(New TR Link) Yo Ho, Yo Ho- Rum and Sharks for Me!An Eastern Fantasy TR May 31-June 7

I feel really badly for laughing so long at drunk Gram going down the AquaDuck! Priceless!

I must go on a Disney cruise! It looks so fun!

I do love cruising... whether it be Disney or other lines! Although it's not for everyone...........but it's good to give it a go to see if you like it! :thumbsup2

Drunk Grandma's are extra- not available on all ships or destinations. :rotfl2:
That mini golf course is sipper cute! Your kiddos are super cute playing too!

Love the character meets! I also love that your DD is still so into them! kids grow up so fast these days, the world can be cold and mean, nothing wrong with loving the magic as long as possible.pixiedust:
Sorry I've been MIA for awhile! Getting super busy with the holidays--go figure, right?

The good looks fun! I believe drunk grandma was a bad influence on the cutest golfer. I'm pretty sure I see her encouraging some cheating in that picture! :lmao:

Nope, never too old to believe in fairies and magic! At least I hope not, or I am in serious trouble!
:lmao: You just have to run the photos by me first to make sure they are pretty drunken shots! Here's what you can gauge it on-if it's worse than this drunken shot, you can't post it. :rotfl2:


notice the spills on my shirt?! And yes, that's a fanny pack. Clearly I had a few lacks in judgement that day! :rotfl:

I should show you the not-acceptable one I have...

That mini golf course is sipper cute! Your kiddos are super cute playing too!

Love the character meets! I also love that your DD is still so into them! kids grow up so fast these days, the world can be cold and mean, nothing wrong with loving the magic as long as possible.pixiedust:

The course was pretty cute... but it's in full sun and it's windy up there (it's on the top deck). But still cute!

I love that my DD is still into them as well.....

We do elf on the shelf & this is the first year she hasn't been outwardly excited about it.. so I kinda figured- 'eh, she's done with elf'... but just today I found a picture on her instagram with the elf saying "I found him". So she still loves this stuff- she's just fighting that normal tweeny/teeny turn that tells them 'it's not cool to love this stuff'.

How are you feeling??

Sorry I've been MIA for awhile! Getting super busy with the holidays--go figure, right?

The good looks fun! I believe drunk grandma was a bad influence on the cutest golfer. I'm pretty sure I see her encouraging some cheating in that picture! :lmao:

Nope, never too old to believe in fairies and magic! At least I hope not, or I am in serious trouble!

No worries, I've been MIA too!!

I know- Drunk Grandma did help cutest golfer cheat! That's what Drunk Grandmas are for, right???? :lmao:

Have I mentioned that Rebecca has been consistently asking me for Disney for Christmas and her 13th birthday combined. She loves it SO Much!!! I wish I could find a way to make it happen for her... but between my husband killing me or my other kids (if I just took her).. I don't think I can't make it happen. Maybe if a code comes out...................
LOVED the trip report.. have been trying to ignore my kids to read it. I am too lazy to go
back & see what your room # was. I am assuming you were on starboard side to see fireworks?

BTW, I was scared of bathtubs bc of seeing Jaws at an early age. I feel you...
LOVED the trip report.. have been trying to ignore my kids to read it. I am too lazy to go
back & see what your room # was. I am assuming you were on starboard side to see fireworks?

BTW, I was scared of bathtubs bc of seeing Jaws at an early age. I feel you...

Hi!!! Thanks for reading even when I haven't update in forever. I feel bad and so have decided to grace all 2 people who stuck around to see this thing to the end with another installment o' fun.

Is it bad that I have no idea if I was starboard? But since I had to pull out my notebook, I looked back. Our room numbers were 7564/7566.

Ok, off to do another update. :)
Hello landlubbers. It's been what? A decade since I've been on here? What can I say...I suck. BUT I am bound and determined to finish this darn thing sometime in my lifetime. So stick around... we'll see if I can churn this thing out before dementia sets in.

I was feeling some nostalgia over warm weather vacations today at work and decided that should inspire me to do another recap. And so here we go....

We last left off (in case you've forgotten like I have and am totally making up where I last left off because I don't want to go back and look) during the morning of our last sea day. We had some cheating mini-golf players. And we had character meets.

So now we are to lunch. Well, Mr. Kill Joy, myself and Ms. Sarah opted to stay by the pool and eat more French fries. Because we love fried foods (and sugar). Shh.. don't tell my doctor. Drunk Grandma (who was NOT drunk) took Princess Tween & Sassy McSass to a sit down lunch.

Can you handle the cuteness of Sassy McSass?

On their way out they ran into a Disney Dance Party. Never one to pass up music and singing, Sassy McSass channeled her inner John Travolta and busted out in her finest dance form. One that rivals, well, a fish flopping out of water.

My mother usually has the photography skills of a dead T-Rex but today she shined through (maybe it was the alcohol? Maybe it was the Pixie Dust?) Whatever it was, she captured John Travolta Jr. in some adorable shots getting jiggy with it....

Take this dance move J Lo.

John Travolta was soon joined by Adele Dazeem. (aka Minnie Mouse). <-- Poor reference to last year's Oscars. You are welcome for that poor in taste line. That's what I'm here for.

See, she's channeling Adele Dazeem when Adele voiced Elsa... This is totally an Elsa stance...... my previous joke has some relevance...

If You are Happy And You Know It Clap your Hands.

Now wave your hands in the air like you just don't care.

Okay, I'm done. That was too tiring thinking up all those clever photo titles.

That is the end of Saturday Night Live Remix 2014. John Travolta Jr. has a bright future ahead I think in the dancing arena.

With food and dancing out of the way, Grandma got exhausted by all her grandmotherly duties and deposited my children back at my stateroom so she could go take a nap. Someone forgot to tell Grandma that one of those children was actually rooming with her... but I thought I'd be nice.. after all, she took some cute pictures. So instead Cap't Kill Joy (that's him... in case you forgot)

Set out with the children minus one who was busy spending her vacation playing video games in the club.... to explore some more of the ship. It really is a beaut, Clark.

I LOVE London..so I had to take a picture of this pretty lil' pic.

This was another one of my favorite murals on the ship.

We ran into this little interactive 'painting' of Hook's Ship. So cool.

And my husbands favorite painting on this ship.

Angelina in Spandex. What can I say... you can dress them up (sometimes) but you can't take them out..

All that exploring made us hungry so we moved to our favorite station on the Lido. And had our 4,672th ice-cream of the trip.

Yes she is holding two. So what? You gotta problem with that?

Back in the room, it was time to dress for my 2nd least favorite night on a cruise- Semi-Formal. Have I mentioned lately how much I HATE dressing up and getting three girls ready & picture presentable. Ugg.

Gram woke up. And felt ready to have Grandchildren again... so she offered to take two of the children (one, she who should not be named, doesn't like 'characters' HORROR) to see her favorite rodents. Not Mickey and Minnie.

These two.

See, I am a nice daughter. Here is a picture of my mother not in a bathing suit OR drunk. I can post nice pictures. Sometimes.

Then I forced my unwilling family into family pictures. A horror close to death to all but Rebecca. Dang it- I don't ask for much (just lots and lots of trips to Disney).. so deal!

And they are our first family pictures since Char joined our family (I told you my family hates pictures!).

I think the yellow magic bands really make the picture, don't you?

I even forced this guy to take a picture. Granted it's not black spandex.. but you know... it works....

Aww, can you feel the love? It's almost like you would never know I wanted to kill him most of this vacation..........

We ate dinner and I saved my image quota for fun things like Angelina Jolie so you don't get pictures of my food. But my notes say I had a wonderful Chicken Parm & an OK cup of Minestrone soup. Followed by an OK Chocolate Lava.

Captain Kill Joy got his standard 2 steaks. And that was that.

After dinner we went to see my absolute favorite show in The Fantasy. Believe.

Oh, I cried... and cried... and embarrassed my tween daughter and her 9 year old sister.

After this was over, we told Tween girl "hey, lucky you- you are babysitting. We'll pay you nothing... so thanks" And Gram, Kill Joy and myself headed out to one of the adult clubs...

Have I mentioned how much I love all things English. Like LOVE. And so this bar was the coolest thing EVER to me... I am pretty sure it's the coolest bar in the entire world (ok- 2nd coolest bar- it still doesn't beat Jellyrolls)...

It was called "The Tube" and set up like...well... The Tube in London. Having been to London and ridden "The Tube" many times- it was super awesome. End o' story.

Here we had some overpriced drinks with made up Brittish names. And played "Majority Rules" game where we lost. And because we are old farts.. retired rather early.

And thus ends another day on the Fantasy. The next day is my heaven on earth.... Castaway Cay. But also, our last day on the cruise. Why does a week go by so fast on a cruise (but ever ever so long when writing out in Trip Reports)?
Ahahaha 'it really is a beaut, Clark', awesome AND timely. Look at all the fun!
Oh I have missed you and your witty TR installments!

Sooo many cute pics of your whole family! Too many to comment on indiviually, but trust me I loved them all! And even though you all hate to, you look pretty great all semi-formal!

Why is it that amazing vacations seem to go by so quickly and the time between them goes so slowly!? Mysteries of life right?:rotfl:
What are you talking about? You totally got great pictures from your family!...they SMILE, which is 20X better than what my sour pusses do. I've all about given up b/c they look like they hate life in family photos and it makes me want to MAKE THEM hate life when they do that! :duck:

That bar is SO COOL! (notice how I move quickly to anything booze related) but I'm so disappointed in you...no drunken pictures? I had such high expectations. We'll have to remedy this...in 50 days!!!!!!! :banana:

Love love love the dancing pics your mom got. That video yesterday on FB was freaking crazy adorable, I think I might be SQUEEING all the time if I had your girl around me all the time! :lovestruc

Oh, I need some Tweedle math with my mileage, I posted to you on my PTR when you get a chance! :teacher:
Ahahaha 'it really is a beaut, Clark', awesome AND timely. Look at all the fun!

Hahahaha! Gotta love Cousin Eddie. We named our pug dog after him. Eddie the Pug.

Welcome back to the land of Trip Reports. That family of yours really cleans up nice!

I know it's been a long time! :)

Sometimes we clean up.. sometimes we prefer PJ's. (mostly we prefer PJ's)
Oh I have missed you and your witty TR installments!

Sooo many cute pics of your whole family! Too many to comment on indiviually, but trust me I loved them all! And even though you all hate to, you look pretty great all semi-formal!

Why is it that amazing vacations seem to go by so quickly and the time between them goes so slowly!? Mysteries of life right?:rotfl:

I realized after I posted about 'cleaning up for semi-formal' that we didn't really. Sarah still has her hair pulled back in a messy pony (her standard hairstyle) and Kurt is in shorts... eh, whatever. We are just not a 'formal' family. But thanks for the compliments anyways!

Vacations do seem to go by way too fast. Boo.

How are you feeling?

What are you talking about? You totally got great pictures from your family!...they SMILE, which is 20X better than what my sour pusses do. I've all about given up b/c they look like they hate life in family photos and it makes me want to MAKE THEM hate life when they do that! :duck:

That bar is SO COOL! (notice how I move quickly to anything booze related) but I'm so disappointed in you...no drunken pictures? I had such high expectations. We'll have to remedy this...in 50 days!!!!!!! :banana:

Love love love the dancing pics your mom got. That video yesterday on FB was freaking crazy adorable, I think I might be SQUEEING all the time if I had your girl around me all the time! :lovestruc

Oh, I need some Tweedle math with my mileage, I posted to you on my PTR when you get a chance! :teacher:

Do you threaten them with their lives? That's what I do to make Sarah & Kurt cooperate. I tell Sarah she'll never see another computer screen again in her life if she doesn't a) let me brush her hair for the picture and b) smile. She's 9 so it still works! I know my time using that is probably limited.....

No drunken pictures.. we didn't get drunk. (for shame, I know). But 50 days there will be some awesome ones. And maybe even a wheelchair will be involved if you continue to injure yourself! :lmao:

Char really is about the worst singer and dancer ever and she just LOVES to do both- so it's hilarious. Plus, she's still an English learner so she doesn't even come close to having the right words in the songs..... it's just flat out funny....
I realized after I posted about 'cleaning up for semi-formal' that we didn't really. Sarah still has her hair pulled back in a messy pony (her standard hairstyle) and Kurt is in shorts... eh, whatever. We are just not a 'formal' family. But thanks for the compliments anyways!

Vacations do seem to go by way too fast. Boo.

How are you feeling?

Do you threaten them with their lives? That's what I do to make Sarah & Kurt cooperate. I tell Sarah she'll never see another computer screen again in her life if she doesn't a) let me brush her hair for the picture and b) smile. She's 9 so it still works! I know my time using that is probably limited.....

No drunken pictures.. we didn't get drunk. (for shame, I know). But 50 days there will be some awesome ones. And maybe even a wheelchair will be involved if you continue to injure yourself! :lmao:

Char really is about the worst singer and dancer ever and she just LOVES to do both- so it's hilarious. Plus, she's still an English learner so she doesn't even come close to having the right words in the songs..... it's just flat out funny....

:rotfl2: I'm totally fine with you pushing me around in a wheel chair while I'm drunk! I have no shame!!!! :lmao:

Yes, I threaten them...doesn't work so well anymore in the hardened teen age, especially the 20 year old. I think that's partially b/c my kids know I'm all fluff. I try to be a hardazz, I really do, but I fail every time!
:rotfl2: I'm totally fine with you pushing me around in a wheel chair while I'm drunk! I have no shame!!!! :lmao:

Pushing you? I'm finding a hill, putting you on top & sitting on your lap as we go down! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Who's driving this thing?


There's no racing. I'm sitting in her lap. With my Tweedle Mickey Ears on. We're going to see how many preschoolers in princess dresses we can take out. It's like bowling. Disney style.

Hey, I got thrown out of Disney once.. (ahem. long time ago. it involved maybe Pleasure Island & being underage with alcohol). I can do it again. :)

(Kidding kidding- no drunk tweedles will take out any cute, adorable preschoolers in princess dresses with a wheelchair).
Yay! Great update! It was just the thing I needed on this chilly morning while I sit here all stuffed up with itchy eyes.

All the family pictures look cute! The girls even match with their colors! And I'm pretty sure magic bands make any picture 100% better cuz it means you're in Disney!

I like the picture if Charlie eating her Mickey bar. We had dilly bars from DQ the other day. They were sort of Mickey bars, but you know, not.

Can NOT wait to hear about castaway cay!!


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