News Round Up 2018

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You absolutely do not need a fastpass for it anyway. You can just wander in a bit before showtime. There have been plenty of seats both times I watched it.

Thanks for the tip!

I'm working with a program now that helps students who are having trouble with tuition costs because of unanticipated challenges - anything to help cut the cost of higher ed is wonderful in my book...I do hope that they are partnering with/pointing employees toward accredited programs.

I just heard about it on the radio at lunchtime. It sounds like they're starting with online only programs but it's still a step in the right direction and I'm happy to see they're offering this to their employees!
45 Bucks? Must be some really good ice cream. I'll stick with my old standby, Blue Bell Chocolate Mint. :mickeybar

Well, you are paying for cream and other ingredients when you buy other ice creams. Blue Bell is mainly air, water, and sugar. I used to work at an ice cream store where I had to make the ice cream. Even the your local grocery store brand, well at HEB, has a higher butterfat content and is whipped less than Blue Bell. The butterfat content and the amount of air whipped in are used to judge the quality of ice cream.

I might skip this on my next trip. Slime in the ice machine is gross; however, cockroaches and foods at unsafe temps is how people get food poisoning.

It's news but it's not really worrisome to me at least with the exception of the amount of violations.

A lot of people don't realize the restaurants they frequent at home have probably had violations over time. Plus anyone who eats chocolate
should know there's a threshold for insects allowed inside the food. It's still not ok to have insects flying around/being around the food a lot especially roaches which are icky thought

Seems like they got it corrected very quick as it said it was closed and reopened later that day.

I know our local news has a list of monthly health inspection fails and violations.

Unsafe temps is a no no. That's how people get sick. I used to work in kitchen that was inspected by the health department, as well an ice cream store. I don't get bent out of shape about most lighting or structural violations or food on the floor. I do avoid places that have failed their health inspections.
Unsafe temps is a no no. That's how people get sick. I used to work in kitchen that was inspected by the health department, as well an ice cream store. I don't get bent out of shape about most lighting or structural violations or food on the floor. I do avoid places that have failed their health inspections.
To the bolded that sorta goes without saying :) I'm a lot more cautious than I used to be with just normal picnics lol.

All I'm saying is there's no need, right now at least, to create a panic and boycott a place and I'm not saying that's what people would do but certaintly linking up an article tagged as "Toothsome Shut Down" (edited: corrected wording) (which wasn't even accurate at the time of the PP's post) along with "Roaches" certaintly gets people's attention but the fact that they reopened that day is really good. People would be surprised how many places they go to have failed heath inspections was my point not to actually nitpick each and every violation.
Curious -- does mom's panel really get much traffic? I checked it out when it first started and it wasn't nearly as useful as DIS -- and entirely "sanitized", for lack of a better word. So I've never looked at it again. But I guess people who don't know about boards like these or feel more comfortable getting Disney-sanctioned answers must use it.
I have a close friend who is on the Mom's Panel and she always trying to get me to apply. But honestly, I never use the Mom's Panel because the Dis is a better source of unbiased information.
I have a close friend who is on the Mom's Panel and she always trying to get me to apply. But honestly, I never use the Mom's Panel because the Dis is a better source of unbiased information.
I agree, I like the dis answers way better. The moms panel answers always include a paragraph or two of personal antecdotes before getting to the answer. I like more short and to the point (and dis seems to have more inside info too).
If I may Jackie, what does a Mom's panelist do besides answering questions on the website?
That's pretty much it, although, sometimes, certain panelists are chosen to go to certain media events and oftentimes, they do stuff for media in their own hometowns. I did a huge interview for a big Savannah magazine and it was pretty cool. Sometimes you're asked to participate in the filming of videos that Disney will use for various projects too. If you like that sort of thing, it's pretty awesome!

Also, and I may write more about this at some point, but when the 'Moms' answer questions on the panel, they do it based on their own experiences as guests at the parks. So, it's kind of a YMMV because not everyone's experiences are the same and interpretations can be so different - it's all very subjective. I remember back in the beginning of the panel, there were always accusations flying online about people thinking the Moms Panel people didn't know what they were talking about, but when you know their answers are based on their own experiences, you can understand that everyone experiences the magic differently. :goodvibes
That's pretty much it, although, sometimes, certain panelists are chosen to go to certain media events and oftentimes, they do stuff for media in their own hometowns. I did a huge interview for a big Savannah magazine and it was pretty cool. Sometimes you're asked to participate in the filming of videos that Disney will use for various projects too. If you like that sort of thing, it's pretty awesome!

Also, and I may write more about this at some point, but when the 'Moms' answer questions on the panel, they do it based on their own experiences as guests at the parks. So, it's kind of a YMMV because not everyone's experiences are the same and interpretations can be so different - it's all very subjective. I remember back in the beginning of the panel, there were always accusations flying online about people thinking the Moms Panel people didn't know what they were talking about, but when you know their answers are based on their own experiences, you can understand that everyone experiences the magic differently. :goodvibes

Do people on the Mom's Panel get paid?
That's pretty much it, although, sometimes, certain panelists are chosen to go to certain media events and oftentimes, they do stuff for media in their own hometowns. I did a huge interview for a big Savannah magazine and it was pretty cool. Sometimes you're asked to participate in the filming of videos that Disney will use for various projects too. If you like that sort of thing, it's pretty awesome!

Also, and I may write more about this at some point, but when the 'Moms' answer questions on the panel, they do it based on their own experiences as guests at the parks. So, it's kind of a YMMV because not everyone's experiences are the same and interpretations can be so different - it's all very subjective. I remember back in the beginning of the panel, there were always accusations flying online about people thinking the Moms Panel people didn't know what they were talking about, but when you know their answers are based on their own experiences, you can understand that everyone experiences the magic differently. :goodvibes
Ok thanks!
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