Movies you just can't forget about.

Schlinder's List (mentioned)

I've seen it more than once and I've felt the same every time. A masterpiece.

Life is beautiful (mentioned)

See above.


I don't think I can ever watch it again. Some scenes were just too much and I still wonder what could have been.

What dreams may come (mentioned)

I first saw it late at night on TV and it totally got me. The imagery was breathtaking and Robbie Williams gave a great performance.

I am Sam

I cry my eyes out every time.

Wendy and Lucy

I've read that it's similar to Into the wild but I haven't seen that yet. The end left me puzzling and the movie is a testimony to how some people's lives can fall apart so quickly with hardly anyone noticing. :guilty:

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind

Just the thought this thing could happen...! It's one of my favourite films for many reasons. :)

The Orphanage. This one just because it was so incredibly well done. It's a Spanish film with subtitles, but it's really good and is also on instant watch. Think along the lines of, The Others." It's just a film that stays with you thru the years.

I agree. It was very well done however somehow very predictable if you paid attention. I watched it in the theater when it came out and I was pointing out things that I guessed were going to add to the plot and at some point I had it all figured out so when it all came together my friends asked "Are you sure you haven't seen the movie before?''. :rotfl: They couldn't get it!

OP, I bought the DVD of Into the Wild last year. Thanks for reminding me it's time to finally see it! :thumbsup2
I just watched "Ordinary People" on TCM a month ago..and I could not stop thinking about it! Powerful movie!

The Duchess
The 4th Kind (creepy!)
Legends of the Fall
Camille (I love Greta favorite actress ever!)
American in Paris (Gene Kelly!)
Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn is amazing!)
This has already been mentioned. But the ending to The Shawshank Redemption has stuck with me ever since I first saw the film. It was so happy and fulfilling, and probably my favorite ending to any film I've seen.
"Mulholland Drive" creeped me out in a big way. It was one of those I just couldn't stop thinking about or reading about it after seeing it trying to figure out what in the world that whole thing was all about.

"No Country for Old Men" was another one that made me really think a lot about it long after seeing it. We actually watched it again later because we obviously missed the point that the movie was supposed to actually be "all about" Tommy Lee Jones, not Josh Brolin.
Dear Zachary. I couldn't speak for the rest of the night after I watched it. I still think about it from time to time.
"No Country for Old Men" was another one that made me really think a lot about it long after seeing it. We actually watched it again later because we obviously missed the point that the movie was supposed to actually be "all about" Tommy Lee Jones, not Josh Brolin.

Most people think it's supposed to be about the assassin - I was like you, thought it was about Brolin's character :thumbsup2

American History X

edit: and Saving Private Ryan (sold out theatre & nobody said a word as we walked out).
kimblebee said:
Dear Zachary. I couldn't speak for the rest of the night after I watched it. I still think about it from time to time.

This one! I was a hysterical mess after it.
We watched "Into the Wild" last weekend. Based on a true story. The end surprised us. Since then, I just can't get this story out of my head. I've googled more of the real info. I've looked at the area in Google Earth. Looked for real photos. I'm not much of a book reader, but I might just have to read this one.

Any movies like that for you?

Some movies that I can't shake are Schindler's List, Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, The Deer Hunter, The Godfather Part II, Taxi Driver, Fight Club, Saw, A Beautiful Mind, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Gone with the Wind, Saw, The Dark Knight.

Off the top of my head anyway, I could probably think of 50 or more. I love movies that make you think well after they are over!
Dead Man Walking
I was 18 or 19 when that came out and I'd never really thought about the death penalty before. After that movie, I actually read the book and did other research and became very interested in the death penalty debate. My sister and I sobbed through the ending and I was in a funk for a while afterward.

On a completely different note:
Strictly Ballroom has always been one I can watch over and over. I think it's so artistic and funny and a wonderful happy ending that can leave a smile on my face for days.

Man, I'm showing my age and feeling old.

Wow we have similar taste in movies. I love these two movies too (plus I'm sort of old also :rotfl2: ).

You are right about Dead Man Walking. I started watching that movie feeling one way about the death penalty but came away with mixed emotions. It was really a well acted movie that stayed with me for years afterward. I too watched it with my sister, and our husbands. All 4 of us sat there afterward in shock, my DH to this day says it was the only movie that has ever made him cry.
A few others I haven't seen mentioned

To Kill A Mockingbird
One Day (tear jerker!)
The Prestige
Finding Neverland
Pulp Fiction

I think the ones I dwelled on the most were Gone With the Wind (saw it when I was a little girl and it stayed with me for many many years afterward), The Deer Hunter, and Dead Man Walking. I don't think I will ever stop thinking of those movies, just the mere mention of the names of those movies makes me start thinking about them.
My Sister's Keeper.... I was an emotional mess after that movie.

The book was a million times better than the movie if you ever have the chance to read it. I was a sobbing mess after finishing the book, and it was VERY different than the movie!
Most people think it's supposed to be about the assassin - I was like you, thought it was about Brolin's character :thumbsup2

American History X

edit: and Saving Private Ryan (sold out theatre & nobody said a word as we walked out).

It was the same both times I saw Saving Private Ryan in the theater. Complete silence walking out.

The only other movie I remember total silence leaving the theater was Natural Born Killers.
Of course, the silence was for completely different reasons.
khertz said:
The book was a million times better than the movie if you ever have the chance to read it. I was a sobbing mess after finishing the book, and it was VERY different than the movie!

Oh mercy... I did not realize that it was a book as well! I will have to check into that when I am in the mood for a good cry. :)
Interesting how people view stuff.

Some of the things people have mentioned stuck with me because I thought they were so different and well-done - Pulp Fiction, Fargo...

Some I thought were so hilariously awful I still remember how annoying/funny I found them - Se7en, Beautiful Mind...

And many of these I found just blandly boring and unaffecting in any way - Saving Private Ryan, Traffic, Godfathers...

A bunch of the rest I think were good. :confused3

I dunno about profoundly affecting in a new outlook kind of way, can't really think of one?
Leon the professional is another one on the list.

The Profeesional is one of my favorite movies. I have liked it since I was a child.(Don't know WHY I was watching it as a kid, but I watched it all of the time)
am I weird for absolutely loving Clockwork Orange? I'm a huge Stanley Kubrick fan. They are so twisted - I love it :laughing:

Another one of my favorites.

I think the movie that stuck with me the longest was Dead Girl.(Not THE Dead Girl)

I just found it very disturbing and was in a funk because of it all day. I don't really ever want to see it again.


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