Photos for Borrowing


Aug 20, 2006
I just read the "Borrowing" others photos for your scrapbook thread and thought I'd offer up my latest trip picks. You can download them at full resolution and print them yourselves or you can just order prints from the site.

Animal Kingdom
Magic Kingdom

It'd be great if you let me know ( which ones you found useful. It's not necessary, but I'm just curious.

Here are some examples from the Festival of the Lion King:





If you want a quick an easy way to see my best photos from the trip (and you have a Windows PC and a good Internet connection), check out one of my slideshows at

Since this trip, I have gone back to WDW again. The photos from that trip are in the thread More Photos for Borrowing.
Fantastic pictures Mark! My pictures from that show are so dark and grainy! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. If I ever borrow any, I'll be sure to share with you. :)
Mark, thanks for the offer. I know I will probably be borrowing some pics of signs, like the Fantasmic one. I always forget to take pictures of those then wish I had them for the scrapbook. I'll share when I use them. Your pictures are AWESOME!!! Love the slideshows!!
Just wanted to say WOW!!!

I bet the people IN the show would love to have a copy of those photos.
Wow Mark!!! Just a preview of the pictures makes me want to take a peak later today.. I'll add this of my list of things that HAS to BE DONE today!! Beautiful quality on the preview pictures... Thank you!!! I can't wait to see the rest!!!
Great pictures - thanks for posting! What kind of camera do you use? My FIL has some fancy digital camera with a $2,000 lens that takes amazing photos like those. I cannot afford that, I just have a little digital, but it does make a world of difference doesn't it!!
WOW!! The slideshow was awesome. My DS wants to see it again, please. But he has to wait until Mommy is done typing.

Thank you so much for sharing. I will be borrowing your photos as we did not take enough photos on our first trip this past August. Do you think anyone will notice the dispcrepencies in the time line with the Christmas lights?
Wow, those photos are amazing!!! :thumbsup2 I might "borrow" your Tower of Terror photos since I will never ride that again! :lol
Thanks mark for letting us borrow your photos.
They are wonderful!!! I love the fantasmic pictures - mine didnt come out very well and that was a highlight of our trip. I also forget to take pictures of the signs for the rides.
Thanks again!!
Thanks so much for all of the compliments. We're really happy with how most of the pictures turned out.

What kind of camera do you use?

I do use some pretty expensive gear. The camera is a Canon 1D Mark II (about $3,500) and the lens is a Canon 70-200 f/2.8 IS (about $1,600). I've been a hobbyist photographer for a long time and have accumulated some nice toys. My camera gear is worth a lot more than my car (although that isn't saying much).

My pictures from that show are so dark and grainy!
I posted the Festival of the Lion King photos on purpose because it is a show that really benefits from high end photo gear. You need a camera that can shoot well at high ISO (the digital "film" in the camera has to be really sensitive) and with a wide aperture (the lens opening has to be really big). That allows you to get good shots in low light.

Here are some more FotLK photos from our trip:



Beautiful pictures and thank you for your generosity in sharing them with all of us! :sunny:
Oh, my gosh! Absolutely gorgeous pictures! Thanks so much for your generous offer!

I only watched the slideshow for now but I can see that I would definitely love to borrow your attraction photos - ToT and Everest, specifically. I'll be browsing your site as soon as I get a chance.

From a viewing (not borrowing) point of view I loved your stroller shot and the pictures of your kids on Test Track and Kali - great reaction shots! And the tigers that looked like they were dancing - that's an incredible picture!

Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you Mark for sharing these photos. What a difference your skill and equipment make. I have bookmarked your sites and probably will scraplift when I get down to printing out pictures to start my scrapbook.
Thanks I have only looked through the mgm ones! Wow! I borrowed the fantasmic mine didnt turn out at all. I also borrowed some lion king ones becasue my daughter was picked twice so I want to do a layout for it. I am going to mark your site and probablly borrow a few more while I am doing layouts. Thanks for being so generous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome pictures! When I have more time, I will look through for any that might fill in the empty spots in my scrapbook. Thanks so much for the offer. I will definitely let you know if I end up using any.
Thanks again for all of the kind words about our vacation photos. I'm glad that they will be useful to some of you.

Here are some of the Fantasmic! shots for those not inclined to go over to my Smugmug site.









And here's one that isn't very useful for your scrapbook. I'm posting it as a reminder to take shots of the people you are with enjoying the shows and not just the shows themselves.

thanks mark, they are just soooo beautiful. i loved them all!!!!
that is some talent. and you say it's a hobby? well you're very good at it!
i've always wanted to do more with my camera. i have a canon digital rebelxt. i wish you lived near me and you could give a class on how to get the most from it! i know i'm not using it to it's full capacity.

thanks so much again for sharing them!!!!!


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