Our little thread of BIG changes, the neverending saga of the Resort Changers

Visitation tomorrow night, funeral Monday, drive to Chicago and stay the night Tuesday, then fly out Wednesday...ummm...we may be certifiably crazy, but DH said it was fate...Disney was the last real vacation his parents had (went with us), Disney was the trip we took right before we found out about MIL's cancer, and now I decided to change dates a few times so we go 2 days after her funeral...

I did book DH for 9 holes of golf on one of our mornings the latter part of our trip after my TA suggested it. :-) I think he'll like that...was also thinking about sending DS and DH to see the new Transformers movie while DD and I are at BBB and shopping? ;-)

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Visitation tomorrow night, funeral Monday, drive to Chicago and stay the night Tuesday, then fly out Wednesday...ummm...we may be certifiably crazy, but DH said it was fate...Disney was the last real vacation his parents had (went with us), Disney was the trip we took right before we found out about MIL's cancer, and now I decided to change dates a few times so we go 2 days after her funeral... I did book DH for 9 holes of golf on one of our mornings the latter part of our trip after my TA suggested it. :-) I think he'll like that...was also thinking about sending DS and DH to see the new Transformers movie while DD and I are at BBB and shopping? ;-) Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

I'm new to this thread. I just wanted to say that I am sorry about your MIL. I lost my mom in April 1998 and booked our first Disney trip shortly afterward for October that year. We had never been and I am so glad we went. It was a happy, magical place for DH and me. It was very healing to look ahead and not behind me. Now we take our children and, well, you know, it's just gotten more magical with them. It seems like fate taking you there so soon after the funeral. I hope you have a lovely trip!
Visitation tomorrow night, funeral Monday, drive to Chicago and stay the night Tuesday, then fly out Wednesday...ummm...we may be certifiably crazy, but DH said it was fate...Disney was the last real vacation his parents had (went with us), Disney was the trip we took right before we found out about MIL's cancer, and now I decided to change dates a few times so we go 2 days after her funeral...

I did book DH for 9 holes of golf on one of our mornings the latter part of our trip after my TA suggested it. :-) I think he'll like that...was also thinking about sending DS and DH to see the new Transformers movie while DD and I are at BBB and shopping? ;-)

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:hug: :grouphug:
I was all set to write about AKL and you pulled the old-changeroo! :goodvibes I think the Cars Suite will work great for your crew and I hope you have an awesome time! My friend LOVES AoA and the 3 beds are crucial!!!

Really excited about the Cars suite and I went through a whole day without changing anything! lol

I missed this yesterday :duck:


You can get a rollaway at HRH!!!! And I LOVE the Cars suite pics. The theming is amazing:love:

Oh cool, thanks for the heads up! :thumbsup2
Soooo happy to have found this thread! Here's where I'm at...originally had booked WL. Pool closing really hurt. Plus we had a few unexpected expenses pop up, so we moved to POR, RR. Now I have had a few unexpected bonuses from work pop up and am considering booking GF, Standard view. We are AP holders and am wondering if those rooms are going to be snatched up before I can make up my mind. What do y'all think? Go ahead and book now?? Or wait a few more weeks just to make sure nothing else pops up.

Very sorry to read about the losses. What a wonderful thread/place to come and be encouraged when you are facing life's challenges.
Really excited about the Cars suite and I went through a whole day without changing anything! lol

Oh cool, thanks for the heads up! :thumbsup2

Soooo happy to have found this thread! Here's where I'm at...originally had booked WL. Pool closing really hurt. Plus we had a few unexpected expenses pop up, so we moved to POR, RR. Now I have had a few unexpected bonuses from work pop up and am considering booking GF, Standard view. We are AP holders and am wondering if those rooms are going to be snatched up before I can make up my mind. What do y'all think? Go ahead and book now?? Or wait a few more weeks just to make sure nothing else pops up.

Very sorry to read about the losses. What a wonderful thread/place to come and be encouraged when you are facing life's challenges.
I happened upon this thread by accident, and I am so happy I did...we are a unique brand of DISers :dance3: :welcome:

Because of work at Poly and WL I would say if you want GF grab it! You can always change it again! Availability has been limited so if you see what you want ch-ch-change it. :goodvibes
OK now I have two reservations for the same dates. lol

First is for a room only at the AoA resort in a Cars family suites with NO free dining. I plan on buying park hoppers from Undercover tourist.

Second is for the Wilderness Lodge Bunkbed Courtyard view with Free dining.

The WL one is only 900.00 more(when you include park tickets) and it includes the free dining. But the only thing I worry about is the construction going on while we'll be there. And the AoA looks sooo much fun.

But with the Free dining, we'll do more restaurants and such that we wouldn't pay for out of pocket and that seems like a lot of fun too.

I thought I was done but then I just had to check one more time and the WL room popped up!
OK now I have two reservations for the same dates. lol

First is for a room only at the AoA resort in a Cars family suites with NO free dining. I plan on buying park hoppers from Undercover tourist.

Second is for the Wilderness Lodge Bunkbed Courtyard view with Free dining.

The WL one is only 900.00 more(when you include park tickets) and it includes the free dining. But the only thing I worry about is the construction going on while we'll be there. And the AoA looks sooo much fun.

But with the Free dining, we'll do more restaurants and such that we wouldn't pay for out of pocket and that seems like a lot of fun too.

I thought I was done but then I just had to check one more time and the WL room popped up!
:worship: Oooooohhhh that is tough..free food makes up for the extra $$$ right...But at least the construction is isolated to the pool right?? Oh IDK :scratchin
:worship: Oooooohhhh that is tough..free food makes up for the extra $$$ right...But at least the construction is isolated to the pool right?? Oh IDK :scratchin

I know it is tough!!! I posted a thread on it, maybe people can help sway me one way or another. It's driving me crazy! :crazy2:
Have a blast and SLATHER, RINSE, REPEAT!!!! :banana:

We were only in the sun in the pool for less than 3 hours, so I didn't think I needed to reapply the 110 spf sun block. My face and arms didn't burn like my shoulders, back and cleavage area did. We did have a great time though. We put a small person paddle boat in at the boat dock and let the boys play around. At one point my DH got in it with them. The DH got out after a free minutes because JM kept freaking out that he was going to sink them. We saw a ton of deer. You are not allowed to hunt them in their association. They are every where, and not afraid of humans at all. My mil has even been able to hand feed them. We even saw on baby deer that looked like it might have been born that day. It was so tiny and looked like it had a hard time walking.

Let me know if you have any SoG questions! Have stayed there three times (once we didn't even do Disney! ) Honestly, if it weren't for the great rate at WL, we'd be there this time -- the room size cannot be denied and DH prefers it over a mod due to location and equitable amenities. And the walk from resort to Poly is GORGEOUS!!! My only complaint are the EP and MK buses but we just walked to monorail... never had an issue with AK, HS, or BB bus, and if you catch DtD bus before crazy dinner rush, it's a breeze!

I think my friend's plan was walking to the monorail to get to EP and MK. Any advice you have about SoG, I would love to hear.

I am SOOOOO excited to have the house back! Even better is that I will be done driving all over this great state until late summer when BIL and SIL come out with their LO. We're all up in Central MD for a wedding, and then LO and I are going to enjoy some QT with my folks before the holiday weekend.

I'll be MIA this weekend. We're headed to the mil's family's lake house today. I'm ready to jump in that lake. Y'all have a good weekend, and cross your fingers I don't come back at red as a fire engine.

Happy weekend everyone! Off to a wedding in Annapolis this evening and MOH dress shopping with my sister tomorrow (strained relationship slowly repairing so it's a good thing but will be awkward). I go back to see my hip doctor Monday for a 6 month follow-up after the last surgery... slightly nervous but cautiously optimistic. Then it's just lazing with my folks until the holiday weekend, then DH will come back up after work and we'll watch some fireworks and celebrate LO's 1st birthday!!! *sighs* where does the time go????? :love:

Hope everyone has an AMAAAAZING weekend!!! Stay cool, stay covered (inside or with sunblock), and have fun!

I hope you had a great weekend and the dress shopping wasn't too awkward.


I think I'm starting to feel better....finally!!! I don't want to get to excited and then have everything come back full force :laughing:

We had an u/s a few days ago, and everything looks great. The little one was bouncing and wiggling all over the place. This is my last week of the 1st trimester, so hopefully only smooth pregnancy times ahead....pretty please!!! :wizard:

I'm glad you're starting to feel better!! Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy will be easy.

I can't believe how behind I am on packing....49 days to go!! Usually I have lists done and suitcases upstairs by 60 days. I've got nothing!! And I mean that literally...I'm in need of maternity clothes, but haven't purchased anything yet, so I really don't have a summer wardrobe yet. :scared1: DH says I need to go shopping ASAP. But today the girls have an all day softball tournament so it isn't happening today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! :goodvibes

I was lucky in that I didn't gain much weight with either pregnancy, but I was already big enough to begin with (around 200 lbs). With Joey, I gained 6 lbs, 4 of which was baby, and with JM I gained 16 lbs, 5 of which was baby.

Visitation tomorrow night, funeral Monday, drive to Chicago and stay the night Tuesday, then fly out Wednesday...ummm...we may be certifiably crazy, but DH said it was fate...Disney was the last real vacation his parents had (went with us), Disney was the trip we took right before we found out about MIL's cancer, and now I decided to change dates a few times so we go 2 days after her funeral...

:grouphug: More prayers

I did book DH for 9 holes of golf on one of our mornings the latter part of our trip after my TA suggested it. :-) I think he'll like that...was also thinking about sending DS and DH to see the new Transformers movie while DD and I are at BBB and shopping? ;-)

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Getting out some stress by hitting balls for 9 holes sounds like a great idea for your DH. I like the idea of y'all splitting up for the Transformers movie and BBB/shopping. Personally, I can't wait to see the Tranformer movie.

Soooo happy to have found this thread! Here's where I'm at...originally had booked WL. Pool closing really hurt. Plus we had a few unexpected expenses pop up, so we moved to POR, RR. Now I have had a few unexpected bonuses from work pop up and am considering booking GF, Standard view. We are AP holders and am wondering if those rooms are going to be snatched up before I can make up my mind. What do y'all think? Go ahead and book now?? Or wait a few more weeks just to make sure nothing else pops up.

Very sorry to read about the losses. What a wonderful thread/place to come and be encouraged when you are facing life's challenges.

:welcome: Personally, I would book GF. If you need to, you can always change it later.

OK now I have two reservations for the same dates. lol

First is for a room only at the AoA resort in a Cars family suites with NO free dining. I plan on buying park hoppers from Undercover tourist.

Second is for the Wilderness Lodge Bunkbed Courtyard view with Free dining.

The WL one is only 900.00 more(when you include park tickets) and it includes the free dining. But the only thing I worry about is the construction going on while we'll be there. And the AoA looks sooo much fun.

But with the Free dining, we'll do more restaurants and such that we wouldn't pay for out of pocket and that seems like a lot of fun too.

I thought I was done but then I just had to check one more time and the WL room popped up!

I would stay at the WL, because of FD. I hate to throw another idea into, and don't know about the pricing or if you would be interested in this resort. Have you thought about the AKL? Can you get FD at the AKL? We had so much fun on our last trip at the AKL, and especially at the pool.

Nothing new here on our trip. We're still waiting on our refunds to be able to book SoG. My friend's hubby is for sure taking his PT test the weekend of 7/12-13th. Once he passes, I'll buy my airfare, park tickets, and MVMCP tickets. I can't talk about this trip at all at home, or have anything (like tickets) shipped to the house. My DH doesn't want his dad to know I am going to WDW. He wants him to think I'm going to see my sister, but I already told my mil I was going to see a friend near Atlanta. He knows if my fil knows where I am actually going, he will complain and complain about us spending the money for another trip for me, when we could just give that money to them to help with repairs to their house.

Also, I'm thinking of buying the Midnight with Mickey Vera Bradley Hipster. My thinking is, if it's big enough to hold my Canon T3, extra lens, and wallet, I won't need to take the backpack. I just like to have the backpack in case it rains. If it does, I can put the camera in the camera bag, inside the backpack and it will keep the camera dry. I'm just not sure how much rain Orlando gets in early December.
So...we leave tomorrow and will be at POR on Wednesday. I have yet to begin packing or print out plans, etc. Busy day tomorrow, but all I want to do right now is sleep...

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So...we leave tomorrow and will be at POR on Wednesday. I have yet to begin packing or print out plans, etc. Busy day tomorrow, but all I want to do right now is sleep...

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:banana::banana: have a great time, you both deserve it and say hi to Bob Jackson!! Now get packing :scared1:
So...we leave tomorrow and will be at POR on Wednesday. I have yet to begin packing or print out plans, etc. Busy day tomorrow, but all I want to do right now is sleep...

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How exciting!! :cheer2: Hope you guys have a phenomenal vacation and its everything you need right now!

Now, time to pack!! :p
So...we leave tomorrow and will be at POR on Wednesday. I have yet to begin packing or print out plans, etc. Busy day tomorrow, but all I want to do right now is sleep...

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I hope you sleep well. Safe travels and have a great trip!!

pixiedust: Happy Canada Day tomorrow to my fellow RCers :goodvibes

I almost totally forgot that Canada Day was on our wedding anniversary. Happy Canada Day to all of our neighbors to the North.
Happy Tuesday :wave2:

An early morning pic from Fort Wilderness....:goodvibes

Koh.... Here's a little pixiedust: for safe travels and a fabulous trip!!! Y'all deserve it!!!! Everyone is excited for ya!!!


Sue & Jen.... Happy Canada Day!!!! :banana:

Wookie....Happy Anniversary!!! :cool1: How many years??!!

dimn...Did you have a good weekend??

Mouse...Any new clothes, yet??? :teeth:

hallie.... I would totally go with the WL:thumbsup2 JMO, of course ;) Such a beautiful resort. And if the pool is under construction, you can use FW or CR.

princess....GF all the way!!! ::yes:: Love it!!!!

Pas... you working today??

A big :wave: to anyone I missed!!!
Things have been crazy but finally have a minute to sit and catch up.

Happy Canada Day to our friends to the north!

I think I'm starting to feel better....finally!!! I don't want to get to excited and then have everything come back full force :laughing:

We had an u/s a few days ago, and everything looks great. The little one was bouncing and wiggling all over the place. This is my last week of the 1st trimester, so hopefully only smooth pregnancy times ahead....pretty please!!! :wizard:

I can't believe how behind I am on packing....49 days to go!! Usually I have lists done and suitcases upstairs by 60 days. I've got nothing!! And I mean that literally...I'm in need of maternity clothes, but haven't purchased anything yet, so I really don't have a summer wardrobe yet. :scared1: DH says I need to go shopping ASAP. But today the girls have an all day softball tournament so it isn't happening today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!! :goodvibes
:hug: and YAY for a great U/S! LO was so feisty in utero that we had to repeat our U/S twice (twice at 12 and twice at 20 wks)

I hope you found some cute clothes!!! I hated bring preggers in summer (HUMIDITY!!!) but I did love the sundresses and tank tops.

Yes, it is! We are members (free parking for us and other perks :)) and we go quite often. We also love the botanical garden too. They have "EMH" on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the summer and because DD wakes up early, we'll go and then have breakfast/lunch and then home for a nap. :goodvibes It's one of my favorite places to be.

I haven't been to the Magic House yet, but I've heard nothing but good things. We need to make it over there at some point. Same goes for the City Museum.

The Zoo and Magic House saved me on our cross country move!!! We found out the day we were leaving Cali DH had to report in 6 days instead of 15 so we drove to his folks, spent 2 days, then drove to my father's outside STL and DH flew from there to training. I spent a week in STL visiting family but had to entertain DD (almost 4 at the time). We did the zoo twice and spent hours at Magic House! (followed by Ted Drewes, of course!)

Visitation tomorrow night, funeral Monday, drive to Chicago and stay the night Tuesday, then fly out Wednesday...ummm...we may be certifiably crazy, but DH said it was fate...Disney was the last real vacation his parents had (went with us), Disney was the trip we took right before we found out about MIL's cancer, and now I decided to change dates a few times so we go 2 days after her funeral...

I did book DH for 9 holes of golf on one of our mornings the latter part of our trip after my TA suggested it. I think he'll like that...was also thinking about sending DS and DH to see the new Transformers movie while DD and I are at BBB and shopping?

I know it will be crazy but I think that this trip will be good for your fam. :hug: on getting through the first part of the week and *deep breath* for getting to the magic. I like your idea of sending the boys to see Transformers while you and DD do girly things... I think it might be good for the kids to have some one-on-one and will be a great treat for all!

Soooo happy to have found this thread! Here's where I'm at...originally had booked WL. Pool closing really hurt. Plus we had a few unexpected expenses pop up, so we moved to POR, RR. Now I have had a few unexpected bonuses from work pop up and am considering booking GF, Standard view. We are AP holders and am wondering if those rooms are going to be snatched up before I can make up my mind. What do y'all think? Go ahead and book now?? Or wait a few more weeks just to make sure nothing else pops up.

Very sorry to read about the losses. What a wonderful thread/place to come and be encouraged when you are facing life's challenges.

This is an amazing group and so supportive on all things Disney and non!

I like the GF idea if you can swing it! We liked POR but if I could get GF for a great rate it would be hard to say no!!!

Really excited about the Cars suite and I went through a whole day without changing anything! lol
OK now I have two reservations for the same dates. lol

First is for a room only at the AoA resort in a Cars family suites with NO free dining. I plan on buying park hoppers from Undercover tourist.

Second is for the Wilderness Lodge Bunkbed Courtyard view with Free dining.

The WL one is only 900.00 more(when you include park tickets) and it includes the free dining. But the only thing I worry about is the construction going on while we'll be there. And the AoA looks sooo much fun.

But with the Free dining, we'll do more restaurants and such that we wouldn't pay for out of pocket and that seems like a lot of fun too.

I thought I was done but then I just had to check one more time and the WL room popped up!

I would decide if the pool construction is a problem and go from there. Honestly, we are pool people but since I devoted set time to swim, going to a pool at another resort isn't a problem... but if your crew would have an issue, it might be worth holding onto AoA. FD does open a lot of great opportunities to eat at places that may have been out of reach before, though... so, like you, I'm undecided!!! :rotfl:

We were only in the sun in the pool for less than 3 hours, so I didn't think I needed to reapply the 110 spf sun block. My face and arms didn't burn like my shoulders, back and cleavage area did. We did have a great time though. We put a small person paddle boat in at the boat dock and let the boys play around. At one point my DH got in it with them. The DH got out after a free minutes because JM kept freaking out that he was going to sink them. We saw a ton of deer. You are not allowed to hunt them in their association. They are every where, and not afraid of humans at all. My mil has even been able to hand feed them. We even saw on baby deer that looked like it might have been born that day. It was so tiny and looked like it had a hard time walking.

I think my friend's plan was walking to the monorail to get to EP and MK. Any advice you have about SoG, I would love to hear.

I hope you had a great weekend and the dress shopping wasn't too awkward.

Nothing new here on our trip. We're still waiting on our refunds to be able to book SoG. My friend's hubby is for sure taking his PT test the weekend of 7/12-13th. Once he passes, I'll buy my airfare, park tickets, and MVMCP tickets. I can't talk about this trip at all at home, or have anything (like tickets) shipped to the house. My DH doesn't want his dad to know I am going to WDW. He wants him to think I'm going to see my sister, but I already told my mil I was going to see a friend near Atlanta. He knows if my fil knows where I am actually going, he will complain and complain about us spending the money for another trip for me, when we could just give that money to them to help with repairs to their house.

Also, I'm thinking of buying the Midnight with Mickey Vera Bradley Hipster. My thinking is, if it's big enough to hold my Canon T3, extra lens, and wallet, I won't need to take the backpack. I just like to have the backpack in case it rains. If it does, I can put the camera in the camera bag, inside the backpack and it will keep the camera dry. I'm just not sure how much rain Orlando gets in early December.

I love how relaxing your mini-vaca sounds! I hope you all had a blast! And will def come up with some SoG tips!

Dress shopping was good. Found some good options and helped sister 'realize' her vision - she was stressing because she couldn't articulate what she wanted and we were able to get a good visual to pass on. She loves the colors of a peacock and wanted the bridesmaids to wear black dresses and colored shoes, so we played with color swatches and found 5 colors that work together that pull from the peacock colors and it made decorations and flowers for the wedding fall into place. She's on a budget so we plan on using peacock feathers and silk flowers as the decorations.

Dec in FL is much drier than summer - still chances of rain but no monsoons from what I remember (we lived in Pensacola and Jax). I know what you mean about guilt for trips... some people around us have made some pointed comments about the fact we're going in Sept and in Dec. I just ignored it but I don't see what business it is of others. As my mom always said "people can afford what they want to afford." Also, we scored some great discounts for both trips making them just a hair more than going on one big trip.

So...we leave tomorrow and will be at POR on Wednesday. I have yet to begin packing or print out plans, etc. Busy day tomorrow, but all I want to do right now is sleep...

:grouphug: Thinking of you and your fam

Happy Tuesday

An early morning pic from Fort Wilderness....

Koh.... Here's a little pixiedust: for safe travels and a fabulous trip!!! Y'all deserve it!!!! Everyone is excited for ya!!!

Sue & Jen.... Happy Canada Day!!!! :banana:

Wookie....Happy Anniversary!!! :cool1: How many years??!!

dimn...Did you have a good weekend??

Mouse...Any new clothes, yet???

hallie.... I would totally go with the WL:thumbsup2 JMO, of course ;) Such a beautiful resort. And if the pool is under construction, you can use FW or CR.

princess....GF all the way!!! ::yes:: Love it!!!!

Pas... you working today??

A big :wave: to anyone I missed!!!

Heather, always LOVE your pics!!! Also, thanks so much for touching base with everyone!


Things were super crazy this weekend but can finally just enjoy some QT now! Friday we all (DDs, DH, ILs) drove up to my folks to make getting to the wedding in Annapolis on Sat easier (30 min drive v. 1.5 hr). It was hectic and crazy but nice to get the folks together (1800 miles limits their interaction). We did both DDs birthdays as a group (gifts and cake) so that DD6 wouldn't feel bad for 'missing' LO's 1st birthday.

The wedding was nice. While DH was in school a local family 'adopted' him (since the students can't go home often) and it was for his surrogate sister. I just love any excuse to see DH in his dress uniform and dance, and his folks ended up having a better time than they expected. Only downfall was we got back to my folks' close to midnight and the ILs and DD6 left EARLY the next AM. This is the first time DD6 is away for an extended time (so hard on momma!) but she's already having a blast so it makes it easier. Plus, LO is babbling up a storm since things are a bit quieter.

I had a follow-up for my hip yesterday and signs were good. Still need to touch base in a few months for an MRI but doc was happy with progress. I was able to dance all night at the wedding without much drama so I'm super thrilled - I love dancing and this is the first time in 6 years I could really start to let loose.

Today is BM dress shopping round II. Three of the four will be there (as well as bride). I think I found dresses for my DDs on ebay so I'm thrilled those are more affordable and don't mind paying a little more for mine (sister is open but we both like a more expensive one for me).

I can't believe it's July!!! I've been booked for Sept trip for a year! And all those RCers whose trips seemed eons away are here! :eek: *HUGS* to you all and I wish nothing but pixiedust: and :beach:!!!!
So...we leave tomorrow and will be at POR on Wednesday. I have yet to begin packing or print out plans, etc. Busy day tomorrow, but all I want to do right now is sleep...

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Have a GREAT trip!!!!!!!! pixiedust:
I would decide if the pool construction is a problem and go from there. Honestly, we are pool people but since I devoted set time to swim, going to a pool at another resort isn't a problem... but if your crew would have an issue, it might be worth holding onto AoA. FD does open a lot of great opportunities to eat at places that may have been out of reach before, though... so, like you, I'm undecided!!! :rotfl:

hallie.... I would totally go with the WL:thumbsup2 JMO, of course ;) Such a beautiful resort. And if the pool is under construction, you can use FW or CR.

I was totally leaning towards the WL!!! But then someone, in the thread I started, mentioned that there son who was 5"1 didn't fit well in the top bunk, because it's close to the ceiling. My son is 5"5.:crowded: I think that maybe the deciding factor and we're gonna go with AoA. Still hoping a discount code comes out for our dates!!! So for now, I think I maybe decided. :rotfl:


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