Mike' Make Over Madness!

Just got your email update before I run the kids to school.

Totally awesome job!!!!!! Congrats! We are all so proud of you!!!

:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: There I gave you 5 more dancing bananas, now we have enough for 10 pounds lost!
hahaha Thanks Buffy! If only I could just post 100 more bananas and make it happen by magic! lol :rotfl:
Ah but then you wouldn't enjoy the fruits of your labor. Get it, fruits?!?! Ba dum dum. Thank you, thank you very much. I'll be here all night!

We will get another 100 don't you worry!
Thanks, Buffy! I'd rather skip the fruits, too much sugar! hahaha jk I know it is a process and will take time. It just does sometimes feel like I used to be able to gain weight overnight, so why can't I lose it that way?? (I know that's not true but can't we dream.)

Having a bit of a stressful week because some extra work & car trouble is impacting my gym schedule, so I am trying my best to get it scheduled and in. Wish me luck!!

I would like to end today with a non-weight loss/activity related issue... can I just say how jealous I am of the people who are celebrating One More Disney Day at Disney World and Disneyland this week!!! haha. I would love to be there for 24hrs! sigh. lol.

Have a great Tuesday all!
Way to go, Mike!!!!:cheer2: Congrats on the weight loss!:cheer2:

Sending some :wizard: your way. I hope you're able to get everything scheduled in and that your car is fixed soon.

Have a great Tuesday!:goodvibes
I hope the car gets fixed soon too Mike.
So what is the plan for tonight? Watcha gonna do?

Me, I'm going to the grocery store before we get slammed with this bad weather. So exciting, not!

I guess March is coming in like a lion!

Have an awesome day!!!!
Hi Buffy! Today I am going to the grocery store after work to hit their amazing sale on ASPARAGUS! 99 cents a pound!! I want to buy ten pounds. lol. Asparagus is my favorite, especially when wrapped in prosciutto and roasted. After that, I will go to a favorite Italian deli that I bought a Groupon to months ago and haven't used, and get myself some of the recently discussed prosciutto and probably some good cheese.

After that I will head home, and... wait for it... sort some laundry! woo hoo! Then I will head out to the gym for water aerobics as I have access to a work truck I can use today. I will come home after that and make myself a nice dinner, work on some writing for a while, and most likely collapse. :-)

I am hoping the weather does not get too crazy here tomorrow evening as I have a captain's meeting for our kickball league at 7:30pm. Hoping it is a quick one!

Great job at your weigh-in. :thumbsup2

I love green veggies, but I cannot stomach asparagus (or brussell sprouts). I've tried them a few different ways - but I just can't do it!

Have you ever tried baking kale leaves into kale chips? I read about them on another message board, but haven't had the chance to try them yet.

- Laura
Thanks Laura!! I never thought I would like brussel sprouts either but then I have them roasted with bacon and I must admit, a love affair was begun. lol.

I have heard of kale "chips" too but never tried that out. Will have to do so some day soon!

Wow Mike, what a way to bring down the house!! I don't know if I can keep up with such a party animal!!! :rotfl2:

Hey, we can do laundry together! I have about 4 loads today, it's a light day!!

I'm jealous of your asparagus sale. I would love to buy some!!
Tonight is a crock pot dinner because I have a meeting at school. It's new, so we'll see if it's good. Trying to pick side dishes now.

UGH, boy drama! Gotta run!! Have a great night!
Congrats on the loss, Mike! I think we need to vow that when you reach your goal we all meet up at WDW or DL to CELEBRATE!!!!!!! You are truly amazing.

Asparagus? Last time it was that cheap here I bought 6 pounds & steamed it all. Today's ads - 97c so I see a LOT in my future again. LOVE IT!

But, I must admit, I have NEVER tried a brussel sprout, and never an artichoke except in a salad in a restaurant. I am too chicken!

Great job on water aerobics! When I belonged to a gym with a pool, there was an ex-nba player - don't remember name, but from the 70s-80s, who had gained to over 500 lbs & every day he walked 2 - 3 miles in the pool until he could run those miles in the pool - last time I saw him he had lost just over 300 lbs! & that was his only exercise! Keep moving!

I thought of you on Saturday - I was at my fav thrift store & books were B1G1 & I saw several of the CALP books that I recognized only because of you - brought a smile to my face!
Morning all! Sorry for not posting yesterday, was honestly a terrible day for me and every time I went to post, I just couldn't get my thoughts organized to get it all together. Everything is good activity and diet wise, I just got some pretty devastating news workwise, ie. we're probably closing in the next few weeks, which impacts me a lot because right now my only vehicle is a work vehicle my uncle lets me use after hours. So my second job will be affected also if/when this happens... which means my ability to pay rent, etc will be impacted... so I am starting a job search. Any good thoughts, prayers, vibes much appreciated! :scared1::scared1::scared1:

So yesterday was very very rough, I will admit that all I could think about all day was finding something to eat, to deal with the stress, like I used to. I wanted to order a pizza, get some ice cream... I even almost pulled into Burger King on my way home last night, but... I didn't. Somehow I didn't. That was the behavior that got me to 600lbs in the first place and we know I do not want that to happen again, ever.

I did end up finding a way to channel my stress, I signed up for a fitness challenge called 100 Mile March. The challenge is to walk/run/jog 100 miles between now and March 31st. I will of course be walking and I hope to complete it, but will just do my best! The creator of the challenge wants to get people moving, he says it is not about definitely doing 100 miles if you just physically can't but it is about challenging yourself to get going. Today will be my first time on a treadmill... EVER! I will of course let you all know how it goes! haha And don't worry, I am not going to go crazy and try to do 10 miles or even 5 my first day. :-) Wish me luck!

Buffy - My cooky week continues and I still haven't done my laundry!! Hoping to get to that after the gym tomorrow!! I have however enjoyed some wonderful asparagus all week. lol.

Julie - Great to see you in here! :-) And glad to see you have asparagus on sale too! hehe. That is an awesome story about the ex-NBA player. The pool has power! And thank you for thinking of me when you saw the books, their my bibles at the moment! ;)

I hope that everyone has a great day! I am trying to get through the day here at work without too much worry and stress. I brought my iPod in with me so I can build a good motivational playlist for the treadmill later. I'll probably post some excerpts from it once I work it out. One track I know will be on there is an original recording of the "Celebrate! A Street Party!" soundtrack from Disneyland. Totally gets me moving! lol.

Bye all!
Oh Mike! I'm so sorry to hear about your job situation. :( I will be praying for you as you begin your new job search. Just remember, when God closes a door, He somewhere opens a window. A window with new opportunities greater than you can even imagine! :goodvibes

I am so proud of you for channeling your stress into the 100 Mile March and for pulling out of the Burger King parking lot! That takes strength and courage, my friend. I am proud of you! :goodvibes You are such an inspiration! ::yes::

Try not to stress and worry too much today. Listen to your iPod and dream some Disney dreams. And most of all, keep moving forward. I know you CAN do it!:cheer2:
Mike, I'm so sorry to hear about your work problems. Maybe we can look at it as a blessing in disguise. New job, new you, new beginning. I will pray that you can find a new job soon!! Is there any way your uncle will let you continue to use the truck for now?

Way to go on the no BK thing!! That is awesome!! I was just thinking about stress eating this morning. I had a rough night with the boys, well one boy, last night and while today is silent right now, all I want to do is eat. But I got my yogurt and cereal and it's all good. In fact I might pitch some bad foods today since it's trash day. I'm proud of you for not getting sucked into temptation!! That is a victory for "The List"

The 100 mile march sounds cool!! Are you going to post your daily miles here? Can I join? Oh I'm such a stalker! LOL
The dreadmill is ok, I have one and use it a lot. DS15 is a runner and he hates it. But it gets the job done. Just listen to your knees, the impact is different than it is on the street and sidewalk. Listen to your knees!! I also get really bad shin splints so I set my incline to 1%, the slight incline really helps me, so fiddle with the settings if it has that stuff.

I'm jealous of the asparagus. It was 2.99 a pound at Stop and Shop this week!! I didn't get any, I bought broccoli, cutie oranges and apples instead. Which the kids have plowed through already. Can't complain to much though, they would pick salads and fruit over cakes and cookies any day.

Music! Love music!!

Current running/walking playlist:
Barbra Streisand - Duck Sauce
Boom BoomPow - Black Eyed Peas
Come out and Play - Offspring
Down with the Sickness - Disturbed
Hawaiian Roller Coaster Rida- Lilo and Stitch soundtrack
Hey Soul sister - Train
I gotta feeling - Black eyed peas
I'm shipping up the Boston - Dropkick Murphys
Jessica - Allman brothers band(really long song, like 7 minutes)
Like a G6 - Far East Movement
Monster - Skillet
Naturally - Selena Gomez (Yes, I know it's an odd mix with the heavy rock)
Still waiting - Sun 41
Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
We speak no Americano - Yolanda Be Cool and Dcup
Your Betrayal - Bullet For my Valentine
1,2,3, Turnaround - Christian TV
Kingdom in the Sky - Da Vinci's Notebook
No Rain - Blind Melon
Pretty Fly for a White Guy - Offspring
The Adventures of Rain Dance - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Sexy and I know it - LMFAO
Indian Outlaw - Tim McGraw
Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks
Sin Wagon - Dixie Chicks
Amazing Grace - Dropkick Murphys
The Rocky Road to Dublin - Dropkick Murphys

Anyway, maybe you can find something there that you like!! It's kinda all over the place. LOL

The group Bond has some good stuff too. They are a girl band that uses Orchestra music, but rocked out. Hard to describe but really cool. My favorite is Libertango from thier Shine album.
Coheed and Cambria and good too. DS15 listens to them a lot. They remind me a lot of Rush.

OK, that's enough for now. I found some songs I need to move from the playlist to my phone!! Guess I'll do that before I forget!
Sending good vibes your way on the job-front. :goodvibes

The 100 Mile March sounds great - looking forward to following along with your progress. :thumbsup2

- Laura
First, a few updates...

On the job front. Looks like we will be open for one more month. So that builds in some time and helps me prep a little bit.

I did indeed go and do the treadmill yesterday at the gym, and it kicked my butt even though I barely got anywhere! I did 25min on the treadmill and went 0.63 miles. And at the end of that 25min I needed to stop, working out in air is waaaaaaay different than working out in the water. And yes, my legs were crying after. But I am pretty much ok today, so that is good. I'm clearly not going to make 100miles in one month but I will keep at it and get as far as I can!

Buffy - If you are actually interested in signing up, the 100 Mile March is a facebook group, you can get involved there, If you want a direct link let me know! :-) I'm not sure what will happen with the truck yet, we're still waiting for a definitive "We're Closing" announcement. So we'll see! I like your playlist, I have the Dropkick Murphy's all over mine already. Great minds think a like!

Mackeysmom - Thank you for your support!!

Friday's here, hoping for a productive weekend! I'm going to dinner and the Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight with some of my high school friends. Should be fun! We used to go all the time as kids.

Hope you all have a great weekend ahead! Any exciting plans??

A month reprieve for work, that's good. It will give you time to start looking elsewhere.

25 minutes on the treadmill is great!! Is there any way to figure out how to do miles in the pool? It's ok that you won't get to 100 just keep it as a goal and when you get there, you get there.
I'll see if I can find the 100 miles group. I'm not on facebook but I'm going to have to get a page to keep track of DS15. He doesn't have one either but his friends do and it's a good way to track DS's movements.

This weekend - Not much is planned. Bowling birthday party Sunday morning for DD's classmate. Then we might go roller skating again. That seems to be the new family activity.

RHPS sounds awesome!! I haven't been since High School. Any DJ trivia nights this weekend?
:hug:Praying for your job situation, Mike! I just joined the FB 100 mile March page.

You CAN track miles in the pool. Most are 25 meters or 25 x 3.28' so 1 length would be 82'. 5280' in a mile so 1 mile is roughly 64 & a 1/2 lengths of the pool. Probably easier than the 25 min on the treadmill. And SO good for you!

Have a great weekend!
my post to you just crashed, but if it's a 25M pool, a mile is roughly 64.5 lengths.

Hope you have a good weekend. Praying about the job situation!
Hope everyone had a good weekend, was a pretty good one here.

Buffy - I did have a trivia night over the weekend. I have regular gigs on Sunday, Monday and now Thursday. And Facebook is a great way to keep track of a kid, my cousin swears by it! hehe

Julie - Glad to have you aboard the challenge!! And I may check out walking in the pool as an option too. Thank you both for that idea!

Well it's Monday and that means weigh in day, and jeez I had forgotten how much of a mental game the scale can play with your head. I mean, I lost 4 pounds this week, which is fantastic but my head just keeps saying, "Yeah, but you lost 10lbs last week, you're slowing down, you're screwing up already." I know rationally that you lose a ton the first week of a diet because of water loss, and heck 4lbs is a lot, but that voice in my head just won't stop... makes me second guess myself and what I am doing. And usually it is this voice that will talk me into going completely off track because "What's the use?" I just have to be strong and not listen, and be proud of what I am accomplishing. Wish me luck!


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