Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

11/25, QOTD: What types of things do you enjoy to help you relax, take pleasure in life, and lower your stress?
A cat purring in my lap while I read a great book is at the top of my list.

Taking a long walk and enjoying the fresh air.

Puttering around in the yard, trimming roses and pulling weeds.

Listening and singing along to favorite music, especially 80s, lol.

Good Morning all! Sorry I haven't posted on here, really hard to keep up with everybody but I have been reading all posts. Hope everyone can get through this holiday week safely and happily. I'm about to go visit my parents, they live about 40 minutes away. We can be outside if it's warm enough, they have 5 acres. I'm just really anxious about my mom right now- she is scheduled to fly down to Southern CA on Friday. Long story but my aunt died last month(not of covid, but maybe covid related) from a drug overdose. The celebration of life is this Sunday, so all relatives will be flying in-her brother from WA, another from HI and her two nieces from MN and PA. My dad doesn't want her to go but my mom feels like she needs to be there to honor her sister and give comfort to her daughters, she also wants to see her brothers. It's a very difficult but personal decision. My mom is 73 and my dad is 78 so I'm definitely worried about their health, they are fine right now however. My dad will being staying home. Anyway hopefully everything will be okay. Hope everyone has a great day!
Good Morning Everyone, Shelley, prayers for your parents:flower3:

11/25, QOTD: What types of things do you enjoy to help you relax, take pleasure in life, and lower your stress?

As others have said, I also enjoy routine along with having some down time. I am not a fan of being in a loud, big group of people. This plague has helped me become more comfortable with talking on the phone but I still prefer in person! I also so enjoy using stickers to personalize cards to send out happy mail.

I have shared before that one of the biggest Blessings of this time for me has been not only losing a ton of physical weight but also finally ridding myself of completely a lot of emotional stuff as well, truly giving it over to God. I also know I feel best early in the day. It's lovely to now be able to lay down for bit in the afternoons should I feel restful. Each night after I turn off the light, is a most special time for me, extra quiet Communion with Christ. I also pray and give thanks each new morning as well, little moments of being still with the Lord.

I want to also include checking in on this very thread, making sure each of you my Dis family are safe and well, always means so much to me. I thank you for that.
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QOTH.... I've enjoyed reading all the various relaxation techniques that everyone utilizes. It made me realize that I really have not been relaxed in quite awhile. I will have to give some thought to that.

It has been really cloudy and rainy here today, a little snow yesterday but all gone now. Next week I go back to work after my knee issues. I'm so nervous about bringing the virus home to my DH.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow...stay safe!
QOTD I too enjoy sitting with a cat or 2 in my lap purring. A long hot soak in a tub helps me relax. Listening to soothing music also helps. If I need to blow off steam, I put on a Disney cd or 2, and sing along with that. I love being outside, taking a walk, working in the garden, watching birds, squirrels, and chipmunks at the feeders or using the bird baths. In winter, I love walking outside in the snow. Right after it stops, when all is peaceful and quiet. That really clears my head.

I went downstairs to start going thru Christmas stuff, but for some reason I am really procrastinating this year. I started to clear off some shelves that are built in under the stairs, and found some grape jelly I canned in 2005..lol. That went out in the trash before they came to pick it up. I organized all our extra cds we store on the shelves, did manage to pull out a bunch of Christmas ones to bring up and listen to. We just have way too many! I brought more stuff out to the junk pile (still waiting for my handyman to come with his big dump truck and take it to the dump. His pile gets bigger everytime I clean another part of the cellar, lol!

Hubby is getting a little stressed. His boss decided that this weekend, a week before he retires, is a wonderful time to move one of his consumers from the upstairs house, to an apartment by herself on the lower level near the garage. That entails a whole lot of paperwork, that he could have done without. He has to go through his files, and sort out what goes to which manager that is taking over his 3 houses. And try to explain someone how his filing system works, all by phone, since he's not about to go to the office and be with people to do it. We will take the extra files he has had here at home to the office this weekend when noone is there, and put them in the filing cabinet. They are going to have to figure out that part of his system themselves, lol.

Pumpkin pie just came out of the oven, turkey is defrosted, and my list of things to do tomorrow is printed. I am off to relax for awhile.

Have a nice afternoon everyone. I am enjoying reading how all of you 'chill out'!
11/25, QOTD: What types of things do you enjoy to help you relax, take pleasure in life, and lower your stress?
@Pea-n-Me You are right, I do love going to NH. Walking in the woods and seeing waterfalls is so calming. Plus the center of North Conway is so lovely and old fashioned. I love to be there too.
I also try to meditate in the evening at least 3-4 times a week. I also try to focus on whatever I am doing at the moment and not multitask. I am guilty of multitasking alot and it is stressful. This holiday season I have been watching holiday movies and drinking peppermint tea. I have been avoiding the news and now the weather channel. I don't need to be constantly reminded of the trouble in the real world day by day or minute by minute. I just find out enough to get by and then take care of myself and my family. That is what is important at the end of the day. I also exercise every day usually with 2 walks that equal 2 miles and a 15 minute walk aerobic session. Losing weight and eating healthier also helps. Sometimes just a 5 minute break doing some deep breathing helps get through a stressful moment. I love reading how everyone has their way of working out the stresses and it give me new ideas. Reading this thread is also stress reducing.

It is cold and dreary here today with rain coming in tonight. We are home for Thanksgiving so I don't mind the rain. The kids are home too. I have an oooey gooey toffee cake in the oven right now. We'll see how that turns out. That is my decadent treat for Thanksgiving. I am also making a vegetable frittata for breakfast tomorrow and probably the day after.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.
DazedX3, please take care and time to relax! Maybe check out one of the Hallmark channels :)

Lynxstch, you take care, too! Aw, I would like that (maybe) about snow and being able to take a peaceful walk and maybe seeing some critters along the way. There's a Boxcar Children book called The Mystery in the Old Attic. In that story the kids go cross county skiing in a huge backyard and along the way see deer along with other forest friends. Lol, one day post plague, I still would love to travel somewhere local and close to get to experience a white Christmas and perhaps I might just get to take such a stroll minus the skis! I'm so sorry your DH has added pre retirement pressure :(

I have finally chosen 2 possible NKJV translation Holy Bibles that I like! Which one do you lovely folks think is easier to read especially Jesus' more direct words? I think the Amazon choice might be! I really like that one because it says Holy Bible plus has a Cross. The Christian Book option the font is supposed to be a bigger size but it somehow looks a little fainter. Thank you, friends :)

These are the ISBN's from each site

Amazon: 0785233598
Christian Book: 0785238085
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Still nursing this head cold but I think I turned a corner. Binging on Christmas movies right now since my husband gets the TV at night. I did get the laundry done today and spoke with my grandson about the kitchen. I'll order everything over the next week or so, getting the appliances on Black Friday deals but they can be held til I need them. Hopefully everything will come in early January. He still hasn't found an apartment and the baby is due in 2 months. I am praying something comes through soon. I did offer the spare room here but he wants his own place with his wife. I get it, I have 3 cats and a dog so we are crowded anyway.

My stress reliever is music, reading or going through my pictures. I have been doing the pictures the last couple of days. I may do a photo book for my mom's Christmas present of our trip to Scotland in 2018. It was a fun trip. I sat at the window on the tour bus taking close to 4,000 pictures. She wanted the window one day. The conversation was something like this

Mom: I want the window to take pictures. I have a camera. .

Me: Mom that is a phone. It is a smart phone, I am impressed but it is a PHONE!!!

Mom: I have a camera too.

She brought out a point and shoot even smaller than her phone.

Me: Mom is that the same memory card from your trip to Yellowstone 15 years ago?

Mom: Yes, I deleted some pictures.

Me: Mom if you want to take a picture let me know, I'll duck my head,

I have a DSLR with a long zoom lens. I won the argument. We are total opposites as travel partners.

At least I can look back and laugh about it.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Will be quiet here as I will just pick up some plates from my mom and come back home. Trying to keep them safe.
@easyas123 and @lynxstch, did you just get the COVID alert on your phone? About gave me a heart attack. But I so wanted the noise gone it deleted before I read it all. Basically wear a mask and stay home, I think. I had heard it was going to happen but forgot.

Yes we did..and it scared the heck out of me too. I had read that they were going to do it, but forgot all about it. I was sitting at the computer desk, he was asleep in his recliiner, and both of us about jumped when both phones went off at the same time. He keeps his volume all the way up for work, I had turned mine up when my Sister in Law called this afternoon and I forgot to turn it down :(
Yes we did..and it scared the heck out of me too. I had read that they were going to do it, but forgot all about it. I was sitting at the computer desk, he was asleep in his recliiner, and both of us about jumped when both phones went off at the same time. He keeps his volume all the way up for work, I had turned mine up when my Sister in Law called this afternoon and I forgot to turn it down :(
Is this the emergency alert/amber alert type thing that lets out the high pitched noise? It makes you jump out of your skin. Where are you located and why are you getting this? It's just a basic Covid warning, correct?
@easyas123, so glad there was a happy outcome for the doggie! :)

I was going to post yesterday, but Josh had quite the meltdown just before his last online class. He was sulking and throwing things at me while online and I think his teacher saw him do it. Our mail arrived and the shark "Happy Napper" that I ordered arrived. I did not know that the box said "HAPPY NAPPER" in huge letters on the bottom - and I didn't realize that my kid could read that well! I left it out in the porch, thinking I'd smuggle it upstairs later, but he found it first. I did not give it to him yet, but I've heard about it just about every 2 minutes since then (and I'm a horrible mother who likes to make him sad). I told him that because of the coronavirus, Santa is having the gifts delivered to parents so we can disinfect them and so he can get in and out of our house quickly.

My SIL and her partner got their tests done, but it will be about 4 days before they get results. Bill is happy, because now he has time to go hunting :scared: They are both feeling perfectly fine, too, and I hope they stay that way (and not be positive-but-asymptomatic).

Today Josh only had his morning meeting, then they do asynchronous learning (the teacher just sends assignments, no online meetings). The due date for the assignments is sometime next week, though, so we're in no hurry to get them done right now. He did his music assignment and some math, then we did some running around with my mom. Mom made several loaves of pumpkin bread to give out, so our first drive was up to my SIL's parents' house (Josh's honorary "Nana and Papa"). We were going to stay outside, as Nana is finally in remission from a second round of cancer and Papa has lung problems from a lifetime of working around asbestos. But they insisted we come in the house, so we wore our masks and stayed near the door. When we left, we stopped at McDonald's for a Happy Meal for lunch. After having lunch at home, we went back out in the other direction, to deliver a loaf of bread to one of Mom's friends, then a stop at the assisted living center for her BFF of over 40 years, who Josh knows as "Grammy Louise." We can't go inside, but we dropped off some bread, a fresh cup of pumpkin spice coffee from Dunkin (her favorite), and Josh made a handprint turkey for her...
Then home for the afternoon. Josh refused to do any more of his assignments, but he did help my mom with tomorrow night's dessert, so he wasn't complaining/yelling at me :thumbsup2

I would love to try to meditate more, but I just never seem to have time! There is a channel on Josh's school tablet/TEAM where they've uploaded some short meditation videos. Last week we were assigned to watch one with a monkey (animated monkey) called Chop Chop. It was nice, but I still couldn't relax my shoulders. I think I'm beyond stressed out now! I might need a massage at this point to force my muscles to loosen up... ;)

11/25, QOTD: What types of things do you enjoy to help you relax, take pleasure in life, and lower your stress?
I'm a gamer. Not shoot-em-up type games, but I like hidden object games (Hidden City is my favorite), room escape, and one called City Girl Life, which I think is basically role playing. Used to be owned by Disney. I also play Jigsaw World and Cross-Stitch World. It's probably backward, because I've heard that sitting in front of a computer adds to your stress and anxiety, not to mention that the scenes in the hidden object games are timed, so you'd think that's stressful. But for some reason, I find that I can actually relax playing these games.

I also like to read and do word puzzle books. Not just crosswords or word search, I like the variety puzzles. I like these...
540333 540334 540336

I like my photography. I like to take artistic photos, then download them and play with different filters and effects, and make books and other projects on Shutterfly.

I also like to look at homes on Realtor.com and the FB page For The Love of Old Houses.
Is this the emergency alert/amber alert type thing that lets out the high pitched noise? It makes you jump out of your skin. Where are you located and why are you getting this? It's just a basic Covid warning, correct?
Yes, it is like the Amber alert. All three of us are in Maryland and our governor ordered this alert to go out at 5 pm today. It basically said stay home and where a mask. Just a loud reminder.
I'm just catching up on reading. This is a different Thanksgiving. I try to keep the good thought in mind that hopefully we'll see loved ones next year. 💖

What types of things do you enjoy to help you relax, take pleasure in life, and lower your stress?
Learning new things about meteorology, astronomy, history, or arm chair travel have become enjoyable ways for us to spend time.
I enjoy reading and watching hallmark movies. Anything that is relaxing and a bit fun is just right these days.

Wishing you all a nice Thanksgiving!
Is this the emergency alert/amber alert type thing that lets out the high pitched noise? It makes you jump out of your skin. Where are you located and why are you getting this? It's just a basic Covid warning, correct?

I am in Maryland..this wasn't the same sound as an Amber Alert, I think that's why it startled us. It was an announement telling people to wear masks, to not have crowded gatherings etc. Just a safety alert to remind people about Covid,,like any of us can forget!
I am in Maryland..this wasn't the same sound as an Amber Alert, I think that's why it startled us. ....Just a safety alert to remind people about Covid,,like any of us can forget!

yes- it was a different sound- dare I say unnecessarily obnoxious?
I hadn’t heard it was happening so I was doubly taken aback by the shrill alarm. I’ll tell you what, if they really need to get our attention in the future, they’ve found the right sound frequency!
It sure made us look at our phones, we thought something big time was going on!
11/25, QOTD: What types of things do you enjoy to help you relax, take pleasure in life, and lower your stress?
I enjoy zoning out on some mindless TV, whether its a show I've already seen or something I don't really need to concentrate on too much. Mediating really helped me when I was having to stay at my parents house 3-4 nights a week to take care of my mom while my dad is still working. When I get really stressed and when I probably need it the most is when I usually start putting it off so I need to just make sure I do it every day. I also like going for a long drive, by myself with the radio blasting my favorite sings that I can sing along with. LOL Like @apirateslifeforme I like playing games...mostly puzzle games but I also started playing an old version of Animal Crossing on one of DD's old game systems. LOL

Another thing for me is needing time alone. It’s not that I don’t like people - I do! But as an introvert, real-time communication is “energy expensive” for me (unlike typing here - where I can think before I “talk” :laughing: ) and I need that recharging time.
Same for me. Hubby is ALOT sometimes, he likes to TALK ALOT....LOL When he's home, he wants me to be with him, if he's outside, he wants me to come sit out with him, if he's going somewhere, he wants me to go with him and I just want to be by myself for a little while. LOL

DH wasn't feeling great so I moved to the guest room.
Glad he's doing better...while we were waiting for our test results and to see if we were going to develop any symptoms, we were sleeping apart. Last night hubby actually went to out bed and I was sooo hot with him in bed with me. LOL I had to take off one of the blankets off of me and stick my feet the other one...LOL I guess I enjoyed having the bed to myself for a little while. :laughing:

I got a lot of stuff done today....even though its just going to be us regulars...lol I'm still making the same stuff I always make when we have company so we're definitely going to have way to much food. LOL I made a pumpkin pie, an apple pie (I'll edit after I post to add a picture of my "turkey" apple pie. :laughing:), I also got the cranberry sauce done, the stuffing and green bean casserole put together so they just need to be baked tomorrow, the gravy is premade from Costco. My dad is doing the turkey for us so tomorrow all I'll have to make is the mashed potatoes, cream corn and instead of sweet potatoes we're having roasted butternut squash. We'll have leftover for days....LOL

Happy Thanksgiving all....I am thankful for you all and hope you all have a great day even if it is a little different this year. ❤


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