Mimosas, Mickey Ears and Magic! 17 Days of Disney Delights *Complete

Late to the party, but following along now. You are a fun girl and I can’t wait to read more of your adventures!
Amazing updates! Thank you so much!

We drive down from Delaware and it takes about the same time. The drive there isn't so bad, but the drive home feels like forever! Can't wait for more!
Holy crow, 23 days? DL? Can I live your life for a few? Although not a great review for CMC, I do kind of want to try it now. It has more non seafood items than I thought it would, which would make DH happy, as he does not love any seafood. Decisions, decisions...
Following along. DH and I are finally returning to WDW after nearly 6 years. I’m pouring over menus and loving your report.
Love your reviews! I hope that while you are at Disneyland you try the Classic Afternoon Tea at the Disneyland Hotel. It's excellent - right along the lines of the Grand Floridian Tea.

You are much nicer than I am because I cannot imagine being civil to Puke Guy, especially since he didn't really apologize and lied to his wife about getting sick!

I am looking forward to reading the rest of your reviews (and your reviews of Disneyland). :)
Have fun in Vegas and Disneyland! I'll be stalking you on the gram :).

Thank you! we had the best time! I can't wait to go back again in a couple of years!

23 days???How do you manage to take such long trips? so jealous

LOL! We are very fortunate to have a job with a lot of vacation time. This trip will be longer because we hit our 5 year work anniversary and get an extra week. So I will be up to just shy of 6 weeks of vacation and Rob will be at 5 weeks. It's the best!

Thank you for sharing your tea experience. My husband loves to create his own tea blends, and I think he would love this. Do you make reservations for tea?

That's so awesome! Yes, you do need reservations. It's tricky to locate it on the app sometimes so I usually book through he desktop website or call.

Great update and have so much fun in Las Vegas!

Thank you! We had a BLAST!

Going to Cape May for dinner in May. Glad at least the food was good. I am going early so fingers crossed for better service .

Fun! Yeah, I think my experience was hopefully not the norm as far as service goes. The food was excellent though!

Great update!
Enjoy Vegas, looking forward to hearing about that trip also.

Thank you! I am going to post a little update from this trip because it was too fun not to share!

Loved the tea review, we're planning on doing it sometime this year. Have fun in Vegas!

Yes! Tea time is so much fun. I think you will really enjoy it. Vegas was so fun! I can't wait to go back!

Have a great time in Vegas and Disneyland. You will love Disneyland. Where are you staying?

Thank you! We had an amazing time. We stayed at the Disneyland Hotel and loved it!!!

OMG! That really sucks that you dropped your Sprinkles cupcake!

Joe and I actually have tea reservations booked at the GF 2 weeks from today. 8-)We've done it twice before and loved it both times, so I'm really excited to dine there again...
I've only done Cape May for breakfast a couple times. I too hate the food lay out, but the food and selection was very good...We had so so service too.
Have a great trip to Vegas and DL!!!

I know! I was devastated to lose a cupcake. :laughing:

Hope you had a great time at GF! Let me know how it was!

Okay, glad it wasn't just me with that layout. I would like to try breakfast there sometime too.

We had so much fun! I'm going to post a little update from the trip.

23 days? give me your life. :love:

:rotfl: We are very lucky people!

Thank you for your review of Cape May. I have an ADR for it in April, but now I'm 2nd guessing. My mother loves seafood of all kinds and I thought this would be great for us to try. Looks like, from your review, that she'll love it but I may be the one eating prime rib! :) lol

:laughing: Well, at least the prime rib is really good! If you're not a seafood fan though I would definitely think about it more and decide how okay you are with a lack of options for you.

I too tried Cape May a few weekends ago for the first time and your right that buffet is chaos lol. It did have a nice selection though. Sorry you had a bad waitress, we had a very sweet server when Alexander and I dined there. I hope you have an amazing time at DL. Their food and wine festival looks so good. I wish they would put the merchandise online to buy, let me know if you see anything amazing out there!!

Right?! So crazy how they decided that setup would be a good idea. I did enjoy the food at least.

We had a great time! I didn't love their F&W, but I had a couple of good things. I didn't even get any merch. My mom got a cup and that was it. They had a bottle opener that was pretty quality and was a strong magnet for the fridge but it was $40, so I didn't get it. It is weird that there is nothing to buy online like there is with the Epcot F&W. I wonder why.

I have been lurking on your page for awhile and haven’t commented. I love your trip reports. You are so honest I love it. I love that you and rob go to so many movies on your trips. That’s something I never think about doing. But maybe should start. All your food looks so good. I am so sorry that you friend got sick all over. It has happened to me and one of my friends. We decided to drink the world showcase a similar situation occurred in room. I know exactly how you feel. I am super jealous of your long trips.

Have an amazing time in Disneyland! I am going there in about a week and a half

So glad you commented! Thanks so much for always following along! We sure do love our movies. It's such a nice leisure activity to add to the trip. Oh no that's awful that you had a similar experience! I got sick from too much F&W years ago myself, but at least I made it to the bathroom. :laughing: I do not miss those younger drinking days.

How fun! Disneyland was absolutely amazing! I really loved it. I hope you have the best time!

Loved the updates. I haven’t done the tea in a long time... might be time to give it another whirl! Have a great trip!!!!

Yes, definitely give it another visit! I have been dying to go back.
Late to the party, but following along now. You are a fun girl and I can’t wait to read more of your adventures!

Thanks so much for joining in! More adventures coming right up!

Amazing updates! Thank you so much!

We drive down from Delaware and it takes about the same time. The drive there isn't so bad, but the drive home feels like forever! Can't wait for more!

Thank you! :goodvibes Yay Delaware! We are right over the DMB and I work in New Castle. You are so right. That drive home really does feel so much longer. At least the anticipation helps to push you along on the way down.

Holy crow, 23 days? DL? Can I live your life for a few? Although not a great review for CMC, I do kind of want to try it now. It has more non seafood items than I thought it would, which would make DH happy, as he does not love any seafood. Decisions, decisions...

:rotfl: We have it pretty good. No complaints here.

I really did like Cape May Cafe despite my not so stellar review. I think in another circumstance this would have been a rave review from me. A few small changes and I would love it. Definitely give it a try!

Following along. DH and I are finally returning to WDW after nearly 6 years. I’m pouring over menus and loving your report.

How fun! There are so many new things for you to try. It's so hard to choose because there is so much yummy food. Thanks for following along!
Following! :flower1:

Thanks for joining in! :goodvibes

Love your reviews! I hope that while you are at Disneyland you try the Classic Afternoon Tea at the Disneyland Hotel. It's excellent - right along the lines of the Grand Floridian Tea.

You are much nicer than I am because I cannot imagine being civil to Puke Guy, especially since he didn't really apologize and lied to his wife about getting sick!

I am looking forward to reading the rest of your reviews (and your reviews of Disneyland). :)

I really wanted to, but didn't have the time. And my mom and brother are not foodies like Rob and I, so they went for more of the quick service options. There just wasn't enough time to try all the food I wanted to try there. I feel like I missed out on so much. Guess that just means I need to plan another trip, right?
I'm back from the West Coast!!! And I had the best time! I really want to share a little bit about the trip with you all. I'll try to keep it fairly short and if you're not interested you can just skip the next couple of posts. Let's jump right into the fun!

My brother and I flew from Philly to Las Vegas last Saturday on a 6am flight. I hadn't slept since the night before and was so tired. fortunately our flight wasn't full and no one else sat in our row, so my bro slept on me while I listened to music and read my Kindle.

They came around with snacks and drinks three time which was nice. They had the cutest little cookies as one of the options.

So adorable right? They tasted like Teddy Grahams. These and a bag of Fritos held me over on the flight.

Our flight landed around 8:15am Vegas time and we were beat. My mom picked us up at the airport and drove us back to her new house she just moved into in September. It was right off Las Vegas Blvd and about 10 minutes from The Strip. So awesome! Welcome to Las Vegas!

After a nice looooong nap my brother and I got up and got ready to hit downtown Las Vegas. But first, lunch/dinner.

I really wanted to try some West Coast fast food while I was out here, so our first meal was El Pollo Loco. They have fire-grilled chicken and sides and they also have a large number of Mexican dishes. I went with a chicken fajita burrito combo meal that had chips and a drink, as did my brother.

My mom had their avocado, mango and chicken tostada salad.

I also got their churros.

Everything was delicious! It was super quality and cheap. And also, everywhere out here had Cherry Coke, which is my favorite, but never available at restaurants or fast food locations in my area. First food of the trip is a success!

Then we drove down The Strip and parked at the Monte Carlo for the night. Our first stop was the New York New York hotel. It was St. Patty's Day and I wanted to hang out at their Irish bar here, but it was a madhouse, so instead I opted for one of the super crazy big drinks in a green glass to walk down The Strip with.

We walked up and down The Strip, stopping at every hotel and crazy big store like the Coca Cola store.

And the Bellagio for the water show, which is incredibly enjoyable.

And the Chandelier Bar in the Cosmopolitan which was insanely gorgeous.

And the old time Vegas charm of The Flamingo.

Eventually we ended up down at The Linq and took a ride on the High Roller, their massive Ferris wheel, which was all lit up in green for St. Patty's Day.

This was ridiculously fun at night. I highly recommend it. The views were amazing.

Afterwards we walked down The Linq's Promenade, which has tons of shops and restaurants. Eventually we ran into this familiar sight.

If you have read my other reports you know I loooove getting cupcakes from Sprinkles in DS. We all got something from here to take back home for a late night treat.

I got my favorite, the Red Velvet, and the Irish Chocolate. My brother got the coconut cupcake. I ate the Red Velvet one the next day and it was still fresh and delicious. The Irish Chocolate was Belgian dark chocolate and coffee cake with Jameson's Irish Whiskey topped with a Bailey's cream cheese frosting. I loved this! I wish they had this all the time. The flavors were perfect together. My brother isn't much of a sweets eater, so I ended up eating some of his cupcake too, which was really good.

My mom got the special spring mini cupcake trio, which she really enjoyed. There was a mini Red Velvet, Vanilla and Chocolate cupcake.

Perfect ending to our first day of vacation!

The next morning we were up early and hit the road to go to Red Rock Canyon for the day. My mom is very outdoorsy (unlike me) and has really enjoyed hiking all over since she moved out West. She has an annual pass for the parks and took us around her favorite spots at Red Rock.

I took a ton of pictures, but I won't flood you with them. However, if you ever get the opportunity to go, do it! It was stunningly beautiful. It was a nice day out too and the prefect temperature. We drove the entire scenic route that they have and stopped at most of the stops for pictures and a short hike around the area. The last area we hiked waaaaaay down and by the time we hiked back up to the car I was exhausted. Let's eat!

All I wanted on this trip was In-N-Out Burger. And today I got my wish!

I really worked up an appetite hiking around for the past 6 hours, so I went with the Double Double and fries.

I also got a vanilla shake.

This was so good! I love how the only things you can order here are burgers, fries and shakes and soft drinks. They keep it simple, which keeps the line moving. The line was huge here, but we went through it pretty quick. I wish we had these on the East Coast. There were ones on every corner in Vegas, which was awesome.

After that we stopped to pick up our rental car for our drive to California and they upgraded us to a convertible Mustang for free! Which as you can see my brother just hated driving. :rotfl2:

Later that night my mom made dinner and we watched Coco and packed up for our trip the next morning to Disneyland!!!!
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The next morning we woke up bright and early and made the 4 hour drive from Vegas to Anaheim. It really wasn't a bad drive. The last half hour when you are getting close to LA and all that craziness was a little bit crazy, but overall really not that bad. The GPS made it easy. :thumbsup2 And eventually we arrived at our hotel. The Disneyland Hotel!

OMG I've always drooled over photos of this hotel and dreamed of staying here. On our one and only Disneyland stay 13 years ago we stayed at Paradise Pier, which was nice, but Disneyland Hotel looked to me like the place to be. We checked in with no problem and went off in search of our room in the Frontier Tower.

Once we got in our room I opened the curtains and saw that our parking lot view had been upgraded to this beautiful pool view!

I was screaming and jumping up and down and shaking my brother with excitement. It was so beautiful! And just look at this room!!!

And the headed board would light up and play A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes when you hit a button. I played it a zillion times and we slept with the headboard illuminated which was just too perfect.

After we got a few things unpacked we changed and went down to enjoy the pool on our only non-park day.

I mean, come on. Look at this pool you guys!

Sitting on the lounge chairs at the pool were some menus. For no extra cost, other than a tip of course, they had CMs that would take your food and/or drink order and deliver it to you poolside. WDW needs this ASAP at all the resorts.

My mom and I enjoyed a Banana Cabana while my brother had the Blueberry Lemonade.

Cheers to vacation!

After some pool time we went back up to the room and got ready to go out for dinner. My plan was to eat dinner and get another drink at Trader Sam's which was right down at the pool, but my mom really didn't want what they had for food offerings. Bummer! Sadly I never got there this trip, which really stinks, but there was just not enough time.

We made the super short walk from our hotel over to Downtown Disney. Just look at this adorableness leaving our hotel.

After a very brief check through security we were into Downtown Disney. My mom wanted Rainforest Cafe, which would have been my last choice, but she wasn't asking for a lot this trip, so Rainforest Cafe it is.

Here is the view from the entrance to Rainforest Cafe looking out onto the beginning of DTD and our hotel. Everything is so close, it's crazy!

After just a few minutes we were seated by this guy. As you can see my brother is thrilled. :laughing:

My mom and my brother chose the Taste of the Islands. Coconut shrimp, blackened tilapia topped with a mango salsa and Dynamite Scallops and Shrimp.

They really liked this except for the Dynamite Shrimp and Scallops which neither of them were crazy about. I, on the other hand, loved it and got to eat their shrimps and scallops. More for me!

I was going to get the nachos, but really wanted an actual meal, so I chose Jungle Steak and Shrimp. Flat iron steak, steak butter, shrimp scampi, Caribbean coconut shrimp, choice of side for which I went with the mashed potatoes.

OMG this was all so good. My streak was cooked to a perfect medium and the coconut shrimp were really good. The shrimp scampi had a ton of flavor as well. I also really enjoyed the mashed potatoes.

All of the food was good here, my only complaint was that we were all starving and our food took forever to come out. Even our server came over and acknowledged that there was an issue and apologized. Other than that it was a great meal. This wouldn't have been my choice with the other options available to us, but overall it turned out to be a really tasty meal.

After dinner can you guess what we did? I know that you all know me well enough to know... we went to a movie! :laughing:

I hadn't seen Black Panther yet and neither had my mom and my bro wanted to see it a second time, so Marvel movie it is!

This theater is nowhere near as nice as the AMC in Disney Springs, but it was serviceable and the movie was good.

After the movie we did some shopping in DTD and were able to see the Disneyland fireworks from the other end of DTD. No sound, but the fireworks were beautiful.

For our last stop we went in Marceline's Confectionery and got some treats for the night to enjoy back at the room. I got the same cupcake I got in WDW in January. The Belle Vanilla Cupcake.

This was so good! And you can't tell from the picture, but it was a way bigger cupcake than the one in WDW. It was the same, but definitely a lot bigger. Wonder why?

Great start to our Disneyland adventure! Coming up next, 14 hours of Disneyland park time fun!
The next morning we were up before the sun to get into Disneyland for Magic Morning hours which meant we could get in at 7am since we were staying on property. My mom is tough to get going in the morning, but I was proud of her and we got into the park around 7:20am which was a little later than I wanted but overall not too bad. This castle is so much smaller than the one in WDW, but it is just so pretty.

We went right back and started riding some rides including the ride I miss the most from WDW, Mr, Toad's Wild Ride.

After a few rides we decided to get some breakfast. I went over options with my mom the night before and she picked the place I also wanted the most for breakfast, Red Rose Taverne.

We were the only people in there when we first walked in, so it was nice to beat the breakfast crowds which were filling up the place by the time we left. The CMs here were so nice too. I found that to be true all over Disneyland. I had some great conversations with a number of CMs.

My mom got the standard breakfast platter which came out first and she was half way done by the time my bro and I got our meals. My bro chose the Garden Vegetable Hash. Mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, kale, taverne potatoes, bechamel sauce and a baked egg, served with a petite croissant.

This looked really good and lucky for me he doesn't like mushrooms, so he took them off his dish and I added them to mine.

I got the dish I have had my eye on, the Breakfast Flatbread. Bacon, egg, mozzarella, taverne potatoes, bechamel sauce and greens atop crispy flatbread.

This was really good! Sadly my egg was a little overcooked and wasn't as runny as the one on my brother's dish. The over-easy eggs were what held up our dishes, so you would think they would have had that part right, but it was still good. It was even better with my brother's mushrooms added to it. :thumbsup2

The decor in here was really cute. We sat over some Gaston goodness.

There were some really cute Belle items in another room but people were eating under them and I didn't want to be a creeper snapping photos while they were trying to eat their breakfast.

Breakfast was a success! Now let's go ride some more rides!

We hit up a lot of rides we don't have in WDW like the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage.

And the super fun Matterhorn.

Soon we were in need of a snack, so we stopped in Adventureland at the Tiki Juice Bar for a classic treat. It's Dole Whip time!

I got a Dole Whip. I love how this Tiki God looks like he is licking my ice cream in this photo. :laughing:

My mom and my brother shared a Dole Whip Float, which is extra special because it comes with the umbrella.

I was very disappointed because I wanted to try my Dole Whip with Tajin which is a Disneyland snack hack on the West Coast, but I couldn't find the location that is supposed to carry the Tajin, so eventually I gave up and had it without it. I definitely prefer the Dole Whip Swirl with the vanilla, but this is always a good treat to enjoy in the park. And of course I took mine into the next Tiki Room show which started right after we got our ice cream.

After a few more rides it was time for lunch. I went back and forth between Jolly Holiday, Bengal Barbecue and Carnation Cafe, but in the end we decided on Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe.

I got the Jolly Holiday Combo of a toasted cheese sandwich with tomato basil soup.

I also got a soda in a Disneyland mug, which was only $6.99 for the mug and soda.

This was as good as I hoped it would be! It was so super cheesy and perfect to dip in the tomato soup. There was a ton of soup and this was super filling for $9.99. Plus I got 10% off with my DVC card which was awesome.

My mom got a turkey sandwich and chips. Sorry for the terrible pic.

And my brother got a piece of flourless chocolate cake that I can't find my picture of and a soda. :rotfl: He liked the cake a lot and my mom tried it and said it was super dense and rich.

For dessert I got a Matterhorn Macaroon.

This was absolute heaven. I have wanting one of these forever and it was as good as I hoped, if not better. It was so moist on the inside with a slight crunch on the outside. I loved the frosted coating on the top too, which added a nice flavor. This thing was huge and I eventually shared it with my mom.

Overall lunch was a hit. It was simple, but really good and also quick and easy and cheap.

After even more rides we made our way up Main Street and were going to take a break in the room for awhile, but we somehow got a second wind and decided to stay in the park. Who has time for naps when you have one day in Disneyland?

Around 5pm we decided to take a break for dinner. We ended up at Rancho del Zocalo in Frontierland near Big Thunder Mountain.

My mom and I both got the Chicken Burrito Sonora with refried beans, rice, and cheese, wrapped in a flour tortilla and topped with a traditional Guajillo sauce.

I could tell I was hungry because I tore this up! There was nothing left on this plate by the time I was done. It was really awesome and I loved the refried beans. My mom also liked it and ate most of hers which is good because she is a very light eater. I was also able to get Cherry Coke here and refilled it twice. I love all the Cherry Coke out West, I'm telling you!

My brother got Chicken Street Tacos.

You could add more to the tacos, but he just got the onions. He also left nothing behind on his plate. He loves street tacos, so this was perfect for him.

Another successful Disneyland meal!

After that I was in need of a churro, so I got one before we rode Winnie the Pooh.

Who doesn't love a Disney churro?

After that we used a Fastpass to ride Indiana Jones (my favorite ride here) for a second time and they loaded the three of us into the back of an otherwise empty car without loading anyone else and then at the last second, from the opposite direction of the queue, who gets in our car but singer Jason Derulo. How cool is that?!?! He rode in the front seat with his girlfriend and his bodyguard and a Disney employee got in the second row. His girlfriend posted pics from around Disneyland that night and it was her birthday, so I guess that's why they were there that night. I was so excited that I saw a celebrity while we were there. Very cool.

Our last ride of the night was Peter Pan. The line had been long all day and there is no FP for that ride, so we waited 40 minutes in line to ride it. My feet were already killing me and that put me over the edge. My mom and my bro were exhausted, so as badly as we wanted to see the fireworks at 9:30, we had to call it a night before 9.

It was an absolutely amazing day and in the end we had 3 meals, multiple snacks and did 19 attractions in 14 hours while waling a total of 12 miles. Not too shabby. I never have days like that in WDW anymore where I park myself out, so this was a lot of fun.

Goodbye Disneyland! Tomorrow, hello California Adventure!

The next morning we were somehow up before the sun again for Magic Morning hours, this time for California Adventure.

As soon as we got in the park we went right to Soarin' and walked on. They didn't even load a full theater, only the middle section. It was crazy to see Soarin' that slow.

Then my mom went for Radiator Springs Racer FPs while my brother and I rode Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout.

OMG this ride was sooooo awesome! My brother hated it and was shaking when we got off the ride. Poor thing. Sadly he did not want to ride again, which was a shame as we were still able to walk right on it a second time if we wanted.

We walked through the Bug's Life area, which they just announced the day before would be closing and already closed ITTBAB, which was sadly the only ride we really wanted to ride in this area. Then we met my mom in Cars Land. This area is awesome! I'm honestly not a big fan of the Cars movies, but this area was stunning. I could walk around and look at it all day.

My brother and I went on Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters first.

This ride doesn't do much of anything, but I loved it. It was just too darn cute.

Now it's time for breakfast. The only real spot right now is Flo's V8 Cafe, so Flo's it is.

The throwback theming in here was adorable.

No one was outside so we had an awesome view of Radiator Springs with our breakfast. We could sit and watch the cars go by.

My mom and my brother both got the Brioche French Toast baked and served with salted caramel sauce and bananas.

They really liked it. and my mom, the light eater, only ate about half of her's so I ate the rest and can attest to the fact that it was delicious!

I was originally going to get the French Toast, but wanted something savory, so I went with the Chicken Tamale Breakfast. Chicken tamale, scrambled eggs, salsa verde and pico de Gallo.

I am so glad I ordered this! It was delicious! It is so different from most of the quick service breakfast options in WDW. Not only did we have a great breakfast, but we also had the great view and it was cheap as we once again got the 10% off with the DVC card.

Then it was time for our Radiator Springs Racers FP, which was crazy fun! It was like Test Track, except enjoyable! :laughing:

We went over to the Paradise Pier area to ride Little Mermaid and get a FP for TSMM and saw all the construction going on.

What a bummer. When I booked this trip they hadn't announced that this construction would be done in April and I was trying desperately to avoid Vegas heat any later towards summer. But it is a bummer that I missed out on seeing this area done and just not seeing such yucky construction. Oh well, just gives me a reason to come back again soon! This area will be amazing when it's done. For now the construction walls ae adorable with all Pixar characters.

We did the Monsters Inc ride, which was super cute!

The I stopped for a treat I had my eye on at Smokejumpers Grill, the S'More. Toasted house-made marshmallow and chocolate brownie sandwiched between two chocolate-covered graham crackers.

This was really good! It was just like a S'More, but prettier. I only wish the marshmallow had been warm. It would have made this even better.

This is DCA's Food & Wine Festival time, so we decided to hit up some of the booths!

First we hot up Strawberry Patch, where we all got Frushi.

This was slightly different from the Epcot Flower & Garden Festival version, but almost just as good. I loved the coconut rice. Yum! I wanted to try the Strawberry Frose here, but it was $14. Yikes! Just couldn't do it.

Then I stopped at Avocado Time for the Avocado & Pepper Jack Petite Guacamole Burger.

I hated this. It was undercooked (for my taste anyway) and so salty and greasy. Not a fan.

We shared a White Wine Flight from Uncork California, which was good.

My mom and I shared the Orange-Vanilla Cream Float from Cluck-a-Doodle-Moo.

This was delicious! I wished I wasn't sharing this one. :laughing:

My mom also got a cup for the Food & Wine Festival.

Meanwhile my brother went to the Off The Cob booth for Sweet Corn Nuggets with Beef Chili.

After we saw the Frozen stage show, which was really good and has me hyped to go see Frozen on Broadway, we all got the Selection of 3 California Cheeses. Point Reyes Blue, Vella Jack and Fiscalini Cheddar. It also came with candied pineapple, apricots and pecans, grapes and packs of Carr's Table Crackers.

This was also $14, but totally worth it. It was so much food. We all had to take it back to the room with us and luckily it was in resealable containers, which made it possible to do that.

At this point we had done all of the rides we wanted to do and the lines were now long and a lot of the FPs were already gone for the day. Also, my feet were KILLING me. So we decided to head back to the room to hang out and nap until World of Color at night.
That night, after a nice rest, we came back into California Adventure for the World of Color Dessert Party!

I treated the family to this as it seemed like a good value and the best way to see World of Color. I figured I would splurge for our one opportunity to see this.

We lined up at about 8:30 for the 9pm check-in to get the best seats possible. There was a whole section slightly elevated behind the normal viewing area for the show. There are low tables and high tops with high director type chairs. My mom didn't want those so she asked for the shorter table and I was worried about our view. This is where they seated us and I was worried what this would like like after they let people in this area in front of us.

The view ended up being pretty good and you couldn't see the construction during the show either, which was good.

For the party each person gets 2 alcoholic beverages which is either sparkling wine or their Color Cooler or vodka, Sprite and Blue Curacao. You can also get water, soda, tea and coffee. There is also a bread basket for the table and a dessert plate for each person.

We each got the Color Coolers.

These were good, but not very strong.

The bread basket.

These were not terribly impressive. The long breadsticks were kinda cheesy. Both were kinda plain.

This was our dessert platter.

The Mickey Macaroon was a favorite for everyone.

The dense chocolate chip cake and the Ghirardelli cheesecake were also delicious and a hit with all three of us.

The cheese was really good too. This was a ton of food! Totally worth it and we didn't have to go up to a buffet as everything was served to us at our table. I also loved that we had seats. I hate that the WDW dessert parties don't have seats for the Illuminations and Star Wars ones. It sucks standing for all that time, so it was great to have our own seats and not fight for a table.

And World of Color was awesome! We loved the show!

The park closed for the night after the show, so we made our way out and back to the resort. It was nice to be able to walk back to the hotel and not do the end of the night crazy packed bus routine like in WDW.

And that's it for our park time in Disneyland. It was so much fun. I loved both parks and can't wait to come back. But wait, still one last Disneyland food update to come!
Great updates. Love the Disneyland trip, looks like a very fun time and good food options. I love In and Out Burger! I miss it so much, my parents lived in AZ for 20 years and I would eat at in and Out at least 2-3x a trip. We don’t have them here either!
The Disneyland Hotel is super special! I'm glad you got to stay there for this trip! Don't you love those headboards?

Overall, good food selections! Good to hear that the World of Color Dessert Party is enjoyable!
Love your latest updates. Boy, Disneyland has sure changed a lot since I was there in 1981. :laughing:
I’m so happy you included your bonus trip in with this report!! I loved following along with you on FB/Insta so it was so nice to read the play by play details too. The Mission Breakout is so high on my bucket list but I want to wait to to do DL until that construction is finished. I have only done Vegas once so now I’m tempted to go back being it is only a 4 hour drive to DL. I absolutely love the idea of a dessert party with a table that they serve you at. I haven’t booked one yet bc it seems so chaotic with the buffet and scrambling to get a spot to view. Awesome updates, Jeri!!!
How awesome you got to do Vegas and Disneyland. Two of my favorite places as we got married in Vegas and honeymooned at Disneyland.

Oh how I'd love to have a relative in Vegas. We used to go once or twice a year before our daughter was born, but sadly have only been once in the last 7 years. I miss all the amazing food and entertainment. Love Red Rock too. It's like visiting another planet.

Looks like you all truly made the most out of your 2 days in Disneyland. Especially all the food :-) I wish Disney World had counter service of the caliber of DL, they really do it right!


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