Pictures #3--An evening at Epcot with more DIS'ers

Great pictures, Dan. That first shot of Spaceship Earth is breathtaking!! Thanks for sharing.

Your pictures and narration are great as always. I was just re-reading my buddy Laura's day-by-day account of her adventures and now I get to see the pictures that match her story as well!
Ooooohhhh!!! Aaaaahhhhhhh!!! Pretty!!!!

Thanks Dan!!!

(I didn't hear any music - stupid computer!):( :mad:
Great pics Dan, as usual. :) Thanks for posting them for us.

I too loved the first Spaceship Earth picture. :)

Thanks, Dan!! :) :)

btw...if ya look real close in some of those resort area can see my Christmas lights on my balcony :p ;)
Fantastico! Wow, these are very, very nice Dan. :) :) :) Excellent pictures of Epcot. :) Thanks for posting!
Great job, Dan! :)

A bunch of us were in Epcot at night and we all stood, mesmerized by the Lights of Winter and the Fountain. We stood, transfixed for what seemed a half hour. It is a lovely display!

Nice to 'see' everyone too - what a really great group! :)

Thanks again, Dan. :)
Beautiful and breath taking as always!
Dan, your pictures are truly appreciated this time as we were unable to catch the parade due to the horrible rain! Illuminations was even cancelled that night because the 'rain' turned into a thunderstorm!! :rolleyes: Can't wait to show the kids the pictures tonight! :bounce:

Great pictures, Dan! That first shot of Spaceship Earth is just incredible!
Another set of beautiful pictures. Dan you truly are the best and I second that suggestion of retiring to WDW and becoming their photographer!! Absolutely wonderful!!! You all looked like you had a great time. Thanks so much for sharing the magic!!
Thanks for the pics Dan! Its great to put faces with some names!
Wow! These are great Dan! Loading in no time at all too!;)

I love that first picture of Spaceship Earth, just perfect if you ask me! :D

Thanks for posting them!


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