I find it really strange that Target doesnt give activation receipts like most other retailers.
I totally agree with you! (One of my pet peeves). What is so bizarre is whenever we have asked for activation receipts--they act like we just invented the idea.
We buy Target gift cards every time they have a 10% discount. The first time we bought the gift cards and we asked for the activation receipts we were told we were supposed to ask the cashier
before they rang us up. We went through a lot of wrangling, but we were finally able to get them to print out some receipts that had the value of the cards on them.
The next time since we had learned our lesson we told the cashier
before they rang us up. But, they ran out of receipt paper and when they tried to reload the paper nothing worked--that station had to be shut down. Nothing, no how, no way would allow them to reprint the transaction. We went through a lot of wrangling, but they were finally able to print out some receipts that had the value of the cards on them.
The next time, we crossed our fingers and told the cashier
before they rang us up...... Success! But, what was printed out was a gift receipt which did not have the value of the gift card on it.

So, we went over to customer service and asked them to print out a receipt that had the value of the gift card on it. (Now that we understand the process---that is what we do. )
Over the years we have had one or two problems with gift cards that haven't been properly activated. In one case (at a store that did issue activation slips) the activation slip (and receipt) had the amount of money they had charged us and then it said "activation error". It was very easy to get the store to re-issue the gift card in that situation.