(New TR Link) Yo Ho, Yo Ho- Rum and Sharks for Me!An Eastern Fantasy TR May 31-June 7

Yay! Great update! It was just the thing I needed on this chilly morning while I sit here all stuffed up with itchy eyes.

All the family pictures look cute! The girls even match with their colors! And I'm pretty sure magic bands make any picture 100% better cuz it means you're in Disney!

I like the picture if Charlie eating her Mickey bar. We had dilly bars from DQ the other day. They were sort of Mickey bars, but you know, not.

Can NOT wait to hear about castaway cay!!

No being sick! That's not the way to start off a New Year!

How right you are about the magic bands making the pictures better because it means you are in Disney. Sometimes I forget it's all about perspective!

Castaway Cay. My fave. :cloud9:

All caught up. Need more updates.

Hoping to do another one tomorrow! Thanks for reading and sticking around in the worlds longest ever trip report. Hahahahah!!! ;)
Happy 2015 Everyone! I was happier in the post I wrote 10 minutes ago that I lost... but alas.... it was not meant to be.. so you will have deal with a slightly more crabby Tinker326.

But Happy 2015 nonetheless. And here I am with TWO (yes, count them TWO) updates in one week. Miracles can happen. But don't expect much from this trend! I'll be back to non-updating soon.

2015 should be a great year filled with lots of great trips that maybe I'll start TR on and never finish.

But for now, let's get a little bit further on our last full day on the boat. Always bittersweet.. .as it's the last day but it's to the best place in the Caribbean. It's Castaway Cay day.

Now, there are many reasons I love Castaway Cay.. but what is my favorite? Is it the serene beauty of the crystal clear waters? No. Is it that my lunch is free & I don't need to pay anything extra (included in cruise cost!). No. Is it the exciting and fast paced hermit crab races? No. It's because they place a net around the family beach to keep sharks out. No joke... they really do.

I can frolic and play to my hearts content without fear of being someone's lunch. Oh, and they also have alcohol.

So enough talk. Pictures.

We woke up at 7:30 and applied the sunscreen. And by 'we' I mean me. My husband was claiming to be on 'vacation'. Must be nice..this 'vacation' thing.

It was forecasted to be overcast but it was sunny! Disney gods were shining down on us today! We headed up for breakfast at Cabana's and watched as we pulled into Castaway.

We quickly ate & headed down to disembark. We decided to walk to the Family Beach instead of taking the tram. As I wanted 'photo ops' on the way there.

This proved to set the tone of the early morning as it was HOT! HOT! HOT! and this made hubby and Sarah CRANKY! CRANKY! CRANKY!

I can't get them to pose under normal conditions, so add in the above... hmm.. me thinks magical wonderful perfect family photos of our wonderful trip to Castaway were not happening..............

But we were here... and that's enough, right?

First unhappy photo op. Sarah will still be in it! Under threat of her life.

Second unhappy photo op. All three kids still in it. All three unhappy to be facing full sun. All three under threat to smile AND keep their eyes open for the picture.

Hubby is NOWHERE to be found because he was walking to a pace similar to what I normally run to get a spot on the beach. Sarah quickly joined him and I lost both of them for awhile while I still tried to force photo ops on the other two.

I mean here's Mickey. On Castaway. Family picture please?

Well, close enough? Who needs grumpy gusses anyways?

The little store on the island.

I mean, $hit.. it's not Disney without a gift store, right?

She's looking for the alcohol....

No fear lushy Gram, the little island boys will come right up to your beach chair and get you a drink!

Let's go find where our chairs are!

We meandered down the family beach..closer to the far end.... to find where Kurt and Sarah plopped themselves....

We were not too far from the first play area....

Kurt and the older girls quickly decided to head out to snorkel before the course got stirred up with sand....

He had the camera and recorded their adventure on film.

A FISH! A real live tropical fish!

Another fish. That's two whole fish.

The last cruise ship.

The point Rebecca freaked out and started screaming underwater. She prefers fish flying solo to schools of fish.

A Shark.

No? Ok. It was a fish butt. Bet you always wanted to know what a fish butt looked like.

A snorkeling butt.

The Loch Ness Monster.

An attempt at photobombing cut off by a poor photographer.

Strangest fish in the sea. The Tweenleg Fish. Only in Disney... only in Disney people.

Another boat. Probably a Small World Boat gone astray from the Happiest Voyage in the World. Probably sunk by Kill-Joys who can't stand that particular ship like my hubby.

Actually, upon further reflection, it looks a lot like the Jaws boat. Am I right?

More fine photography skills... Cap't Kill Joy & the Minnie Statue. And that rare, strange "Tweenleg" fish.

That thing is as scary as shark & was following us around like a shark.

Mickey got irritated at Minnie. Probably it was her voice. And sent her to sleep with the fish. Namely, the tweenleg fish.

Man, I just took this post dark. Sorry Walt.

Another fish.

He is grumpy looking.

You know what would make this picture better? If you saw Jaw lurking in the background. I mean, not because Jaws was eating my husband.. more because it would just have really been a cool picture.

Are you all tired from underwater pictures? Me too.

And I'm almost out of space for this post.

After their exciting snorkeling adventure which was rated as "AWESOME" by all involved.... it was time to enjoy the water!! Which several of us were already doing.......

Hehe. More pictures of my mom in a bathing suit. So glad she doesn't read this.

Notice how I only pose & post pictures of me where you can't see me in a bathing suit!

And that, my friends, is the end of this post as I can't post anymore pics. You will all have to wait for the rest. Probably sometime in Feb.

Happy New Year!
Wow, 2 updates in a week! So much excitement! I'm glad you didn't encounter any sharks. I refuse to swim in the ocean...too much fish poop. Looks like a wonderful day.

Jill in CO
Wow, 2 updates in a week! So much excitement! I'm glad you didn't encounter any sharks. I refuse to swim in the ocean...too much fish poop. Looks like a wonderful day.

Jill in CO

Fish poop. Probably human poop. Human remains. So much to not think about..... which is why I concentrate on only the things with sharp teeth........ by diverting my fears to one, I alleviate all others! :thumbsup2
Well, I loved your update!!! You have this itty bitty sarcastic tone in some of your comments that make me think we are way too much alike!! I'm glad Lushy Grams was able to be photographed with you even though Sarah pooped out. Looks like a great day! :thumbsup2
Well, I loved your update!!! You have this itty bitty sarcastic tone in some of your comments that make me think we are way too much alike!! I'm glad Lushy Grams was able to be photographed with you even though Sarah pooped out. Looks like a great day! :thumbsup2

itty bitty? Most people call my sarcastic tone big as h#ll. I'm pretty incapable of speaking non-sarcastic.

You serious Clark?

Lushy Gram only consented to photographs because she has no idea they are being displayed on the wide open web. Shh... our secret. :rolleyes1
I am doing okay, still sick a little but it's bearable right now!

Yay! Another update!
Tons of beautiful pics! Love the underwater pictures!

I love castaway cay, you are making miss sad we are no longer planning a cruise!:lmao: oh well a baby's a pretty good substitute right?
I have been so entertained..laughing outloud enjoying your writings and report! i am a inexperinced DIS lurker, searching for any and all info before going on a 7 night Fantasy criuse on Jan 24. You are very talented and I wanted to say thank you for the laughs and info.! I am both a mom..special needs son and I cruising soon, and also a drunk Gram in training. My first and probably only grandchild, Lily, not coming with me this trip, but I will practice;-). thanks again for each post.
itty bitty? Most people call my sarcastic tone big as h#ll. I'm pretty incapable of speaking non-sarcastic.

You serious Clark?

Lushy Gram only consented to photographs because she has no idea they are being displayed on the wide open web. Shh... our secret. :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: I laughed out loud when she said itty bitty!!!!!! :lmao:

Castaway Cay looks amazing! Ok, I will finally admit to you that I have a bit of a fear of sharks as well...and fish...or anything living...biting my toes...when in water other than a pool. I never get to go to the beach, so I don't talk about it much and it's certainly not as full blown as your shark addiction, :laughing: but having a net to keep them out actually looks pretty cool! I love that!

It looks like an awesome last day! :goodvibes
Loving this two updates thing! Oh how you've spoiled us all!

I love that underwater Minnie statue! I'm gonna have to find that when we finally get to castaway cay (260 days if anyone wants to know). And I have to admit, I don't blame anyone for some underwater screaming! As much as I love the ocean and find a beach to seem like pure heaven, I do not enjoy that first time you stick your face underwater and find schools of fish swimming right around you that you never even realized where there and could possibly touch you or nibble a toe.....sorry. I get so worked up about harmless fish that I can't even get to freaked out by a shark!

I love the pics you got on the way in! I am super excited about the mt rushmore-y one. I know I'll be yelling at my crew to slap a smile on their faces too.
Loving this two updates thing! Oh how you've spoiled us all!

I love that underwater Minnie statue! I'm gonna have to find that when we finally get to castaway cay (260 days if anyone wants to know). And I have to admit, I don't blame anyone for some underwater screaming! As much as I love the ocean and find a beach to seem like pure heaven, I do not enjoy that first time you stick your face underwater and find schools of fish swimming right around you that you never even realized where there and could possibly touch you or nibble a toe.....sorry. I get so worked up about harmless fish that I can't even get to freaked out by a shark!

I love the pics you got on the way in! I am super excited about the mt rushmore-y one. I know I'll be yelling at my crew to slap a smile on their faces too.

:cool1: 260 days!! You know it will fly!

LOL...it's been so long since I've been to the beach and I've spent so much time making fun of Nicole that I forgot...when I go in the ocean, I frantically kick my feet THE WHOLE TIME because I figure it will deter most the the fish that want to bite my toes! :rotfl2:
Loving this two updates thing! Oh how you've spoiled us all!

I love that underwater Minnie statue! I'm gonna have to find that when we finally get to castaway cay (260 days if anyone wants to know). And I have to admit, I don't blame anyone for some underwater screaming! As much as I love the ocean and find a beach to seem like pure heaven, I do not enjoy that first time you stick your face underwater and find schools of fish swimming right around you that you never even realized where there and could possibly touch you or nibble a toe.....sorry. I get so worked up about harmless fish that I can't even get to freaked out by a shark!

I love the pics you got on the way in! I am super excited about the mt rushmore-y one. I know I'll be yelling at my crew to slap a smile on their faces too.

Oh and since I have you here at 3am with no one else to talk to and I LOVE taking over Nicole's TR with my rambles...

Your screename always makes me smile. I grew up in STL! Moved to St. James (near Rolla) 10 years ago but my mom and sister still live there. :goodvibes
I am doing okay, still sick a little but it's bearable right now!

Yay! Another update!
Tons of beautiful pics! Love the underwater pictures!

I love castaway cay, you are making miss sad we are no longer planning a cruise!:lmao: oh well a baby's a pretty good substitute right?

I'd say a baby is a pretty darn good substitute!!!

And someday you'll get to take that cruise with both your beautiful babes! And it'll be even more special! :flower3:

I have been so entertained..laughing outloud enjoying your writings and report! i am a inexperinced DIS lurker, searching for any and all info before going on a 7 night Fantasy criuse on Jan 24. You are very talented and I wanted to say thank you for the laughs and info.! I am both a mom..special needs son and I cruising soon, and also a drunk Gram in training. My first and probably only grandchild, Lily, not coming with me this trip, but I will practice;-). thanks again for each post.

Aww, thanks for following along. I give mad props to anyone who sticks around for my lengthy drawn out reports! :thumbsup2

Your cruise is just around the corner- how fun!! And glad to hear you are doing lushy gram practice. Those Gram's are the best! And funniest! :rotfl:

:rotfl2: I laughed out loud when she said itty bitty!!!!!! :lmao:

Castaway Cay looks amazing! Ok, I will finally admit to you that I have a bit of a fear of sharks as well...and fish...or anything living...biting my toes...when in water other than a pool. I never get to go to the beach, so I don't talk about it much and it's certainly not as full blown as your shark addiction, :laughing: but having a net to keep them out actually looks pretty cool! I love that!

It looks like an awesome last day! :goodvibes

Ann needs some of this, Karen... :crowded: Mockingbird! YHEA!

Becca totally freaked out I guess at the school of fish- and so I when I asked her if she wanted to do night snorkeling on a tour in Hawaii to see the gigantic Manta Rays and she said yes... I said "are you sure?"

And then my husband said to me just the other day we need to do the shark encounter tour in Hawaii and I was like, uh. No. W T F are you thinking? But then I looked it up and got all intrigued because you are in a cage... but then I thought.. don't be stupid Nicole. And then I went and watched Mad Men.

And is it bad I check daily Tiger shark sightings in Hawaii? :)

Loving this two updates thing! Oh how you've spoiled us all!

I love that underwater Minnie statue! I'm gonna have to find that when we finally get to castaway cay (260 days if anyone wants to know). And I have to admit, I don't blame anyone for some underwater screaming! As much as I love the ocean and find a beach to seem like pure heaven, I do not enjoy that first time you stick your face underwater and find schools of fish swimming right around you that you never even realized where there and could possibly touch you or nibble a toe.....sorry. I get so worked up about harmless fish that I can't even get to freaked out by a shark!

I love the pics you got on the way in! I am super excited about the mt rushmore-y one. I know I'll be yelling at my crew to slap a smile on their faces too.

I can't tell you where that Minnie Statue is as I didn't go out with them. I believe there is also a Mickey one... The snorkeling course is WAY out there..and they say to do it first thing before it gets all stirred up.

Also, I do recommend that maybe you buy a snorkeling kit at Target before you go because the rentals are crazy expensive (like $30 a person)

I guess I don't get too freaked out by fish nibbling toes because my parents own a house on a lake and the fish there always nibble toes/legs when floating or swimming..... I got used to it. So long as they don't have teeth, I'm good....

260!! Woot!! So exciting.......................... are you doing FE?

:cool1: 260 days!! You know it will fly!

LOL...it's been so long since I've been to the beach and I've spent so much time making fun of Nicole that I forgot...when I go in the ocean, I frantically kick my feet THE WHOLE TIME because I figure it will deter most the the fish that want to bite my toes! :rotfl2:

That's what I'm here for- to make fun of. It's my sole purpose in life. That and to complain incessantly about running. :thumbsup2
:cool1: 260 days!! You know it will fly!

LOL...it's been so long since I've been to the beach and I've spent so much time making fun of Nicole that I forgot...when I go in the ocean, I frantically kick my feet THE WHOLE TIME because I figure it will deter most the the fish that want to bite my toes! :rotfl2:

Oh and since I have you here at 3am with no one else to talk to and I LOVE taking over Nicole's TR with my rambles...

Your screename always makes me smile. I grew up in STL! Moved to St. James (near Rolla) 10 years ago but my mom and sister still live there. :goodvibes

kick my feet frantically! why didn't I think of that?!? genius!

I didn't realize you were from st Louis! I moved here from Nebraska about 15 years ago and really love it!

I can't tell you where that Minnie Statue is as I didn't go out with them. I believe there is also a Mickey one... The snorkeling course is WAY out there..and they say to do it first thing before it gets all stirred up.

Also, I do recommend that maybe you buy a snorkeling kit at Target before you go because the rentals are crazy expensive (like $30 a person)

I guess I don't get too freaked out by fish nibbling toes because my parents own a house on a lake and the fish there always nibble toes/legs when floating or swimming..... I got used to it. So long as they don't have teeth, I'm good....

260!! Woot!! So exciting.......................... are you doing FE?

good tip on snorkeling asap and looking for mickey too! I think I've seen a picture of the mickey one, but didn't know about Minnie. or that renting snorkel stuff would be so expensive! we'll def have to bring our own. i'm going to start a PTR for the cruise soon. I expect you to be there giving me all your excellent tips!

I haven't decided on doing FE yet. did you like it? I think the girls would really love it, but I know it's just another thing I would have to stress out about, especially if we had a huge group.
good tip on snorkeling asap and looking for mickey too! I think I've seen a picture of the mickey one, but didn't know about Minnie. or that renting snorkel stuff would be so expensive! we'll def have to bring our own. i'm going to start a PTR for the cruise soon. I expect you to be there giving me all your excellent tips!

I haven't decided on doing FE yet. did you like it? I think the girls would really love it, but I know it's just another thing I would have to stress out about, especially if we had a huge group.

I will most def. be over on your PTR!!!

We bought snorkel stuff for the girls at Target for like $15. Gave it to them in their Easter basket..... It worked great. We ended up having to rent snorkel for an adult only at Castaway and ended up only getting the one set because it was so expensive to rent. Which is why I didn't go out.....

I loved FE but it is stressful. And can be expensive...although you are very crafty, so you might be fine! My girls LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it... so that made it worth it. And we got some very awesome gifts! :lovestruc
To set the stage, we are still at the wondrous pixie-dust filled island that Disney has created called Castaway Cay.

This island may be the driving force on why we pay bigger bucks to cruise Disney over other lines. This island is wonderful. This island is MY Disney :cloud9:

This island has all my requirements for maximum enjoyment on a beach. And that list is simple my friends. Alcohol. And no sharks. The only thing that would make this beach better is if Disney also provided me George Clooney..but alas, Tinkerbell is not that good. I'll survive.

This post will mostly be pictures because my notes literally say "Swim, Beautiful Day, Play in Sand, Swim More, Burn, and Drink". It also says DH leaves early (killjoy) and we stay longer.

So first up- Swim.

Almost such a cute picture till that dang kid photobombed it in the background. Really kid?

A staple of all ocean/beach trips. My feet. I hate to be photographed in my swimsuit.. so my feet stand in. They are soooooooooooo happy here....

This girl is having a blast! Straight up lovin' it. McDonald's style.

Aww. Cubbie love. We kinda like each other here.....

This is the ONLY picture I got of all three girls that doesn't have a gigantic water splotch over the lens. This only has a teeeny-tiny splotch. And hence, the downfall of the underwater camera.... water spots....

They are still all really, really happy here though!

At some point the older two headed over to try their luck on the water ropes course....

Sis gives it a try

B moves over to the ropes.....

These two continue to do what they do best.... sit back and watch me do all the work.

As their punishment, I post pictures of them in their swimsuits in my trip report. Fair trade.

Eventually back into the water to swim they go.

Itty Bitty grabs her bucket to play.

Hubby grabs his beer to play.

Gram naps in the water. Charlie babysits her to make sure she doesn't slip in and drown.

My fair headed babe starts to burn but nothing stops this girl from fun in the sun and sand....

Remember the forecast was 'overcast today'? Look at that brilliant blue sky! It's like Disney knew we paid thousands and thousands (and thousands) of dollars for THIS day..and made it perfect.

Yup she's still having fun too!

As my FE gift for the little kids I provided a "Build An Olaf" kit complete with sand bucket, and Olaf accessories. I made one for my kids as well & they built Olaf.

We got lots & lots of compliments from other Disney goers.

Yhea, come on peeps- you knew it wasn't long.......

Drunken Grandma had to get her drink on! Nothing makes Gram smile more than holding that suite nectar of the gods- alcohol.

(I would like to legally disclaim (same as car side mirrors) that Grandmas appear drunker than they are in the mirror.. I mean... real life. Grandma is NOT an alcoholic except on Saturdays from Sept-June & then everyday except Saturday July & August when she's floating on her lake)

We did not build this- but it was way cool. Our ship in sand creation

Allright, allright. So I had one (or two) as well. Bottoms up. Drink o' the Day. It was good- whatever it was!

Have to do Mickey in the sand for my Scrapbook Title Page!

Somewhere in there, a little girl crashed hard.

And ONLY because it's a cute picture of her do I make the ultimate sacrafice as a mother and post this picture. The one & only picture of me in a swimsuit.

You may now burn the image from your mind.

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

Dang that's it. That's the last picture I have to leave you with. That stinks.. perhaps I should reconsider this.......

Nah, too lazy.

So anyways, really... this was it. Dh went back to the ship early- he is fair headed too & was burnt. Gram and I stayed and let the kids frolic some more till we packed up and decided to head back to the ship around 3:30.

Our time at Castaway as at an end. Insert heavy sobbing.

Even more depressing.. our cruise was almost at an end. As once back on the ship- it becomes time to 'pack up'. Boo. Hiss.

And that is where I shall leave you. I am SO close to finishing this report. My goal is by the time I leave for Princess Half in approx. 30 days!
I will NOT burn that picture from my mind! That's the most adorable Fing picture EVER!!! I love it. :lovestruc

all that beachy, swimmy stuff was cool too. (I'm big on words today Tweed) ;)
I will NOT burn that picture from my mind! That's the most adorable Fing picture EVER!!! I love it. :lovestruc

all that beachy, swimmy stuff was cool too. (I'm big on words today Tweed) ;)

Just like a true Tweedle. You are disregarding all instructions and doing what you want.

Do you realize that in exactly ONE MONTH, at this time, will be our first Tweedle magical meeting where you bring me free drinks off your flight?


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