PREACH, Jackie!!!!!

My issue is this.... How can Pete have a rant about the food when everyone have different tastes.... Chef Mickeys 1900 Park Fare Crystal Palace Garden Grill.... all good meals for our family... People may rant about the food but why should Disney change it up just because some people thinks it is subpar... people like me think it is good...
My issue is this.... How can Pete have a rant about the food when everyone have different tastes.... Chef Mickeys 1900 Park Fare Crystal Palace Garden Grill.... all good meals for our family... People may rant about the food but why should Disney change it up just because some people thinks it is subpar... people like me think it is good...
It depends on the overall feeling towards a dining venue. If 9 people dislike something and 1 person likes it, it is probably not the best food it could be. There are definitely subpar options at WDW.
My issue is this.... How can Pete have a rant about the food when everyone have different tastes
Well that's an entirely different point, but that's pretty much how dining reviews work, or any review of anything for that matter. It is one person's opinion based on their experience. A good reviewer should be able to distinguish between "I didn't care for this" and "This wasn't good" because those are two different things.

You did post this earlier:
who cares if the bacon isnt crispy enough or the eggs are a little bland?
The answer is a lot of people care about that stuff, especially when they're paying top dollar for that meal.
My issue is this.... How can Pete have a rant about the food when everyone have different tastes.... Chef Mickeys 1900 Park Fare Crystal Palace Garden Grill.... all good meals for our family... People may rant about the food but why should Disney change it up just because some people thinks it is subpar... people like me think it is good...

certainly different takes on things and different tastes - but no reason the food can't be hot and fresh ... I definitely get complaining about that no matter what restaurant it is and what type of food.

We did eat at Chef Mickey's once and I was plesantly surprised that the food was better than I was expecting, and certainly plenty good enough for a character meal - and everything we had was warm/hot and tasted fresh .... but have seen reviews where that was not the case so I get that resulting in a poor review.

No matter what the main reason for choosing a restaurant - even if it is for the character interaction - the food should be fresh and hot
Agree to disagree my friend.... the food just doesnt matter at character meals even for the adults in our want a five star meal go to california grill. 1900 Park Fare was about the atmosphere for us

Absolutely no where in my post did I say I expected a 5 star meal, so not sure where you're coming from, except to exaggerate. But, I do expect to have decent eggs and bacon. For $100 - $200, don't think that's too much to ask. We don't shell out that kind of $$$'s on a whim, so yes, we expect a nice meal. For you, personally, your decision, of course - doesn't affect my thoughts.

Whos to say who is right? Lol its all personal preference

Yes, very correct, and for the most part we have been completely satisfied.
I agree with Jackie...but I am not a fan of the food at Tusker House...I much prefer Garden Grill, or even gasp....Chef Mickey's....


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