Mike' Make Over Madness!

Way to go Mike!!!! :cool1:

You did a great job this weekend! Like Cam said, you should be very proud of yourself! ::yes::

The Carb Addicts Plan sounds interesting. I have stalled in my weight loss big time and could use a new plan to follow. Is there a book or website that accompanies this plan?

By the way, I love your trip reports so far! :teeth: Your second day sounded like a good one! :goodvibes Despite a little bit of rain. ;) :umbrella:

Congrats Mike on a great weekend! Congrats also on your 10 pound loss! :cheer2: Did you add the clippie to your signtaure yet?

Have a great Monday! :cool1:
Wow! I've never seen a journal take off quite like yours!

Congrats on making it through the weekend Coke free and a BIG BIG congrats on those 10 pounds gone!!! :cool1:

You're doing great things for yourself. Keep up the good work!!! You can do it!!! :cheer2:
keenercam said:
Oh, Gosh, Mike! I got all teary eyed reading about how GREAT you did this weekend. Man, oh man, you MUST be so proud of yourself!

Thank you so much Cam! It means a lot to know someone has faith in me! :goodvibes

keenercam said:
You are well on your way! Think of it like this -- if you wanted to lose 100 pounds, you are already 10% of the way there! If you are hoping to lose 200 pounds, you are 5% of the way there -- and in ONLY ONE WEEK!!! Imagine how well this is going to go as you start feeling stronger and add more physical activity in.

You are definitely right, that is a good way to look at things!

keenercam said:
How FUN that you got to be a zookeeper this weekend! LOL! Some of my happier moments in any given day are the moments I spend with my dog, when she is so grateful for everything and anything I do for her and she looks at me with big adoring eyes or greets me at the door. Animals are so energizing. So, I know you worked your butt off, but, HEY, you "WANT" to work your butt off, right?

You are correct, I do want to work this butt off! I have a cat who spends 90%of his time beside me, curious about what I am doing, falling asleep in my arms while I am typing (literally!) So I love animals, but I guess in small doses! hehe I will say that the funniest moments of the weekend were when the ducks, who waddle the yard all day quacking away at the horses, would try to scare the basset hound. At first the dog would get scared and then realize he could scare them and lunge at them, the ducks would turn around and waddle away as fast as they could quacking their heads off. LOL

keenercam said:
BTW, I hope you cleaned that scrape really well.

Believe me I did! hehe! Alcohol, peroxide, wound spray, bandages, I go all out so I am sure not to see the blood again! hehe :flower:

Thanks again for your support and I hope your day is going along well!
MayButterfly said:
I just wanted to pop in and say hi!... way to go w/ the cokes!! I have just one diet coke/ day usually at work and I know I need to cut that out! so you inspire me!!! Since I've had my coke today starting tomorrow I'm cutting them out!!! Good job on your weight loss and all your hard work this weekend..

Hi maybutterfly!

Thanks for stopping by and your supportive message! I hope that cutting out the diet Coke works and helps your progress out! I know I am very wary of artificial sweeteners, especially the ones that give me headaches like aspartame.

Hope that you have a great day!
TigerCheer2009 said:
Hi! I'm a little late for the party, but welcome to the WISH boards. I want you to succeed so much! You're doing soo awesome. Please-keep up the good work!

Congrats on your awesome weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!

Should I do a cheer in his journal? Myke-do you want a cheer in your journal?

Bye and good luck!

Hi Jen!

Thanks for stopping by! Congrats on your loss too, I am gonna get fully caught up on your journal to get inspired! Hope that you are having fun with those kids, they can be a joy and a terror, hope that stay on the joy side for you! :flower:

As for would I like a cheer??? Did I mention "bring it on" is one of my fave movies??? Cheer away, I will make sure the spirit stick stays safe! :goodvibes

WOW!!! WAY to go Mike. Sounds like you did an awesome job this weekend!!!! Congratulations on being coke freee....isn't it great. Any also on the weight loss. You are doing great!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Keep it up and in no time, you will have the achieved your goals!
Great job over the weekend and on the lost lbs. Now, say good-bye to them forever and make your solemn vow to never weigh what you started at again. :angel:

You might want to check out the websites of the fast food chains and take a look at their nutrition charts. It really is an eye opener and helps you keep in mind exactly what you should be ordering when you find yourself at one of these places. I am finding that the more I know about food ahead of time, the easier it is to make good choices later.

Keep up the AWESOME job. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hi Tracy!

Thanks for your support! I think I had a pretty good weekend, now if I can just keep it up!

toystoryduo said:
The Carb Addicts Plan sounds interesting. I have stalled in my weight loss big time and could use a new plan to follow. Is there a book or website that accompanies this plan?

I am so sorry to hear that you are stalled. I just saw that on your journal too. I think you are on the right track looking at Sunny's advice, retracing your steps and looking at your food log. Also you said you didn't eat a lot last week, maybe your body went into that nasty starvation mode where it gets worried and holds onto our fat for dear life? If you are interested in the CAP, you can check out their not frequently updated, as in years, but helpful and good overview website here . There are books also, specifically the Carbohydrate Addict's Lifespan Plan is a good start. (A tip if you want to buy it, on Amazon.com you can get it used, and most of the Hellers other books too, for like a penny. I am not kidding! lol There is shipping too, so it ends like $3. Not too bad, and of course as a disclaimer I am not affiliated with the Hellers or amazon, hehe!) For me the Plan makes a lot of sense from the patterns in my eating and weight gain. What I like also that there are no real "evil" foods, just you look at when you eat them and with what aka I can have my cake and eat it too. hehe! Corny, I know! If you have any specific questions about my experiences with the plan I will of course be glad to answer them! :flower:

toystoryduo said:
By the way, I love your trip reports so far! :teeth: Your second day sounded like a good one! :goodvibes Despite a little bit of rain. ;) :umbrella:

Thanks! I hope to get the whole trip report finished soon, and don't worry, there is more rain to come and we haven't even gotten to me meeting Warwick Davis (Wicket the Ewok in Return of the Jedi, The Leprechan, and Willow) in Epcot! hehe

toystoryduo said:
Congrats Mike on a great weekend! Congrats also on your 10 pound loss! :cheer2: Did you add the clippie to your signtaure yet?
Have a great Monday! :cool1:

Thanks again Tracy, I look forward to seeing your future success! And I did add my clippie, I am so proud! hehe

Bye for now,
pearlieq said:
Wow! I've never seen a journal take off quite like yours!

Congrats on making it through the weekend Coke free and a BIG BIG congrats on those 10 pounds gone!!! :cool1:

You're doing great things for yourself. Keep up the good work!!! You can do it!!! :cheer2:

Thanks pearlieq, I am sure with all the great WISH support out there, like yours!, I will be able to do it!

eeyore25 said:
WOW!!! WAY to go Mike. Sounds like you did an awesome job this weekend!!!! Congratulations on being coke freee....isn't it great. Any also on the weight loss. You are doing great!!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Keep it up and in no time, you will have the achieved your goals!

Thanks Jamie!! It is great to be coke free, especially since if I was still drinking it I would have probably spent close to $10 on it this weekend. That's ten dollars I have now to save towards my next Disney trip! hehe

Bye for now,
Mykelogan said:
I am back from house/zoo keeping at my parent's house for the weekend.
Calling Dr. Dolittle, Dr. Mike Dolittle!! ROFL
Mykelogan said:
I do have to be honest, just walking their yard to take care of the animals was more than I have been used to, so did I sweat? heck yes! Also showed me in what bad shape I am in! Ug!
That sounds like how I felt on saturday, didn't do any formal exercise, just spent several hours cleaning out the shed. I may have gained a couple pounds from inhaling dust, and all the dust that stuck to my sweat! I can't wait until I can work outside in the summer and not drown in it.
Mykelogan said:
3) The Coke Battle...
Well I am sad to report that I indulged in Coke this weekend... NOT! hehehe
I am 112 hours coke/soda free and feel great. I definitely felt the headache this weekend but I think it just ganged up on me with the cold I picked up. I can take and don't really feel it today! I drank nice ice cold water all day, each day this weekend. Not sure if I am up to where I should be water wise yet but I am getting there! The only non water bev I have had is a small glass of pink lemonade with dinner Saturday night. I feel great about this change, I definitely feel better giving my body the water it needs instead of all the junk that comes in the cola! :flower:
Dude you had me going there for a half second. Excellent!! Man, if this sticks, and it IS sticking, this will be a major accomplishment for both of us. Just thinking about having to report any Dr. P violations here has been enough to keep me from bailing out. Today I got a powerade from the fountain in a Dr. Pepper cup :rotfl2:
Mykelogan said:
For example, on Friday as I was running late to my dad's and assumed there would be no food I hot McDonalds on the way. Now sit down as I share my usual McDs order, you may faint. Normally I would get a Big mac meal with fries and a coke, plus two more cheeseburgers, and a shake. Not a bad order, for a family of four!!!
I tend to supplement my normal lunch sometimes with the $1 McD DblCheeseburgers, hockeypucks. I should actually eat the hockeypuck, probably more nutritious.
Mykelogan said:
10lbs gone! what? wow!!! I know it is probably mostly water seeing as controlling my food and soda intake also probably dropped my sodium intake, etc. but still, it is 10lbs not on me any more! I do feel a bit looser, if that makes sense. To put this in context though, I have much farther to go then your average dieter, as I have said before I could lose a fat man and still be a very fat man to the average person's perspective. So 10 off of me is not like 10lbs off of the 250lbs guy, etc. I would have been happy with staying the same, or even just losing 1lb, so this is motivating! Let's see if I can continue the downward progress and heck, even keep this 10lbs off would be nice. :sunny:
Outstanding!!! in the field, farmer Mike! Here we go for week 2!
Carry on.
Hi Lesli54!

Lesli54 said:
Great job over the weekend and on the lost lbs. Now, say good-bye to them forever and make your solemn vow to never weigh what you started at again. :angel:

Sounds like a plan to me! Adios you dastardly pounds! :wave:

Lesli54 said:
You might want to check out the websites of the fast food chains and take a look at their nutrition charts. It really is an eye opener and helps you keep in mind exactly what you should be ordering when you find yourself at one of these places. I am finding that the more I know about food ahead of time, the easier it is to make good choices later.

You are definitely right on track here! I am going to do my best to avoid most restaurants, especially fast food, for a few weeks as I get acclimated to my new lifestyle. I need to know what I am putting in my body if I am gonna be in charge. The junk at the fast food places is gone from my menu!

Thanks for the support and great ideas!
Mike :flower:
Hey Don!

Thanks for the supportive words dude! This summer humidity needs to go away I think. Now who do I call about that???

DisDon said:
Today I got a powerade from the fountain in a Dr. Pepper cup :rotfl2:

Not a bad idea! Track yourself down a Dr. Pepper sports bottle or big fountain cup, use it for your water and other bev. So you'll still see the name, but get the benefits of the new contents. Might be too big a trigger to stare at the name Dr. Pepper all day, but you never know! hehe

Be well man, on to second week indeed!
Hi All!

Just reporting in as I am not having the best night!
It is almost 9pm and I am just about to make dinner, so that is later than I like. I will probably make it small so I am not having too much too late but this is my first food since lunch so I am a bit hungry. I wanted to eat earlier but that did not happen due to several things. I know, no excuses but it happened so that brings us to now... I do have some good food for dinner, I am going to saute a chicken breast seasoned with chili powder and garlic, then saute some peppers and a bit of onion, smother the chicken in the peppers top with a little cheddar and melt. Have no salad sadly but I will be getting groceries soon (that's another story!). I have a potato so I will bake that up to go with. And of course my handy dandy water! hehe That is one thing I did well today, got in at least 64oz.

As for my groceries, the only time I really have to get them is as I type this! Tomorrow I will be gone all day with my grandparents, we are going to CT to visit my mom who normally is on the West coast but is out here for a short period. We will probably not get back til quite late. Wednesday I work til 4pm and then my dad & I have planned a "Guy's Night" for my 11yo nephew, we are taking him to see Batman Begins and to his fave restaurant for dinner. Hopefully I will be done with them in time to at least make a quick grocery run. I am worried about food for tomorrow, I know I might not be able to follow my plan to the T, but I will at least focus on portions again, and will be bringing my water bottle with me in the AM so I will be able to drink it on the way there and fill er up on the way back.

Ok, enough whining! I mean geez, I had a great week last week and was not 100% on track yet, if I can be 90% on track this week I should be happy! I think I am also cranky because I pulled a muscle in my back earlier moving some furniture and it aches. Wow, whine some more why don't I??? LOL

I hope that everyone out there in WISH-topia is having a great evening! I will not be online tomorrow at all, so I will catch everyone on Wednesday.

Happy & healthy days for all!
Mike :flower:
Hi Mike!

Thanks for the info. on the carb addicts plan. I'm going to look into it and that great deal on Amazon! :goodvibes

I know you ate dinner a little later than you wanted to last night, but you ate a healthy dinner and that is wonderful! I know that when my day doesn't go exactly as planned how easy it is to just run out and get fast food or to make other unhealthy food choices. However, you chose a healthy meal last night and I say that is a VICTORY! :cheer2:

It sounds like the next couple of days will be busy for you. ::yes:: Have a great time and remember your WISH friends are cheering you on!!! :cheer2: Go Mike!!!! :cheer2:
Hi all!

After all my whining I actually had a pretty good day food wise yesterday. I got in all of my water too. For lunch my grandparents brought chicken salad finger sandwiches, potato chips and donuts, a carbohydrate bonanza of course!!! I had two of the chicken sandwiches, which was probably the equivalent of a hamburger sized sandwich, and my ice water. I resisted chips and donuts! hehe So while it was not an on-plan meal, it was portion controlled. I definitely was craving those donuts later on though hehe, but I did not indulge. We went out to dinner and there I was able to stay on plan much better. I had a mixed greens salad with a sugar free vinagarette that had gorgonzola cheese in it, my fave! Then a huge grilled tortilla stuffed with steak, extra green peppers, onions, and mozz cheese, saved half for tonight's dinner it was soo big & filling. They had no veggie side dishes so I asked for the extra peppers in the sandwich. I of course had some more water! And when dessert time came, luckily everyone was stuffed so we didn't even look at the menu, no temptation! no desire for it!

It was great to see my mom and enjoy an afternoon with her too. Today it is back to the grind at work. I overslept, which is allowed but i didn't want to, so I got in late. I had a grilled chicken salad for lunch that was very yummy. Tonight I will get my groceries and get my kitchen organized!

For now I am late for a meeting, I will be back later!
Mike :flower:
Mykelogan said:
Hi Jen!

Thanks for stopping by! Congrats on your loss too, I am gonna get fully caught up on your journal to get inspired! Hope that you are having fun with those kids, they can be a joy and a terror, hope that stay on the joy side for you! :flower:

As for would I like a cheer??? Did I mention "bring it on" is one of my fave movies??? Cheer away, I will make sure the spirit stick stays safe! :goodvibes


Hi Mike! Thank you. Good luck reading all of it. Grab a water (with lots of Ice, maybe a Vanilla-Ice-Ice-Baby Water or a Dr-Water for Don), sit down and read through it. The kids are fun, but I run out of there screaming as soon as I can. You better make sure that spirit stick is safe...if you drop it, I will have to super-nuclear poke you (it's a fingernail pinch and a poke at the same time...hurts like the Devil!).

And your cheer:

No Coke!
For longer than before
Mike's awesome health
Will dominate the boards
So c'mon crowd get with us
Get up on your feet
Yes Y-E-S
Swimming is neat!

Go Mike! Have an awesome Coke-free day because you deserve it!

ETA: Awesome job resisting. You have such willpower, man! You're doing really great!
Way to go Mike!!! That is awesome that you resisted the doughnuts. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday and are on your way to a great day today.

Keep it up. You truly are doing a great job!


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