So enchanting, just simply a magical place. So many lovely shops and eateries for such a small village. It looks like Godric's Hollow, straight out of Harry Potter.
You live a fairytale life.

Thanks....we do live in a very pretty country....if we only got guaranteed good weather........

Yes, that area is very quaint.....I use that word a lot, but it fits. And yes, many places could fit nicely in Harry Potter.

I did pick the perfect spot and was glad Tom thought so too......we`d definitely stay there again if we decide to have a little UK break again.
So, as Halloween is a week away, will try and go back through the last three years before then, I might not finish it though before next Saturday, but will try........I love looking back over our pictures from previous years, so it`s a true pleasure.

In 2017 the Icon was Bone and the slogan was Your soul is requested/The best nightmares never end/The Festival of the Deadliest, for us this seemed to be the weakest of icons they had for a long time, but the houses this year appealed to us, well most of them and the scare zones sounded fun too.

This was a special year for us and our plans for September were extended to include 5 nights in New York, before flying from there to Orlando to enjoy the rest of the time there at RPR with HHN.

Our plans were to fly down in time for the opening night fo HHN which we do love to be there for. But, as with a lot of things, the best laid plans and all that......and Irma made a slight dent in our plans, but didn`t ruin our trip in any way.

The longer celebration was for my 50th birthday, our 25th wedding anniversary and Tom had decided to take early retirement and had finished up end of we were on a complete high for this trip.

We stayed in the New York Palace in NYC, and when we got news our flight to Orlando had been cancelled due to Hurricane Irma, they were brilliant in helping us rearrange flights and find us alternate accommodation for the two nights we had to extend our trip by in the City. It`s all in the 2017 TR so won`t rehash it all, but we couldn`t stay in the NY Palace as it was UN week and it was fully booked up. But we spent an extra two nice nights down by the Trade Centre area.

But, it meant we missed opening night.......first time in a while we hadn`t been there. It had been an eventful trip so far before we even arrived in Orlando.

Our first night our main mission was to go to HHN.......

There were several houses that we were so looking forward to including The Shining, Horrors of Blumhouse, Scarecrow....The Reaping, Dead Waters, AHS.

The ones we weren`t overly excited about were Saw as we had never watched the movies, but knew the house would still be good, Ash vs Evil Dead (sorry Hive and The Fallen,

Scarezones were Altars of Horror in Plaza of the Stars, Festival of the Deadliest in Hollywood, Invasion in SF area, The Purge NY area and Trick `r` Treat in the beloved Central Park area......there was also the unofficial scare zone of clownsaws which was basically the chainsaw guys dressed as clowns.

Bill and Ted were still running and Academy of Villains were back. Their satge had been damaged by the hurricane, but they performed on a much smaller stage in front of the horror make up show, which did detract from their act a little, well, we thought so a little.....still watchable though.

We again bought the Rush of Fear with Express Pass.......and from memory it was around $340 each before tax, again, for us who could go many nights, it was a bargain. And even on the quieter nights, we were glad to have the EP. The heat some nights was very oppressive, and tonight we didn`t spend long in the park and only did a couple of houses and scare zones. We wanted to keep the rest for other nights.


It did seem incredibly quiet! Even this early in the evening it was usually busier than this.


Saturday.......second night of the event and there didn`t seem to be anyone here. But, the lines were building slowly and the one house we were sure to do tonight was The Shining.......we love that movie, and we were a bit worried that it might disappoint as we had such high hopes for this one.....


The Shining as a house didn`t disappoint. You entered as if you were walking in the snow draped maze from the movie, and of course the added cold was welcome, but it was incredibly beautiful.

The house was an excellent representation of the movie and the SA were brilliant. If you mistimed the scares, it might feel like a big miss.....but time it right, which we were lucky enough to do several times, and it was excellent. Good scares and eerily accurate depictions of important scenes from the movie.....and some very creepy parts too. The bar scene near the end was brilliant if timed correctly.

We loved this house and it would be one we would do every night we visited.

The next house we did was AHS.....and this was excellent, but tonight we felt we didn`t see the best of it, we had been very rushed and missed some of the scares, but wanted to enjoy it properly next time, it was good though.

Saw was a huge disappointment. Although having never watched the movies, it was hard to judge how accurate it was.....we just felt it was a dud. But, again, we`d give it another try. There are very few houses we don`t give a second try.......

We walked past Dead Waters tonight. It was one we had looked forward to as it sounded mysterious, but we weren`t overly excited about it.......but we would regret not doing Dead Waters tonight.

One of the main scare zones and I use that word loosely here, was The Purge. I thought the movies were rubbish.....hated them and never thought they were in the least big scary......and the scare zone wasn`t to my taste.

This was a scare zone we would pass through quickly.......


And a traditional picture taken by so many every year.......Mel`s Die-in.


Tonight we were flagging, so we wandered round to Festival of the Deadliest before heading out for food and an early night it seemed. I think a week of walking round NYC had caught up with us tonight........add in the heat and we were indeed whooped.

We did get some wonderful pictures of this zone and the SA were marvellous this year again for posing with guests. It makes such a difference when they do stop for a proper picture......





Short first night for us.......but we would be back tomorrow night and we got some more lovely pictures of the SA and some of the other houses and scare zones........

More to come 🎃
We were back the next evening which was the Sunday night. We commented on the following two years this was the last year we really saw a quietish night that had occurred on a Saturday. Usually Saturday`s were mobbed and it really hadn`t been. We did leave fairly early last night, and it does get busier as the evening goes on. But, we had enjoyed lesser crowds.

Again, we didn`t plan to stay too long tonight again. The Rush of Fear with EP is a fabulous ticket to buy if you plan to go several nights in the first 3 weeks, so it was ideal for us.

We had walked quickly past Saw house....we weren`t even going to try that one tonight despite always making sure we give houses a fair go to see if they improve. Festival area was also fairly quiet as it was early, but we were headed for the Trick "r" Treat area before doing a couple of the houses to the back of the park.

Little Sam was featured heavily in this zone........he was so cute.....till he wasn`

Apologies for the quality of some of the images....they may be blurry or out of focus slightly and some of the later ones were taken with an ipad or phone camera which don`t give the best quality images, you can really see the difference.

This Central Park area always has some amazing zones...and this year it was a really good area! The theme was twisted stories with a murderous moral and based on five stories based around Trick `R` was like fairytales meets Halloween...with a twist.



Again, a little naive......I thought this guy was a decoration........he wasn`t. Yes, I got a scare and one of the first aiders who walk around the park day and night, followed us for the whole length and said she loved watching me get scare after scare but hoped her medical services weren`t needed........😁



Tom missed capturing most of the scares tonight on camera.......except this innocent looking SA who turned as violently as you could imagine after posing so nicely........


We planned to wander back after we had done the houses to the back of the I was looking forward to, one I wasn`t.

Ash vs Evil Dead was one I could happily have avoided......not an Evil Dead fan at all, I hadn`t ever seen a full movie as I had got bored........and who the heck was Ash anyway????


5 minute wait, which meant with EP it would be a straight walk on. This house put me in the worst mood ever!!!! It was baking hot and these houses tend to have a little bit of a walk to them.......but........this one went on forever!!! And then some.....and then some more!!! We were honestly exhausted by the time we got there.......everyone around us was exactly the same......wondering where the heck the house was!

Finally we got there sucked! It was rubbish! And that`s the cleaned up version of our opinion.......😉

For us, it was one of the poorest houses. Tom said I did get a scare, I don`t remember it.....but to be honest, apart from a vague memory of the house, I think the never ending walk put me right off.

This was a house we would NOT be doing again!


Scarecrow The Reaping was mildy unassuming in it`s storyline......and we didn`t expect much at all.....but we ended up really liking this house. We took a wrong turn somehow in the EP line and ended up in the regular line, thankfully a TM heard me exclaim surprise at the long line that appeared in front of us at one point......she opened a few ropes and we and the folks behind us walked straight into a completely empty EP line.

The premise of the house was based on a Depression era farm that had been abandoned for a very long time. That cheery fellow, vengeance had built a home for himself there and visitors would all face that while going around the farm.

It was excellent and beautifully done......lots of good scares in it over the nights we went. This one I would walk back down to again, but it wasn`t as long a walk as Ash!

We went into Hive next, the set was a home that had once been lived in and now only housed bloodthirsty vampires that would take your very soul in a savage manner.

Hated it. It was so dark you couldn`t make anything out.....I had heard from TM and SA we knew, the ladies and gents in that house had gone the extra mile and shaved their heads for real, but you couldn`t see much of anything. I think they may have altered the lighting in the nights ahead, but tonight everyone came out saying they couldn`t see anything. Such a disappointment.

We went back to our favourite scare zone and loved it!

I love when SA break character a little....doesn`t happen often.....but this guy below was hilarious. I wish I could repeat what he was saying........but I can`t.....he was funny!





We knew this young lady and I was pleased I recognised her, as some years we haven`t seen her due to her costume and make up.........they do an amazing job with creativity for both make up and costumes.


Again, it looks fairly quiet, this zone was a lot of fun and it was much busier on nights ahead of us. I`m always a little torn between enjoying very low crowds and what is usually a much better atmosphere with higher crowds. Being able to get pictures with the SA is fabulous and having space is priceless.....but as long as it`s not completely taken over by people, we don`t mind some crowds.




I was very unnerved by this guy who just stood and stared.......👀




We went into The Shining and AHS before heading out of the park tonight. Both had regular lines of around 50 minutes, but with EP we were in within a few minutes. The Shining in particular just got better every time we went in. And AHS was stunning tonight, but we were done for tonight.

And for us this was the joy of the ticket we buy each year. We could go and spend a few hours as many times as we want. Spending time in the parks during the day meant we never wanted to go and spend all night in, perfect for us.

As we left and walked back through Citywalk, there were loads of folks heading in tonight. It looked to be filling up.

More to come..........
I "saw" exactly one Saw movie. Somehow my DH convinced me to go... it was in the theater and it was 3D!
It was sooooo scary, I was jumpy for days after!
The number of gruesome ways one can kill a person. A very twisted imagination whoever dreamt that story up....I didn't like it at all!
Quite enjoy seeing past hhn houses

Sometimes the years kind of blend together for me so it’s fun you recapture prior years for us

It is so good to look back over the different years.

Like you I forget which house was in which year at times, and I forgot some of the scare, yes, I do like looking back over them........ 🎃
I "saw" exactly one Saw movie. Somehow my DH convinced me to go... it was in the theater and it was 3D!
It was sooooo scary, I was jumpy for days after!
The number of gruesome ways one can kill a person. A very twisted imagination whoever dreamt that story up....I didn't like it at all!

I cannot watch movies like that Lori......yes, doesn`t appeal to me at all. Some folks love the film Hostel....nope.....sick movie. I love a good old tense I do like a good old black and white thriller.

You were brave though.....and 3D did
The next night we went we planned to do more of the houses and enjoy some of the scare zones.

There was once scare zone that we thought was the worst zone they have ever showed at HHN` far the least scary and poorly put together zones.......the SA did their best, but it didn`t work......

The Invasion zone set in San Francisco area.......the year before they had the wonderful dead fishermen and the almost Fog like theme, this year it was dreadful. An alien ship had crash landed and they had all sorts of Aliens wandering around......very poor.

I struggled to find any pictures of this zone as we just didn`t take any. It really was that poor.

But, the rest of the zones were better!

In The Altar of Horrors we met, often the Twins from The Shining.....they were very spooky, and alarmingly like the real twins from the movie. The dolls in the Tribute store, weren`t as good.


We did like The Tribute Store this year, they had some lovely dispays and little nods to the movies that were featuring this year.





This was a spooky guy!!


Academy of Villains was a good show, but they had to alter it slightly for the smaller stage they had to use as the original large stage was damaged by the Hurricane.

It was still an exceptional show and maybe just not as good as the previous year.


We didn`t get any decent pictures of the pumpkins that adorned the trees in the Central Park area.....when it was dark they were so beautiful and the faces were unique to say the least.







Photo opportunities were fabulous this year and some of the SA, particularly early on in the evenings enjoyed letting you capture them in some humorous and scary poses. It was lovely being able to capture them properly in images.

You think they`re posing nicely.....then they suddenly hiss in your ear or make a sudden movement or sound and I end up jumping three feet in the air......but it`s so much fun.






And I fell for it more than once........Tom would drag out taking a picture as he could see what was approaching me from behind......and he always thought it was so funny.......






Cute little Sam!!!!! Not really so cute when he chases you half way down the scare zone.......🎃


During the day we liked having a wander through the Trick `R` Treat was nice seeing the displays without all the fog and the hordes of people wandering around...






The dummy of the murder victim that had been slashed is covered up during the day as are all dispays that may offend or shock guests who have no interest in HHN or young kids.......







We really enjoyed this year`s HHN.....

There were some classic houses and ones like The Shining, Dead Water, Scarecrow and AHS were all amazing.

Some were poor for us, but you can still appreciate the SA and the amazing job they do every year. I think we enjoyed some of the scare zones more this year, except the dreadful and ill thought out Alien zone.

Bill & Ted wasn`t much fun for us this year at all. We watched it once and that was enough, it had completely lost it`s sparkle for us.....I wish they would bring it back, but be completely NOT politically correct, be offensive to everyone and be downright funny again......

Academy of Villains was excellent too, but again lacked a spark that had been so evident the previous year......still a lot of fun though.......

That was 2017 recap.......I have so many more pictures, but a lot of them more of the same......

2018 coming up.....where Michael Myers comes home again.........😈
Ash vs Evil Dead (sorry
Hahaha, that’s ok something for everybody. For me, the dark humor, crazy low-brow special effects & campy gore are such a romp. Absolutely, a B grade movie with bit of cult like fan base until it caught on after Sam Raimi became a name in the industry
Hahaha, that’s ok something for everybody. For me, the dark humor, crazy low-brow special effects & campy gore are such a romp. Absolutely, a B grade movie with bit of cult like fan base until it caught on after Sam Raimi became a name in the industry

lol....I remember you having to explain to me who he was and the cult fan base.......I didn`t know Raimi was involved with it though......

Thinking of watching a Crystal Lake offering tonight.......talking of campy gore.......:laughing:

Insidious 3 first though.....:scared1:
Truly enjoyed catching up this weekend. How lovely the little villages you visited and the tiny cottage. You have a flair for posting so honestly without complaining. What’s up with grumpy cheese shops? Again thank you, I don’t think I could go much longer without seeing pictures of delicious food. Reading more and more about HHN makes me want to plan a trip, maybe next fall.
Truly enjoyed catching up this weekend. How lovely the little villages you visited and the tiny cottage. You have a flair for posting so honestly without complaining. What’s up with grumpy cheese shops? Again thank you, I don’t think I could go much longer without seeing pictures of delicious food. Reading more and more about HHN makes me want to plan a trip, maybe next fall.

Hey Minnie........

Good to see you post again.....

I`m so glad you liked the pictures.....yes, it was like a miniature world in places, everything was so small and well structured, and yes very pretty. We did have such a lovely break.

Oh I try not to complain too much point, but yes, those cheese shops were a little odd as staff everywhere else were expect to be encouraged to buy things in these places, but we didn`t see any of that there.....oh well, we just made plenty of purchases elsewhere.

Oh nice idea to get your trip planned!!! It`s never too soon to start planning......::yes::

Oh food pics!!! Someone sent me a pm two weeks ago who had been reading and suggested posting a selection of food pictures.....I never thought about that.....I do enjoy a good food and cocktail image.......

Hope you`re doing ok Minnie in your little part of the world.......:wave2:
Love all these fabulous Halloween photos! It is so funny to see you caught in a scare, and having the best time. :D It is so clever how frightening it is at night, and how benign during the day. Those TM know what they are doing!

If you were ranking in general, where would you place houses, shows, scare zones? Just curious to your favorite.

Maria :upsidedow
lol....he has caught me with some fabulous scares over the years.....some of the pics are so blurry though as I moved far too quickly..........I think you`d love it really and need to plan a trip around it one year........::yes::

Hmmm. There were several that were excellent and several that were very poor to us.......but........

1. Dead Waters......never expected this one to be as good as it was. It really was incredibly detailed and the theme of Voodoo was fabulous. Lots of scares.

2. The Shining.......a close second to Dead Waters. This one was eerily accurate to the movie and the theming was beautiful. And a lot of good recognisable scares.

3. Scarecrow The Reaping.......loved this house. It was incredibly atmospheric and the SA in this house stood out head and shoulders over most nights. And again, some fabulous scares.

4. AHS. I hoped they wouldn`t keep this running so it got a litle jaded like WD, but this year it really was a good house and lots of things were obvious from the shows.

5. Blumhouse. This contained Insidious, Sinister and The was good in parts, Insidious was fabulous but the other parts were just ok......again SA were brilliant.

6. The Fallen.........don`t remember much of this house but it wasn`t the worst.

7. The rest of them blended into one bad

Scare Zones were either brilliant.....or terrible.

1. Trick `R` Treat......this was the best. The SA, the theme and the decor all added together made it a lot of fun. And next year they had house with Little Sam it was so popular.

2. Festival of the Deadliest.......again, so much fun. Interaction was brilliant as with the first choice. Costumes were brilliant.

3. Altars of Horror. This one was a slow burner. Some nights, especially the early nights were slow....other nights there were loads of SA around and of course the twins from the Shining were the best!

Purge and Invasion were both terrible to me. Particularly Invasion......I have no idea who signed off on that zone!! It was like a bad B movie without the humour.....

Bill and Ted for me, was dreadful this year. I know they have change writers over the years, but this one wasn`t funny. I missed the days of 07/08 where they offended everyone, had no fear of being politically incorrect and a little raunchier.....I do wish they`d being it back though, along with RHPS!!

Academy of Villains had their show with limitations due to damage, so it wasn`t as spectacular, but still good to watch, but once you had seen it once, that was enough.

It was a good year with a few humdingers in there!!

Next year coming up had some whoppers though!!







This was going to be a good year.....and the first time they had 10 houses in the line up, which as a guest was fabulous.

I was particularly excited to hear Michael Myers was back.......and hoped it was as good a house as the first two had been, particularly the first one they showcased. And there was no icon this year which was a little different.

Again the Rush of Fear with EP was the ticket we purchased for the event.

There were several houses we were SO excited about this year, not least of which was Halloween and it was going to be based on the 4th movie, not a favourite movie I have to say, but for me the only decent Halloween movies were the first two and even then the first was much better than the second.

Poltergeist and Trick `R` Treat were the next ones we were looking forward to, Poltergeist was one of our favourite movies of all time in the scary genre....and Trick `R` Treat was just plain old fun!

Horrors of Blumhouse were having a dual tent with The Purge and Happy Death Day included. The Purge we had no interest in, but Happy Death Day was a cheesy movie we had watched and rather surprisingly had quite enjoyed it.

Scary tales and Slaughter Sinema were two that intruiged us. Who doesn`t enjoy a creepy version of a fairytale.....and slaughter sinema sounded like the perfect fun house.

Carnival Graveyard sounded like we would enjoy that one!!

Stranger Things was a show we watched only because it was going to be a house this year. You could see how a house would work well with this one. But, we weren`t overly excited about this one.

Seeds of Extinction and Dead Exposure were two that didn`t appeal, but I had learned over the years to expect to be surprised by what houses we did and didn`t like.

Scare Zones sounded fabulous this year!

The one that excited us both a lot was the Vamp `85 zone. This was in the NY area in front of The Mummy.

Set in NY on NYE 1985 this sounded like an absolute blast with the best music being celebrated.

Twisted Tradition was in Central Park and this looked amazing!!!

The Harvest was in Plaza of the Stars and the huge barn was the focal poiint of this area and there would be foul creatures roaming around......sounded fun!

Killer Klowns from Outer Space......hmmm. Wasn`t sure about this one.......based on the MGM cult classic. I didn`t quite get how this would work.

And my least favourite horror charcter......

Revenge of Chucky was going to be in Hollywood Boulevard. Couldn`t quite imagine how they were going to make a festival out of him!

The show this year from Academy of Villains was Cyberpunk and it was going to be held in the Fear Factor Live stage.

We made it for opening night this year and it was busy!!!

Even using the hotel guest entrance the line was huge to get into the park......we were there about half an hour after opening. The one thing slowing the line down was the number of people that had huge backpacks on, akin to folks climbing the Himalayas!!! What on earth they had in them was beyond me for one night.


Being the fans of Halloween that we are, we headed straight for the house......and already it was at 75 minutes. This was going to be a busy event this year. With Express Pass we entered the house in just under 10 minutes.


The house was amazing though.......the " Michael`s" were all very accurately depicting the man himself and they had the slight affectations he does down to a tee. The original Michael Myers was very slight and unassuming, so some were too tall to play him, but in Halloween 4 he was a larger actor. But, I`d have preferred they stick to the original shape.

We were very lucky in the timings of this house, and for a first night we saw no teething issues at all.

I was curious as to how Chucky was going to look, and it wasn`t for us this year. I don`t get the fanbase for this movie, and didn`t understand how this was going to be a scarezone.....and it really didn`t work for us.

It was basically a floorshow with Chucky throwing out insults and jokes to the guests......



We decided this zone wasn`t for us, so we wandered back round to the Harvest zone......this was good, much better in the dark, but you do get some good pictures in the light.



The picture below is the outside line for Halloween.....yep, not for the last time tonight we were glad of the EP!


From our memory, this had been the busiest opening night we had ever seen.......sure it had been busy on previous years, but nothing like this.


They did excel on the decor this year......



We did Carnival Graveyard as our 2nd house. We were unlucky as there was a delay in the line. Someone said a child had been taken out or something had happened with a we had to wait 20 minutes (shock horror) and it wasn`t worth it.....the house was a disappointment as some of the scenes were missing and we seemed to not see a lot of scares or thrills. And not worth the wait in the heat which seemed to be intense this September!! We were trying to remember if it was always this warm in September.

Stranger Things EP line was around 30 minutes, with the regular line being 90 minutes, so we decided to go do Poltergeist and wow did we love this house!!

The entrance was as if you were walking through their pool which was mud and the rain was was very impressive and thankfully, it was freezing cold.

Everything was working tonight, all scenes were in place but we noticed on subsequent nights, some of the major plots were missing. But, for tonight it was fun.

Moving on we came across Vamp `85 just as Thriller was being performed on stage........


This zone was brilliant!!! Everything you loved about the 80`s was represented.....I even gave this guy a shock as he had no clue I was behind him and jumped about a foot in the


We loved this motorbike guy....he was cool....almost the coolest guy ever!!!!

He shouted me over for a picture and even told Tom he`d get a better picture if he used the flash.....usually a big no no with SA. Fun guy.......


Louie`s was busy......





One of the highlights of my night was running into Vampire Freddie.........weird. But, this guy had Freddie and his affectations down pat. It was eerie, but when he spoke.....oh was like listening to Freddie himself. He had captured him perfectly........the way he said Of course was Freddie Mercury.

The other Freddie they had was good, but wasn`t quite as spectacular as this guy.


Michael Jackson anyone??


I have to say your night really doesn`t get any better than having your picture taken with Freddie, Michael Jackson and Prince and all as vampires!

More of opening night coming up........🎃

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