Nervous ticks in children

Yup...thats the trouble with tics....they are here today gone tomorrow and switch to new ones and back to old have her tics gone away? is that what you mean by fine at the moment?

We are fine here also...tics still here but we are all fine :hug:
There are still some scratching and lip licking, but not so prominent. The eye tics reduced to, maybe, 5-10 times per day...I hardly even notice them, but I know I still should be careful, I cannot know if they are transinet at this moment (but I certainly hope they are!).
In tears at this point but feeling very relieved. The support here is overwhelming. My 10 year old has seen the neurologist and we were told he does not have ADHD nor Tourettes at this point. He too stared with eye twitches, sniffles and now we are at a hummm. It has never bothered him before until a couple of nights ago when he was watching TV. He called himself retarded and wanted me to call the Dr. for meds so he would stop. Broke my heart.
He is an A+ student and leads a normal life. I wish I could do more at this time. We go back to the neurologist in 30 days for a check-up but he believes that he will out grow.
A friend has ref me to a web site that sells an FDA approved med called Tic Tamer. Has anyone heard of this? The pediatrician says he has heard of it and it does help with pretty good results. Any feedback? We are also going to do some allergy testing for good measure. Is this a good start? I know all children are different and as any parent want the best for my lil man so all any any direction is so appreciated. These threads have calmed my nerves...I am thankful to you all.
In tears at this point but feeling very relieved. The support here is overwhelming. My 10 year old has seen the neurologist and we were told he does not have ADHD nor Tourettes at this point. He too stared with eye twitches, sniffles and now we are at a hummm. It has never bothered him before until a couple of nights ago when he was watching TV. He called himself retarded and wanted me to call the Dr. for meds so he would stop. Broke my heart.
He is an A+ student and leads a normal life. I wish I could do more at this time. We go back to the neurologist in 30 days for a check-up but he believes that he will out grow.
A friend has ref me to a web site that sells an FDA approved med called Tic Tamer. Has anyone heard of this? The pediatrician says he has heard of it and it does help with pretty good results. Any feedback? We are also going to do some allergy testing for good measure. Is this a good start? I know all children are different and as any parent want the best for my lil man so all any any direction is so appreciated. These threads have calmed my nerves...I am thankful to you all.

I just looked this up and it is FDA REGISTERED...not FDA approved...big difference. I would be very careful of giving so called homeopathic remedies without a physicians instruction and care, particularly in children. My husband took supplements from Bontech for his Tourettes with some improvement, but the costs and the amount of time spent sorting and taking the medication doses was not working for us.
In tears at this point but feeling very relieved. The support here is overwhelming. My 10 year old has seen the neurologist and we were told he does not have ADHD nor Tourettes at this point. He too stared with eye twitches, sniffles and now we are at a hummm. It has never bothered him before until a couple of nights ago when he was watching TV. He called himself retarded and wanted me to call the Dr. for meds so he would stop. Broke my heart.
He is an A+ student and leads a normal life. I wish I could do more at this time. We go back to the neurologist in 30 days for a check-up but he believes that he will out grow.
A friend has ref me to a web site that sells an FDA approved med called Tic Tamer. Has anyone heard of this? The pediatrician says he has heard of it and it does help with pretty good results. Any feedback? We are also going to do some allergy testing for good measure. Is this a good start? I know all children are different and as any parent want the best for my lil man so all any any direction is so appreciated. These threads have calmed my nerves...I am thankful to you all.

As for Touretts there is no true diagnosis for it. They judge by the duration of the tics and the number of them. Touretts is not the only reason for tics but this is a good read, the link is not just about Touretts tics but tics in general no matter what the cause ... This is a really good is the first few pages in it.....How long has he had the tics? The 3 you mention are 3 of the main ones. My son has had all 3 and many more....took a year to diagnose if he had Touretts or not....even with a family history.....hope you find this helpful and tell ur son not to fight them...I get the DH, and both sons have Tics and watching TV they seem to come out more...if he would like to talk to someone about them he can chat with my sons.. maybe it will help him feel not all alone that he is not the only one :hug::hug::hug:

Tics — sudden, repetitive movements or sounds that some people make, seemingly without being aware of it — are more common than you might realize. Indeed, many people have tics that go away in less than a year or mild tics that don't interfere with their lives.
But in some kids, tics are more severe or long lasting. If a child has tics for more than a year, it is called a chronic tic disorder. In some cases, these tics can be part of a condition called Tourette syndrome.
The tics associated with Tourette syndrome tend to get milder or go away entirely as kids grow into adulthood. Until that happens, though, parents can help their child cope with the condition.
About Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome (TS) is named for French doctor Georges Gilles de la Tourette, who first described the condition in 1885. It's thought to be a genetic condition that's inherited in most cases. Experts don't know the exact cause of TS, but some research points to changes in the brain and problems with how nerve cells communicate. A disturbance in the balance of neurotransmitters — chemicals in the brain that carry nerve signals from cell to cell — might play a role.
Symptoms of Tourette syndrome, which is not contagious, usually emerge in childhood or the teen years. TS isn't common — only about 3 in every 1,000 people have it, and boys are more likely to be affected.
To be diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, a person must have several different types of tics — specifically, multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic.

Signs and Symptoms

The main symptoms of TS are motor tics (sudden, apparently uncontrollable movements like exaggerated blinking of the eyes) or vocal tics (such as repeated throat clearing).
At certain times, like when someone is under stress, the tics can become more severe, more frequent, or longer, or the type of tic may change altogether. (This is also true of people who have tics that are not part of Tourette syndrome.)
Some kids can suppress their tics for a short time. But tension builds, and it eventually has to be released as a tic. And if a person is concentrating on controlling the tic, it may be hard to focus on anything else. This can make it hard for kids with TS to have a conversation or pay attention in class.
Tics are classified as either simple or complex. Simple motor tics, for example, happen suddenly and separately from other tics and involve just a few muscles. Some examples are eye blinking and grimacing. In contrast, complex motor tics usually involve more muscle groups. For example, someone might touch a body part or another person repeatedly. In rare cases, people with TS might have a tic that makes them harm themselves, such as head banging.
Simple vocal tics can be throat clearing, sniffing, or humming, whereas complex vocal tics can involve repeating other people's words (a condition called echolalia) or involuntary swearing (called coprolalia).
In addition, many kids and teens with TS have other conditions, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Learning disabilities and sleeping problems are also common in people with TS.[/

Diagnosing and Treating Tourette Syndrome

Pediatricians and family doctors may refer a child with symptoms of TS to a neurologist, a doctor who specializes in problems with the nervous system. Before TS can be diagnosed, someone must have tics for at least a year. Although tics may occur every day or intermittently throughout the year, for TS to be diagnosed, there must not be a tic-free period longer than 3 months. The neurologist may ask you to keep track of the frequency and kinds of tics your child is having.
There isn't a specific diagnostic test for TS — instead, the doctor diagnoses it after taking a medical history and doing a physical exam. Sometimes, doctors use imaging tests like magnetic resonance imaging tests (MRIs), computerized tomography (CT) scans, electroencephalograms (EEGs), or blood tests to rule out other conditions that might have symptoms similar to TS.
Just as TS is different for every person, the treatment for it varies, too. Most tics do not interfere with a child's life and do not require any medication. While there isn't a cure for TS, sometimes doctors suggest medications to help control symptoms that begin to interfere with someone's schoolwork or daily life. Talk to your doctor about whether medication would be right for your child.
TS is not a psychological condition, but doctors sometimes refer kids and teens with TS to a psychologist or psychiatrist. Seeing a therapist won't stop tics, but it can help kids and teens to talk to someone about their problems, cope with stress better, and learn relaxation techniques.
They won't really diagnose Tourette's unless the tics have been fairly constant (the types my change, but the fact that there is some tic) for a year or so with the first occurrence around first grade age. DD's was diagnosed by her pediatrician (very unusual-they usually will just send you to a neurologist), but when we later (many years later) went to a neurologist, she completely agreed with the diagnosis based on patient history.
my son has had the same tic since before he could sit up. i actually have pictures of him doing it. he has "expanded" the tic, but it's definitely the same one. when he is excited/happy (not when nervous or anxious or bored--only excited), he twists his wrists in circles and, when he was a baby, his ankles. as a baby, the sears photographer's flash excited him, and you can see in the portrait that he is twisting his ankles and his arms are stiff and wrists are twisting.

at about age 3, he added bowing his head and bowing his body at the waist and put this arms straight back, still stiff and wrists twisting (arms do not flap--they are stiff--only wrists circle).

at about age 7 (not sure on that age though), he added a skip and hop. so now, at age 9 1/2, when he excited (watching a good ballgame, playing soccer, playing on the playground, playing a video game, about to open a present), he bends at the waist, tucks his chin in, extends his arms and twists his wrists, all while taking a few steps forward in a skip and hop fashion. he can then return to his activity for a few seconds and then repeat the tic again, several times. when push comes to shove (the opponent is nearing him with the soccer ball), he seems to be able to focus and play soccer and not "tic."

although this is not terminal cancer, it deeply pains me to see. first, i fear that eventually he'll be made fun of. it's quite obvious, and it's every time he is excited in any situation.

second, because he is looking down and "running away," he is missing out on life a bit--he misses big plays that he is watching for on tv because he gets so excited that he "tics." after the "tic," he's like, "what happened? did we score?" it affects his play too in sports. he looks down and "tics" and before he knows it, the opponent is advancing on him with the ball, and he's missed some crucial reaction time. it's not like i want him to be a pro soccer player, but again, it's painful to watch.

about my son--smart, social, loves sports, very popular, really nothing overly unusual about him, except this. i sometimes see glimpses of anxiety in him, but we work so hard to counteract that no one else would ever see those little glimpses. i believe anxiety to be so terrible that i would rather him burn our house down than lecture him on the dangers of matches. so, i sometimes think that he would have an anxiety disorder if he were being raised by someone not as in-tune with potential "anxiety disorder" triggers as i am (can you tell that me and my dad have anxiety disorders? i am recovered, i like to say!). he has no other tics and no verbal tics.

so anyway, that's my story. i guess my questions would be:
1. is it significant in any way that he's been doing the same one since age 0? does that mean something (like it's XYZ and i should be doing ABC).

2. the most common thought is to just ignore because nothing can be done which makes sense, but it is the opposite of so much of what is good for kids with problems: early intervention. for example, if a child is shy, ocd, aggressive, depressed, you name it, you don't just ignore it and hope they outgrow it. you try to help from an early age. i realize that is not the case here. i'm just saying that it's hard to change the mindset to IGNORE when you as a caring parent are programmed to have a watchful eye from early on and INTERVENE. in the back of my head sometimes, i am thinking: we should get a handle on this NOW when he is 9. it's be easier to fix at 9 then at 19. is that forsure wrong?

3. why go to a neurologist? i took him at age 3, and the dr (who was very rude btw) said it was a tic and nothing could be done unless it was hugely problematic which it is not. his eeg was normal. again, this goes back to point 2. it's hard for me NOT to take him when there is so obviously something wrong. but i think it will just hurt his self esteem for some dr. to say that there is nothing we can do with your freaky problem. my son doesn't really think it's that freaky, so taking him to the dr. seems like a bad plan.

oh mylanta. this is so long. sorry. thanks for listening. i've never really talked to anyone about this since our neurologist visit when he was 3 just dismissed us. thanks for any help/advice.
Have you gone to se another Doc for a second opinion since than?....Im a nurse and if a Doc is a jerk I move on....find one your son is comfortable with and one that will talk to both of you like a human being.

When my one son was younger we started him in therapy once a week and added anti anxiety medicine...but that was more to help with his anxiety not so much from his tics but for his ocd....he went a whole year with gauze shoved in his mouth that when we tryed to take it out he would have a panic attack. If you read back a few pages you'll see the story.

Like your son we saw the anxiety in him and the Doc said that if we started him on this medicine that it would make a difference in his progress to get the gauze out....well the hardest thing was putting that pill in his mouth the first time....but it turned out to be the best decision we ever made. Anxiety gone....gauze out....

Have you tried him on any anti anxiety meds? it even helped with his tics...he had no side effect either...I think he was on Zoloft....but it was so long ago.

Its hard to watch our kids go through stuff like this. Its not my sons tics that are hard on us anymore...we are ll just so use to them and they cope really well and so do there friends....but it is the ocd and ADHD with my 14 y.o

I stress about his school, and his ocd is enough to drive one nuts....not him but me :upsidedow The ADHD is hard but he he is really good about it and since on meds...which I did not want to do also as with my other son for anxiety....was the best thing we did for him...he went from cobwebs in his head and "F"s for grades to Honor roll in a Charter High School and even has an A in honors English....he started the medicine in Dec...again hard choice turned into the best choice.

Just thought I would say that meds are not always a bad choice....:hug: and yes go see another nero.

I am new to this thread. I am a mom of a 7 year old boy. I noticed my son developed a tic the first time at the age of 5 in August (at the end of our summer break) while sitting in front of TV. It started off as rolling the eye upwards every few seconds. At first i thought it was too much TV so I shut the TV. This movement however gradually evolved to also include nose and mouth movements as if his entire face was scrunched up. Since i thought initially this was him being silly (and I knew noting about tics) I kept on telling him to stop. The more i told him to stop - the worse it got. This tic stayed for 4 months getting worse and worse. We went to 3 pediatricians, a neurologist and all said it was nothing. Since he had had a bad cold, i thought maybe it was related.
4 months later it disappeared entirely. 6 - 8 months later it came back..
This continued coming and going of the tic remains until today. He gets it for a few months then it stops suddenly. The next time he gets a cold, it starts again almost immediately. He is turning 7 in a week and the tic just came back 2 weeks ago after months of complete absence. This time it is in the form of a sniffing and the occasional roll of the eye. Last year when it came back it was severe blinking. Each time it takes a different form. I checked him for Pandas but the Dr told me there was no link.
I am so worried and feel so bad for him as he has become very consious of his tics. Will these ever go away competely? I read a lot about diet changes could help. Does anyone have any direct experience with diet helping? Or any other suggestions I can try. The doctors in my town seem to know nothing about Tourettes or Pandas or tics so I am relying on the internet for most of my research. Thanks so much for some advise

I am new to this thread. I am a mom of a 7 year old boy. I noticed my son developed a tic the first time at the age of 5 in August (at the end of our summer break) while sitting in front of TV. It started off as rolling the eye upwards every few seconds. At first i thought it was too much TV so I shut the TV. This movement however gradually evolved to also include nose and mouth movements as if his entire face was scrunched up. Since i thought initially this was him being silly (and I knew noting about tics) I kept on telling him to stop. The more i told him to stop - the worse it got. This tic stayed for 4 months getting worse and worse. We went to 3 pediatricians, a neurologist and all said it was nothing. Since he had had a bad cold, i thought maybe it was related.
4 months later it disappeared entirely. 6 - 8 months later it came back..
This continued coming and going of the tic remains until today. He gets it for a few months then it stops suddenly. The next time he gets a cold, it starts again almost immediately. He is turning 7 in a week and the tic just came back 2 weeks ago after months of complete absence. This time it is in the form of a sniffing and the occasional roll of the eye. Last year when it came back it was severe blinking. Each time it takes a different form. I checked him for Pandas but the Dr told me there was no link.
I am so worried and feel so bad for him as he has become very consious of his tics. Will these ever go away competely? I read a lot about diet changes could help. Does anyone have any direct experience with diet helping? Or any other suggestions I can try. The doctors in my town seem to know nothing about Tourettes or Pandas or tics so I am relying on the Internet for most of my research. Thanks so much for some advise

My 14 y.o has had all the tics you have mentioned and more....but he has Tourettes as I have mentioned. They come and go sometimes the same and sometimes new ones. I have not changed his diet so cant answer if that would help or not. Anxiety medicine helped my other son with helped him relax. Having your son explain to his friends that he cant help it and that it is what it is helps make other kids not think so much of least that's how it was for my boys and still is.

Explaining to the teachers that when he rolls his eyes hes not doing it to be rude helps son did the eye rolling for at least a year. He also did a lot of whistling in class....the kids were so great with him and always notices a new tic even before he realized he had it....

The schools my boys went to however....and I did not mention this our district were the schools that bused in many handicapped children....we were also the only schools that had hearing impaired and each class they were mainstreamed in with teachers that sat in the class and did sign this may have been why the kids were no matter a fact about it also....however my boys were also matter a fact about it and never made a big deal out of it at all....

I have not found much help from Doctors...but psychologist or psychiatrists may be of more help. They taught my boys certain techniques and breathing exercises and such.

Do you live near a city or a small town? what are your resources? Living here in San Diego I have a world of resources and direction. But the psycologist is the one that helped the most.
I remember seeing this thread before and was avoiding it... but here I am. I just went to the Ped today for approval for a Neuro consult for my 7.5 year old son.

About 6 months ago we noticed some jerky movements. He'd be watching Tv and his trunk and head would jerk forward. Like a very abrubt and quick head nod - kwim? We'd see it a few times. Then not again for a few weeks then it would come back. Over the past 6 months it has gotten worse as in more frequent, but better in that MOST of the "twitches" are very subtle. Unless you were looking straight at him or cuddling with him you would not notice the twitching. The twitching is fairly regular. If you stare at him for a full minute you will see him twitch several times. The "bigger" ones happen a few times an hour. Every once in awhile maybe once a day - THAT I NOTICE - he will have one where he will grunt quick with it.

I told the Ped I was convinced he had Tourettes :( He told me it was possible it was Petit Mal Seizures but the Neuro was the one who needed to take a look.

I am really just feeling defeated. My oldest child is a child with special needs, my middle child has learning disabilities. Now my youngest is dealing with this.

Any advise? What will happen with the Neuro appt? What treatments if any would happen if he does have Tourettes or Petit Mal Seizures? I have done SOME reading online but learned a long time ago to avoid the web pages and seek "real" information from other parents instead.
Hello! My daughter is now almost 12, but when she was 3 we thought she was having seizures. We took her to the ER, and they did a scan, and said it was not seizures. We took her to a ped Neuro. He did some testing on her, had her walk a certain way, run, hop, etc. He did some reflex tests, balance tests, and things like that. He also sent her for EEG's a couple of times. Nothing ever showed up on any of the tests, yet to this day she has tics. Some of her tics throughout the years have been big ones, involving many parts of her body at once. But mainly they are eye blinking, face scrunching, things like that.

She was diagnosed first with Transient Tic Disorder (the tics would come & go)...and now she is diagnosed with Chronic Tic Disorder. I was told she does not have Tourette's, since Tourette's usually has a co-morbidity with another disorder, such as OCD, ADD, or behavioral or learning disabilities.

Right this second I am watching my daughter do Wii Fit. She is doing the blinking tic very much, and she is also doing a breathing tics. She bends over to take in deep breaths as if she can't get enough air. She's had this tic for 5 years now. I had to pediatric pulmonogists, and he diagnosed her with asthma. But the neurologist says it is just a tic. I've also taken her to a ped heart doctor to have her heart checked out. She had EKG's and echocardiograms, all normal.

Treatment for tics is dependent upon how bad the tic is. Her ped neuro said he would not recommend medication unless the tic got so bad that her safety was involved, or if it impacted her social life that badly. So far nothing has called for medication, and I am glad about that. I will not medicate her just for tics. She used to have a tic where she swung her head back & forth very badly. If that tic had gotten worse, then I could see what the doctor means by safety. But for the past 9 years that she's had tics, we have had no treatment, because outside of medications, there really is none.

Best wishes to your DS! It may not be as bad as you might think, they might just be simple tics after all. :)

Hi, there, here we go again...It has been good for a while, but now my daughter has a new tick (I was hoping they were gone for good:sad2:) - she started mumbling and I know that`s a vocal one. I am so disappointed and worried...again...She still has some scratching and touching body parts (hair, eyes), that didn`t even stop at all, but now this...It is not that dramatic, but I notice it, and it`s quite frequent, especially during TV fun. She is aware of it, and she says she is not yet ready to "forget it" (she`s only five)?!I don`t see that she`s bothered by the tick, but I have no peace at all. And now again - sit and wait :confused3.
My daughter has a tic too. Her's started with a little clearing throat cough that she would do often. The doctor diagnosed it as a tic and said that it could go away and have no other problems or it could stick around or it could go away and something else show up. About 4 months after it started, it stopped but now she has an eye blink tic. Nothing you can really do about it.

My daughter has the same two tics as yours. The eye blinking has gotten better but the clearing of the throat is still going on. They stop and they start back up. I try to ignore it and not make a big deal about it.
I don't know if it's already been mentioned but if the tics were sudden onset and preceded by a sniffle or throat infection have you considered PANDAS/PITANDS? It can be a controversial diagnosis but the treatment seems to work.
I don't know if it's already been mentioned but if the tics were sudden onset and preceded by a sniffle or throat infection have you considered PANDAS/PITANDS? It can be a controversial diagnosis but the treatment seems to work.

Worth looking into.
I remember seeing this thread before and was avoiding it... but here I am. I just went to the Ped today for approval for a Neuro consult for my 7.5 year old son.

About 6 months ago we noticed some jerky movements. He'd be watching Tv and his trunk and head would jerk forward. Like a very abrubt and quick head nod - kwim? We'd see it a few times. Then not again for a few weeks then it would come back. Over the past 6 months it has gotten worse as in more frequent, but better in that MOST of the "twitches" are very subtle. Unless you were looking straight at him or cuddling with him you would not notice the twitching. The twitching is fairly regular. If you stare at him for a full minute you will see him twitch several times. The "bigger" ones happen a few times an hour. Every once in awhile maybe once a day - THAT I NOTICE - he will have one where he will grunt quick with it.

I told the Ped I was convinced he had Tourettes :( He told me it was possible it was Petit Mal Seizures but the Neuro was the one who needed to take a look.

I am really just feeling defeated. My oldest child is a child with special needs, my middle child has learning disabilities. Now my youngest is dealing with this.

Any advise? What will happen with the Neuro appt? What treatments if any would happen if he does have Tourettes or Petit Mal Seizures? I have done SOME reading online but learned a long time ago to avoid the web pages and seek "real" information from other parents instead.

Quoting my own post. We saw the Neuro a month ago. He thoughts either just a tic disorder or petit mal seizures. We had an EEG today and he had abnormal brain activity on both sides, mostly on the left. Does anybody know what this means? I just kind of zoned out when he was talking to me because I was a little shocked. I honestly expected it to be normal and we were just dealing with Tics.

The next step is a 48 hours video EEG in the hospital. I will find out in a few days when that will be, they have to clear it through insurance first. He said it would probably be in 2-3 weeks.

I am a little stunned with this and not sure what any of it means. I didn't ask too many questions because I was unprepared.
Quoting my own post. We saw the Neuro a month ago. He thoughts either just a tic disorder or petit mal seizures. We had an EEG today and he had abnormal brain activity on both sides, mostly on the left. Does anybody know what this means? I just kind of zoned out when he was talking to me because I was a little shocked. I honestly expected it to be normal and we were just dealing with Tics.

The next step is a 48 hours video EEG in the hospital. I will find out in a few days when that will be, they have to clear it through insurance first. He said it would probably be in 2-3 weeks.

I am a little stunned with this and not sure what any of it means. I didn't ask too many questions because I was unprepared.

I have no idea what that could mean, and don't make yourself crazy by doing all sorts of research on the internet!!! I have the breast cancer gene, and 2 things just showed up on my MRI and I am being rushed into a biopsy first thing Monday morning. I too, didn't ask questions, because my mind was racing with the first words the nurse said to me. And I'm proud of myself for NOT using the internet to search for certain terms and words on my MRI report, lest I literally drive myself out of my mind. Let the doctor handle the testing work, and let THEM tell you what they find and what to do about it.

Well we all wish you best wishes, and at least after this test, hopefully you will have some answers that will HELP your son with this problem. Having an answer is half the battle, because at least from there on, you can take care of what needs to be taken care of. Please know we are thinking of you and please let us know how it goes!!!

Quoting my own post. We saw the Neuro a month ago. He thoughts either just a tic disorder or petit mal seizures. We had an EEG today and he had abnormal brain activity on both sides, mostly on the left. Does anybody know what this means? I just kind of zoned out when he was talking to me because I was a little shocked. I honestly expected it to be normal and we were just dealing with Tics.

The next step is a 48 hours video EEG in the hospital. I will find out in a few days when that will be, they have to clear it through insurance first. He said it would probably be in 2-3 weeks.

I am a little stunned with this and not sure what any of it means. I didn't ask too many questions because I was unprepared.

I am sorry you are going through this. It does sound serious, but it looks like you are on the right track to find out what's wrong. Good luck.
Quoting my own post. We saw the Neuro a month ago. He thoughts either just a tic disorder or petit mal seizures. We had an EEG today and he had abnormal brain activity on both sides, mostly on the left. Does anybody know what this means? I just kind of zoned out when he was talking to me because I was a little shocked. I honestly expected it to be normal and we were just dealing with Tics.

The next step is a 48 hours video EEG in the hospital. I will find out in a few days when that will be, they have to clear it through insurance first. He said it would probably be in 2-3 weeks.

I am a little stunned with this and not sure what any of it means. I didn't ask too many questions because I was unprepared.

I know this will not help to tell you not to worry at this point but you are a mom and will do so anyway....I feel your pain. When we thought out son had testicle cancer I one could tell me to not worry because...well....I would anyway. It turned out to be something different and not cancer...

As for the seizures....I have both petite Mal and Grand Mal seizures since I was 13...I am know 53. I have epilepsy. You will get more info when they do the longer one. Did they also do an MRI? I would request that also. How old is your son?

I have no idea what that could mean, and don't make yourself crazy by doing all sorts of research on the internet!!! I have the breast cancer gene, and 2 things just showed up on my MRI and I am being rushed into a biopsy first thing Monday morning. I too, didn't ask questions, because my mind was racing with the first words the nurse said to me. And I'm proud of myself for NOT using the internet to search for certain terms and words on my MRI report, lest I literally drive myself out of my mind. Let the doctor handle the testing work, and let THEM tell you what they find and what to do about it.

Well we all wish you best wishes, and at least after this test, hopefully you will have some answers that will HELP your son with this problem. Having an answer is half the battle, because at least from there on, you can take care of what needs to be taken care of. Please know we are thinking of you and please let us know how it goes!!!


You should be proud...the internet is a scarey place. I'm a nurse so I can figure out what is correct and what is not on a lot of the jabber....but you can walk away panicked for sure when doing DH was Diagnosed with Hep C about 10 years or more ago....when I went and did research...they had him for dead:scared: on all the blogs and stuff...,no kidding.....he is still alive and has even improved with no meds....but other stuff we did.

Both of you keep us in touch on the results....and many blessings to you both!


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