PVB Tower Charts, Sales Date and more!!!

I get that with small kids and that you have to travel quite a bit to get to WDW. You are 100% correct that we all do it differently, and yes, that is one of the beauties of the system. We've owned DVC since 2007 and gone over 50 times and out of those trips, we've made rope drop exactly once. This past time, our group was 2 adults and 8 college-aged kids (for DD's 21st Birthday), so the GV was amazing, especially since the GV upper floor has it's own entrance.

The other thing for us is, because we are only 8 1/2 hours away, we always drive, so that can make SSR extremely convenient (actually, the Cabins at CFW are the ultimate in driving convenience, but I digress)... I don't think it took us 5 minutes to get to Epcot and not much longer to HS. We also enjoy being able to walk to Gideon's.
We never did rope drop until FP+ was abolished 😢

Don’t get me wrong, I do really like SSR and it’s only recently since I’ve taken over the booking and learned a few things that I really try and push to switch, in a few years time I can definitely see us being more willing to go back there. The poly is the nostalgic resort for us though from when I was a kid, even though we only ever stayed once. My near 80 year old mum, the original Disney fan of the family absolutely loves the place, she’s with us at next Easter but I’m desperately hoping she’s still able enough to travel for Christmas 2026 for a stay there, that is her favourite time of year by a mile.

Our habits would definitely be different if we were able to visit more frequently than every 18 months or so though but just not possible with school holidays, time required and flight costs etc.
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I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but has anyone noticed how the Island Tower (Standard View in September) Deluxe Studio + 1-Bed Villa is cheaper than the 2-Bed Villa?

I'm pretty sure (but not certain) that this is the only instance of a Studio + 1-Bed being fewer points than a 2-Bed Villa in the same view category. There's essentially a 14-point surcharge to connect the two rooms (just in September).

Oof,-4% saving 😂😵‍💫
If you are buying to hold I would go with Riv.

I don't think most people buy timeshares with the intention of selling in 10, 15 or 20 years. The pitch, at least to new buyers, is usually "prepaid vacation that save you money and that you can pass along to your heirs". Resale buyers may be more experiences and savvier, but I don't think most but with the intention to flip later on.

Yet, on any given day, there are typically 1000+ DVC resale contracts for sale and also thousands of Marriotts, Hiltons, Wyndhams, Westins, Sheratons, Hyatts etc. Things happen - vacation habits change, people lose jobs, kids grow up, health issues, divorces, MFs double every ~15-18 years and become less affordable, heirs don't want the liability and do a fire sale, etc.

Nobody can predict with any near certainty how they will feel about their DVC contract in 10, 15 or 20 years, let alone 40 or 50. But what is certain is that if you buy Riviera direct, you lose on paper around 50% of what you paid upfront after 10 days, and possibly more if resale prices settle at lower levels. I agree that those who actually end up buying and holding shouldn't have cared in hindsight (especially with an expiring contract vs a perpetual deed), I just don't think that's the case for most people over 40-50 years.
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Usually for 150 points the pre sale is the best price that will ever be offered. In a couple years they may try to clear out inventory with substantial discounts but in the past it was for 250 points or more. Kind of the like the riviera currently.

when we bought resale we saved almost $100 a point. It looks like without incentives poly direct is about $50 a point more than resale average currently. Depending on the incentives it may be even better. Poly resales will likely drop back down to the $140-$150 range though within 6 months.

We bought BLT resale 4 years ago really deciding we’d only ever buy direct if it was a Polynesian expansion with 1 bedrooms. So we are heavily considering it. But if the price isn’t right we may back into 250 points at the riviera. Or may just do 150 at the poly.

For us the sorcerer pass may or may not be of value. We would have the 400 points needed to make it cheaper than tickets. But our travel plans may shift to blackout dates negating getting it. The other thing I think about is long term when boardwalk and beachdlub end. The new villas to take their place will surely require direct points and likely more than they do now. Which is why a larger riviera contract may be better than a smaller Polynesian long term. Tough decisions over the next 2 weeks
The Poly resale prices right now are insane. I’d go direct because the cost isn’t that much more and you get the future discounts and perks.

Also, resale will be blocked out of EPCOT resorts in 2042+.
People have mentioned that all 2024 UYs will be available at the initial selling come 10/1, which is great. But what if I purchase in January? Will I be able to still get a 2024 UY? What if it's a Dec UY?

Given the high point count and home resort advantage required for members wanting a one or two bedroom in the tower, I am not sure that Poly resale will hit the 140-150 range in the next 6 months.

If resale remains above 175 for 150 for the long term I will kick myself for not buying a direct contract. Especially if there are any incentives and MB which brings the cost to 200 or less for 150 points.

I thought I had convinced myself it was out of the question but I am back to the fence.
I feel that way about VGF. I bought during the good incentives last year and now realize I could use another 100 points. Resale prices are close to what I paid and I can’t pull the trigger knowing I’m getting less with resale than I did with direct.

I was thinking 150 direct for poly and adding resale later on. However am I better off just figuring out what I need now, buying it all direct and being done.
But what is certain is that if you buy Riviera direct, you lose around 50% of what you paid upfront after 10 days, and possibly more if resale prices settle at lower levels.
Riv resale is between $110 & $125, granted there’d be commission and other costs to consider if selling. 150 direct (incentives get better at higher points) member with Welcome Home is $198 before MB. That’s closer to 40%, and it’d feel even less in my opinion if taking advantage of MB for year one.

Long term, in 17 years non-grandfathered resale buyers of anything other than Riv will be locked out of Epcot area (whatever they do at Crescent Lake will need new direct buy-in at first). Riv will hold some value from that alone.
The Poly resale prices right now are insane. I’d go direct because the cost isn’t that much more and you get the future discounts and perks.

Also, resale will be blocked out of EPCOT resorts in 2042+.
Right direct poly is certainly a no brainer vs resale at the moment, but because Riviera is so incentivized right now I'm tempted to go 250 there instead of 150 at the poly.

If the poly doesn't have any incentives, that is 150 points is 30750 with magical beginngs. 250 Riveria points would be 41000 with magical beginnings. 100 more points for 10,000 and 4 more total years on the contract.
The Poly resale prices right now are insane. I’d go direct because the cost isn’t that much more and you get the future discounts and perks.

Also, resale will be blocked out of EPCOT resorts in 2042+.
This is compelling. I didn't think about this. I won't care much because I may no longer be traveling to Disney at that time due to age. But if I am weighing the legacy value of the contract, this might matter very much.
The Poly resale prices right now are insane. I’d go direct because the cost isn’t that much more and you get the future discounts and perks.

Also, resale will be blocked out of EPCOT resorts in 2042+.
Is this confirmed? I thought the outlook on 2042 was no one knows exactly what will happen with the expiring resorts.
I will give you very long odds that DVC will neither (a) extend the existing BCV/BWV land lease nor (b) create a new association that is not resale-restricted to that association.

If I am right about these things, then a resale owner has no Epcot-area resorts starting in February of 2042.

Is it confirmed? No. Does anyone (outside of the DVC C-suite) know exactly what will happen? No. But, "So you're saying there's a chance" is not the same as "probable enough to consider."
I will give you very long odds that DVC will neither (a) extend the existing BCV/BWV land lease nor (b) create a new association that is not resale-restricted to that association.

If I am right about these things, then a resale owner has no Epcot-area resorts starting in February of 2042.

Is it confirmed? No. Does anyone (outside of the DVC C-suite) know exactly what will happen? No. But, "So you're saying there's a chance" is not the same as "probable enough to consider."
Curious if it will be a similar situation to RIV where if you owned resale prior to xxxx date you can use points at that resort. Still have a long time to find out.
Is this confirmed? I thought the outlook on 2042 was no one knows exactly what will happen with the expiring resorts.
Echoing @Brian Noble

What would be the incentive for DVC to extend the current ground lease vs just flipping and reselling with a significantly higher point chart &/OR raze and build a new building on some of the best real estate on property?
Is this confirmed? I thought the outlook on 2042 was no one knows exactly what will happen with the expiring resorts.
What he means is whatever resorts they open there will be new contracts so they will most likely be restricted.

Now you are correct, no one knows what will happen with 2042 resorts, but it’s a pretty good chance the new contracts will be restricted. Which I personally think will be the beginning of the end for DVC as we know it. The overall value dies as it turns into a regular timeshare.
Right direct poly is certainly a no brainer vs resale at the moment, but because Riviera is so incentivized right now I'm tempted to go 250 there instead of 150 at the poly.

If the poly doesn't have any incentives, that is 150 points is 30750 with magical beginngs. 250 Riveria points would be 41000 with magical beginnings. 100 more points for 10,000 and 4 more total years on the contract.
At some point over the next 2 years POLY will have incentives…. and you won’t have the huge depreciation hit that happens when you buy a restricted resort.

Some people who purchased during the VGF close out could actually sell their points for a profit right now….
Echoing @Brian Noble

What would be the incentive for DVC to extend the current ground lease vs just flipping and reselling with a significantly higher point chart &/OR raze and build a new building on some of the best real estate on property?
I don't understand nearly as much as you guys and if I was deciding between $225 and $170 with money not being an issue, I would definitely go direct.

Isn't there just as much of a chance that any contracts prior to 2042 won't have access to the Epcot resorts though?
If they flip and resell and a higher point chart isn't that basically making a new resort like the RIV?

Asking because again, I don't have a ton of DVC knowledge but on a 250pt contract like I have $225 - $170 is over $13,000 in savings.
Echoing @Brian Noble

What would be the incentive for DVC to extend the current ground lease vs just flipping and reselling with a significantly higher point chart &/OR raze and build a new building on some of the best real estate on property?
just for sake of the argument: a lot of resorts go offline in 2024. They might not want to replace all of them at the same time and you probably can’t resell them for another 50 years without major refurbishments. They might decide to sell shorter extensions for some.

I don’t believe that’s what they’ll do. I believe they’ll take them back and roll them into a combined trust that enables them to sell the points directly but replace the buildings over time. Just my pet theory.

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