Metal Tray "Environmentally Friendly Initiative" @ All-Star Music And All-Star Movies

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How do you like it?

I think it is a great idea,but it really did look STRANGE the first time we saw it!lol:)

We've been dining at restaurants for years that serve this way, in multiple cities.

I have no issue with it.

It's more common than many posting on here realize.

BBQ, Burgers, Seafood, Deli, Pizza, Mexican..

Other than runny food it works quite well, and I like the food can be spread out a bit.

And I will assume they are using the green papers that are biodegradable.







Polite Pig, Disney Springs

World Premiere even has small boxes directly available for "dine-in" Guests to use as "doggie bags"-very convenient.:)

As of now anyway,Everything Pop is not doing what World Premiere and Intermission are doing,but no matter,to-go "packaging" will always be available I would think.

Hope these are plant-based bioplastic and not polystyrene, because isn't the whole point of 'going green' supposed to be about adopting viable alternatives?
Somebody went on a serious search around the internet to find pictures that fit the 'narrative'.

Sorry, but I consider dining out to be about more than just the 'food'. Presentation being one reason I am willing to pay more than I would if just dining at home.

I didn't realize I ate at such high end places, having lived in multiple cities/countries the past few years, to have not encountered this 'common' phenomenon.

Guess I'll be eating more meals at home, or high end places that use plates/utensils. Like Denny's.
Somebody went on a serious search around the internet to find pictures that fit the 'narrative'.

Sorry, but I consider dining out to be about more than just the 'food'. Presentation being one reason I am willing to pay more than I would if just dining at home.

I didn't realize I ate at such high end places, having lived in multiple cities/countries the past few years, to have not encountered this 'common' phenomenon.

Guess I'll be eating more meals at home, or high end places that use plates/utensils. Like Denny's.

I don't consider Disney Quick Service to be on par with any place that brings your food to the table as you sit and wait for it. Nothing fancy about Disney Quick Service, and that is just fine with me.
I'm very confused about why this is such a huge issue for so many. It's food served onto a tray rather than a plate.
Because they and I are paying to be served a meal. In this country for hundreds of years, yes hundreds, a meal you payed a premium price for is served a certain way. On a clean PLATE with silverware (plastic is fine for amusemen t parks and quick service), in a clean environment by staff that did as much as they could to make your dining experience a pleasurable one. NOT MUCH TO ASK FOR!

What I don't understand is all the people here on the boards that refuse to hold a retailer, resteraunt or amusement park to some sort of standards. They continually give you LESS and you continually are willing to pay more for it. I've got a car with three tires, anybody willing to pay a premium for it. It's environmentally friendly as it only requires the manufacture of three tires instead of four. It doesn't handle all that well but I'll make more money on the deal. And you will get less than what your paying for. Unfortunately that is the Disney "Mantra" GIVE THEM LESS, CHARGE THEM MORE, AND LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK MUTTERING "Can you believe they bought that clap trap we sold them...
What I don't understand is all the people here on the boards that refuse to hold a retailer, resteraunt or amusement park to some sort of standards. They continually give you LESS and you continually are willing to pay more for it. I've got a car with three tires, anybody willing to pay a premium for it. It's environmentally friendly as it only requires the manufacture of three tires instead of four. It doesn't handle all that well but I'll make more money on the deal. And you will get less than what your paying for. Unfortunately that is the Disney "Mantra" GIVE THEM LESS, CHARGE THEM MORE, AND LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK MUTTERING "Can you believe they bought that clap trap we sold them...

LOL please. A car with three tires this is not. It's a change to the surface frozen hamburgers are put on at a freaking cafeteria. You are still getting what you paid for: the food. I don't care if it's on a tray or a plate or a box. You are paying for the food.

I have no problem holding businesses accountable when their decisions affect my happiness and quality of life. This is .... so not that.

I will repeat what I said earlier: I don't know how some people deal with ACTUAL adversity in their life if this sort of stuff gives them so much consternation.
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Somebody went on a serious search around the internet to find pictures that fit the 'narrative'.

Sorry, but I consider dining out to be about more than just the 'food'. Presentation being one reason I am willing to pay more than I would if just dining at home.

I didn't realize I ate at such high end places, having lived in multiple cities/countries the past few years, to have not encountered this 'common' phenomenon.

Guess I'll be eating more meals at home, or high end places that use plates/utensils. Like Denny's.

I love that now presenting facts is an accusation of trying to push a narrative.
Whether you like it or not, its a trend in casual dining. Disney didn't invent it.

Is there some sort of official statement from Disney that they are doing this for "environmentally friendly" reasons? Or is it just a claim in this thread?
Because they and I are paying to be served a meal. In this country for hundreds of years, yes hundreds, a meal you payed a premium price for is served a certain way. On a clean PLATE with silverware (plastic is fine for amusemen t parks and quick service), in a clean environment by staff that did as much as they could to make your dining experience a pleasurable one. NOT MUCH TO ASK FOR!

What I don't understand is all the people here on the boards that refuse to hold a retailer, resteraunt or amusement park to some sort of standards. They continually give you LESS and you continually are willing to pay more for it. I've got a car with three tires, anybody willing to pay a premium for it. It's environmentally friendly as it only requires the manufacture of three tires instead of four. It doesn't handle all that well but I'll make more money on the deal. And you will get less than what your paying for. Unfortunately that is the Disney "Mantra" GIVE THEM LESS, CHARGE THEM MORE, AND LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK MUTTERING "Can you believe they bought that clap trap we sold them...

But this is a cafeteria... not some upscale restaurant. The premium you pay for this food is not for a fancy presentation, it's for being in the Disney bubble. The difference in presentation from generic burger on generic white plate (or paper plate) to generic burger on waxed paper on tray does not change the ambiance of a cafeteria.

Since this is a big deal to you, make that stand. Refuse to eat at the cafeteria that serves food on trays as opposed to plates. I'll happily pick my burger up from a tray or plate or wrapper and eat. If the food is good, doesn't give me food poisoning, and prevents my family and I from starving while not having to leave Disney property they have met my Disney cafeteria food standards.

The one argument against this that makes it a questionable decision is having to carry multiple trays for a family. It's absolutely correct that I can more easily put an extra plate on a large tray than attempt to carry two trays across a crowded cafeteria. This is an issue I'd love to see the solution for because my young kids can't be trusted to carry their own tray across a crowded cafeteria.
Somebody went on a serious search around the internet to find pictures that fit the 'narrative'.

Sorry, but I consider dining out to be about more than just the 'food'. Presentation being one reason I am willing to pay more than I would if just dining at home.

I didn't realize I ate at such high end places, having lived in multiple cities/countries the past few years, to have not encountered this 'common' phenomenon.

Guess I'll be eating more meals at home, or high end places that use plates/utensils. Like Denny's.

Do you also object to food served in baskets with paper? Or is it just trays that are a problem?
Because they and I are paying to be served a meal. In this country for hundreds of years, yes hundreds, a meal you payed a premium price for is served a certain way. On a clean PLATE with silverware (plastic is fine for amusemen t parks and quick service), in a clean environment by staff that did as much as they could to make your dining experience a pleasurable one. NOT MUCH TO ASK FOR!

What I don't understand is all the people here on the boards that refuse to hold a retailer, resteraunt or amusement park to some sort of standards. They continually give you LESS and you continually are willing to pay more for it. I've got a car with three tires, anybody willing to pay a premium for it. It's environmentally friendly as it only requires the manufacture of three tires instead of four. It doesn't handle all that well but I'll make more money on the deal. And you will get less than what your paying for. Unfortunately that is the Disney "Mantra" GIVE THEM LESS, CHARGE THEM MORE, AND LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK MUTTERING "Can you believe they bought that clap trap we sold them...
There is no place with as high of standards as Disneyworld/DLR if you are talking about a family vacation destination...I get premium service...I don't really know what you are talking about..?
Why is a plate needed? All i want is my food..on a tray basket or whatever...Its not a big deal.
Do you also object to food served in baskets with paper? Or is it just trays that are a problem?

Uh oh, the large tray brigade has shown up. Was just a matter of time.

If WDW were serving on the hood of a car, I swear, there would be people in here defending it.

And, no, I have no issues getting a burger and fries in a basket on wax paper. I would have an issue getting my omelet with sides served that way.

Heck, there is a place we do eat at here that brings your food on some kind of board. Though things I would expect to be in a bowl (like coleslaw) are, in fact, in a bowl.

It's the one size fits all aspect I have an issue with, and as was previously mentioned, is making it's way into other establishments on WDW as well.
About 20 years ago, we were at disney and it was cold. We were in the park at some stand like the popcorn stand at the main hub in MK. The hot cocoa dispenser was broken. They were handing out cups of hot water and packets of dry mix for the same cost as the premixed stuff. So here we are with gloves and stuff needing to finding a ledge to open up cups of water to stir in the powder which we probably lost 10% of it to the wind. Yeah, we got the hot cocoa, but the presentation was really lacking. I feel the same way with the trays.
LOL please. A car with three tires this is not. It's a change to the surface frozen hamburgers are put on at a freaking cafeteria. You are still getting what you paid for: the food. I don't care if it's on a tray or a plate or a box. You are paying for the food.

I have no problem holding businesses accountable when their decisions affect my happiness and quality of life. This is .... so not that.

I will repeat what I said earlier: I don't know how some people deal with ACTUAL adversity in their life if this sort of stuff gives them so much consternation.

Because once they have eliminated everything needed to enjoy a meal: plates, straws, napkins as thin as tissue paper, cups, bowls and they have no other way to cut the cost of serving you a meal it will be the quality of the food itself that will suffer. They will continue to give you more for less (not try to, succeed at doing it) which will make me question the quality of the food as well as the quality of the staff that serves it. When will it be to much? When thier frozen burgers are $25 and they have decided the paper doesn't need wax. It bothers us not because of the way the food is presented, it bothers us because due to experience some of us have (I have been going to Disney since the 1980's, more than twenty something trips. On property food plan and all that stuff) we have watched the experience become more and more cheapened while the prices go up every year (yeah yeah prices go up we all know that). But this was started as an entertainment business and has now turned into a corporation that is only concerned with how to get your money (who cares if quality goes down, who cares that the parks are dirtier than ever, who cares if lartge portions of some of the parks are in disrepair, who cares if there are less cast members to ask for help, who cares if they continually shorten the hours for Magic Hours, who cares that they oversell Halloween and Christmas to the point that you can barely get on a ride after paying a special premium price etc......)

We as consumers have to draw a line in the sand. We will refuse to keep paying more and getting less!

Maybe your incredibly wealthy, maybe you won lotto I don't know. But for a lot of us who work very hard for our money when we plunk down 7 maybe 8 or 9 thousand dollars for a vacation we expect, no demand, more. Period!!! If I am going to pay a premium price for an experience, I demabnd a premium experience. I can eat from a cardboard box for 5$ at a burger joint in my town. But if I am going to pay the price of admission to a Disney park I don't expect to pay $17.00 for a burger on wax paper. It's just TACKY
Because once they have eliminated everything needed to enjoy a meal: plates, straws, napkins as thin as tissue paper, cups, bowls and they have no other way to cut the cost of serving you a meal it will be the quality of the food itself that will suffer. They will continue to give you more for less (not try to, succeed at doing it) which will make me question the quality of the food as well as the quality of the staff that serves it. When will it be to much? When thier frozen burgers are $25 and they have decided the paper doesn't need wax. It bothers us not because of the way the food is presented, it bothers us because due to experience some of us have (I have been going to Disney since the 1980's, more than twenty something trips. On property food plan and all that stuff) we have watched the experience become more and more cheapened while the prices go up every year (yeah yeah prices go up we all know that). But this was started as an entertainment business and has now turned into a corporation that is only concerned with how to get your money (who cares if quality goes down, who cares that the parks are dirtier than ever, who cares if lartge portions of some of the parks are in disrepair, who cares if there are less cast members to ask for help, who cares if they continually shorten the hours for Magic Hours, who cares that they oversell Halloween and Christmas to the point that you can barely get on a ride after paying a special premium price etc......)

We as consumers have to draw a line in the sand. We will refuse to keep paying more and getting less!

Maybe your incredibly wealthy, maybe you won lotto I don't know. But for a lot of us who work very hard for our money when we plunk down 7 maybe 8 or 9 thousand dollars for a vacation we expect, no demand, more. Period!!! If I am going to pay a premium price for an experience, I demabnd a premium experience. I can eat from a cardboard box for 5$ at a burger joint in my town. But if I am going to pay the price of admission to a Disney park I don't expect to pay $17.00 for a burger on wax paper. It's just TACKY
I love eating at Disney. In a tray or basket straw or no straw. Don’t really care. Sounds like you may need to stop doing Disney trips. I’ll take your place. Never seen service and food as an issue. I think people just feel intitled these days or love to complain. It’s all first world problems.
About 20 years ago, we were at disney and it was cold. We were in the park at some stand like the popcorn stand at the main hub in MK. The hot cocoa dispenser was broken. They were handing out cups of hot water and packets of dry mix for the same cost as the premixed stuff. So here we are with gloves and stuff needing to finding a ledge to open up cups of water to stir in the powder which we probably lost 10% of it to the wind. Yeah, we got the hot cocoa, but the presentation was really lacking. I feel the same way with the trays.

It was broken...
Uh oh, the large tray brigade has shown up. Was just a matter of time.

If WDW were serving on the hood of a car, I swear, there would be people in here defending it.

The large tray brigade? Nice, I've always wanted to be part of a team.
I feel like if I ever defend Disney that I also need to list the ways Disney annoys me. There are quite a few, this isn't one of them.

Again, a quick service, fast casual restaurant? I don't really care.

California Grill? I would care.
Again, a quick service, fast casual restaurant? I don't really care.

California Grill? I would care.

I feel the opposite.

I can't manage individual trays like these for my family at quick service restaurants, but if someone is actually delivering individualized trays to my table for each family member, I'd be fine with it, even at CG. I'd just think of it as a trendy plate.
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