New Years Eve .....


DIS Veteran
Jan 6, 2007
Hi there

We are going to be "Home" (well - SSR currently, praying for a waitlisted 1BR at Copper Creek) Dec 27-Jan8 - for our first time around Christmas / New Year

We have ADR's for Cinderella Royal Table on 31st Dec and then Artist Point later in the day - but wondering would we be able to get back into a park (MK preferably or Epcot) after our AP res (which is 5.45 for the 4 of us)

Although we have been many times, this will be our first time at NYE - so have no knowledge of how busy / easy it would be

Thanks in advance !!
We have always done MK on December 30th and Epcot on the 31st. We have never been shut out of Epcot on the 31st, I do not know how late you can plan to enter the MK that night.
I may be wrong about this, but when they close parks due to capacity, don't they give preference to AP holders and on site guests? I think there are rolling levels of closures, and that those two categories are at the top of the list to allow in. Your having already been in the park that day probably helps as well.
I'm basing this on what I've read about previous closures. Perhaps if you look up news articles on them they can give you more specific information than my memory is providing.
I do not know about preferences for AP holders or those staying on site, but do know as to park closure, the first thing that usually gets closed out is the parking lot so anyone driving to a park won't be able to get in. There is always some risk of closure at MK or Epcot on NYE but it happens only rarely.

I have done both MK and Epcot on NYE and consder Epcot the better choice. The street cowds are huge to the point that you can be walking to somewhere and hit large pockets where you cannot move at all, with MK being worse than Epcot even though Epcot has the better evening events -- the last time we did MK on NYE, it took about 45 minutes in the evening to walk from Space Mountain to Pirates of the Caribbean.
We've done Epcot for NYE. It was crowded for sure, but I would think that you're probably going to be fine getting in. I think that you have worse odds for getting into MK, but you probably could do it. Hopefully, you're not driving your own vehicle. That would decrease your chances.

One thing that I recall is that the line to the bathrooms were crazy long, especially the women's. Plan your pit stops accordingly. Use the facilities at any restaurants you visit. A bathroom fastpass would have been worth hundreds NYE. I think it has something to do with people drinking alcohol, but I could be wrong....

Don't expect to get too many 'rides' in that day, but don't shy away from going. It was an experience that was worth it. Pack your patience and enjoy being part of it.
Just know that it's going to take you a long time to get back to SSR from the parks. Traffic is absolutely insane after midnight. Agree with others that Epcot is the better choice for NYE.
We did MK last year and had a blast! Main Street closed early in the day and we had to watch fireworks from behind the castle near Mine Train which was still a nice spot.
We got to ride several rides no wait longer than an hr, watch the parade, and there were still fast passes available (we weren't able to get them until day of, long story). At some points it was hard to work, but it wasn't terrible (everyone was on Mian Street, ha!) the bathroom lines got long at times, search out ones tucked away.
We got done with dinner inside the castle around 9 and got to ride Haunted Mansion with a super short wait, and take pictures with the lantern by the Tangles bathrooms with NO wait! Then after fireworks we walked right on Mine Train. So it worked out in my opinion.
It did take over an hr to get from Mine Train to our car. We stayed off property and we finally got back,to our room a little after 2am.
It was an amazing day and probably once in a life time. I wouldn't leave and go back, but I'd just be nervous about getting back in, I was nervous when we were there and we got there around 8 am.
What do you mean “ Main Street closed early in the day”? How does that work?
What do you mean “ Main Street closed early in the day”? How does that work?
I mean that it reached capacity and they wouldn’t let anyone else in that area.
People staked out their spot for the fireworks early. Which worked out for us with “short” lines
I guess just the sidewalks were open? That’s really weird. I can’t imagine standing like a herd of cattle all day in one spot. They’re fireworks. They’re in the sky making them visible from all over.
I guess just the sidewalks were open? That’s really weird. I can’t imagine standing like a herd of cattle all day in one spot. They’re fireworks. They’re in the sky making them visible from all over.

They have started utilizing what used to be cast only areas in order to get people around Main Street. You now walk behind the shops. When they fill it for normal viewing, they first fill up the hub, but then have you walk behind the shops to the front of the park and then walk to fill front to back. Once that area is full, there's not much else they can do.
I guess just the sidewalks were open? That’s really weird. I can’t imagine standing like a herd of cattle all day in one spot. They’re fireworks. They’re in the sky making them visible from all over.
I don’t know, we stayed mostly behind the castle after entering. There was an exit open in Tomorrowland most of the day for guests leaving. Once we left,that exit was closed and Main Street was open again and we left through the entrance which was a nightmare. I wish we would have stayed longer to let the crowd thin out more.
If you have ever gone to a holiday party and/or Halloween it is the same entrance they use for that that is their excess flow.
At the Magic Kingdom we have also been led out of an entrance to the right of Casey’s as you face Casey’s with your back to the castle. This was on one December 30th. Ever since then, I Book BLT on that day so we can view the fireworks from TOTW!
At the Magic Kingdom we have also been led out of an entrance to the right of Casey’s as you face Casey’s with your back to the castle. This was on one December 30th. Ever since then, I Book BLT on that day so we can view the fireworks from TOTW!
I've been through that exit too, but was on just a regular night in June (not like one of the Halloween/Christmas parties or NYE), right after the fireworks were over. It sure detracts from the "magic" of MK seeing the recycled cardboard boxes out and all the employee signs and back of the shops. :(
How do you get into the shops? Sorry I’m still confused.

I’d guess that you don’t get into the shops. You might convince a CM to let you pass but perhaps not if it’s a strict hold on people entering that area. You’d want to do shopping some other time - either early or plan on waiting a bit until after a lot of people have exited. Or else plan to shop in other parts of the park.
I suppose once you get to the Main Street square you could enter the Emporium. I do not know if they would prevent that.

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