the Home Resort question. Now, can I receive a transfer of pts in one contract and still be able to transfer out of another contract? I have four different ‘use years’.

Yes, each membership gets its own one in or out per UY.

It will be much easier to just find different owners to do this vs the same one who might want your points and you want their points.

As mentioned, you won’t be able to use them until MS opens for home resort use, but having different memberships does open up the options for you.

Also, points don’t go into contracts. When you get a transfer, MS creates a temporary contract to hold them. You won’t see them until you go book.
Thank you for clearing up the Home Resort question. Now, can I receive a transfer of pts in one contract and still be able to transfer out of another contract? I have four different ‘use years’.
With four separate memerbships, you should also be aware of an exception recognized by MS to the one transfer per use year rule. A member has been allowed to do multiple transfers of points per use year when transferring between memberships that the member owns.
All good information. My ultimate goal is to get 7 nights at Aulani in mid June for 2026 for daughter’s Honeymoon. Looking for a Studio w/ anything but the Ocean view (preferably a standard or Island view). I doubt I’ll get it if I wait until 7 months. But with booking at even 8-9 months, it shouldn’t be an issue. I have plenty of Poly pts, but need that Home advantage. So you all are saying I should rent out my Poly pts and use those funds to buy/rent the needed Aulani pts to make the booking?
All good information. My ultimate goal is to get 7 nights at Aulani in mid June for 2026 for daughter’s Honeymoon. Looking for a Studio w/ anything but the Ocean view (preferably a standard or Island view). I doubt I’ll get it if I wait until 7 months. But with booking at even 8-9 months, it shouldn’t be an issue. I have plenty of Poly pts, but need that Home advantage. So you all are saying I should rent out my Poly pts and use those funds to buy/rent the needed Aulani pts to make the booking?

Yes, I think you will have a lot more success doing that then trying to find the same owner who wants to give you Aulani points and take your points.

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