Mike' Make Over Madness!

Hi Lesli54!

Thanks for your note! You were reading my mind with this...

Lesli54 said:
Here is an added incentive. Trying putting the money that you would normally spend on the carbonated beverages in a jar for a couple of months or until you reach your goal. That savings will add up and you will be able to have some extra added fun in WDW (or somewhere else).

I was trying to figure out this afternoon how much I spend on the junk! When I do it will be going into the new savings account I am starting for my next WDW adventure.

Hope you have a great night!
Mike :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Hi Mike!!

Great start to your trip report! :goodvibes Looking forward to the rest... ::yes::

I love your Coke/ ice water analogy! Hang in there, Mike! Before you know it, you'll be saying, "Coke....Who needs Coke?" ::yes::

Have a great day! :sunny:
So, Mike, how go the Cola Wars???? Sounds like you're winning!

You might try a carbonated water (perrier, seltzer, etc) with a touch of RealLemon juice or RealLime juice. Flavor, bubbles, but not the sugar, caffeine, or fake sweeteners.

Have you heard about the rec center yet?? Maybe I missed it!

Have a great 2 weeks while I'm gone. I'd imagine there will be less of you by the time I get back.

Hang in there! I'll catch ya later!
toystoryduo said:
Hi Mike!!

Great start to your trip report! :goodvibes Looking forward to the rest... ::yes::

I love your Coke/ ice water analogy! Hang in there, Mike! Before you know it, you'll be saying, "Coke....Who needs Coke?" ::yes::

Have a great day! :sunny:

Thanks Tracy! I am working on Day 2 aka Tornado Warnings as we speak! ;)

eeyore25 said:
Hi Mike!

Just wanted to stop in and say hello,

How was your day yesterday?

Hi Jamie!

Had a good one, went a whole day without a coca-cola!
Which is shocking to me but felt good! I even turned down one that was bought for me by one of my student workers if you can believe that!

Mike :cool1:
GOOOOOOD MORNING MIKE!!! happy weight loss day to you! :D :cool1:

i'm up :cool1:

i'm ready :Pinkbounc

and I'm roaring!! pirate:

READY TO LOSE MYSELF TODAY!! ;) hehe...well PART of me anyhow :)

just popping in to wish you a GREAT DAY and give you some encouragment on the soda or lack there of...YOU CAN DO IT....I've been soda free for more than 5 wks now....


Jen :)
goldcupmom said:
So, Mike, how go the Cola Wars???? Sounds like you're winning!

You might try a carbonated water (perrier, seltzer, etc) with a touch of RealLemon juice or RealLime juice. Flavor, bubbles, but not the sugar, caffeine, or fake sweeteners.

Have you heard about the rec center yet?? Maybe I missed it!

Have a great 2 weeks while I'm gone. I'd imagine there will be less of you by the time I get back.

Hang in there! I'll catch ya later!

A quick report for ya before you choo-choo off to FL Julie!

* Cola Wars day two is going well... I was definitely dragging this morning and can feel the beginnings of a nice caffeine headache, but I am surviving!

* Thanks for the carbonated water suggestion, I have tried this also in the past. Maybe I will again. Something about it creeps me out though! hehe I think the ice coldness is one of the biggest things I crave, so water helps in that fashion when I load the glass with ice.

* No news on the Rec Center, I am hoping to hear by Monday or I am going to just buy the membership!

* Here's hoping there's less of me! I like that thought! hehehe :3dglasses

Have a blast, think fondly of us, and know we're all jealous!
Mike :flower:
Report from the trenches of the Cola Wars:
"It has been 38.5hrs since we have had a cola-incident... all is quiet... a few moments ago there was a red and white can shaped object on the radar screen but it has since disappeared. The troops are reporting lower energy levels this morning and a few seem to be getting a little headache, I will keep home base appraised of their condition. Tonight we make camp at Ice Water Base Alpha, where the mess hall fridge has a built in water filter and ice maker, we are sure that this will come in handy as we attempt this weekend's exercise manuvers. We hope that everyone out there in their own trenches receives this message well and is preparing for a weekend of losing... weight that is! Over & out, this has been Mike reporting from the Coke Free Zone!"

Hey Mike.....


Over here.....

(NO NOT THERE!)..................................................................HERE!!!!


I'm in the Coke free zone too....glad SOMEBODY FINALLY came to join me, it was getting boring balancing lemons on my nose and waiting for someone to share a pina-ca-water with me :)

so, what do ya say? Coca-Water?

Big Water?

Mt. Water?

Dr. Water?

WHAT'S YOUR POISON??? :rotfl2:
Hey, Mike! Congratulations on going cold turkey and making it through the first 38.5 hours of the coke wars! I am so proud of you, and I don't even know you. I am going to tell everyone I know about how my WISH buddy is in his second and already very successful day of no coke. Good for you!

So, you are leaving work soon and heading to the "house with a pool", right? Got your bathing suit? Got a towel? Got some clothes for when you don't want to be baking in the sun? And speaking of which, got some sunscreen? I think our buddy Jen's "keep on swimming" mantra is especially appropriate for you today and through the weekend. Remember the plan and challenge you have established for yourself. You are going to be so proud to come back and tell us all how well you stuck to it. Isnt' that great?

Accountability is a great motivator, isn't it?

Will you be able to post this weekend? If so, keep us "posted" ;) on how it is going.

Oh, yeah, don't forget to take your water bottles, fill them up with ice and water, and keep one with you outside on the edge of the pool, and the other in the shade. (and be sure to dry your feet when you go in the house for potty breaks. :) )

Have a great weekend, Mike!
Hi Jen!

Or should I say General Jen? If I am a new instated Private in the Cola War, at 5 weeks in you must be a General! hehe

joelyfaithsmommy said:
WHAT'S YOUR POISON??? :rotfl2:

I will have a large Vanilla Ice-Ice-Baby Water! :rotfl: Though the Pina-Ca-Watah sounds interesting. :)

Onwards and upwards! (Or should it be onwards and downwards -- with the numbers on the scale? heheh)

Bye for now!
Mike :flower:
Hiya Cam!

keenercam said:
I am so proud of you, and I don't even know you. I am going to tell everyone I know about how my WISH buddy is in his second and already very successful day of no coke.

Awww, that is very sweet! Thank you! Could you also tell them I have invented a machine that turns lead into gold, and I will give them the idea if they send me $100? I will split the cash 50-50 with ya! ;)

keenercam said:
So, you are leaving work soon and heading to the "house with a pool", right? Got your bathing suit? Got a towel? Got some clothes for when you don't want to be baking in the sun?

I leave in 90min! Towel, swimsuit and laundry to be done for free at their house instead of in our coin-op machines are packed! I also have my sunscreen, I burn like nothing!

keenercam said:
I think our buddy Jen's "keep on swimming" mantra is especially appropriate for you today and through the weekend. Remember the plan and challenge you have established for yourself. You are going to be so proud to come back and tell us all how well you stuck to it. Isnt' that great?

150 laps by Monday! I can do it! And of course... no coke! hehe

keenercam said:
Will you be able to post this weekend? If so, keep us "posted" ;) on how it is going.

I am hoping that my step-mom will be leaving their laptop so I can post. If not I will do a full report on Monday, once I wade through the 1,000,000 emails I have telling me to check the DIS boards! hehe

keenercam said:
Have a great weekend, Mike!

You too!!! :flower: Thanks for the support, I greatly appreciate it!
Hi all!

Just a quick note that I am off to my folks house til Monday!
I will post from there if I can, if not wish me luck with my exercise and my Coke-free-zone! and I of course wish the same success for all of you! :goodvibes

Mykelogan said:
Hi all!

Just a quick note that I am off to my folks house til Monday!
I will post from there if I can, if not wish me luck with my exercise and my Coke-free-zone! and I of course wish the same success for all of you! :goodvibes

Carry on, soldier!! Enjoy the pool. Catch ya on Monday if you can't check-in in the meantime.
Mykelogan said:
Report from the trenches of the Cola Wars:
"It has been 38.5hrs since we have had a cola-incident... all is quiet... a few moments ago there was a red and white can shaped object on the radar screen but it has since disappeared. The troops are reporting lower energy levels this morning and a few seem to be getting a little headache, I will keep home base appraised of their condition. Tonight we make camp at Ice Water Base Alpha, where the mess hall fridge has a built in water filter and ice maker, we are sure that this will come in handy as we attempt this weekend's exercise manuvers. We hope that everyone out there in their own trenches receives this message well and is preparing for a weekend of losing... weight that is! Over & out, this has been Mike reporting from the Coke Free Zone!"


Contragulations on the coke zone Mike!!!! :teeth: You are doing great. Soon the coke will just be a memory. I know the headaches can realy be a pain but once your body gets used to it you are home free!!!

Hope you have a wonderful time at your parents'. Get in lots of exercise!!!! Have a great weekend!
Hi all!

I am back from house/zoo keeping at my parent's house for the weekend. It was definitely more than I bargained for work wise as it turned out that due to my sister's work schedule, not just the dogs needed tending but so did the Horses, the ducks, and my brother's dog at his house two miles down the main road! LOL Oy! How not a really relaxing weekend as something seemed to need to be done every 2 hours. So there was no flow. I also got a nice big scrape down my right leg Friday night so that was fun, I do not deal well with blood! hehe And to top it off, I caught a cold from my sister! Anyway, there were some positives to the weekend too, I don't mean to sound just like a grumpy gus! hehe Here is my report on my goals for the weekend...

1) My exercise:
I did swim on Friday and Sunday. I was a bit ambitious in my goal when I set it, seeing as I have not really intentionally exercised in a loooong time. So after 25 laps on Friday, in the heat, I was ready to do some casual swimming and floating. I did actually swim for a while after that so I think i did good. Saturday it was 95 degrees and high humidity, after doing all the animal work I was already exhuasted and feeling it in my lungs, I guess the weathermen were not kidding when they said avoid outside exertion if you can! But I did go in the pool, after 5 min I realized I was not going to be able to really try and work out as it was too hot and I was definitely feeling it, even in the pool. Of course the pool is in direct sunlight all day so that could have been involved too. So I went inside and later that afternoon I put on the MTV Hits channel on digital cable and did some arm lifts and leg lifts to the music for 15-20min, so I could feel i accomplished something! Sunday afternoon it was a bit cooler after some very intense rain so I hit the pool after tying out the dogs and feeding the horses. I do have to be honest, just walking their yard to take care of the animals was more than I have been used to, so did I sweat? heck yes! Also showed me in what bad shape I am in! Ug! That was frustrating but I also realized that I am making positive changes and should be proud of that! I did another 25 laps in the pool Sunday. So I did not meet my goal but i do feel that I did a lot of physical activity this weekend, and I can definitely feel it all over today! I think me setting that goal without having attempted to lap the pool first was silly, as I had no idea what it would be like. But now I have experience and context to use and learn from! :)

2) My food...
Ok now interestingly, usually when I stay at their house they leave us no food at all for the weekend and expect we will order pizza, go out, or shop ourselves I guess. That's just the way my stepmom is, she hates cooking so she assumes everyone else does too. hehe. This time the fridge was stocked lots of chicken, beef, salad veggies, cheese, etc. So I was able to actually use this weekend to begin the transistion to the food plan I will be following, the Carb addicts plan. (If you don't know it, you focus two meals a day and snacks on protein and what they call "craving reducing veggies", aka complex carb vegs that are mostly green, using fat where needed. You also plan one meal where you will be able to have the higher carb foods you like, in balance and eaten in order, ie. You have salad, then a meal that is 1/3 protein, 1/3 craving reducing veg, and 1/3 of any carbs you want. You eat the salad first and eat the whole meal within an hour. Not endorsing it for anyone else of course as I am not a doctor, just wanted to give the gist of it for my loyal readers! LOL) I was able to do well following the suggestions in the book the docs who wrote Carb Addicts Plan wrote to help anyone transition from uncontrolled to more controlled carb eating. This is definitely a plan that works for me in that it does control my hunger and urges to binge, etc. Of course now I am home with bare cupboards and need to get groceries! hehe

and now, maybe most importantly...
3) The Coke Battle...
Well I am sad to report that I indulged in Coke this weekend... NOT! hehehe
I am 112 hours coke/soda free and feel great. I definitely felt the headache this weekend but I think it just ganged up on me with the cold I picked up. I can take and don't really feel it today! I drank nice ice cold water all day, each day this weekend. Not sure if I am up to where I should be water wise yet but I am getting there! The only non water bev I have had is a small glass of pink lemonade with dinner Saturday night. I feel great about this change, I definitely feel better giving my body the water it needs instead of all the junk that comes in the cola! :flower:

So that was my weekend...For having a miserable time I feel pretty good about how I treated myself all weekend. I made good choices I think! One question though... do you realize what today is??? It has been ONE WEEK since I made the committment to make myself feel better and started this journal. Reflecting on the week I feel good. It has been a time of transition food wise, did not always make the best choices but did pay attention! For example, on Friday as I was running late to my dad's and assumed there would be no food I hot McDonalds on the way. Now sit down as I share my usual McDs order, you may faint. Normally I would get a Big mac meal with fries and a coke, plus two more cheeseburgers, and a shake. Not a bad order, for a family of four!!! But friday I decided to get a grilled chicken salad and a cheeseburger, oh and a water of course. So anyway, I got up this morning and thought, "It has been a week, should I weigh in? I have not been completely dieting or anything really, but I have had a week of conscious choices to control my portions, and then half a week of beating that Coke demon. What could it hurt to look?" So I stepped on my scale...

10lbs gone! what? wow!!! I know it is probably mostly water seeing as controlling my food and soda intake also probably dropped my sodium intake, etc. but still, it is 10lbs not on me any more! I do feel a bit looser, if that makes sense. To put this in context though, I have much farther to go then your average dieter, as I have said before I could lose a fat man and still be a very fat man to the average person's perspective. So 10 off of me is not like 10lbs off of the 250lbs guy, etc. I would have been happy with staying the same, or even just losing 1lb, so this is motivating! Let's see if I can continue the downward progress and heck, even keep this 10lbs off would be nice. :sunny:

Ok, enough about me! I hope that everyone else out there had a great weekend!!! I am going to get caught up on your journals' now, then maybe do some work here (hehe!) and then get back to my trip reporting!

After this week I see that when you W.I.S.H. upon a star, your dreams really can start to come true! :cheer2:

Oh, Gosh, Mike! I got all teary eyed reading about how GREAT you did this weekend. Man, oh man, you MUST be so proud of yourself!

I was going to say that I can't believe you stayed away from coke, but you know what? I actually can believe it! You are such a strong person (and getting stronger from those laps and arm and leg lifts-- you GO, WISH buddy!). You are well on your way! Think of it like this -- if you wanted to lose 100 pounds, you are already 10% of the way there! If you are hoping to lose 200 pounds, you are 5% of the way there -- and in ONLY ONE WEEK!!! Imagine how well this is going to go as you start feeling stronger and add more physical activity in.

How FUN that you got to be a zookeeper this weekend! LOL! Some of my happier moments in any given day are the moments I spend with my dog, when she is so grateful for everything and anything I do for her and she looks at me with big adoring eyes or greets me at the door. Animals are so energizing. So, I know you worked your butt off, but, HEY, you "WANT" to work your butt off, right?

BTW, I hope you cleaned that scrape really well.

Have a great day, and keep up the great work!
I just wanted to pop in and say hi!... way to go w/ the cokes!! I have just one diet coke/ day usually at work and I know I need to cut that out! so you inspire me!!! Since I've had my coke today starting tomorrow I'm cutting them out!!! Good job on your weight loss and all your hard work this weekend..
Hi! I'm a little late for the party, but welcome to the WISH boards. I want you to succeed so much! You're doing soo awesome. Please-keep up the good work!

Congrats on your awesome weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

Should I do a cheer in his journal? Myke-do you want a cheer in your journal?

Bye and good luck!


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