Question to those who have had COVID

If my math is right, it has been about 8 days since the stuff hit me. My fever is gone but the fatigue and stuffiness is just as bad. I also can’t taste certain things and I often feel nauseous.

I don’t think that still dealing with some of this is unusual but I wanted to hear what others have dealt with. I have a vacation in three weeks and wonder if I will be able to go. It would be the first one in almost a decade.

By the way, I have taken shots but I’m not caught up. I don’t know if that mattered. I also think I caught this at the hospital when I went in for a test. Figures. 😢
Hope you’re feeling better soon! I’d plan on taking that trip. 3 more weeks is hopefully long enough to be back to normal. And it’ll do your spirits some good :smickey:
I got it the end of August. My second bout. Both times was basically a bad cold. No fever, no loss of taste or smell, no nausea. Just nasal congestion & sore throat. Took about 10 days or so from the first "tingle" in my throat to feeling 100%
Everyone's different.

I'm the only one in my family that hasn't gotten it and I think its because my blood type is O and they have said O is less likely to get it and A is more likely to get it.

My parents both hate it earlier this year.
My mom is immunocompromised and she was sick for nearly 2 months mostly with a horrible cough, slight fever, deaf in one ear, and smelled weird things.
My dad was sick for like 6 hours and then it was just like a cold for a few days.

Interesting. I'm 0- and have never had Covid.

eta......I've never tested positive for Covid.
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If my math is right, it has been about 8 days since the stuff hit me. My fever is gone but the fatigue and stuffiness is just as bad. I also can’t taste certain things and I often feel nauseous.

I don’t think that still dealing with some of this is unusual but I wanted to hear what others have dealt with. I have a vacation in three weeks and wonder if I will be able to go. It would be the first one in almost a decade.

By the way, I have taken shots but I’m not caught up. I don’t know if that mattered. I also think I caught this at the hospital when I went in for a test. Figures. 😢
I was recently sick. Covid test was negative but I think it was an old one and not necessarily accurate. Anyway, I was under the weather for about 3 weeks. I actually left for a vacation in the middle of it. I am up to date on vaccinations but I was exhausted, things didn’t taste good, and I was incredibly stuffed up. It started with a really sore throat. Go and enjoy. I think you’ll feel batter before you leave but if not it will give you a chance to get over it.
my husband got it for the first time last September (2023). He was pretty miserable for about a week. Since then he still feels some lingering effects.... he is VERY easily fatigued and gets joint pain. We went on a short weekend trip last month, as usual we were walking all over, he was getting so fatigued and sad about it, I started playing up my bad ankle to force him to take more breaks.

He is O+. Our kids are O+, I am O-. So far our two adult children and myself have not joined the Rona Club. I am on vaxx #6 and thankfully have avoided it.
dh and i had it in fall 2021 with the primary issues being the brain fog and exhaustion (nasty body aches the first few days). to this day out of the blue we will have a single day when it seems like the fog has settled back in or the exhaustion just hits. it can be months and months between episodes and thankfully only lasts about 24 hours. our 30 year old has had similar episodes.
It is fascinating how this varies so much. Thanks for sharing, you’ve all given me hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Each time will be different and this latest iteration seems to entail more exhaustion. Just listen to your body and don’t overdo. If it’s been a decade you are overdue for a trip! Sit and people watch. Take in the shows. Use LLMP to minimize walking all over the theme parks. Make up your mind to enjoy and hopefully you’ll feel better before you even leave.
I was recently sick. Covid test was negative but I think it was an old one and not necessarily accurate. Anyway, I was under the weather for about 3 weeks. I actually left for a vacation in the middle of it. I am up to date on vaccinations but I was exhausted, things didn’t taste good, and I was incredibly stuffed up. It started with a really sore throat. Go and enjoy. I think you’ll feel batter before you leave but if not it will give you a chance to get over it.

Sounds like it could have very well been covid. I tested on day 2 and day 3 and both were negative. I decided to test again on day 6 because I still felt so bad and the tests were expiring soon anyway, and it lit right up positive. Mine was very similar to yours, minus any taste issues, and add in low grade fever and intense headache.
I just got over it. We think my husband picked it up in Disney World because we arrived there on a Wednesday and he started feeling sick on the Sunday. He then gave it to me three days later.

This time was really different from the first two times I had it. The first two times were mainly body aches with fever but this last bout was mostly cold symptoms and a fever that lasted less than a day. I didn't test positive until my 4th day of being sick which is always the case with me.

I'm still a little tired but other than that pretty good. I got sick on 9/4.
Sounds like it could have very well been covid. I tested on day 2 and day 3 and both were negative. I decided to test again on day 6 because I still felt so bad and the tests were expiring soon anyway, and it lit right up positive. Mine was very similar to yours, minus any taste issues, and add in low grade fever and intense headache.

Good for you for retesting. So many people take 1 test, say oh, it’s negative & never retest. I don’t know if home tests need to be reworked or what the answer is. But I do think it contributes to the spread when people have all the symptoms but go about their normal activities with no precautions because they had 1 negative test early on.
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A bummer for sure, Linda. I had it once a few months ago. Marie picked it up *2nd time for her) at a graduation luncheon we attended. I pretty much stayed at our table, Marie was the social butterfly. She came down with it 2 days later, me 4 days later, from her. My only symptom was exhaustion. I slept 14 hours first night, 12 hours the second night. Pretty much over it in 2 days. I have had 8 shots so far, maybe that helped. Will be getting my 9th in mid October. Marie only has had the original 2 shots. She was more symptomatic than me, for a longer period of time.

Vince is just getting over his 3rd time, He has taste and smell issues as well as nausea. The nausea aspect seems to be more prevalent with this current version of COVID.

Get all well soon, Linda. WEnjoy that well-deserved trip coming up. :hug::'s
I had my first go round with Covid in the summer of 2020, and I was so feverish and sick that I had to rest on the bathroom floor before I could get up the energy to go back to my bedroom (right next door.) I had chills and a very high fever and I couldn't smell or taste for days and days. I'm still having issues with heart palpitations from that bout.

The second time was after I got the first vaccine shot, and it was MUCH easier. It really felt like a cold, a minor one and I was up and about in only three or four days of resting just in case it got worse.

The third time I had a few more boosters in me, and didn't even know I had it until my godson came up positive-he lives with us- so I tested and was positive as well. I had only a minor sniffle.

I've had six shots, soon to be seven. Are they helping? I have to think yes.
I read the posts carefully and decided to go to bed. I slept and slept and if I woke up, I went back to sleep. I already feel a bit better so maybe that’s the key for me? Plus not feeling so gloomy about this is nice.

I’ve researched and unfortunately losing taste and smell and added nausea seems a big part of this wave. If you never had it before like me, be ready for any of it. This stuff isn’t for the weak lol.

Thanks for the help and good wishes.
I read the posts carefully and decided to go to bed. I slept and slept and if I woke up, I went back to sleep. I already feel a bit better so maybe that’s the key for me? Plus not feeling so gloomy about this is nice.

I’ve researched and unfortunately losing taste and smell and added nausea seems a big part of this wave. If you never had it before like me, be ready for any of it. This stuff isn’t for the weak lol.

Thanks for the help and good wishes.
:hug:'s Linda
I've only had it once (knock on wood), and for me it was like my allergies flared up. I was tired one day and had a slightly scratchy throat for two days, but other than that I was fine. Only reason I tested was DH came down with it three days before me. He was a bit sicker than I was, but only spent one day in bed. Both of us were up to date on vaccines when we got it.
I read the posts carefully and decided to go to bed. I slept and slept and if I woke up, I went back to sleep. I already feel a bit better so maybe that’s the key for me? Plus not feeling so gloomy about this is nice.

I’ve researched and unfortunately losing taste and smell and added nausea seems a big part of this wave. If you never had it before like me, be ready for any of it. This stuff isn’t for the weak lol.

Thanks for the help and good wishes.
When I got the vaccine 2nd shot and booster both gave me 12 hours of constant very intense nausea, while I did throw up a couple of times the nausea didn't go away and lasted that full 12 hours. It was the most intense I've ever had in my life save for the time I had food poisoning extremely bad.

While the other side effects of the vaccine were really bad for me like the several day 103 degree fever and the fatigue where the day after I was asleep more than awake it was actually the nausea that was the most painful?? part.

I wonder how it would be for people who experienced the intense nausea with the vaccine if the more current strain of covid would they be more likely or less likely to experience the nausea :scratchin

I hope you're getting better! sleep usually helps the body.
Everyone is different...every strain is different.

I had it in summer of 2022. I had a fever for 3 days, it never went too far beyond 102, never lost my sense of taste/smell, very little congestion, and felt perfectly normal by day 5. In fact, I was more sick from my second shot in the first round of vaccinations. My parents have had it a few times and it's been different each time. My friends that had it in the first waves, before vaccinations, were sick the longest and still have lingering issues.
If my math is right, it has been about 8 days since the stuff hit me. My fever is gone but the fatigue and stuffiness is just as bad. I also can’t taste certain things and I often feel nauseous.

I don’t think that still dealing with some of this is unusual but I wanted to hear what others have dealt with. I have a vacation in three weeks and wonder if I will be able to go. It would be the first one in almost a decade.

By the way, I have taken shots but I’m not caught up. I don’t know if that mattered. I also think I caught this at the hospital when I went in for a test. Figures. 😢
You are fine to go- as soon as you are fever free for 24 hours you can go about your life as normal.
It's common for symptoms to hang around for two weeks. More than that and I would see a doctor about potential long-covid.
Today marks 1 week since symptoms started. Kept feeling better, then worse again. Yesterday my ears stopped up and I felt really congested so went back to urgent care. They did an X-ray and I have pneumonia.

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